My Wife, Something is Wrong

Chapter 877: The warriors of the great flames, the moon shakes to fight!

  Chapter 877 The warriors of the great flames, the moon shakers play!

  In the field, there was a moment of silence.

  Bai Yishan looked at Yueyang Tower, then at Gongyangyan, and said: "However, Bai has one more condition."

  Yueyanglou's eyes turned cold, and he said, "Bai Yishan, don't go too far."

   Gong Yangyan said: "Let's talk about it first."

  Bai Yishan cupped his hands, and said: "If we win Dayan, I hope that the matter of Miss Yueyao will come to an end."

  Gong Yangyan narrowed his eyes and said, "What if we don't agree?"

  Bai Yishan said calmly: "Bai is just mentioning, if the noble sect is really unwilling to agree, then it will be assumed that Bai didn't say anything."


He continued: "Bai just thinks that winning or losing this martial arts competition is related to the fate of everyone in my Dayan, and she is also a member of my Dayan. If we win in Dayan by chance, we are not here to protect ourselves." People, it's really unreasonable, so Bai has the audacity to add this request."

   "Of course, Bai has nothing to say whether or not the noble emperor agrees."

   Zhou Yuanshan, who was behind Gongyangyan, immediately sneered: "It's a fluke to win? Your Bai Yishan's tone is still really big. When my Misty Immortal Sect is one of your low-level sects like Dayan?"

  Bai Yishan looked at him, his attitude was still polite: "Lucky, I hope Elder Zhou will read it a few more times when he goes back."

Immediately, his eyes were determined, he cupped his hands at the people around him, and said in a deep voice: "This time, I am betting on the fate of the country and the fate of all the people to fight against the Misty Immortal Sect. If I lose, the country will lose its power. The people are enslaved! That's why Bai dared to use the words "won by luck." It's not arrogance."

"As we all know, Bai also knows better than anyone else that my Great Flame fights against Misty Immortal Sect, it is like hitting a stone with an egg, but the matter has come to this point, we can only fight to the death. Today's matter is decided by me, Bai." Yes, so please be a witness, if I lose in Great Yan, Bai is willing to divide his body here, destroy his soul, and plead guilty to my people in Great Yan!"

After finishing speaking, I saw him in white clothes flying up, bowing deeply three times to the territory of Dayan, and then there was a "wow", golden characters flashed between his brows, and he raised his palm to swear: "If this battle fails, it is all the responsibility of me, Bai Yishan! Here, I would like to sacrifice my body to the Heaven of Great Flame, sacrifice my soul to the River of Great Flame, and plead guilty to my people of Great Yan! If there is any violation, I wish the heavens and the earth to perish, and the whole world will punish me!"


  As soon as this oath was made, a roar sounded from his body and the sky at the same time, and the golden font between his brows also burst open, turning into bits of starlight and melting into his body.

   Confucianism and Daoism swear!

   Those who violate it will have their literary heart broken, their body and soul will be shattered, and they will be wiped out in ashes and smoke, and they will never enter reincarnation!

   Once this oath is made, all the practitioners around will be moved!

  Even the members of Misty Immortal Sect, their faces changed slightly.

   Everyone looked at this middle-aged man with white temples and red blood and pride in silence, with different expressions.

  In the arena, there was complete silence.

  After counting interest.

Yang Yan, the eldest elder of Misty Immortal Sect, sighed slightly: "Since Dean Bai is so determined, then we can't say anything more. We, Misty Immortal Sect, agree to all of Dean Bai's conditions." Yes. If you win, the matter of Yue Yao will stop here, and we will never pursue it again."

   "However, if you lose, even though I have great admiration for Dean Bai's strength of character, I will never back down when it comes to the interests and face of the sect."

  Bai Yishan clasped his hands and said: "Thank you, Elder Gongyang. If I lose in Dayan, Bai will never dare to embarrass the noble sect again."

At this time, Jia Xunfang from Penglai Xiandao said: "Okay, now that the conditions have been negotiated, let's start. The fairies from Jiutian Yaotai, our Penglai Xiandao, and all the friends here Testify. After both sides win or lose, neither can go back on their word!"

