My Wife, Something is Wrong

Chapter 834: Upgrade against the sky! The gratification of the ancestors!

  Chapter 834 Upgrade against the sky! The gratification of the ancestors!


   More thunderbolts roared down from the sky with a terrifying aura!

   Like a meteor falling.

  Luo Qingzhou's figure was quickly submerged in this beautiful and terrifying three-color thunder sea, and disappeared without a trace!

  The five people from Jiutian Yaotai.

  Luo Shang and Fairy Zixia.

  At this moment, they all froze in place, opened their eyes wide, and remained motionless, as if their terrified souls had come out of their bodies.

  The scene in front of me was too shocking!

  Who dares to resist the thunder without the body and soul that have been cultivated to the tribulation stage?

  Except for those powerful monsters that were born to cross the catastrophe, any cultivator below the thunder catastrophe period can't avoid the sky thunder, so how dare they take it hard!

  However, the young man in front of him, who was in the early stage of the guru and the middle stage of the distracted state, was completely entangled in thunder and lightning, safe and sound, and even raised his hands, held his head high, and took the initiative to welcome the thunder and lightning!


  This is called practice against the sky!

  The thunder calamity lasted for about half an incense stick before it gradually weakened.

   Another moment passed.

  Lightning finally stopped landing.

  In the sky, that terrifying black vortex began to disappear quickly.

   Soon, the dark clouds parted.

  Blue sky and daytime, sunny again!

  Everything just now, as if it never happened.

  Luo Qingzhou stood where he was, the phantom of the soul above his head returned to his body.

   As soon as the soul power moved, a powerful breath filled the air.

   Late stage of distraction!

  He has finally advanced again!

   The body was safe and sound even under the thunder calamity.

  At the same time, the root of thunder spirit in the body has absorbed a lot of sky thunder.

  He looked inside and saw the three lightning arcs of different colors dancing happily.

  The arc of the fourth color has not yet appeared.

  It seems that it has to wait for the physical body to advance.

  The root of Thunder Spirit is rooted in the physical body, and it should only continue to transform if the physical body undergoes a qualitative change.

Not urgent.

All is ready except for the opportunity!

   After going out, he can start preparing to break through the realm of the physical body!

  Just as he was closing his eyes and clenching his fists, feeling the surging power and different feelings in his soul, Fairy Zixia's anxious voice suddenly came: "Scumbag, don't be a hooligan! Put on your clothes!"


  He immediately opened his eyes and looked down.

  All clothes disappeared!

  He immediately looked up again.

  On the hillside 100 meters ahead, five beautiful fairies from Jiutian Yaotai, Luo Shang and his disciples, master and You Yuyu, are all looking at him with wide eyes...


  Luo Qingzhou froze for a moment, and fled to the nearby rock to hide.

   Then quickly took out the clothes from the storage ring and put them on.

   Fortunately, the dragon scale armor covering the body has not completely receded, and the key places are shining with golden light, which is well protected.

  Long'er's scale armor is really easy to use!

   Not only does it have a high defense, but it's also very cool. It really deserves to be the scale of a real dragon!


  He suddenly saw a cold light flickering on the ground not far away.

   Look carefully, it is a sword!

  Sikong Yun's sword!

  He immediately walked over, picked it up, waved it a few times in his hand, and said, "Good sword!"

   Immediately, he secretly said in his heart: I don’t know how hard it is.

  Thinking of this, he immediately took out his pitch-black wooden stick, then raised the sword in his hand, and slashed fiercely at the wooden stick.

  At this time, Zhuang Zhiyan suddenly supported Luo Ling, walked out of the cave, and said, "Of course it's a good sword! This is the famous Dragon Chanting Sword of Misty Immortal Sect! Back then, this sword..."



   Who would have thought that before he finished speaking, the Dragon Chanting Sword was broken in two...

  Zhuang Zhiyan opened his mouth: "..."

