My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 233 Extreme cold countdown\r

With the new system capabilities, Tang Ke no longer has to worry about the problem of not being able to activate the system without knowledge learning.

Fanao's scientific and technological knowledge poured into Tang Ke's mind, and he firmly grasped the complete knowledge of space-based satellites.

Thoughts that were originally incomprehensible were integrated with this knowledge.

All the points that were not understood were instantly clarified.

However, this knowledge is only knowledge of space-based satellites, which can launch space-based guns.

But not what Tang Ke wanted.

The satellite alone can not satisfy Tang Ke, he also has to connect the capsule on the satellite.

At the same time, set two gears for space-based weapons.

The first gear is electromagnetic laser energy, and the second gear is replaced with Ke energy.

These projects are not difficult. With a lot of knowledge, he can start manufacturing with only a few changes to the space-based satellite!

Tang Ke once again devoted himself to the research, and this time the research and development of space-based weapons seemed very handy.



The weather was getting colder, the wind was freezing, and the gloomy sky was raining hazy drizzle.

The people of Longguo carried out a series of work in the coastal areas.

Drain the sea water and rebuild the building.

Inland factories are making every effort to produce daily necessities to provide people with things to keep warm.

Try to be well prepared before the extreme cold arrives.

"According to the forecast, the extreme cold will sweep the world in twenty-eight days. By then, even the sea may freeze into ice. Every household should prepare several heaters in case of emergency."

Professor Liang, who studies meteorology, said at a press conference:

"Now that the temperature has begun to drop, everyone must keep warm. Even if the extreme cold has not yet arrived, the temperature will reach minus degrees Celsius."

"The state will build multiple relief areas in each city. If you need help, you can go there for help."

"Okay, thank you very much for the reminder from Professor Liang."

The reporter nodded, and then asked, "I wonder if Professor Liang can give an approximate range. How many degrees below zero might the extreme cold be this time?"

Just simply talking about extreme cold, it is really difficult for people to understand how cold it is.

Many people in China do not take extreme cold seriously.

Isn't it just cold?

Are you worried about the heater at home?

It's just a repeat of the drought, staying at home and not going out.

Hearing the reporter's question, Professor Liang's expression changed slightly.

He habitually raised the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said solemnly: "We can't accurately estimate how much the temperature will drop this time..."

Hearing this, many viewers couldn't help but laugh.

That's it?

It turned out that there was no prediction of what temperature it would reach, and it is said that the extreme cold is quite scary.

I'm afraid it's not a gimmick for the hot sale of the heater, right?

It seems that this extreme cold is not as exaggerated as imagined!

Just when everyone disapproved, Professor Liang's next sentence made everyone stunned.

"Although the exact temperature cannot be predicted, the extremely cold temperature will definitely reach minus fifty degrees Celsius!"

"Breaking the coldest temperature in history is nothing but a breeze!"

Professor Liang said solemnly: "One more thing to note is that this temperature is a global temperature. No matter where you are on the earth, even on the equator, it will reach minus fifty degrees Celsius!"

This is not alarmism, but actual data speculation.

They also inquired about the origin, letting it speculate on meteorological data, and the results were even more frightening.

I was just afraid of causing panic, so Professor Liang said a conservative value.

Hearing this, all the audience put away their previous mocking mentality.

If it was as Professor Liang said, wouldn't this extreme cold be more terrifying than the previous drought, super typhoon, and super tsunami! ?

The thief smuggled: "Master vomited, why are there so many disasters, one wave after another, when will this day be over?"

Mo Li: "Heaven will give a great responsibility to man, and he must first suffer his mind, work his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, and deplete his body..."

Qing Lan: "No, I feel like I've gone through so many disasters, so I shouldn't be able to take on any major responsibilities!"

Mo Li: "No, you must firmly believe that this is the test of God for you. As long as you get through it, a new and beautiful era will unfold for you!"

Wen: "You are so good at comforting others, you must have spent a lot of time comforting yourself, right?"

Mo Li: "..."

The village chief of Yangcun: "Is this comfort right?"


After Professor Liang spoke, the people of Long Kingdom finally became nervous.

Stoves and warmers are all sold out and out of stock.

Usually few people buy these things, but once they get nervous, everyone starts a frenzy.

Just like the country's call for vaccination, when there is no danger, all of them lie at home and do not get vaccinated.

Once a case appears, all scramble for the first time.

It's so real and cute.

The temperature gradually dropped to zero, and ice began to appear on the water.

The sea water in the magic city did not have time to drain, and many buildings were still immersed in the water.

People who have no shelter live in houses built by magnetic robots.

It's quite crowded here, like a dormitory.

People stay indoors to enjoy the comfort brought by heating and watch news reports.

Outside, only robots are working diligently, doing drainage, demolition, and construction.

If it weren't for the existence of robots, the life of the people of Longguo would have been even more difficult.

"I envy Tang Ke, who lives in the sky like a fairy, with a soft sofa, a spacious bed, a beautiful wife, delicious food..."

In the temporary residence of the magic capital, more than a dozen men were lying on their respective beds.

One of them was lying by the window, looking at the city in the sky, and couldn't help expressing emotion.

"Thank you, I'll dream about it later."

"It's extremely cold, I hope people won't freeze to death..."

"I won't freeze to death, at least in our magic capital, we will never freeze to death!" Someone's mouth rose and he believed.

"Huh? Why do you say that? Is it because Big Brother Tang Ke is above us?"

"Yes, the boss is also a human, and he is a good person. If the extreme cold threatens our lives, he will use black technology to save us."

"Aha, that's awesome!"

After listening to such a wave of analysis, the people of Modu felt that they had nothing to fear, and fell into a deep sleep happily.

It's comfortable to have a big guy in the background!

And the big guy in their mouth has just come out of the laboratory at this moment.

The big white robot is grilling outside the courtyard, and the smell of skewers fills the courtyard.

Oysters, lamb skewers, leeks, chicken wings...

This is Zhang Yaxuan's late-night snack specially prepared for him after seeing her husband stay up late to develop technology.

Seeing Tang Ke walk out of the yard, Zhang Yaxuan smiled meaningfully.

Tang Ke saw these great supplements and couldn't help calling him a good guy.

Wife is planning to make him fight tonight!

Of course, the math teacher wasn't there, so there was no process...

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