   "As for how many matches are needed to determine the outcome, it is up to you to decide who will compete."

"The rules are still the same as before. Everyone signs a life-and-death contract before entering the arena. After entering the arena, they have no eyes and no eyes, and they are conceited in life and death. There are no restrictions on skills and weapons. You can use fraud, poison or others. Only Ask about winning or losing, not about the means.”

   "Of course, if the opponent takes the initiative to admit defeat, he needs to be merciful."

   "Both sides try to avoid heavy casualties..."

   "In principle, the disciples participating in the competition should try not to be over thirty-five years old, and give more opportunities to young people. The disciples who win a victory can continue to the next competition if they want..."

  All the cultivators around were silent, listening carefully to the martial arts rules he said.

   It has been a long time since there has been a competition of this scale in the mainland of Kyushu.

   What's more, in this competition, one side is Misty Immortal Sect, one of the three great Immortal Sects, and the other side is Dayan, a small and unknown country.

   Misty Immortal Sect wins or loses, it doesn't matter much, but if Dayan loses, the country may be destroyed.

  One side is just for some benefits and face, while the other side is betting on the fate of the country and the people.

  So this competition will definitely be very exciting!

  Jia Xun finally finished speaking.

Yueyang Tower of Misty Immortal Sect looked at Bai Yishan and said, "We have ten young disciples from Misty Immortal Sect today, so Yue suggested that we come to ten competitions so that the young practitioners from both sides can learn from each other. Let everyone watch the scene. Dean Bai, what do you think?"

  Bai Yishan frowned slightly: "Ten games?"

   In his mind, the faces of those young practitioners behind Dayan suddenly flashed, thinking secretly.

Seeing his hesitation, Yueyang Tower said again: "If there are three games and five games, everyone will come all the way to watch the fun, and you probably won't have a good time. Besides, if there are ten games, it will be more beneficial to you, Dayan. The more games you have, the better you will be." There is a chance. Also, our Misty Immortal Sect can take a step back, as long as you have five victories, you will win."

At this time, the long-bearded old man behind Jia Xun said in a cold voice: "I think ten games is just right. If Dean Bai thinks that there are not enough young practitioners in Dayan, he can also go out in person. Coincidentally, we all want to watch it too." Look at Dean Bai's Confucianism and Taoism exercises."

  Yueyang Tower said indifferently: "If Dean Bai wants to play in person, Yue is naturally willing to accompany him. However, we are just competing, no matter whether we win or lose, we will end. You can't bully young people in front of the practitioners in the world."

  Bai Yishan was silent for a moment, knowing that the matter had come to this point and could no longer be changed, so he nodded and said: "Okay, then ten games."

   Immediately, he cupped his hands again and said, "However, Bai needs to choose someone first."

  Yueyang Corridor: "Please go ahead."

  Bai Yishan cupped his hands at the others again, then turned around, glanced behind him, and said, "Let's go, let's go there first."

  The high-level officials and disciples of Dayan's various sects followed silently.

  Yueyanglou glanced at their backs, turned around, and walked towards the ten disciples behind them.

  The other people around all took the initiative to disperse.

Zhou Yuanshan suddenly sneered and said: "Brother Yue, today we are all the top ten disciples on this year's Misty Ranking, the lowest cultivation level, and the mid-term cultivation level of the master, and they are both soul and body cultivation. The five of them who are the most powerful There are not many grandmasters in the high-level sect, let alone those young people, let's see what they have to say later! It is estimated that even five people cannot be selected."

  Yueyang Tower glanced at him and said, "Junior Brother Zhou, don't be careless at any time."

  Zhou Yuanshan said with a smile: "Brother, if Bai Yishan's sour scholar wants to play later, you can rest and let the younger brother go up to meet him, how about it?"

  Yueyang Tower pondered for a moment when he heard the words, glanced at his burly body and the light in his eyes, and said: "The other party has been in seclusion for many years, and his cultivation may have improved a lot. Let me go up."