  Luo Qingzhou threw away the broken sword, put away the wooden stick, and hurried over and said, "Old Ancestor, are you alright?"

Zhuang Zhiyan looked at him twitchingly at the corner of his mouth, and then glanced at the Dragon Chanting Sword that had been broken in two on the ground. His lips moved, as if he wanted to reprimand him, but he held back, so he said with a complicated expression: "The old man is fine." , but, this Dragon Chanting's a pity..."

  He is so distressed, so distressed...

  At this time, Zixia Fairy and the others quickly rushed over.

   "Feiyang, congratulations on qualifying again!"

  Luo Shang smiled all over his face, but secretly regretted that he didn't force Liuli to marry him back then.

  Then hurriedly rushed to her ancestor, supported her, and said with concern on her face: "Uncle Master, are you okay?"

  Luo Ling's other arm had already been withdrawn from Zhuang Zhiyan's hand without a sound, and he shook his head slightly: "I'm fine."

  She also looked at the boy in front of her with complicated eyes.

  The terrifying scene of the boy facing the thunder just now, of course, she also saw it in the cave.

   "Fei Yang, Master is proud of you!"

   Fairy Zixia beamed with joy, and did not forget to stimulate Luo Shang: "The late stage of distraction! It's even higher than Aunt Luo's cultivation level!"

  Luo Shang rolled her eyes.

  You Yuyu and Liuli also came to congratulate with envy.

  Only Bai Wei'er was wearing a white dress and stood aside coldly, not only did she not come over to congratulate her, she didn't even look at him.

   "Feiyang, I just saw your stick!"

   Fairy Zixia suddenly said again.

  As soon as these words came out, Luo Shang and the others froze.

  Bai Weier finally looked over.

   Fairy Zixia impatiently stretched out her hand and said, "Take it out and show it to me!"

  At this time, Zhuang Zhiyan also suddenly said: "Feiyang, the ancestor also wants to see it again. He can even interrupt the Dragon Chanting Sword, absolutely extraordinary!"

   Fairy Zixia heard his voice, turned to look at him, and hurriedly said: "Old Ancestor, you are finally out, are you okay?"

  Zhuang Zhiyan: "..."

  Luo Shang couldn't help but sneered: "Zixia, you only have Feiyang in your eyes, right? Senior Zhuang has been standing here for a long time before you saw it?"

  Fairy Zixia suddenly felt embarrassed.

  Zhuang Zhiyan glanced at her, and warned meaningfully: "To be a master, you have to look like a master. The elders are the elders, and the juniors are the juniors. Don't let others see and gossip. I, Ling Xiaozong..."

   Fairy Zixia immediately said: "Master Uncle, you didn't say that when we fell before."

  Zhuang Zhiyan froze, his expression hardened: "You still dare to be stubborn?"

  At this moment, Luo Ling who was beside him snorted coldly and suddenly said: "Brother Zhuang really didn't say that when he fell down earlier, how can he go back on his word?"

  Zhuang Zhiyan froze immediately, his momentum weakened instantly, and he said with a smile on his face: "Look at the old man's memory, I guess he was injured too badly and forgot."

   Immediately, he said hastily and kindly: "Zixia, it's okay, you are the suzerain, and the ancestor is the idle cloud wild crane. You are in charge of the sect, and the rules are naturally up to you."

  Luo Ling couldn't help reminding again: "Stick."

  When Zhuang Zhiyan heard this, he remembered the business, and hurriedly said: "Feiyang, take out that stick and show it to Senior Luo."

  Luo Qingzhou agreed, and when he was about to take it out, Luo Ling suddenly said: "Don't take it."

  Her gaze turned to the front.

  The eyes of other people also looked over.

The woman in the red dress from Jiutian Yaotai came over, with a faint smile on her face, looked at Zhuang Zhiyan and said: "This is the old Zhuang of the Great Yan Lingxiao Sect. When we were on Ten Thousand Snake Island, we seen."

