Tang Ke touches it every day, but I just don't remember it for a while.

And who would have thought that a piece of synthetic metal would actually feel like skin.

He was a little suspicious, if Yuanyuan was holding a piece of bionic material and joking with him here.

But Origin doesn't do such a boring thing.

Even if she had the ability to joke, she wouldn't joke about this kind of thing.

Tang Ke caressed the piece of transparent metal lightly, as if touching human skin.

Even the feeling of pinching is exactly the same.

Tang Ke, who did not believe in evil, picked up a small carving knife from the side and slashed hard on the transparent metal.

A miraculous scene appeared.

It was obviously a piece of metal that was as fragile as skin.

A knife cut it, but it failed to penetrate.

The transparent metal only sags slightly, letting Tang Ke poke hard.

Even if the metal has been crushed to the table, it is difficult to pierce, and it still feels that flexible.

When Tang Ke retracted the carving knife, the metal slowly returned to its original shape.

It seems that no one has moved from the beginning to the end!

Origin also said just now that this metal is a memory alloy.

After the building is completed, no matter how you trample it, it will slowly return to its original appearance.

Even if a layer of skin was swept away by the Ke energy laser.

It also absorbs the elements in the air, automatically patching back up!

This thing surprised Tang Ke more than the dark silver metal just now.

"Master, come and name these two metals."

Origin turned into a blond little loli and stood beside Tang Ke.


When it comes to the name, Tang Ke is a little troubled.

In fact, he is a difficult family to name, as can be seen from Ke alloy to Ke element.

"I think about it, the volume is dark silver, and the hardness is higher than that of Ke alloy..."

"This metal will be used for future space travel, and there is a high probability that it will become a material for building spacecraft. Let's call it empty silver metal!"

The word alloy is no longer needed.

A brand new metal that combines this new element with other elements does not need to be called an alloy.

"As for this transparent metal..."

Tang Ke smiled slightly and said, "It's called bionic metal!"

Is there a more apt name than this?

Just like human skin, this metal can completely replace biomimetic materials.

The material for the bionic robot has finally been found!

This is the most perfect bionic material, how can it be left unused?

"Origin, open and let the Glory Steward come over and increase the production of these two new metals at the same time." Tang Ke ordered.

He can't wait to witness the birth of a bionic robot!


Time flies.

There are still ten days before the extreme cold, and the global temperature has reached minus 30 degrees Celsius.

It was snowing in the sky, all the trees planted were withered, and the bone-chilling wind was like a scythe on a person's face.

Anyone who wants to go out is wrapped in a big fat man.

A thick layer of ice has formed on the lake, and even the cement floor has formed a thin layer of ice, which is easy to slip.

Most people hide at home and enjoy the heating, watching dramas and playing games every day, and the days are quite comfortable.

Every day, Longguo brings food from the ecological building and sells it to the people of the country.

The news reports the current state of each country.

The people of the Dragon Kingdom all sighed that they had no regrets in entering the Dragon Kingdom in this life.

Because people are dying all the time abroad, tens of thousands of people are frozen to death on the street every day.

It's not that there is no heating in their house, but that they are forced to go out of the house because of the shortage of food!

They need food to survive.

On this snowy street, try your best to get food.

Some beg, some rob, some steal, and some get it through special deals.

In order to survive, these poor people without food have become the most humble existence.

And the life of the rich is not as good as expected.

They don't have enough to eat themselves, and even fewer are willing to provide food.

It can be said that the Dragon Kingdom is the only country that can live and eat.

For other countries, the Dragon Kingdom is the only pure land in this extreme cold disaster!

There are fresh vegetables and meat, and a comfortable environment.

Most importantly, there is a Tang Ke standing behind the Dragon Kingdom!

The country stands behind others, but Tang Ke stands behind the country and becomes the invisible pillar of the country.

No matter what kind of disaster, Tang Ke seems to have the ability to solve it.

Ecological buildings are provided in times of drought, and destroyed in a tsunami.

Now that the extreme cold is coming, all human beings all over the world have a consensus, that is, Tang Ke will still use technology to resolve disasters!


There are still five days until the extreme cold.

The temperature dropped to minus forty degrees.

There are no more people on the street, and everyone hides at home and dares not go out.

Spiritual entertainment became the first choice.

What they look forward to most is the anime that is updated every week.

The holographic scanning imaging software previously invented by Tang Ke has finally become the most popular software in the world.

Countless users pay, import their favorite anime into it, switch to holographic projection and watch it again.

"That's awesome! It turns out that this software is so delicious, I didn't know it."

"I love this software, shoot brother, thank you."

"Good guy, what movie did you import with this software upstairs..."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you people are too astringent, unlike me, I will only use it to import ghost movies~"

"This brother is really amazing. I just watched a ghost movie and was almost scared to death. Do you have any tips for watching ghost movies?"

"Dare to watch ghost movies without the secrets? Since you want to learn, I'll tell you a secret. In fact, as long as you cover up with a quilt, ghosts can't hurt you."

"Understood! I will go to the toilet and wrap myself in a quilt in the future."

The online atmosphere of Longguo is quite relaxed and happy. They are not worried about being full and warm, and they enjoy the days that foreigners dream of.

For the arrival of the extreme cold, the people of Longguo did not show much anxiety.

Mainly because they are very well prepared and at the same time there is a lot of entertainment to divert attention.

Unlike foreign countries where there are no last meals, people worry about food every day.

"The weather is getting colder and colder. My water heater is too cold to turn on."

"There are still five days before the extreme cold. Now it is minus 40 degrees. I heard from Professor Liang that the extreme cold will be minus 50 degrees, and it will drop twice a day. It is still acceptable."

"But what Professor Liang said is that it starts at minus fifty degrees, and it may be even colder on an extremely cold day..."

"Don't worry, no matter how cold it is, how cold can it be? Could it freeze me to death at home?"

Some people scoffed at the idea of ​​being prepared for danger in times of peace.

I feel like these people are too fond of brain supplements.

Could it be that on an extremely cold day, the world will be frozen like a disaster movie?


The next morning, countless people were woken up in their sleep.

Biting cold wind penetrated through the cracks in the doors and windows.

The temperature came directly to minus fifty degrees Celsius!

On the vast ocean, ice cubes began to freeze!

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