My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 271 Silent, 20,000 meters under the sea\r

Tang Ke hugged his wife's shoulders and handed a lollipop.

His purpose was to divert Zhang Yaxuan's attention.

This is just the beginning. If you start to be afraid, how can you sneak in later?

In order to relieve his wife's inner tension, Tang Ke snorted and kissed his wife's shattering cheek.

Sure enough, this trick is very effective.

Zhang Yaxuan grabbed Tang Ke's hand, obviously not as tight as before.

She blushed slightly and said, "What are you doing, I'm scared, why are you so unreasonable?"

"Hey, I'm just diverting your attention, I'm not serious."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Yaxuan said with a stunned expression, "When are you serious?"

"Ah this..."

Tang Ke's face was embarrassed. It turned out that he was an unruly man in his wife's heart.

"Yeah! It's dark all around, can we just leave a projection screen?"

Seeing that the scene was plunged into darkness, Zhang Yaxuan couldn't help but say.

Tang Ke Void tapped a few times, and the surrounding scene changed back to walls and floors.

Only a projection screen was left in front of it, revealing that it was pitch black outside.

At the same time, the submarine also entered the stealth mode, quietly disappearing in the deep sea where you can't see your fingers!

The invisible paint Tang Ke got from Dong Kaile successfully cracked and upgraded it once.

Thanks to the black technology system, it saved him a lot of steps.

As long as he is researching a technology that is not available on earth, when it reaches fifty percent.

The remaining fifty percent of the research results will automatically flow into Tang Ke's mind.

The upgraded invisible paint has reached the true invisibility.

Not only cameras and detectors cannot perceive it, but even the naked eye cannot capture it.

This paint does not absorb light, but it also does not refract light.

There was silence in the deep sea, from 1,000 meters to 5,000 meters under the sea.

All kinds of odd-shaped fish swim by the submarine, and some accidentally bump into the submarine.

The ferocious face was like a ghost, making Zhang Yaxuan pale with fright.

It's not that she is too timid, but the grimace that suddenly bumped into it is really scary.

It's like when you go to bed at night and hear a 'bang, bang, bang' outside the window.

The moment you opened the curtains, a strange and pale face stuck to the window, grinning at you with wide eyes!

The picture Zhang Yaxuan saw at the moment was similar to this.

"Okay, okay, let's not watch it, let me turn off the outside screen."

Tang Ke was helpless. When he was about to close the projection, Zhang Yaxuan held his hand again.

"'s okay, I still want to watch it." Zhang Yaxuan lay in Tang Ke's arms and whispered.

The scene outside is scary, but I can't hold back my curiosity.

After all, the fish that appeared each time were different, and she also wanted to know how many strange fish were there in the deep sea.

It's like when you wake up in the middle of the night, knowing that you live on the tenth or 20th floor, and the noise outside the window is also very strange.

But I couldn't hold back my curiosity, I just wanted to open the curtains to see what it was.

People get scared, largely because of curiosity.

As if nothing happened, it was just fine.


Tang Ke smiled and didn't force it.

After all, in this deep sea, there are more strange and unknown fishes, which must be adapted.

As the depth reached eight kilometers under the sea, it was pitch black outside, and even some glowing fish disappeared completely.

The silent scene gave people a feeling of depression. The deep sea put a lot of pressure on the submarine, but it did not have any effect on it.

The submarine's signal is distributed around, and it continues to move forward and dive.

When they reached 15,000 kilometers, the connection signal dropped as expected.

"From here, the signal can't be connected." Tang Ke sighed.

He tapped the keyboard with both hands, observing the data that the submarine detected around him.

It can be clearly seen that one of the values ​​in the data is an abnormal state.

This is a signal wave, a higher-level energy wave than electromagnetic waves.

It also seems to be used to transmit signals, but it is not fully applied to the signal.

It's like something that has been discovered but not used, and is scattered at a depth of 15,000 kilometers under the sea!

"Could it be that some alien flying saucer smashed into the sea, and then emitted such fluctuations, affecting our signal?"

Zhang Yaxuan put forward her own ideas, and Tang Ke thought she had some truth in what she said.

This is indeed one of the possibilities.

"It may also be something left by the remains of an ancient civilization, or it may be that this energy wave has always existed here, but it has not been discovered."

Tang Ke pinched his chin and thought hard, the deepest human exploration of the seabed is only a little more than 10,000 meters.

15,000 kilometers has never been reached by anyone!

So what will be here, no one knows.

The speed of the submarine's descent began to slow down, not because the submarine reached its limit, but Tang Ke deliberately did so.

After all, the surroundings are too dark, and the only way to move forward is to rely on the detection function. The most prudent method is to take it step by step.

There is a strange creature in the sea, Tang Ke didn't want to startle the snake.

The best way is to go slowly and explore gradually.

The path that the submarine traveled, will be recorded by the origin.

Just like the black image of the game world, it is presented on the holographic projection panel.

Silence and darkness pervaded the deep sea, full of dead silence.

If Tang Ke was here alone, he would definitely be a little depressed by the deadly atmosphere.

He was glad that he brought his wife instead of the honorable housekeeper.

No matter how well Glory can speak, there is no wife to hold incense~


Suddenly, there was a sound in the dark deep sea.

There were even bubbles emerging, and the origin immediately stopped the submarine and probed the surroundings.

"There is a situation!" Tang Ke raised his brows and said in a low voice.

Although the sound insulation of the submarine is very good, the quiet scene around it still makes people whisper subconsciously.

"Bubble?! It's from breathing!" Zhang Yaxuan also lowered her voice.

There are many unknown hard walls nearby, covered with green vegetation.

The sea area ahead shows a downward trend. With the night vision function, you can only see an endless abyss below!

Those bubbles just now rose from the darkness ahead.

Tang Ke has been in the deep sea for nearly 20,000 kilometers, and as a result, there is an abyss-like darkness ahead.

There's no end in sight, no way to predict what's coming down below.

Origin did not advance without authorization, and she could not detect the existence of creatures ahead.

But the bubbles that rose from time to time made people feel creepy.

For fear that as soon as the submarine sticks its head out, it will be swallowed directly by a huge mouth of the abyss!

The giant octopuses above are enough to entangle the entire submarine, not to mention these marine creatures in deeper depths.

"What should we do? Should we move on?" Zhang Yaxuan hugged Tang Ke's arm slightly nervously.

Facing such a dark abyss, the warm interior is a little cold.

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