998 Rem

The sister flowers look almost identical. The only difference is that there is a tear mole under the eyes of a younger sister. This one does not know whether it is her sister or her sister.

"Some little brothers, do you want to join the community?"

The little girl who played Lem squinted at them, "There is welfare in the group!"

"Yes, what benefits ..."

Looking at the two superb girls, Zhao Shuai felt that he was a bit out of control of the unicorn power in his body!

"For example, you can see our sisters every day."

Rem narrowed his eyes at Zhao Shuai. "There are new cos every day. Is this a welfare?"

"Yes, yeah ..."

Zhao Shuai succumbed.

"Fuck, you're too good to buy it!"

Wang Yang couldn't help mocking Zhao Shuai, "It's a shame on the man!"

"Oh, you're in great shape."

Rem went on to Wang Yang's side and stretched out his hand, stroking Wang Yang's pecs gently.

"It seems to have been exercised, you are very suitable to come to our community, cos some mighty male characters!"

"Yes, is it? Am I right?"

Wang Yang touched his head and smirked.

"Yeah, for example, we recently wanted to kill the Three Kingdoms cos. My sister and I are responsible for Xiao Qiao and Da Qiao. I think you are very suitable for the role of Lu Bu!

Rem said with a small mouth, Wang Yang was also caught in her tender hometown.

"So, what am I suitable for cos?"

Zhao handsome asked in a hurry.

"Well, you are also very special, I think you are suitable for cos Liu Chan!"

"It's so good-looking, all the world is stingy, hahaha!"

Zhao Shuai and Wang Yang were all excited, but Li Fan shrugged his shoulders and turned to leave.

"Two little brothers, don't you come to our community?"

Rem asked, and Ram around him pulled her sleeves and whispered.

"They don't want to ... just don't force it ..."

"How can that work!"

Rem went on to say, "Since we joined the animation club, we will strive to make it into a group of hundreds! Otherwise, the significance of the president putting us here will be gone!"

"But, but ... people will be angry ..."

"No, this world is always forgiving to beauties!"

Rem finished and shouted at Li Fan and the two of them.

"Two little brothers, the animation club welcomes everyone to join, so are you two here."

I can't say a word of direction. This kind of group with many girls is simply not suitable for him.

"Sorry, the two of us have no interest in animation clubs."

Li Fan opened his mouth for the direction. He saw that there was a lol society in front of it ... Although I don't know why there is such a society, it felt quite suitable for the direction.

As for himself, Li Fan has sensed a circle around him with his true energy, and has not found a suitable society.

"Don't say that, classmate, you ..."

Rem took a closer look at Li Fan's face, suddenly surprised, "Well, are you Li Fan?"

"Yes, do you know me?"

"A freshman in the freshman, how can I not know you."

Rem laughed, but the next Ram was a little afraid of Li Fan, and took two steps back.

"You played more than two hundred sophomores alone, we all know."

"Slum, what time ..."

Li Fan wiped a cold sweat, "Is there more than twenty, okay?"

Sure enough, the three of them became tigers ... Li Fan now has a fuller understanding of these words.

"Haha, our third brother, that is a master of martial arts!"

Zhao handsome could not help bragging for Li Fan, which caused Li Fan's eyes.

"Don't listen to him talking, I just learned a little bit of self-defense."

"Then ... you ... you can try karate ..."

Lamb was a little shy, and she reached out and pointed aside.

Li Fan looked over there and it turned out that a group of karate clubs were accepting new. All of them were wearing white robes, and the ribbons on their waists were of all colors. Li Fan glanced at it, and several others turned out to be black ribbons. They didn't know if it was true or not.

"And Kendo ... and Taekwondo ..."

Ram pointed again.

"This is the school's three largest martial arts associations."

Rem took the stubble, "If you don't like anime clubs, you can join them."

"Not interested in."

Li Fan shook his lips and said, "It's all foreign kung fu, I don't want to play with them. Is there any Kokushusha or something?"

"No, only this one is not."

Rem shook his head. "After all, no one is interested in national arts right now. How handsome are karate and taekwondo, and they can chase little girls."


Li Fan raised an eyebrow. "Then I will create one myself."

"Brother, are you crazy?"

Zhao Shuai was startled, "How can someone in the newly-built society! Especially Guoshu, who would do this? If there are less than five people a week, they will be forced to dissolve!"

"What are you afraid of, aren't five people good enough?"

Li Fan pointed to the three of them, "I, plus you three, that's four. I'll let Lin Yuexian add in, and that's five."

Li Fan has already thought of five candidates. "Anyway, one person can report to several communities at the same time, right?"

"This ... the reason is this ..."

Wang Yang muttered, "But if Guoshusha is going to train, at least a venue is needed? There are less than thirty people, and there is no classroom for you! Besides, no one will add it at that time, just a few of us. What is the meaning of the community? "

"Yeah, brother, I think you still join the animation club."

Zhao Shuai seems to have become a member of the anime club, and began to advertise for the anime club. "You see so many girls here ... when you cosplay some brave characters, you will definitely attract a lot of popularity!"

"I'm done."

No one else can change what Li Fan decides.

"Then you can set it up, I don't want to go anyway! One person can only join three clubs, the drama club and the animation club, which already account for two. The remaining one, I want to leave it to the dance club, to see the girls Dancing! "

Zhao handsome laughed for a while.

"Do you really want to start your own society?"

Rem seemed interested.


"Practice Chinese?"


"Even if you fight against three big communities?"

"Afraid of a hair!"

Li Fan didn't care about these things. "While you are young, you just want to do something!"

"Then I sign up!"

Sister Rem suddenly raised her hand and asked for it directly, "Count me."

"Do you want to learn Chinese art?"

Li Fan was a little surprised.

"Whether you believe it or not, I have practiced gossip."

Sister Lem squeezed her eyes at Li Fan. "Want to try it?"

"Don't, don't bother ..."

Ram pulled his sister, "We ... can't do it ... it will cause trouble ..."

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