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"No." Xu Yi was a little embarrassed, but he also told the staff frankly,"I was stunned for a moment. I grew up watching Happy Camp, and I didn't expect that I could be on it this time."

"Ha, this proves that you are already an officially debuted artist!"

The staff told Xu Yi seriously:"It is said that artists who have not been tested by Happy Camp are not considered to have truly debuted."

Xu Yi smiled, he didn't care about this. He just had a little affection for this show, and felt that he was lucky to be on this show, which was very meaningful.

Afterwards, the staff told Xu Yi:"Come to the studio with Xiaoju tomorrow morning, Sister Lan will tell you the details of participating in the show."


The next morning, as soon as Xiaoju and Xu Yi entered the studio, Sister Lan saw Xiaoju's face full of resentment. Sister

Lan saw through the little girl's mind at once, and smiled and apologized to her,"I'm sorry~ I took the job for you during your love vacation."

Xiaoju pouted and didn't say anything. She knew that being on Happy Camp would have a great effect on improving her popularity, and it was a good opportunity for her and Xu Yi.

When she was filming"White Snake" before, she was not invited to participate in the camp. It was rare for them to receive an invitation to participate in the show when Jiuzhou just started.

Now Jiuzhou is in the broadcast period, and it happens to be a good time to promote the show, which should have a good effect. This is also the reason why the studio and the crew are trying hard to promote her and Xu Yi to participate in Happy Camp.

If it were normal, Xiaoju would definitely feel that her career was improving and she would be so happy. But at this time, she felt a little resentful about the sudden end of her vacation and that she could not stay with Xu Yi in her new home. Xiaoju, who has always put her career first, didn't want to work for the first time.

Seeing that Xiaoju still had a resentful look on her face, Sister Lan coaxed her,"Don't be unhappy! The program team invited you and Xu Yi to participate in the program together. You can still be together."

Seeing that Xiaoju's expression had eased, Sister Lan felt that she had found a way to persuade Xiaoju, and continued to say to her,"Besides, this is your first variety show after you and Xu Yi made your relationship public. It is of great significance. Only in a program as important as Happy Camp can your status be shown."

Sister Lan is worthy of having led Xiaoju for many years. She knows Xiaoju well, and she made Xiaoju happy with just a few words.

Xiaoju not only fully accepted the sudden end of her vacation, but also looked forward to the recording of the camp. She excitedly said to Sister Lan,"When is the recording?"

"The program will be officially recorded next week. I have already bought your plane tickets. You can go there to adjust your condition first."

Sister Lan told Xiaoju:"I heard from the program that there is a Hong Kong film crew on the show at the same time as you. The leading actor and director will come. But when I asked the person in charge who was coming, they refused to tell me, making it very mysterious."

"Those are not important."Xiao Ju said nonchalantly,"No matter who Xing is, Xu Yi and I will not lose!"

Xu Yi looked at Xiao Ju's energetic appearance, and a relaxed smile appeared on his lips. Before leaving, he kept hearing her sighing.

"Look how impatient you are!"

Sister Lan teased Xiaoju:"I know you can't wait to show your affection in front of the national TV audience~"

Xiaoju blushed embarrassedly when she heard it:"Hey, Sister Lan, don't expose me!"

Sister Lan couldn't do anything about Xiaoju who was in love, but considering that it was her first time to fall in love and Xu Yi was so outstanding and was from her studio, Sister Lan let her go. Xiaoju cutely stuck out her tongue at Xu Yi in front of Sister Lan.

Sister Lan looked at Xiaoju and smiled helplessly


Two days later, it was time for the official recording.

Xu Yi and Xiaoju were putting on makeup in the backstage of Happy Camp, and waiting for the stage was another actor from the Jiuzhou crew, Wu Shi, who played the second male lead.

At this time, the camp invited Xu Yi and Xiaoju because they had been on the hot search for some time and had high popularity.

Not only do artists need a good variety show to be exposed, but variety shows also need high-profile artists to increase ratings.

This is complementary, so Happy Camp took the initiative to extend an olive branch to the two.

But when inviting, after all, it can't be so straightforward, there must be a reason. It just so happened that the Jiuzhou drama was broadcast, so they naturally helped promote the Jiuzhou TV series. In this case, it would be a bit strange to invite Xiaoju and Xu Yi alone, and we still have to find some other actors to pretend.

Wu Shi is the kind of person who does more and says less in the crew. He has a good relationship with Xiaoju and Xu Yi, and he doesn't like gossip, so it's most appropriate for him to come.

The three of them stayed in the lounge for a while, and the two souls of the Happy Family, He Jiong and Xie Na, came in to say hello.

The two of them were just as enthusiastic and friendly in private as they were on stage, making them very friendly to watch.

Xu Yi politely stood up and greeted the two one by one. Xie Na was particularly lively, and she pulled Xu Yi aside to praise him:"Every day when I get home from the show, the first thing I do is turn on the TV to watch your drama. You act so well. Sister Na's vision is not the best in the entertainment industry, but it is no exaggeration to say that everyone I have praised has become famous and is still popular."

Xu Yi was praised by Xie Na for a long time, and he thought that he should reciprocate. In addition, he himself grew up watching Base Camp, and said to Xie Na very sincerely:"Sister Na, you were also my childhood idol, and I have always liked watching the shows you host."

After hearing this, Xie Na stood there, wanting to laugh and make a fuss:"It's obviously a compliment to me, but what should I do? I can't feel happy!"

Teacher He reminded Xu Yi very considerately:"She thinks you are implying that she is older.……"

"No, no." Xu Yi quickly looked at Xie Na and explained,"I am showing respect, I really like you."

This time, Xie Na was completely smiling and gave Xu Yi a thumbs up:"You have good taste!"

Then, she boasted to Xu Yi:"I will protect you in the game session later!"

Teacher He was on the side, whispering to Xu Yi:"She is a black hole in the game, whoever she lets protect will be finished! You better be careful later!"

"He Lao~~"Xie's eyes drifted towards He Jiong, and his voice gradually became sharp,"You are scaring the newcomer again~"

Teacher He covered his mouth and laughed, and immediately waved his hand to indicate that he would not say anything more.

"Okay, you guys get ready first! The staff will come to notify you when it's your turn to go on stage. We're going to start the show!"

When the two turned around to leave, Xu Yi suddenly remembered and stopped them:"Wait! I want to ask……"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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