My Wife, Something is Wrong

Chapter 859: The first drop of blood, dragon blood tempering body

at dusk.

  The sky is gray, and the spring rain is dripping again.

  Luo Qingzhou went out with an umbrella and went straight to East Lake.

  By the East Lake, willows hang down the bank, and there are few pedestrians, all rushing through the rain.

  Compared to the hustle and bustle of West Lake, this place is too deserted.

  Luo Qingzhou came to the lake, looked into the lake, and saw a small boat with a black awning, parked under the stone bridge.

  He hurried over.

  At this time, a pretty girl in a water-green dress came out of the boat tent with an umbrella.

   Immediately, he stood slim and tall on the bow of the boat, waved to him, and shouted crisply: "My lord, here! Here!"

  Luo Qingzhou was holding an umbrella. Just as he walked onto the stone bridge, a figure suddenly ran past him and even pushed him.

A young man in a Confucian robe, who was soaked by rain, ran up to the steps of the stone bridge with an excited face, and politely cupped his hands at the pretty girl at the bow of the boat: "Is the girl shouting? I came out in a hurry today and forgot to bring my umbrella, so I was in such a mess, thank you girl for letting me get on the boat to shelter from the rain."


  The pretty girl standing at the bow of the boat, the joy on her face immediately turned cold.

  The boat walked slowly to the steps under the broken bridge.

The young man standing on the steps suddenly froze, but when he saw the girl's pure and beautiful face and slender figure, he immediately smiled again, cupped his hands and said: "Xia Liuxian, a native of Yuanzhou , This time I came to Beijing to participate in the Spring Festival, I don't want to be lucky enough to meet a girl today, Sansheng is lucky. I don't know the girl..."


   Before he could finish speaking, the girl standing at the bow suddenly took out a whip, and lashed him with the whip, sending him flying down the steps, and fell into the lake with a "plop".


  The young man was thrashing and screaming in the water, his face full of horror.

  Standing on the bow of the boat, Qiaoli let out a "bah" and rolled her eyes: "The toad wants to eat dragon's meat! Disgusting!"

  Luo Qingzhou walked down the steps, stretched out his hand, pulled up the young man who was about to sink in the water, and said, "That's a little fairy, stay away from her."

  The girl at the bow, giggling, with bright eyes and bright teeth, is pretty and charming.

  The young man sat on the steps, shivering with cold, his face turned pale with fright, and immediately yelled at her: "Little bitch, you...ah!"

  Unexpectedly, before he finished cursing, Luo Qingzhou kicked him down again with a "bang".


   Water splashes everywhere.

  The scolding in the young man's mouth stopped abruptly, and he began to scream again.

  The girl standing at the bow suddenly giggled, clapped her hands and said, "Master, kick well, kick this toad to death!"

  Luo Qingzhou jumped into the boat and said, "Don't cause trouble, let's go."

   After finishing speaking, he looked towards the cabin.

  In the cabin, a girl in a snow-white dress sat there quietly, looking at him with charming but cold eyes.

  Although she looks like a flower bone, her temperament, aura, and gaze belong to Sister Yue.

  Luo Qingzhou felt awe in his bones, walked in and said, "Sister Yue."

  The girl looked at him without speaking.

   At this time, the boat began to sail towards the center of the lake.

  The young man who fell into the water, after thumping for a while, grabbed the steps, climbed up in embarrassment, and then fled.

  Longer seems to be very happy today, playing with the umbrella in his hand at the bow of the boat, gently spinning against the rain in the sky, and the rain splashes on the umbrella.

  She was full of joy and had a great time playing.

  When the boat sailed away from the broken bridge and no one was looking at her, she took off her shoes, revealing a pair of snow-white and slender feet of a girl, and then stood on tiptoe, holding a flower umbrella in her hand, dancing and spinning in the rain.

  The water-green skirt is blooming like flowers, and the red rope bells around the ankles are ringing non-stop.

  Like a ditty in the rain, crisp and cheerful, pleasant to the ear.

  In the cabin.

  Luo Qingzhou looked at it for a while, and couldn't help but said again: "Sister Yue, are you sure, I can really advance to Grand Master within five days?"

  Yue Yao withdrew her gaze from looking at the bow of the ship, looked at him, and said expressionlessly: "Not sure."

  Luo Qingzhou was slightly stunned, and then said: "I understand that it is impossible to be completely sure about anything, especially in cultivation. Sister Yue, what method are you talking about?"

  Yue shook her pure and charming eyes, looked into his eyes, but said in a cold tone: "Shuangxiu."

  Luo Qingzhou: "..."

  Yue Yao looked at him coldly and said, "Are you willing?"

  Luo Qingzhou's breathing suddenly became rapid, his face flushed, he looked at her excitedly and said, "I...I am willing..."

   Then he said again: "Sister Yue, when shall we start? Is five days enough? you use Huagu's body, or...your own?"

  Yue Yao looked cold and did not speak.

  Luo Qingzhou coughed, lowered his head and said, "Sister Yue, don't worry, I know the severity, and I won't use... thunder and lightning."

   Then he said: "Of course, with Sister Yue's strength, she definitely won't be afraid..."

  Yue Yao squinted his eyes slightly, and stared at him for a long time, Fang said coldly: "It's with Long Er."

  Luo Qingzhou: "..."

  Yue Yao said with a cold expression: "Long'er's first drop of real dragon blood contains powerful power, which can help you forcibly temper your body and transform your internal organs."

  Suddenly, Long Er's crisp voice came from outside: "Sister, it's not the first drop of real dragon's blood, but the first drop of real dragon's virgin blood!"