Zhou Yuanshan sneered suddenly, and said: "Confucianism and Taoism have long since declined, and he has no cultural background. No matter how hard he practices, how much can he improve? Don't worry, brother, I have practiced new exercises during this period of time, and I can't help it." I got a spirit treasure, and I promise not to embarrass the sect."

  Yueyang Tower didn't answer, but looked at the elder Yangyan next to him.

Gong Yangyan pondered for a while, and said: "It's okay to let Junior Brother Zhou go up to practice, but we must be safe in this competition. Bai Yishan's skills are unpredictable, and he has rarely done it in recent years. I don't know how strong he is now. So for the sake of safety, if he wants to go up to the competition, then you all go up in the last few games. At least you must first make sure that we will win."

  Yueyanglou nodded and said: "What the Great Elder said is true."

  Wei Wuchang came over and said in a low voice: "You need to let the disciples..."

  He moved his hands quietly.

   Several people glanced at him, but didn't speak.

  Yueyang Tower said indifferently: "Elder Wei thinks that those disciples and elders I left in Xianfeng should die in vain?"

Wei Wuchang sneered, and said: "This old man also means the same thing. Bai Yishan really thinks of himself as someone else, and has been bargaining with us all the time. If it weren't for the fairies from Jiutian Yaotai and the people from Penglai Xiandao, this old man would have made a move a long time ago. A big Yan, is it worth our fanfare and arguing?"

   Gong Yangyan suddenly asked: "Do you know which disciples they will send to fight?"

   Several people looked towards Yueyang Tower.

  The matter of Dayan has always been handled by them at Liuxian Peak.

  Yueyang Tower looked at the blue-skirted girl among the ten disciples, and said, "Lan Ling, you know a lot about the various forces in Dayan, come and tell the elders."

Lan Ling bowed and said respectfully: "As far as I know, only the five major sects of Dayan and the Dragon and Tiger Academy can send disciples to participate in the battle. But young disciples who have reached the realm of masters are not several…"

"On this year's Dragon and Tiger List of Dragon and Tiger Academy, the top three should all be masters... Huixin and Huiren from Jinchan Temple, Yangyi and Qinglian from Qingyunguan, Zixia and Linghu Qingzhu from Lingxiaozong, and Chu Feiyang, Sister Luoshang and Luoyi from Xianyun Pavilion, and Xu Changsheng from Huashan School...they should all be under thirty-five years old, these are the possible contestants known to the disciples."

   "Of course, Dayan also has some practitioners and casual practitioners from aristocratic families, and a few people may appear suddenly..."

   "However, as far as I know, the highest among them is only the middle stage of the master or the middle stage of the distraction state..."

   "Of course, this is just the news that the disciples got before, maybe during this time, some people suddenly broke through..."

   After listening to the few people, they were relieved.

   Zhou Yuanshan sneered: "Don't you even have disciples of the God Transformation Realm, or the Grand Master?"

  Wei Wuchang sneered and said, "Let's not talk about Transforming God Realm and Grand Master, I'm afraid there aren't even people in the late stage of Distracting God Realm and late Grand Master. Dayan's cultivation resources, it would be great to be able to train these young people."

Another elder smiled and said: "Then there is no suspense. The ten of our disciples, with the lowest cultivation level, can crush them. It is estimated that they are lucky enough to win two out of ten games. "

   Several people laughed.

Gongyangyan's face also became more relaxed, and he reminded lightly: "Everyone, restrain yourself a little, and don't get too complacent, so as not to be looked down upon by people from other sects. We let the disciples in the sect come out to show their strength this time, not just for Crusade against Dayan. People from Penglai Xiandao and Jiutian Yaotai are all there, so we still need to pay attention to some images. Especially Junior Brother Zhou and Senior Brother Wei, don’t talk much, let alone say some vulgar and rude words.”

  Zhou Yuanshan and Wei Wuchang both smiled and nodded in agreement.

the other side.

  On the cloud boat of Jiutian Yaotai.

  Standing in the window were five young girls in different dresses, and another cold woman was sitting quietly on the futon.

at this time.

  The five girls gathered together in front of the window and secretly looked outside.

   "Master, Dayan will definitely send him to participate in the competition. When he was in that ancient ruins last time, his soul had already broken through to the late stage of distraction state."