  Zhuang Zhiyan was overwhelmed with flattery, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "It turns out to be Fairy Hongyuan from Jiutian Yaotai. I'm sorry and disrespectful. The fairy is called Xia Xiaozhuang, don't call him Old Zhuang, I'm Zhesha."

He was secretly puzzled. The five female disciples who entered Jiutian Yaotai this time were all cold and aloof. They never took the initiative to talk to others. Except for the people from Penglai Xiandao who dared to strike up a conversation, others had the courage to even take a second look. No, why would you take the initiative to greet him now? And he also specifically mentioned things that happened so many years ago?

   Could it be that they are also like Sikong Yun and others, coveting their great inflammation?

   It shouldn't be.

  Nine Heavens Yao Terrace is not comparable to Misty Immortal Sect. Their aspirations lie in other continents, even in the sea of ​​stars and stars.

  And with the identity and status of the other party, even if he has a plan, it shouldn't be the eldest disciple of Fairy Qin Yao who came here.

  Hong Yuan had a gentle smile on her face: "Mr. Zhuang, you're welcome. The little girl came here today to discuss something with you."

  When Zhuang Zhiyan heard this, he became more confused, and hurriedly said: "Fairy, please tell me, as long as I can do it, absolutely..."


   Fairy Zixia suddenly coughed beside her.

  Zhuang Zhiyan immediately became vigilant.

Hong Yuan glanced at the woman next to her with a smile on her face, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhuang, don't worry, it's not something that will harm the interests of your Ling Xiaozong and Dayan. That's how it is, this Nine Dragons Emperor Formation should be cleared soon." To get rid of it, when the time comes, the little girl wants to invite Mrs. Zhuang to bring everyone from the Lingxiao Sect to visit my Jiutian Yaotai for a period of time, I wonder if Mrs. Zhuang is willing?"

  As soon as these words came out, Zhuang Zhiyan was shocked.

  The fairies from Jiutian Yaotai actually took the initiative to invite people from their Lingxiao Sect to visit Jiutian Yaotai?

   And it's not a day or two, but a period of time?

  Did he hear correctly?


When he was at a loss, Luo Qingzhou next to him suddenly said: "Fairy Hongyuan's kind invitation, I am very grateful. However, we still have important matters at home, so we need to go back and deal with them first. How about answering the fairy?"

  Zhuang Zhiyan suddenly frowned and looked at him.

What made him even more surprised and stunned was that the noble Fairy Hongyuan not only didn't get angry when she heard these words, but also said with a smile on her face: "Since that's the case, then I won't be able to force myself to wait. When the time comes Mr. Chu has time, we sisters will invite you in person."

   Then he smiled and said, "Anyway, Mr. Chu has already added friends with my Junior Sister Fenyou, so I will contact you when the time comes."

   After finishing speaking, he slightly bowed his head to the crowd, turned and left.

  Zhuang Zhiyan froze in place, with a shocked expression on his face.

  After the other party walked away, he quickly asked: "Zixia, Feiyang, what's going on? What happened to the people at Jiutian Yaotai..."

  Fairy Zixia hurriedly said proudly: "Master Uncle, you don't know, during the few days when you and Senior Luo were trapped, a lot of big things happened in the valley!"

   As he spoke, he started talking about when they were trapped in Jianzhong, until Luo Qingzhou helped break the formation, the five fairies from Jiutian Yaotai took the initiative to ask to be friends, and Elder Sun from Penglai Xiandao also took the initiative to invite them to be guests...

  Zhuang Zhiyan and Luo Ling listened to these things with expressions of shock and disbelief.

After Fairy Zixia finished speaking, Zhuang Zhiyan couldn't help but slapped Luo Qingzhou on the shoulder, and said excitedly: "Good boy! He is climbing to a high place step by step, you are taking off directly on the ground , You ascended to heaven in no time! The fairies of Jiutian Yaotai actually value you so much, Feiyang, you are so awesome!"

