My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 252 The coin decides the fate, and the landlord is gone\r

Life often needs a sense of ritual in order not to be boring.

A life with a sense of ritual, even if you are just drinking a glass of boiled water, you can taste the feeling of Lafite in 1982.

The previous process of uploading design drawings and then waiting for the robot to manufacture is really soulless.

But if Tang Ke started it himself, it would be completely different.

Every combination of parts, every hardware welding, and every hammer strike contains a different feeling in it.

The technology created will also make people more emotional in it.

After finishing the oxygen converter, Tang Ke went to the bathroom to take a comfortable hot shower.

Back in the room, Zhang Yaxuan was wearing pink and soft pajamas, lying on the bed reading a magazine.

These magazines are also very good, even in such a cold day, they insist on delivering every day.

Of course, the delivery man is a big white robot.

Tang Ke climbed onto the bed with a smile on his face and habitually put his arms around Zhang Yaxuan's slender waist.

He rested his head on his wife's shoulders and sniffed the faint fragrance on her body.

"I received a message from the chief just now. He said that the North Country asked me for help. Do you think I will save it or not?"

Tang Ke decided to ask his wife's ideas.

He has been thinking about this issue just now, but unfortunately he has been unable to make a decision.

Faced with something he couldn't decide, he would go to ask Zhang Yaxuan.

For Tang Ke, his wife's side assist ability is extremely strong.

Sometimes a casual sentence can wake him up unintentionally.

When he was struggling with one thing, Zhang Yaxuan always came up with different ideas.

"Northland asks you for help?"

Zhang Yaxuan did not put down the magazine, but flipped through it.

Tang Ke said: "emmmmm, it's not the Northland, it's the abandoned refugees in the Northland. If I don't save them, they may freeze to death soon."

"Then save them." Zhang Yaxuan said casually.

"There must be some bad people among them. I really can't raise the idea of ​​salvation, but there are also some good people. I don't want them to lose their lives like this. Am I too virgin?"

"How could it be? Save or not, you are not at fault. The fault is those trolls who just opened their mouths."

"Uh..." Tang Ke scratched his head. "Then what do you think I should do?"

Zhang Yaxuan smiled lightly: "I don't know~"


Her voice suddenly paused, "You can toss a coin to decide, the head is to save, the tail is not to save, how?"

Saying that, she picked up a commemorative coin from the table.

These are some souvenirs that Jin Yumeng and the others brought back from their travels, especially for Zhang Yaxuan and Tang Ke.

Tang Ke was stunned, wondering if this would be too hasty.

But on second thought, it seems that this is indeed a good way.

It's a bit of a joke, but is there a better way?

Whether the lives of these people are worth saving is up to God to decide!

There is an ancient fortune-telling saying that picking flowers and folding leaves can calculate the fortune of the world.

The abandonment of a coin will have the influence of fortune in the sky, telling Tang Ke whether these people are worth saving.

Tang Ke grinned, took the coin and glanced at it.

The coin is bronze-colored, with the head of a woman on the front and the words of an unknown country on the back, which looks very ancient.

Tang Ke put it on his thumb and flicked it lightly.


The coin was tossed, and then with a snap, it was caught by Tang Ke's palm.

Open it up and see that the coin pattern on the left hand is the head of the woman on the front...


"Okay, it seems that these people should not die."

Tang Ke laughed and informed the Glory butler to go to the Northland again to take those refugees from the Northland to the Divine Land.

The origin of these people is unknown, Tang Ke does not intend to let them come to the Dragon Kingdom.

It just so happens that there is a shortage of labor on the land of God, so let these northerners go over to help.

If they are serious and motivated, it is not a bad idea to let them join the Divine Land.

Before going to bed, Tang Ke replied to this topic:

"Refugees of the Northland, I can save you, but I don't trust you.

I have already sent a butler to pick you up, and it will be there in about three hours.

If you need help, leave the coordinates and address, and he will take you all to the Divine Land.

There is also an energy tower there, which can keep you safe through the extreme cold.

But this does not mean that you have become a member of the Divine Land, you must obey the command and work hard.

If you perform well, you can become a member of the Divine Land.

As for the poor performers, I don't know what you're going to face.

So don't come if you mind, leave the coordinates if you don't mind.

As for other countries, I'm sorry, there are not so many places in the Divine Land to accommodate more people.

Also, those neon people I sent to the Northland are not eligible to get on the plane again. "

After Tang Ke responded, close the information panel directly.

After looking at the time, it was already 12:30. It was time to 'fight the landlord'!


After getting Tang Ke's response on the Internet, the whole world is boiling.

In particular, the refugees in the northern country were all in ecstasy.

"Great, thank you so much, Mr. Tang Ke, once I even questioned whether you really exist. I apologize for my stupidity!"

"Mr. Tang Ke will be our true god from now on. Your great kindness, I, Anderson, will never be forgotten!"

"Thank you Mr. Tang Ke for saving your life! We will definitely work hard and strive to become members of the Divine Land!"

The refugees in the Northland made a gesture of prayer and blessing, even if Tang Ke could not see it, but it was their blessing.

Some people are happy and some are sad, and the people of the former Godland regretted it to the extreme.

Refugees from other countries have also voiced their voices, hoping that Tang Ke can take them in.

It's a pity that no matter what messages they sent later, they didn't get any response from Tang Ke.

After all, who would go to look at their phone when they were 'fighting landlords'?

"Hey, why did Big Brother Tang Ke save them? The North Country just attacked Big Brother Tang Ke not long ago."

"Old Tang's nobility and generosity are beyond my reach, I admire him!"

"Maybe this is the gap between me and the boss. Just this amount of belly is not something I can achieve."

"Mr. Tang Ke has strength and confidence, so what if you take in them from the North? Anyway, you can't raise any dust!"

"It's awesome, it turns out that Tang Ke is so domineering, we underestimate it."

The voices of Long Guo arguing with each other all stopped at the moment when Tang Ke spoke.

Everyone admired Tang Ke's arrogance and admired his broad-mindedness.

It's absolutely impossible to do this with anyone else.

After all, it is normal for Tang Ke not to save these refugees.

Encountered so many provocations and attacks by the enemy country, but still choose to save the other side.

To put it bluntly, Tang Ke did not take the North Country in his eyes.

Is this the difference in realm?

Love love love!

If Tang Ke, who was 'Fighting the Landlord', knew what everyone was thinking.

He will definitely come out and say: No, you think too much, I just flipped a coin, and I'm not as noble as you think.

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