   "This competition is related to the fate of Dayan. He will definitely use Thunderbolt later. Master will know it at a glance."

   "Senior Sister, you may not be able to see it. It is estimated that you need to explore his body."

  A few girls were chirping and talking non-stop.

  Lan Yu, wearing a blue dress, stood there quietly, looking at the crowd outside.

   After being silent for a while, she turned her head to look at her master and said, "Master, Yue Yao should have come too. If the competition is over, and the people from Misty Immortal Sect really want to arrest her, will Master stop it?"

   Fairy Qin Yao closed her eyes and did not answer.

Hongyuan turned her head and said: "Yuyu, it is Master Liuyun who decides to come out this time. Her eldest disciple is the granddaughter of the second elder of Misty Immortal Sect. Didn't you see it just now? Misty Immortal Sect said such harsh conditions , only Senior Uncle Lianxue spoke for that Dean Bai, Senior Uncle Liuyun didn't say a word. Their current competition is also very unfair. Misty Immortal Sect is obviously bullying and bullying others, but Senior Uncle Liuyun and Penglai Xiandao None of them spoke. Although our Jiutian Yaotai is much stronger than Misty Immortal Sect, there are also many relatives and friends of Misty Immortal Sect in the sect. And Dayan..."

   "Anyway, Master must not interfere with Yue Yao's matter, after all, it is a matter within the sect..."

  Hong Yuan didn't say any more.

  Lan Yu looked outside again.

   And at this time.

  Dayan's five major sects and practitioners from other sects all gathered together.

  Bai Yishan cast a spell to envelop everyone inside.

  Looking from the outside, the inside is hazy, you can't see clearly, and you can't hear the sound inside.

Bai Yishan looked at the young man of Dayan in front of him with gentle eyes, as if he was looking at his own child, and said in a deep voice: "For this competition, a total of ten young people need to be selected, at least they must be masters and cultivators in the distraction state. Why. But I want to tell you in advance that the ten disciples of the other party are not very old, but they are all the best young disciples in the Misty Immortal Sect. A master or a disciple of the God Transformation Realm..."

"You should have heard the rules that Senior Jia said just now. Fist and feet are blind on the field, life and death are conceited. Not only are the opponent's disciples higher than ours, but their skills and magic weapons are definitely better than ours, better than ours. many."

   "Also, they might take the opportunity to kill."

   "That is to say, the disciples who went to the competition this time may never come back."

   "So, Bai will not force anyone to participate in this competition. If you want to, you can take the initiative to sign up. If you don't want to, it doesn't matter. Going back to defend your homeland is just as honorable."

   "Everyone, please think carefully."

   There was a silence in the field.

  Luo Qingzhou raised his hand first and said, "Senior White, this junior is willing."

  Bai Yishan looked at him, but didn't agree immediately, but looked at Nangong Huoyue behind him.

  Nangong Huoyue was silent for a while, and said, "Let him go."

  Bai Yishan nodded, looked at the boy in front of him gently, and asked, "Feiyang, are you willing to compete for the country, family, or something else?"

  Luo Qingzhou looked at the cold girl opposite.

  Yue Yao's gaze was also looking at him.

  Luo Qingzhou clasped his hands and said: "The younger generation is for the country, for the family, and for Miss Yueyao! Of course, for His Majesty and all the people of Dayan!"


   There was a cold snort and a mutter from behind: "Hypocrisy!"

  Bai Yishan nodded slightly, but didn't say any more.

  At this time, Fairy Zixia also said: "Senior White, this junior is also willing to contribute to the country!"

Bai Yishan looked at her, and said with a gentle expression: "Sect Master Zixia has such a heart, and Bai is extremely admired and grateful. However, in today's competition, it is very difficult for us Dayan to win. Therefore, we must save some seeds and go back. Sect Master Zixia is young and has a promising future, and he is also the Sect Master of Lingxiao Sect, so it is better not to go up."

  Speaking of this, he glanced at everyone and said: "My Five Great Sects of Great Yan, and the suzerains and patriarchs of other sects, or young practitioners who are about to inherit the positions of suzerains and patriarchs, don't need to go up to the competition."

