My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 952: Found organization

952 Found the organization

Li Fan, carrying his luggage, got off the plane and got into the VIP car below.

The plane was not docked at the flight building, so it took a while to get there.

In this case, passengers on the plane need to take the shuttle bus to the flight building, while first-class passengers can take luxury VIP cars and leave first.

Li Fan got into the VIP car, the driver sat in front, and the co-pilot took a man in a black leather jacket.

Why are there other passengers in this car? Li Fan is a bit strange.

And soon, the ponytail girl followed the car, and Jessica limped behind him.

As soon as the ponytail girl got into the car, she looked at Li Fan and frowned.

"It's really bad luck, why have you encountered brain damage again."


Li Fan didn't want to talk, and he quarreled with the girl, and it seemed that he was particularly uncultivated.

She's happy to say anything, she should be barking.

"Hurry up, I don't want to stay longer for a minute!"

The ponytail girl urged, "Drive!"


There were no other first-class passengers except them, and the driver closed the door and started the car.


Jessica was a little surprised, the girl with a ponytail glared at her.

"What happened to you, so many things?"

"No ... I'm just weird. The stewardess in charge of ours hasn't got on the bus yet, why did I leave."

Jessica isn't flying for the first time, and she has a lot of experience.

At this time, the man in the jacket of the co-pilot turned around, holding a pistol in his hand, and aimed at the girl with a ponytail.

"Da Shen, welcome."

"You, who are you?"

The girl with the ponytail was frightened, Jessica was calm, brave enough, and asked the man in the jacket.

"I was sent by boss Ma."

The man in the jacket said with a smile, "Shen Dajiu, the last time you rejected our horse boss, his old man was very sad. So this time I heard that you came to G City, and specifically ordered me to pick you up in person. I am not like you Boss Ma also dared to refuse, so he kept coming to pick up Shen Dafang. "

"Let's let that horse boss eat shit!"

The girl with a ponytail panicked, her mouth soaring in English, "I would never promise him!"

"Mr. Shen, speak human."

"You, your horse boss's conditions are too harsh, we can't promise ..."

Jessica said.

"Two of you, can't you see the guy in my hand. This won't happen, but you have to decide. Of course, it's not up to me to say that, you have to listen to Mr. Ma."

"Several people, if you have any grievances, you should resolve them yourself."

Li Fan couldn't help but say, "I have to rush to the university to report. Can I get off the bus?"

"Boy, you're out of luck today."

The man in the jacket looked at Li Fan and smiled coldly, "I originally heard about the first class on this flight, except Shen Dawan, there was no one else. I didn't expect that there was more of you, not more and less Quite a few, come with us. "

"You **** ..."

The ponytail girl yelled at Li Fan in English, "Shouldn't you help me?"

"Why should I help you? I don't have that obligation."

Li Fan shrugged his shoulders. "Again, can't you see that he has a gun in his hand?"

"You **** man, scared you with a pistol?"

"You don't waste, why don't you get on?"

"I'm a woman!"

"Look where you look like a woman, you are a bitch!"

"Asshole, you are a vixen!"

"I am a man."


The man in the jacket finally couldn't help it, raised his hand and shot a shot at the roof.

The bullet penetrated the roof and flew into the air.

The ponytail girl was shocked and Jessica hurriedly covered her mouth from behind. Li Fan stopped talking, pretending to be afraid.

"You two, when I don't exist!"

The man in the jacket yelled, "No matter how noisy he is, I'll kill you!"

"You dare not kill me."

The ponytail girl calmed down and then said, "The boss needs me, so you dare not shoot me."

"Yes, are you really right?"

The man in the jacket gave a thumbs up, "I don't dare to kill you! But what Ma needs is your face, not your feet! You annoyed me, I can blast your feet!"


The girl with a ponytail did not dare to speak.

Li Fan listened silently beside him. What the **** is this boss?

Li Fan watched the time, it is 12 o'clock in the morning, and the report time is before 5 pm. He still has time.

But let them toss this way, I'm afraid they don't have enough time.

"Dude, can I have a meal first."

Li Fan was a bit hungry. He went to bed on the plane and didn't eat anything.

"I haven't eaten anything to this day, even if it's a kidnapping, must I be full?"

"It's just you and him!"

The man in the jacket pointed his pistol at Li Fan. "How about a gun? Can you be full?"

"You are not very polite."

Li Fan sighed, "I didn't care about this at all. Now you don't even let you have a meal, it's too much."

"I think you are tired."

The man in the jacket was sitting in front of Li Fan, and he pressed his muzzle on Li Fan's forehead.

But at this moment, Li Fan's hand suddenly caught on the jacket man's gun, and when he pressed it, the magazine was unloaded.

At the same time, he pushed a hand and the gunshot of the jacket man sounded.

The only bullet hit the driver's leg next to him. The sore driver screamed and kicked the brakes subconsciously. The car screwed out directly and came out with a large side slip.

Finally, the front of the car hit a shuttle bus ahead.

The man in the jacket was directly thrown out, smashing the windshield, hitting the opposite ferry bus, and passing out.

The driver also slammed into the steering wheel.

The ponytail girl and Jessica were sitting in the back, and although they were dumped out, they did not suffer much injuries.

Li Fan was safe and sound. He clapped his hands and stood up.

"Take care of the rest, the airport police have arrived."

Li Fan saw a police car at the airport coming from afar. It is estimated that the sound of gunfire and impact attracted them.

"It's going to be lifeless, idiot woman."

After Li Fan said, he pushed the car door and got out of the bus.

He said in his heart that he had finally gotten rid of this woman, and it was estimated that he would never meet her again.

Li Fan quickly walked back to the airport and came to the exit along the road.

Outside the airport, many people waiting to pick you up are waiting here.

A young boy stood there, wearing a checkered shirt, holding a sign in his hand.

g College Student Union.

Finally found the organization, Li Fan took the suitcase and walked towards him.

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