My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 221 nature's cleansing\r

"The full-power range of ten rail guns is 300 kilometers at minimum and 500 kilometers at maximum."

"The maximum damage range is about a hundred miles in a radius, that is, within two hundred miles in diameter."

The range and damage range can be adjusted.

Different types of railguns have different bombardment distances and ranges.

Origin made a table of the values ​​of each railgun to provide Tang Ke with the most intuitive data.

Ordinarily, railguns don't bombard that far.

During the flight of the projectile, the energy will continue to decay.

The farther you attack, the smaller the damage range.

"If the electromagnetic energy of the railgun is replaced by Ke energy, it will probably be three to five times stronger."

Tang Ke touched his chin and thought in his heart: "Sure enough, we still have to use space-based weapons to directly bombard the North Country without leaving home."

If you want to bombard the North Country with railguns, you still need Tang Ke to carry the railguns over there.

But who would attack the enemy in such a stupid way? !

So the rail gun can only be regarded as Tang Ke's self-defense weapon in the Dragon Kingdom.

Only space-based weapons are his self-defense weapons on Earth.

If his thoughts at the moment were known, he would definitely shout with righteous indignation: Can this really be regarded as a self-defense weapon? !

A turret only a few meters high can bombard the enemy 500 kilometers away, which is more advanced than any weapon.

As a result, Tang Ke just used it as a self-defense weapon, and he was even a little dissatisfied.

"Ten railguns can be used. Put them all away and store them in the arsenal."

Although the range and attack range of the railguns are not the same, they are generally good, and there is no need to discard them.

The basement has a lot of space, not too much storage.

Tang Ke gave an order to Origin, and the next step was to study space-based weapons.

Space-based weapons are the most worthy of Tang Ke's expectations, and the difficulty is also the greatest ever.

He still needs to learn more to build a capsule with space-based weapons.

Tang Ke did not rush into research, but returned to the living room to learn knowledge while accompanying his wife.


Over time, the clouds that converged over the globe became thicker and thicker.

The high temperature also continued to drop, from more than 30 degrees to about 18 degrees.

The hot sun shines on the earth for more than a year, and finally disappeared recently.

Dark clouds covered the sky, and the fiery earth breathed a sigh of relief.

It was a little dark during the day, and the breeze was blowing.

While it was cool, people were also worried.

This kind of breeze like charging is a precursor to a typhoon.

It shows that the researcher's speculation is not wrong, and the rainstorm and typhoon are really coming!

"Announcement! According to the researchers' speculation, this typhoon may cause a tsunami. Our country will send personnel to evacuate the people near the sea. Please cooperate!"

Longguo issued a notice officially announcing the arrival of a super typhoon.

All the people who lived by the sea were to be evacuated inland.

Among them, the citizens of the Magic City Center must obey the arrangements of the Dragon Kingdom personnel and stay away from the sea.

Although the location of Tang Ke is not very close to the sea, it is also somewhat close.

Therefore, Zhang Yaxuan worried: "Little Kezi, should we evacuate?"

This house is Tang Ke's hard work, and there are too many things in it.

If this place is submerged by the tsunami, wouldn't it be back to before liberation?

There are also the two ecological buildings in Modu, which are also a bit close to the sea.

Tang Ke poured a glass of Fat House Happy Water and put some ice in it.

He smiled lightly: "Don't worry, your husband and I have technology in hand, as long as the house is not completely submerged, we don't need to leave."

"Our home is located in a relatively high location, with a force field shield to decompose seawater, and the instant construction technology of micro-magnetic robots, which is enough to stop this flood."

The big deal is to build a 100-meter-high wall to block all floods.

If the tsunami exceeds 100 meters, just take the smart flying car and leave.

With Tang Ke's current position, the sea would at least submerge the entire Demon City before it would be his turn.

As for whether the basement will be flooded, there is no need to worry.

The underground soil of Tang Ke's house is processed by industrial nanoworms.

A large number of cobalt alloys are incorporated in it, forming a layer of protective film.

The density is no worse than that of the wall, and seawater absolutely cannot penetrate.

Even if it were really infiltrated, it would be blocked by the cobalt alloy wall in the basement and would not affect the interior.

"As long as our house is not submerged, we still have smart flying cars for travel." Tang Ke smiled lightly.

In the recent period, the factory has produced more than 1,000 smart flying cars, of which 1,000 are used for national testing.

The rest are not sold, some are placed in the factory, and some are placed in the underground laboratory for transformation.

"Yes, I almost forgot that we can fly!" Zhang Yaxuan suddenly realized.

She had forgotten all about it.

Not only do they have smart flying cars, but they also have Heike armor.

Flying can really do whatever you want!

"By the way, let Mengmeng and the others come back quickly. It's almost a typhoon. What if there is a tornado during the flight!"

Zhang Yaxuan suddenly remembered that her best friends were still traveling, and hurriedly contacted them.

As a result, the holographic projection was turned on, and the three of them were found to be wandering in the North Country.

The three women turned on the holographic projection lens and projected the scene behind them.

"Look, this is the North Country, and the people below are marching, it's really messy here!" Jin Yumeng said excitedly.

Tang Yunxin looked at the northerners below curiously.

They held up torches and shouted: Incompetent President, step down immediately! Abandoning civilians is unforgivable!

Below is a mess, all kinds of smashing and looting.

These people didn't even pay attention to Jin Yumeng and others above.

The inaction of the top leaders of the North Country completely ignited their anger.

Food and water are being bought by the rich, and the state has not given any measures to deal with the disaster.

Completely abandoned them poor people.

"Come back soon, Mengmeng, what are you guys still doing there? It's going to be a typhoon and a torrential rain!"

Zhang Yaxuan frowned slightly and said, "Yunqing is the same, why are you still here with the two of them crazy, why don't you hurry back to China?"

Zhao Yunqing, who was sitting in the car, heard the words and smiled bitterly: "I originally said it back, these two girls insisted that they want to come to Beiguo to have a look, and then leave after reading, no, just want to go back."

"Okay, come back quickly, I heard that it is a super typhoon, but don't encounter it in the middle..."

Zhang Yaxuan looked helpless and turned off the holographic projection phone at the same time.

"Even if there is a super typhoon, it's actually fine." Tang Ke said with a smile.

"That doesn't work either! Who knows if there will be any strange phenomena, in case there is a super tsunami, or a nine-day heavy thunder or something..."

"Uh, you really dare to think, what do you think of the fantasy world?"

Tang Ke was dumbfounded and admired his wife's imagination.

But although the words are a bit exaggerated, one thing is true, the weather is really weird.

It seems like a...

The cleansing of the earth by nature!

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