   Fairy Zixia hurriedly said: "The sect still has my master uncle. If something happens to the younger generation, I can ask my master uncle to find another person to succeed the suzerain."

  Bai Yishan still shook his head.

  Zhuang Zhiyan couldn't help but said: "Zixia, since Feiyang has gone, don't go."

  Fairy Zixia said: "But Feiyang will inherit the position of suzerain of our Lingxiao Sect in the future."

   Nangong Huoyue suddenly said: "He is different. He is not only a disciple of your Ling Xiaozong, but also my husband. Therefore, this is his responsibility, and he must go."

  Fairy Zixia didn't speak any more.

  At this moment, Linghu Qingzhu, who was standing behind her, said, "Senior White, I am willing too."

  Bai Yishan looked at her, was startled, and said: "What is the current level of cultivation of Peak Master Linghu?"

  Linghu Qingzhu lowered his head slightly, and said: "The middle stage of the body master, the middle stage of the distracted state."

  As soon as these words came out, not only everyone in Lingxiao Sect was shocked, but also people from Xianyun Pavilion and other sects were all shocked.

  Even Zhuang Zhiyan was taken aback: "Qingzhu, when did you advance again?"

  Luo Qingzhou also felt incredible.

  Master, this is too fast! Almost caught up with him!

  Fairy Zixia also opened her eyes wide and said, "Qingzhu, just got promoted some time ago? Why... and why don't you have any vision at all?"

  Linghu Qingzhu lowered his head slightly, but did not speak.

  In fact, when she broke through again, she also felt unbelievable, but the fact is that she broke through, and the breakthrough was silent, as simple as eating and sleeping, breaking through easily.

  In addition to the comprehension in the way of swordsmanship, it is also because of the spiritual liquid that he helped her practice and gave her in the woods of the back mountain that day.

  After going back that day, she felt that her body was not right.

   Then, after she finished refining those pure and rich spiritual liquids, she suddenly broke through.

  It feels like a dream.

   "Senior White, the junior Huashan School Xu Changsheng is also willing!"

  At this time, a clear voice broke the silence.

  A young man from Huashan Sect, wearing a blue robe and carrying a sword, suddenly came out to fight.

  Bai Yishan looked at him with warm eyes, and said, "Changsheng, what is your cultivation level now?"

  Xu Changsheng said respectfully: "The junior majors in the soul, and luckily has broken through the middle stage of the distraction state. The physical body is only at the early stage of a great martial artist."

  Bai Yishan was silent for a while, and said: "You should think it through."

Xu Changsheng clasped his hands and said: "The younger generation knows this level of cultivation, it can't compare with those of Misty Immortal Sect, and it may just be tortured and killed. But now that the country is in trouble, the younger generation must not be greedy for life and fear death, and turn a blind eye. Don't worry, senior. Even if you risk your life, you will definitely not let the other party feel better!"

Ma Chenzi, the leader of the Huashan faction, was silent for a while, and said: "Senior White, let him go. His family members died in the rebellion when the foreign enemies invaded. He has been traveling outside all these years. , saw the suffering of many people, killed many monsters and villains, and always wanted to serve the country. This time I followed here, just for this opportunity."

  Bai Yishan was moved when he heard the words. Although he felt compassionate, he also knew what he needed most at this moment.

  He nodded heavily, and said: "Longevity, don't need to work hard, the most important thing is to live. Only if you young people go back alive, can I have hope. If you all die here, I will be completely hopeless."

  At this time, the two young monks of Jinchan Temple suddenly put their hands together and said: "Senior White, this junior is wise and benevolent, and is willing to fight!"

  A pair of male and female Taoist priests in Qingyun Temple also said: "Young Yangyi and Qinglian are also willing to fight!"

  A young woman in Xianyun Pavilion also said: "Young Luo Yi is also willing to fight."

  Bai Wei'er also stood up and said, "I..."

  At this time, the three members of Longhu Academy also immediately said: "That's enough, the three of us have to go."

  Bai Yishan looked at these determined young faces, his eyes gradually fogged up, and he said with relief: "Okay, okay..."

