My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 972: Born to be famous

Chapter 972: Born To Be Famous

After all, it is a university library, not a small place like high school.

The books in it are sorted into different categories. There are rows of bookcases next to each other. Li Fan glanced at them, but he could not count them.

"so big."

He couldn't help complimenting him, it was really powerful. There are probably no less than a million books in the collection here. In this age of e-bookstores, it is really a joy to have such a library.

Li Fan found the classification of martial arts and went straight.

Most of the displays here are the masterpieces of Jin Yong and Gu Long. Although their book Li Fan has not seen it, the TV series is not read less.

"Smile proud? Seems good."

Li Fan picked up a hardcover edition of Xiao Ao Jiang Hu and simply flipped through it.

Seeing Jin Yong's description of the young teacher and sister Yue Lingshan inside, Li Fan fell in love with it.

Especially in the beginning, Master Jin Yong's method of constructing Linghu Chong also made Li Fan very much. In the novel, Ling Hu Chong did not appear in the beginning, but through the dialogue of many characters, such a character was outlined. Everyone's statement is different. The way Luo Shengmen was shaped finally made Hu Chong enter the spotlight and appeared.

Li Fan heard the previous Chinese teacher said that when Jin Yong wrote "Swordsman and Lake", he originally wanted to write Lin Pingzhi as the protagonist.

But then I felt that Lin Pingzhi had nothing more than revenge, so he changed his mind, and temporarily made up his mind to create a real hero, and Linghu rushed out.

"Speaking of which, this king is a lot like Yue Buqun."

Li Fan thought for a moment, and changed his thoughts again. "No, he should be more undefeated in the East. Fortunately, he does not have the unbeaten power of the East."

Li Fanzheng was talking to himself, and suddenly he was hit by his side.

He took root at his own feet, motionless. The other side was knocked down, sitting on the ground with one buttock.


She screamed, as if she didn't fall lightly.

"Well, why ..."

Li Fan was about to speak, but the other side ignored his pain, suddenly bounced, and covered Li Fan's mouth.

"Shh ..."

She made a snoring voice, then held Li Fan, turned around, and let Li Fan press herself, pretending to be a kiss.

"Shen Chen?"

"Shen Chen, where are you!"

"Take a picture with us, Shen Chen!"

A group of students whirled lazily from the side, and no one noticed a kissing couple here.

After they left, Chen Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief and glanced sideways.

"Miss Shen, is the rogue playing enough?"

Li Fan's voice rang in her ear. Shen Chen remembered that there was another big man. She screamed and pushed Li Fan away.

"Well, is this a demolition bridge crossing the river?"

Li Fan looked at Shen Chen with a smile and said, "I was just taking advantage of me."

"Well, who will take advantage of you guy! You guy, no gentleman at all, how can there be girls like you in the future!"

Shen Chen took a sip, but Li Fan raised her ears.

"They're back again!"

"Hurry, hold me back!"

Shen Chen also heard the noise of the crowd and was approaching. She became nervous and hurried to Li Fan.

"How can I do that, I can't take advantage of you."

Li Fan emphasized, "I want to learn a little gentleman, so that no girl will like me afterwards."

"I introduce my sister to you!"

Shen Chen heard the footsteps getting closer and more panicked. She could not say anything else, she could only take the initiative, came forward, hugged Li Fan fiercely, and let him block himself.

A group of people really ran over again.

"Where did Shen Chen go?"

"Maybe go out, let's look outside!"


The crowd's voice went away again.

"Finally gone ..."

Shen Chen was relieved, leaning against Li Fan's arms, his expression relaxed.

"It doesn't work if you want to come to the library ... it's useless to wear a mask ..."

"Since you don't want to be so attractive, why was it necessary to be a star?"

Li Fan asked.

"Hum, Miss Ben was born to be a star!"

Shen Chen pushed Li Fan away, hugged her arms, and smiled proudly, "Everything that caught everyone's attention was already doomed before Miss Ben was born!"

"That being the case, your throat won't break."

"Hey, if you say that again, I'm angry!"

Shen Chen looked at Li Fan like an angry tiger.

"You obviously said it yourself."

Li Fan shrugged. "Don't you say you don't care?"

"That's comforting Liu Xiaowan, otherwise what can I do, Xiaowan mentioned, will I cry?"

Shen Chen pursed her lips, "It's not that I want to break my throat ... God must be jealous of Miss Ben's beauty and talent!"

"How did your throat break? Speak to hear?"

Li Fan asked.

"I don't know ... Once I had a concert, when I came back, it broke."

Chen Chen sighed, "I used to have a voice to protect ... I was probably doomed."

"Well, how easy is it to be an ordinary person than to be a star?"

Li Fan opened the "Swordsman", "If I were to choose, I would rather be a ranger than a star."

"What do you understand, do you know how many people are willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of fame and fame?"

Shen Chen pouted, "In the entertainment industry, how many people have I fallen into."

"What about our big wrist Shen, have you fallen?"

"I? How can I do that. I have a natural voice and fame is doomed."

Chen Chen was proud again, "You don't understand this feeling, you ordinary people."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just a commonplace, so ..."

Li Fan was about to speak, and suddenly saw Liu Xiaowan running in panting, rushing directly to Li Fan.

"Shen Chen is also here? I'll talk to you later and talk about you first."

Liu Xiaowan held Shen Chen's shoulder with one hand, panting badly.

"Sister Xue, what's wrong?"

Li Fan's hand was patted on Liu Xiaowan's back twice gently. Liu Xiaowan immediately felt a warm power injected into the body, and the feeling of exploding the lungs was much easier.


Liu Xiaowan was a little surprised, but quickly threw this aside in advance and turned to look at Li Fan.

"Li Fan, tell me, have you been notified by the department?"

"How did Xuejie know?"

Li Fan was a little surprised. The news in this school was too fast, right?

"I'm also the Propaganda Minister of the Student Union. Why can't I know!"

Liu Xiaowan was a little angry. "Li Fan, tell me, is it that Zhang Guo sent someone to trouble you?"

"It's okay, don't worry about Xuejie."

"How could I not worry!"

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