"Old Tang, don't~"

"Ah, in this case, Sister Yaxuan wouldn't agree?"

"This is too disrespectful to robots!"

"Good guy, Shi Qing anchor, report it."

"Is it true, just because the other party is a robot, so unscrupulous, it's outrageous."

Tang Ke's words made everyone in the live broadcast room misunderstood.

It's not that they are too dirty, it's that Tang Ke is too good at driving.

Every time Zhang Yaxuan's live broadcast room, either eating dog food or learning Tang Ke's driving skills.

The water friends subconsciously thought of some strange pictures.

As the army of machines approached, Tang Ke remained indifferent, looking at the sea calmly.

When Zhang Yaxuan heard Tang Ke's words, she also subconsciously misunderstood.

But on second thought, how could Tang Ke joke in this situation.

When he said a shot, he mostly meant a wave of attacks on the enemy.

Zhang Yaxuan nodded and said, "Whatever you want, it's you who came anyway."

Her ambiguous answer made the old dirty turtles in the live broadcast room couldn't help laughing.

"Good guy, so casual?"

"It won't come true, is it so bold?"

"Where is the super tube? Where is the super tube? Come and seal this live broadcast room!"

When the water friends were excited, the space-based satellites in space began to change shape.

The signal wings folded back, and a massive gun barrel extended out.

First gear, electromagnetic space-based gun!

The power of thunder flickered continuously at the muzzle position, and the blue-white electromagnetic wave blew a sharp air-breaking sound, causing a devastating blow to the sea!


The suppressed electromagnetic energy pierced through the sky, forming a dazzling rainbow in the air, directly hitting the army of machines on the sea area of ​​​​Magic Capital.

Apocalypse and the commander of the Northern Army did not show any surprises in the face of this devastating blow, and seemed to be prepared.


Thousands of lasers rose from the submarine and collided in the air to form a green barrier.

Like a honeycomb, it is composed of countless hexagons.

boom -

The electromagnetic energy shot by a space-based cannon was like a huge lightning bolt, bombarding the barrier frontally, and a crackling thunder sound erupted.

The entire sea was turbulent at this moment, extending in a circle in all directions.


The fluctuation of the wave is all the time, reflecting the energy shock above.

This green energy shield actually carried the bombardment of the space-based artillery!

The military commander of the North Country sneered, this is their targeted defense method, how could it be easily destroyed by space-based artillery?

"I didn't expect it, Tang Ke, we were able to develop a defense against space-based artillery. Since the White Palace was bombed, we have been researching day and night just to..."


Suddenly, there was a faint sound from the energy shield above in vain.

Apocalypse Machine's pupils shrank slightly, and before the commander of the North Country's military could finish speaking, he directly punched him away.

With a thud, it fell into the sea.

The robots on the aircraft carrier all used the same action to beat the soldiers wearing mechanical exoskeletons into the sea.

Immediately afterwards, they all jumped into the sea themselves.

The green energy shield shattered at this moment, and the electromagnetic energy seemed to be pouring down.

The moment the blue and white electromagnetism touched the sea surface, it turned into a silent black and white color.

The roar resounded through the sky, and the white clouds in the sky were instantly dissipated at this moment, revealing the blue sky.

More than ten meters of waves rose from the shore, drowning the area of ​​more than ten meters with a crashing sound.

The electromagnetic tower on the shore was beaten by the waves, but it didn't move at all and was not affected in any way.


Tang Ke stood on the edge of the fence of Sky City, blowing the sea breeze, calmly opened a can of fat house happy water.

"How can my space-based gun be so easy to block, but this energy shield is a bit interesting, but unfortunately it is not mature."

He chuckled lightly and talked indifferently about the advantages and disadvantages of Northland's technology.

Seeing that the sea surface with fire and lightning was filled with black and white, the electromagnetic made a chi chi sound, which lasted for a long time.

The little friends in the live broadcast room were sluggish, and this was the first time they saw the blow of the space-based cannon.

Although it is a space-based gun, it still creates a very shocking visual effect.

After a brief silence in the live broadcast room, an uproar broke out.

Even the shelter was slightly shaken by the uproar.

"Fuck?! Is this a space-based cannon?"

"6666666, Zhen Nima blew up the mechanical army with one cannonball, is it going to be so outrageous?"

"Cow! Cow!"

"Handsome blows my heavens, and the chatter and laughter are in ashes. It's too handsome to pretend to be."

"I almost burst out laughing. Just now I saw Tian Qi and the commander of the North Kingdom sitting pretty sassy. I didn't even look at the picture above. I thought they were handsome, but the next second, I jumped into the sea with fright."

"Hahahahaha! I saw it too, they are pretending to take their lives!"

"Are they still alive?" a water friend asked.

In the face of the bombardment of the space-based artillery, it should be cool, right?

"It seems... still alive!"

The picture in the live broadcast room is getting closer, and the satellite detects the situation of the mechanical army.

It can be vaguely seen that there is still a layer of green energy in the sea.

It was this layer of energy that saved the army of machines that jumped into the sea, but only a small part was protected.

The vast majority of the northern army was killed on the spot by this cannon.

Blood filled the sea, and the mechanical wreckage slowly floated on the sea.

Their aircraft carrier was equipped with multiple laser cannons, but the cannons were not fired before they were smashed.

The green light under the seabed is the last energy shield of the submarine.

Originally, it was to prevent being hit by the artillery fire on the sea, and I did the back-hand preparation.

Unexpectedly, it was used to protect the mechanical army.

Most of the aircraft carriers at sea were destroyed by space-based guns, and the remaining aircraft carriers were also affected.

The pulse of electromagnetic energy completely rendered the aircraft carrier useless, stopping in the sea and letting the waves beat.

The blood-doped wreckage slowly ascended with the submarine.

A large number of robots were standing on it in an orderly manner, and there were some surviving soldiers with cold eyes.

Apocalypse's face is still cold, and the face of the commander of the North Country is very ugly, full of anger.

“Tang Ke!!”

The commander-in-chief of the Northern Kingdom gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

The blow just now dealt a great blow to them.

Since the extremely cold period, they have been studying the means of defending space-based artillery.

After many trials and tribulations, the energy shield was finally developed.

But the result was quite slap in the face, their energy shield could not stop the bombardment of the space-based cannon.

If it weren't for the backhand left behind by coincidence, they would have been wiped out at this moment!

Is the technological gap between the two sides really that big?

Even the mechanical army, in front of Tang Ke, is like a swarm of ants.

Can it be easily destroyed by just using a slightly larger weapon?

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