  At this time, Nangong Huoyue also suddenly said: "Dean, I also want to..."

   "Don't even think about it."

   Before he could finish speaking, Luo Qingzhou suddenly stopped her.

  Nangong Huoyue gave him a fierce look, and said, "I didn't talk to you again."

  Bai Yishan looked at her: "You are the king of a country, it is impossible to let you go, Feiyang has already represented you."

  Nangong Huoyue didn't say anything more.

Bai Yishan looked at the young people in front of him who took the initiative to fight, and after a little deliberation, he said, "Feiyang, Qingzhu, Changsheng, Huixin, Yangyi, Luo Yi, and Wu Le, Liang Fuxing, and Pei from the Dragon and Tiger Academy." Yi, nine of you come with me. This is the first competition, I will fight first!"

   After finishing speaking, he withdrew the formation and looked to the opposite side.

  At this time, Misty Immortal Sect has already prepared and is waiting for them.

  The Island Master Jia of Penglai Xiandao also personally set up a ring in an open space and set up a formation.

  When the people from Dayan came out, all the cultivators around looked at them.

  Yueyang Tower said: "Dean Bai, can we start? I have been waiting for you for a long time."

  Bai Yishan walked over with someone, and said: "Master Yue, in this first competition, Bai will fight first."

  Yueyanglou narrowed his eyes, glanced behind him, and said with a smile: "If Dean Bai wants to fight, he will naturally be behind. The beginning is too exciting, and everyone doesn't want to watch it later."

  Others also echoed: "What Master Yue said is that it is better to let the young people play first. Dean Bai, don't worry, it's the same if you play later."

   "Yes, the wonderful nature should be kept at the end."

  Jia Xun from Penglai Xiandao also said, "Principal Bai, let the young people compete first."

  Seeing this, Bai Yishan could only nod silently.

  Jia Xun took out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, placed them on a temporary table, and said, "Students participating in the competition, please sign the life-and-death contract here first."

  The ten disciples of Misty Immortal Sect immediately walked over, signed their names without hesitation, and pressed the blood seal.

  After they finished signing, Bai Yishan walked over with the young disciples behind him in silence.

  Gongyangyan of Misty Immortal Sect suddenly said: "Principal Bai, you seem to be missing one person. The agreed ten disciples will compete. If you want to compete, you will naturally have to add another one."

  Bai Yishan's eyes suddenly looked at him.

   Gongyangyan looked indifferent.

  The Misty Immortal Sect people behind him all had sneers on their faces.

  The field was silent.

   No one came out to speak.

  Bai Yishan was silent for a while, didn't say any more, turned his head, and looked at the other young people of Dayan not far behind.

  Hui Ren, Qing Lian, and Bai Wei'er are all coming over immediately.

  But for some reason, just as they were about to lift their feet, they suddenly found themselves frozen in place and unable to move.

  No one performed any exercises.

  They also couldn't feel any fluctuations in vitality and soul power, nor did they have any fluctuations in the breath of treasures.

  But they suddenly couldn't lift their feet no matter what!

  At this moment, they felt as if they had suddenly entered another space, another world, and everything around them was suddenly frozen!

  But in the eyes of other people around, they just stood there without moving, without any abnormality.

The icy girl in a white dress walked out from behind them, walked in front of Bai Yishan, walked in front of him again, then stopped at the table, picked up the life and death contract on it, and signed her name: moon shake.

  When Jia Xun, who was standing next to him, saw the name, he was taken aback for a moment, then his eyebrows twitched, and he looked at the cold girl in front of him in surprise.

  She stretched out her jade finger, and slowly pressed the blood mark, then raised her gaze, and looked at those people from Misty Immortal Sect not far away.

  Her white dress is swaying, her blue hair is flying, and her eyes are as cold as ice.

   And her voice, like the ice and snow in the cold winter, does not contain any emotion: "I am the moon shaker, and I am willing to fight on behalf of Dayan."

   Because these two days need to prepare the atmosphere and brew emotions, the plot is not easy to separate, so it is two chapters in one.



  (end of this chapter)

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