My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 282 The beginning of a new era\r

This was the first time Tang Ke felt the joy of seeing his wife after her husband returned home.

In the past, he stayed at home, so he could not experience this feeling.

"Come into the house to eat, research is research, don't get tired of your body."

Zhang Yaxuan gently pulled Tang Ke into the room, and there was a sumptuous dinner on the table.

A plate of fresh shrimp with chives, a plate of fried chicken in white wine, a plate of green vegetables, and a large pot of bone soup.

In addition, two cups of Tang Ke's favorite fat house happy water were poured on the table.

"Don't worry, I don't study technology at home, I only work in the research institute."

Tang Ke excitedly sat on the dining table and chairs, picked up the iced Fat House Happy Water and took a sip first.

But Zhang Yaxuan obviously didn't believe that Tang Ke would be so good.

"I hope you can do what you say this time. If you are also studying technology at home, you are not allowed to go to bed more than twelve o'clock at night."

She knew Tang Ke well, and the two stayed in the deep sea for a month.

How can you resist researching technology?

Zhang Yaxuan is not an unreasonable woman, she will not force Tang Ke not to study things.

But you have to have a degree in everything you do. It's not good if your body is exhausted.

"Okay, okay, I know, let's have a chicken leg."

Tang Ke chuckled and put a piece of chicken leg into Zhang Yaxuan's bowl.

Zhang Yaxuan looked at her husband helplessly, wondering if he had listened to what she just said.

Forget it, it doesn't matter if you listen or not, the big deal is to call him every night at twelve o'clock.

The two smiled at each other and enjoyed this warm and sweet dinner.


During the next period of time, Tang Ke will fly to the research institute to conquer the virus after eating lunch.

Fly home for dinner at night, day after day.

During his meticulous research on technology, the zombie virus abroad was completely out of control.

Many countries have completely fallen and become zombie countries.

More and more people sacrificed, and some people even smuggled to the Dragon Country side, hoping to get asylum.

However, the border of the Dragon Kingdom is too strictly guarded, and they can't sneak in at all.

So these stowaways turned their attention to the Divine Land.

There was no army there, and Tang Ke was standing behind him.

These people thought about going to the Divine Land to seek shelter.

But what I never expected was that Tang Ke had already anticipated all this.

When these people smuggled into Divine Land, they were immediately warned by Dabai Robot.

Anyone who did not leave was electrocuted to ashes by the electromagnetic tower on the spot.

Only then did the stowaways realize that the Divine Land was more heavily defended than the Dragon Kingdom, and they would kill people if they disagreed.

For a time, all the stowaways were far away from the Divine Land.

After all, the cost of smuggling once is very high.

It doesn't matter if you failed to land successfully in the past, at most return the same way.

But the little life is gone, but it is really over.

"Damn it, Tang Ke's sacred land is a pure land, but he won't let us go up at all."

"It's obvious that there are survivors of the Neon Kingdom, and there are survivors of the North Country, why can't we accept the survivors of our other countries?"

"There are no living people in our country, I just want a safe place."

"Tang Ke is killing people. He doesn't even want to provide us with a safe area. This man is a ruthless devil."

"The same is true of the Dragon Kingdom. It is too much to be unwilling to give us a habitat for such a large land!"

The stowaways cried out in grief and anger, saying that Tang Ke treated countries unfairly.

Even the Dragon Kingdom was sprayed.

Their anger overwhelmed their reverence for Tang Ke at a time when their lives were at stake.

When the people of Shentu and Longguo saw these news, they couldn't help but retort on the spot.

"Your country has been eroded by the apocalypse virus. Even you are pathogens. How could you come here? I think Tang Ke has done a good job."

"Bah, you still want to harm the land of the gods, do you want to bring people from all over the world to be buried with you?"

"A stomach full of bad water, how dare we come to spray our old Tang, and don't even look at how much you have, what obligation do we have to help you?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, these people are really ugly. It's not normal to not let you enter the land of God? Which country dares to take you in?"

"Don't scold. It is estimated that people have become zombies on the road. I just checked. These people are from the Empire where the sun never sets. Ninety-eight percent of the people there have viruses in their bodies."

"Good guy, is there any disinfection in the Divine Land? If there is a trace of virus left, the entire Divine Land will be finished!"

"Thank you Brother Longguo for your concern. Leader Tang Ke is very cautious, and the Dabais carried out various disinfection treatments at the first time."

The only way to eliminate the apocalypse virus at the moment is when they are still floating in the air.

Once it invades the human body, any means of disinfection will no longer work.

Tang Ke, wearing a black armor, was sitting in the laboratory, manipulating precision instruments, and strangling the Apocalypse virus.

On the other side of the lab, countless researchers looked at Tang Ke in the lab.

After such a long period of research, they tried all means and failed to overcome the apocalypse virus.

Tang Ke became their last hope.

If he can't conquer it, then he can only use the most violent means to directly eliminate all infected people...

Three months have passed since Tang Ke returned to the ground from the deep sea.

The apocalypse virus spread around the world and became an unprecedented disaster.

After natural disasters, there are only five billion people left in the world.

Now the virus is raging, it has dropped to 2 billion!

Among them, 1.4 billion came from the Dragon Kingdom, and the remaining 600 million were foreign survivors.

In other words, most of the world's population comes from the Dragon Kingdom!

And this number is plummeting at an alarming rate every day, with millions of infected people being born every day.

With the increase in the number of zombies, the living space of human beings is also less and less.

The growth rate of zombies will only get faster and faster.

One hundred countries have been completely destroyed and become zombie paradise.

Even the people in the Dragon Kingdom couldn't help feeling terrified when they saw such information.

This is the beginning of a new era!

Nature's cleansing of human beings has successfully brought the earth back to life.

It seems that on a planet without humans, animals would be better off.

And this apocalypse virus may completely wipe out mankind.

At the moment when mankind perishes, a new era will begin!

Tang Ke sighed and let go of the hand that controlled the instrument.

The researcher next door suddenly felt tight: Did Big Brother Tang Ke also lose?

Damn, I didn't expect this mutated virus to be so powerful!

"Is it only possible to use weapons to forcibly kill zombies around the world?" The Long Kingdom researcher frowned.

"That price is very high, and whether it can be killed is also a problem. Even on the way to kill, there will be new infected people."

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