My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 968: More wolves and less meat

968 Jackal

"No way, I can't be wrong with Zhao handsome eyes!"

Zhao Shuai immediately said, "She looks at me with absolutely different eyes! I am the sacred hand of the love field, and I have full experience and understanding in this area! You believe my brother, give me a month, I gave the goddess Liu Xiaowan to Raiders, to you Look! "

"Okay, let's bet on it!"

Wang Yang promised, "No remorse!"

"How big do you want to bet?"

"50 bucks!"

Wang Yang took a long time and shouted a price, and almost did not laugh at Li Fan.

Big brother is really in the bones ...

But Zhao handsome also, this woman has a soft spot for him, and sooner or later dies on the woman's belly.

The direction was sitting beside him without a word.

"Sir, don't you talk?"

Wang Yang also noticed the abnormal direction and hurriedly asked.

"Brother, I checked. The people who came just now are the 15th students of the Department of Statistics."

I do n’t know where to get the information of a few people. I put it on the desktop of the computer. "It's all ordinary students. It's really to frighten us."


Li Fan is relatively experienced in this regard. "They estimate that we are bullying very well, and frightening is over. Now that I know the idea is to fight, I don't dare to come casually."

"Will they send someone better?"

Zhao handsome could not help asking.

"Don't be afraid, this is a university, not a triad."

Li Fan emphasized, "Let's do our job well, I don't believe it, he can cover the sky with only one hand!"

"That's the same thing, don't think too much, just keep snoring!"

"Keep going!"

College life was supposed to be full of expectations. Under the persuasion of Li Fan, a group of people finally gave up cranky thoughts and continued to start lol.

But Li Fan was a little absent-minded, and did not expect a good college life, so Zhang Guo came up.

The figure of Mr. Yang appeared, sitting on Li Fan's bed, staring at him.

"Isn't it just a Zhang Guo, wouldn't it be over if he was killed?"

Li Fan didn't want to talk to Mr. Yang. During the summer vacation, he did not retreat too much, and the pressure of the demon was also relieved.

But it is impossible to eliminate the demon. Everyone has light, and naturally there is darkness. There is a dark side in all people's hearts, which is irreversible. Even the masters in the temples, the monks, have been practicing Buddhism for so many years, and there is no way to completely eliminate the inner darkness.

In the myth, isn't that the Zen Master Wuchao who has cut three corpses!

I remember when she was with Murong Ying, she once said a word. Practicing exercises to the highest level is too embarrassing.

Forget people's emotions and desires, and become a sad and unhappy existence, Fangcheng Avenue!

But if there is no love and lust, what is the difference with a robot? Li Fan felt that he did not want that realm.

Shen Chen, Liu Xiaowan, Zhang Guo ... these people rushed into Li Fan's life.

Li Fan feels that his big life has begun in this turbulence!

"Did he go to G city ..."

In Heizhuang, a man with a grimace mask sat there.

Wearing a black robe, he was slowly taking off his mask.

"Master ... what shall we do next?"

Jiang Feng also wore a grimace mask and squatted beside Murong Bo.

"Oh? What do you think?"

"I'm willing to go to the soup and fire for my Master."

Jiang Feng said without hesitation.

"That's fine."

Murong Bo nodded, and a finger was lightly hitting the table.

It seems that Jiang Feng didn't know about the rescue of Jiang Ye.

You can also use him for a while, and when he has done everything, he will be mercilessly removed.

In the end it is the descendants of the evil, staying, sooner or later is a scourge.

"No one is covered by Li Fan, we can dispose of him at will."

Murong Bo continued, "And if I guess it's good, the jihad plan is about to begin."

"Really, really?"

After hearing this, Jiang Feng couldn't help shaking.


Murong Bo nodded, "Next, I will also be in retreat for a while. My Murong's magic needs to be improved one more level, otherwise the calamity this time, I am afraid I can't survive it."

"Master is so skillful that he can handle it."

"What about the magical powers of the world, and how can we fight against the failure of the entire country?"

Murongbo sneered, "I don't dare to identify myself as a hero, but can afford the word arrogant! Jiang Feng, let's just say it. The government keeps me just as I keep you. After all, raising tigers is a problem. I'm afraid of being bitten. Only by doing something can I feel relieved. "

Jiang Feng was silent.

"You can also go to G city. I am more worried about Li Fan than you. If he lives for a day, my family Sakura will not be safe."

"Yes, Master, I'll go now."

Jiang Feng nodded, "But I'm afraid I can't kill him alone, please Master give me the Heizhuang swordsman."


Murong Bo nodded, "You are finally willing to face your own strength, this is a good thing. Hei Zhuang swordsmen are masters of one hundred miles, and with them to cooperate with you, Li Fan should not be a problem."

"Thank you, Master, I will definitely complete this task."

"Go, I'll let eight Heizhuang swordsmen follow you. If you can't complete the task, you don't want to come back."

"Yes, Master."

Jiang Feng slowly backed down. Murongbo held the tea cup in his hand and looked at the floating tea in it, as if thinking about something.

"Li Fan ... Jiang Feng ... Holy War plan ... The rivers and lakes are a whole lot of blood and rain. And I, Murong Bo, will laugh to the end!"

At the same time, Li Fan had simply forgotten the affairs of the rivers and lakes and was busy enjoying his college life.

As a freshman, the school requires that you study in the morning and evening.

Li Fan They are a class of students of Chinese as a foreign language, and the school assigned them classes.

Li Fan sat behind the desk and was flipping through his schedule.

Freshman courses are relatively full, but it's easier than high school. I don't know how many times.

There are no classes on Tuesday afternoon, no classes on Thursday morning, and no classes on Wednesday and Friday morning. Unfortunately, we have to study in the morning, so we cannot sleep late.

Li Fan is okay. His martial arts are very good.

Others couldn't do it. The direction was already lying on the table and whistling, Zhao handsome yawned listlessly, and Wang Yang was holding a pile of poker cards, seemingly thinking nothing.

The students in the class are almost there. Generally, there are more girls and fewer boys.

"Thirty people in the class, twenty-six girls ..."

After Zhao Shuai finished counting, he suddenly laughed.

"Wolves are less meaty!"

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