  Luo Qingzhou lowered his head, looked at the ship plank, clenched his toes tightly, as if he wanted to find a gap to get in.

Yue Yao looked at him and continued: "When the organs in your body are tempered and transformed by dragon blood, they can withstand more rapid energy, just like the last time you were injured by the sword array. Except for Long Er's true For the blood of the dragon, you also need an inner alchemy of the Golden Clam Demon Venerable to strengthen your physique and stabilize the spirit of the real dragon in your body. Finally, you also need the heart of the spiritual mine. I will cast a spell to let the pure vitality inside quickly pour into it Your body is fused with the spirit of the real dragon to help you break through..."

   Speaking of this, she was silent for a while, and said: "But if that happens, the lifespan of the heart of the spiritual mine may be cut in half."

  After listening to Luo Qingzhou, he felt that the difficulty this time was not ordinary.


  The most important thing should be Long Er's first drop of dragon blood.

   This is no problem.

  For the heart of the spirit mine, he needs to ask the queen first.

   Originally, during this period of time, he directly cultivated with the heart of the spirit mine, which had already affected his lifespan. It would be too selfish to consume half of his lifespan.

  A spiritual mine without the heart of the spiritual mine is like a human being without a heart, it is impossible to live.

  Yue Yao seemed to see his hesitation, and said indifferently: "She has already agreed."

  Luo Qingzhou was taken aback when he heard the words, then looked at her and said, "Who agreed?"

  Yue Yao looked at him coldly: "Empress, your lady."

  Luo Qingzhou: "..."

  He lowered his head again, looking for a gap in the ground.

  The air suddenly became silent.

  He quickly changed the subject: "Sister Yue, what about the inner alchemy of the Golden Hammer Demon Venerable? Where is it?"

  Yue Yao said coldly: "Border."

  Luo Qingzhou froze for a moment: "Border? But, is it too late?"

Yue Yao didn't answer right away, stood up, walked out of the cabin, stood in the continuous spring rain for a while, and then said: "I have already inquired, one of the demon army on the border appeared. Its inner alchemy is very special, other Things cannot be replaced, so we must go there. I have a spaceship and I can arrive tomorrow night."

  Luo Qingzhou stood up, walked out, and said: "Two days to go, two days to return, there is still one day, I'm afraid it will be too late."

Long Er at the bow of the boat immediately said: "Young master, there is time. Long Er will go with you, and you can communicate with you on your sister's cultivate. When you get the inner alchemy of the golden clam monster, on the way back, Long Er and young master You can continue to practice, and when you come back, you can take your sister to find the heart of the spiritual mine, and prepare to break through."

  Luo Qingzhou: "..."

  Yue Yao looked at the smoky lake in the distance, and said indifferently: "Energizing the body with vitality, a few hours is enough."

  Long'er continued: "It will take at least three days for the body to be quenched by the dragon's blood. Young Master, without delay, let's..."

   "Let's go."

  Luo Qingzhou made a decisive decision.

   Only when he breaks through to the realm of the great master, will he have a greater chance of preventing the people from the Misty Immortal Sect from capturing Sister Yue in the border negotiations five days later.

  For sister Yue, this little difficulty is nothing!

  As soon as the words fell, the surroundings were suddenly enveloped in smoke, and immediately, the black-covered boat under the feet suddenly flew into the air and penetrated into the clouds.

  By the East Lake, there were no pedestrians for a long time, and naturally no one saw it.

  The cold wind blows, and the drizzle is slightly oblique.

  The spaceship carries three people and sails quickly among the clouds.

  Yue Yao wore a white dress and stood quietly at the bow of the boat, looking at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, motionless, not knowing what she was thinking.

  Luo Qingzhou stood behind her, seeing Long Er staring at him, he couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

   Flying again for a while.

  Long'er finally couldn't help it, and took the initiative to take his hand and said: "Young master, the book says that a moment in the Spring Festival is worth a thousand pieces of gold, and your time is even more valuable. If there is any further delay, it will be too late to break through."

  Luo Qingzhou gave a "cough cough" and explained solemnly: "Spring night refers to night."

  Long'er pursed his lips and said, "It doesn't matter if it's day or night, young master, let's go in."

  Luo Qingzhou glanced at the cabin.

  From here, you can clearly see the inside of the cabin, and you can even see a black thread that Sister Yue just dropped on the futon.

  He remembered that the flying boats of the ancestor and senior Luo Ling could become very large, and there were also very hidden compartments and curtains for resting.

   Look here again...

   This is too crude.

   Or, sister Yue did it on purpose?

   "This spaceship... can transform again?"

   he asked bravely.

  Long Er said: "How do you want to change, young master?"

  Luo Qingzhou looked at her and said in a low voice: "At least, there are rooms and curtains... so simple, standing here, you can see the inside of the cabin, Longer, how about you?"

Long Er blinked his eyes and said: "What's so embarrassing about this? My sister is not an outsider, and besides, isn't it normal for a man to have **** with a woman? Every time you go shopping, don't you see two puppies in full view? Under the love?"

  Luo Qingzhou: "..."

  You are a dragon, you are a puppy?

  Long Er saw that he was really reserved, so he had to say: "Young Master, otherwise, Long Er can fly, you ride Long Er, and we will fly behind and practice at the same time, okay?"

  Luo Qingzhou: "..."

  What a bad idea...

  The one in broad daylight, the one in the sky, aren’t you afraid that God will strike you to death?

  Long'er said again: "Young Master, Long'er can ride the clouds and ride the fog when flying, and can cover us with a lot of fog."

  When Luo Qingzhou heard it, his eyes flickered, and that picture began to appear in his mind.

  (end of this chapter)

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