   Immediately, I couldn't help laughing: "I have been in the Lingxiao School for hundreds of years, and finally a peerless genius came out! Hahahahaha..."

  Yu Yuyu on the side couldn't help asking: "Ancestor, hundreds of years ago, there was another peerless genius? Who is it?"

  Zhuang Zhiyan stopped laughing, patted his chest and said, "Can't you see that?"

  Yu Yuyu: "..."

Zhuang Zhiyan immediately came back to his senses, and hurriedly said: "Feiyang, this is a good thing. The fairies at Jiutian Yaotai invited you to be a guest, obviously they value your talent, and they want you to join them Jiutian Yaotai! Jiutian Yaotai is the most powerful immortal sect in our mainland of Kyushu, and there are more cultivation resources than you can imagine, with your talent and ability, as long as you join there, you will definitely go further in the future!"

After finishing speaking, he sighed again, and said: "Compared with others, my Lingxiaozong's cultivation resources are nothing worth mentioning. You really feel wronged and wronged by staying here. Since you have this opportunity to go, Patriarch I will definitely support you! When you succeed in cultivation in the future, who would dare to bully us Lingxiaozong and Dayan? Even those people from the Misty Immortal Sect will be polite to us for your sake, let alone Say you dare to covet our Dayan's spirit mine."

  Fairy Zixia moved her lips, but did not speak.

  Luo Qingzhou was silent for a while, and respectfully said: "Old Ancestor, this disciple knows that this opportunity is very rare. However, this disciple still needs to go back to Dayan to deal with some matters. After all the matters have been dealt with, disciple can think about it."

  Zhuang Zhiyan frowned and said, "What do you want to deal with?"

   After speaking, he suddenly came to his senses: "What about the eldest princess?"

Luo Ling, who was on the side, couldn't help but said: "If he is a good man, he should go back and help the eldest princess bear the consequences and solve the troubles. After all, he is already married to the eldest princess, and she is his wife. Now the eldest princess Just ascended the throne, Dayan has internal and external troubles, if he only cares about his own cultivation and walks away, who will think highly of him?"

  Zhuang Zhiyan fell silent after hearing the words.

  Luo Qingzhou cupped his hands and said: "Don't worry about the ancestor, the disciple will make a decision when everything is settled. For the future of Ling Xiaozong and Dayan, the disciple will definitely think about it."

When Zhuang Zhiyan saw what he said, Fang nodded in relief, and said: "Okay, Feiyang, from now on, I, Ling Xiaozong, and our Great Yan, will depend on you young people! As long as you work hard and don't slack off, as long as you care about your homeland , no one wants to bully us!"

   Several people talked for a while, and the sky quickly darkened.

  The formation above the head has obviously been cracked to the final stage.

  Zhuang Zhiyan and Luo Ling were still injured. After returning to the cave, they took pills to treat the wounds, and then lay down to rest.

  Bai Weier will be on duty outside tonight.

  Luo Qingzhou practiced in the corner for a while, observed the newly promoted soul, and glanced at the blue spirit flower in the storage ring and the growth of the mysterious little tree, then got up and walked out of the cave.

   Fairy Zixia was also practicing with her eyes closed. When she heard the movement, she quickly opened her eyes and asked, "Feiyang, where are you going?"

  Luo Qingzhou turned his head and said, "Pee, master, do you want to come together?"

  Fairy Zixia subconsciously nodded, just about to stand up, she immediately reacted, she gave him a blank look and said: "It's not big or small, it's not serious..."

   Immediately, he muttered again: "Uncle Master is still here."

  Luo Qingzhou smiled and left the cave.

  The moon is shining brightly outside.

  The icy girl in a white dress is hugging her knees, sitting alone in the grass outside the door, looking at the moon in the night sky, staring blankly.

  Luo Qingzhou took a look, walked over and sat down beside her.

  (end of this chapter)

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