My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 268 Want to revive the country's prestige\r

At the moment when the mechanical army stopped working, countries around the world launched a strong counterattack.

Without the help of the mechanical army, the soldiers of the North Country alone would not be enough to attack all countries in the world.

On this day, the Northland military was sanctioned by the United Nations.

They lost their president and military power, and they became a land of no-mansions to be slaughtered.

However, no country has coveted this land.

Because they all know that the victory of this war is attributed to Tang Ke!

Without Tang Ke's help, World War 3 would definitely end with the North's domination of the globe.

Therefore, this land in the North Country was ignored by all countries, and it was up to Tang Ke to decide how to deal with it.

The Third World War came abruptly and ended even more unexpectedly.

The first two world wars were fought for an unknown number of years.

The result was a war that had been brewing for decades.

It took less than a day and it was completely over!

"This is the fastest world-class battle in history, right?"

"No way, Tang Ke's technology is too strong, when the space-based cannon is launched, anyone will be pressed to the ground and rubbed."

"Especially the second shot of the space-based gun, I really feel that it is an energy shock that destroys the world, it's too shocking!"

"The two shots before and after are not at the same level at all. If Big Brother Tang Ke used the second shot at the beginning, the Northern Army would have no resistance at all."

"Harm! Who would have thought that the North Country would actually have an energy shield? If there is no such energy shield, I think the first shot can easily solve the opponent."

"That's right..."

World War III is hotly debated all over the world, coming and going in a hurry.

Tang Ke was thinking about what Apocalypse's last words meant.

Could it be that he left behind someone who has not even found the origin?

This thought flashed by, and Tang Ke shook his head in denial.

The area where the origin is mainly explored is the North Country.

She even sent robots to search, and she was sure that every carrier had been removed.

Therefore, the destruction of mankind that Apocalypse said at the end should not be the destruction of mankind by him.

Instead, use other things to destroy human beings.

"Yaxuan, you said the last sentence of this Apocalypse, are you framing me, or is there really some unknown means to stay?"

Tang Ke sat on a lounger in the courtyard, staring at the blue sky.

Zhang Yaxuan sat on the reclining chair beside her, playing with the cup of lemon tea in her hand.

"Apocalypse is an inferior artificial intelligence. He is not a simulated robot, so I don't think he has the ability to fool."

After she took a sip of lemon tea, she said leisurely, "I think Apocalypse may have left behind something in the North Country."

"Isn't that land in the Northland now unowned? I suggest you don't take it over. The best way is to divide it up, or let them choose the president again."

"I always feel that the land doesn't look very good..." Zhang Yaxuan frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" Tang Ke showed curiosity.

"The feng shui there is not good, there is evil spirit~"

Zhang Yaxuan suddenly raised her hands, showing a fierce cannibalistic expression.

The cute appearance made Tang Ke laugh: "When did you know Feng Shui?"

"Hmph, my ancestors were masters of Feng Shui, and a little girl is not talented, so I know a little about this~" Zhang Yaxuan said a little proudly.

"Okay, okay~ I listened to Master Yaxuan, I don't care about the fierce place in the Northland." Tang Ke smiled and scratched his wife's nose.


Northland, underground city.

After the space-based cannon destroyed the mechanical army, all the researchers in the laboratory fell into deep self-doubt.

They feel like what they're researching is like shit.

What kind of energy shield, compared with Tang Ke's force field shield, it feels like a plagiarism.

And it's still the kind of four that don't look like one.

Even Tianqi's mechanical army is a joke.

As soon as their aircraft carrier came out, the laser cannon had not been fired before it was directly destroyed by the space-based cannon.

Appears and exits like a clown.

"It's over, the Northland is completely over, we don't have a president, and we don't have an army..." A researcher slumped on a chair and said with his eyes closed.

"Maybe we will follow Tang Ke in the future..."

As soon as this statement came out, it was immediately met with various voices, some ridiculed, some abused, some ridiculed.

"Do you think Tang Ke will need us? His skills alone will take over all of us!"

"Even if our northern country becomes his territory, I will not die for him."

"I oppose the Northland becoming Tang Ke's territory!"

The thought that they will become Tang Ke's subordinates makes me feel particularly aggrieved.

"Naive! If Tang Ke wanted to take over our territory, he would have contacted us long ago."

Suddenly, someone woke up.

It was only then that everyone realized that if Tang Ke really planned to take over their northern country, there should be an origin to contact them now.

But it's been a day now, and there's no sound.

There is no doubt that Tang Ke did not intend to ignore them.

"Hmph, are you looking down on us? We don't want to be his subjects yet!" The researcher snorted in disapproval.

"That's right, since Tang Ke looks down on us, let's re-elect the president and rebuild the army!"

"We can use Tang Ke's deterrent power, and trust me, no country will attack us in the near future."

Because other countries are waiting to see if Tang Ke wants to take over the Northland territory.

Before there is a clear answer, no country dares to invade the northern country easily, for fear of conflict with Tang Ke.

Therefore, the North Country can use this period of safety to re-strengthen itself and regain its strength!

"It makes sense! Since that's the case, let us revive the North Country!" Someone said excitedly.

The people around nodded, renewing the light of hope.

"Well, it's such a happy decision."

The researcher wearing glasses nodded, "By the way, there seems to be genetic medicine in the laboratory..."

Apocalypse left a lot of genetic medicines before, but they have not been used up.

"Oh, it's all destroyed!" another researcher sighed.

These genetic medicines will only bring pain to people, and even if the animal genes are successfully obtained, they will mutate accordingly.

If it weren't for the war, no one would want to be like that.

The people around agreed: "Destroy it, these genetic modifications are against genes, and they are not very useful."

"Okay, I'll deal with it, and you can discuss the next arrangement."

The bespectacled researcher walks alone to the genetic laboratory.

The door opened automatically, the brightness inside was very low, and there were many bottles and jars on the table.

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