My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 975: Ex-girlfriend

975 Ex-girlfriend

"But that girl's paper **** is really awkward."

Several people followed the beauty all the way, and Zhao handsome could not help but murmured.

"Maybe it's just a back killer."

He lowered his head and played with the phone, and said without raising his head.

"Ah, our fourth child is so terrific, they will bother women!"

Zhao Shuai clapped his hands, "This is progress! My fourth son, I see your potential is very high. How many hands can I learn with your third brother? Tell you, don't look at your third brother. I look ugly, but I live well what!"


The direction was directly rejected, "I'm not like Brother ... I'm not so firm in my position ..."

"Well, why can't I be firm! I only have my girlfriend in my heart, and the world can learn from it!"

This Wang Yang immediately defended himself, "Isn't I also forced to come to the party! I'm thinking about it, it's all here, it might be better to take a look at the face and learn."

"I find that you are all amazing ..."

Li Fan finally couldn't help talking.

"Yeah, today I finally know how strong I am!"

Wang Yang was very satisfied. It seems that Li Fan finally realized it!

"Well, at least this cheeky effort is quite strong."


"What grade is that sister paper on?"

Zhao Shuai focused on the girl.

"Don't look at it, what's the use of just ass, maybe it's a back-killer."

Depressed by Li Fan, Wang Yang took the opportunity to reprimand Zhao handsome.

"The same is true, this woman, the more beautiful the back, the uglier the front."

Zhao Shuai looks like an old driver. "Tell you, I've suffered a lot."

"But I think she might be an exception."

Li Fan put forward a different view. For beautiful women, Li Fan felt that he had more say.

This beauty is not only beautiful, she also has a self-confidence model, which can be seen from the walking posture.

"Take it down, you are absolutely wrong!"

Wang Yang didn't believe Li Fan.

"Yes, brother, you definitely have less experience than me."

Zhao Shuai also objected.

"So let's bet on the lottery."

Li Fan is also boring anyway, so he proposed, "I bet on breakfast for three days, I said she was a beauty.

"I bet with you for a week!"

Wang Yang patted his chest. "Absolutely ugly!"

"Sorry, brother, this time I'm standing with brother."

Zhao Shuai said with a smile, "If you lose, my brother will be responsible for your breakfast, and I will be responsible for your morning drink of the week."

"Okay, then we bet."

Li Fan clapped.

"How do you turn a beauty back?"

Wang Yang asked.

"give it to me."

Zhao Shuai said, took a pen from his pocket, and threw it to the ground. Then he walked a few steps and patted the shoulder of the girl in front.

"Classmate, did you drop this pen?"

As soon as the girl turned back, Zhao Shuaihuan was there, then took a breath.

Beauty, the best beauty!

Wang Yang also stunned, this kind of superb beauty, compared with Liu Xiaowan, wouldn't give up.

Is there such a beautiful girl in school?

Orientation couldn't help but look up, his woman's insulator, and saw the other side, also stunned.

"Sorry, not mine."

The girl whispered, "However, the way you chase a girl is too old-fashioned, why don't you take off your shoes and throw them on the ground, then ask me?"

This familiar voice and familiar way of speaking made Li Fan stay there.

The girl looked up and saw Li Fan without a slight surprise, but smiled sweetly.

"Isn't it, my ex-boyfriend?"


Everyone was shocked, and Zhao Shuai nearly ate his fingers.

What's this girl's second brother, ex-boyfriend?

Suddenly, such a superb girl would be her ex-girlfriend? ? ?

"Lin Yuexian ... why are you here ..."

Li Fan finally came back and asked.

"Why can't I be here."

Lin Yuexian pointed to the school badge on her chest. "I am an English Department student. We are in the same class. It ’s a coincidence."

"You passed 738! Did you come to this school?"

"What's wrong, there are scholarships."

Lin Yuexian said lightly, "And the environment here is good. Well, I like the climate in the south. Why the north ... it's too dry, and everyone's skin is bad."

Li Fan didn't know what to say, and Zhao Shuai was looking at himself with envy and envy.

"Second Brother, you, please tell us about it!"

"This is Lin Yuexian ... my high school classmate."

Li Fan hesitated for a moment, and introduced, "My ex-girlfriend. These are my college students, Wang Yang, Zhao handsome, direction."

"It's really an ex-girlfriend! Lying!"

Wang Yang couldn't help screaming.

"What's wrong, am I good too!"

Li Fan rolled his eyes, "What is your tone?"

"Yes, our family Li Fan is really excellent."

Lin Yuexian came over generously, and stretched out his hand towards Zhao handsome, "Know, my name is Lin Yuexian, an abandoned woman, who is now trying to find a way to pursue my ex-boyfriend.

Lin Yuexian's words made Li Fan feel dumbfounded, what a good thing.

"Oh my god, is our second brother blind?"

Zhao Shuai patted his thigh and said, "Such a beautiful girlfriend broke up?"

"You don't know don't talk nonsense."

Li Fan gave Zhao handsome a glance.

"Yeah, I don't blame him, it's all my fault."

Lin Yuexian said immediately, "That's why I wanted to chase him back."

"It's okay, we help you."

As soon as Wang Yang patted his chest, he contracted the matter, "I can tell you by looking at your face, you are a good girl! But the face you are in love with is not very good, full of twists and turns. It ’s better, sister paper, everyone know In a game, I'll count it for you, how can I solve it for you? "

"Oh? Will you look face?"

Lin Yuexian smiled, with her hands behind her back and tilting her head gently, that cute energy could kill someone instantly.

"Then help me?"

"Well, little girl, you have the brilliance in your face, and you know from the direction of your eyebrows that you are as stubborn as a boy. This is supposed to be a general. It belongs to a boy, but you have it. You Don't you ever lose your pee, right? "

"Uh-huh, then?"

"Then your wealth is good, but the official looks are the best! Look at your earlobe, it's an absolute official luck!"

"It seems I will be an official in the future."

"Well, it's just love, it's too bad."

Wang Yang pointed to a small mole at the corner of Lin Yuexian's mouth. "On this mole, it is destined to make you suffer a lifetime! But I have a way to crack it, and I can help you with good luck!"

"Well, wait a minute, why don't I count for you?"

Lin Yuexian narrowed her eyes at Wang Yang.

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