The speech of the head of the Dragon Kingdom opened a new era for the earth.

At the same time, the state awarded Tang Ke the title of "Guardian of the Dragon Kingdom", and his status is equal to that of the head of the Dragon Kingdom.

Divine Land has become Tang Ke's private domain.

Humans living in the land of the gods need to apply for the ID card of the Dragon Kingdom for better management.

In this regard, Tang Ke has no opinion.

It is actually a good thing that the state is willing to help Tang Ke manage the people of Shentu.

He even took the initiative to ask Longguo to send people to the land of the gods, treating the land as a provincial capital to govern.

At the height of Tang Ke's present, let alone divine soil.

Not even the entire Earth felt anything to him.

Now Tang Ke's mind is full of the vast universe, and he is constantly working hard to connect the universe network.

Every once in a while, a capsule is launched into space from Tang Ke's house.

A huge space capsule is gradually spliced ​​together.

It carries a large number of daily necessities, construction materials, robots, etc.


On the city of the sky.

Another space capsule is suspended in mid-air, and there are steps and handrails at the door position extending to the ground.

Several people gathered around here, with different expressions on their faces.

"Son, what are you going to do in space when you have nothing to do? Can't you study technology on Earth?"

Mother Feng Qin frowned slightly, and it was difficult to understand her son's behavior.

Tang Ke took Zhang Yaxuan's hand and said with a smile, "I want to build a space station. It's impossible to feel the effect most intuitively by building this thing remotely. I have to go up there myself."

"You kid..."

Father Tang Ding shook his head helplessly, he also couldn't understand Tang Ke's behavior.

But whoever made the child's wings hard, they no longer have the ability to restrain him.

Not long ago, Tang Ke was awarded the title of the patron saint of the Dragon Kingdom.

Directly on an equal footing with the head of the Dragon Kingdom who rules the world!

Tang Ke's parents know that their son is very powerful, but they are still shocked by it.

It turned out that my son had come this far without knowing it.

"Hahaha! After you two go to space, you should live a good life. Ke Zi, please don't neglect my family Yaxuan."

Zhang Hongguang and Xiangrou are also here.

Compared with Tang Ke's parents, Zhang Hongguang is very open.

He has always known the excellence of his son-in-law, and is used to it.

The daughter and son-in-law are just changing places to continue their lives, and it is not that they will not come back.

As long as her daughter Zhang Yaxuan doesn't suffer, it's the same wherever she stays.

Tang Ke responded: "Ya Xuan and I have never been wronged for so many years. You can rest assured, Father-in-law."

"I know you love Ya Xuan the most, you two must remember to eat on time!" Xiangrou said with a light smile.

"Got it!" Zhang Yaxuan responded with a smile.

Under the watchful eyes of the two parents, Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan walked up the space capsule from the extended stairs.

Butler of Glory followed with a large bag and a small bag.

When going to space this time, Glory will also follow. There are many places that need the help of Glory's butler.

In space, the advantages of robots are great.

They don't need oxygen and have agility in space.

If there is any unexpected situation, with the Glory Steward, all problems can be solved easily.

Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan sat on the seats and secured their bodies with seat belts.

"Origin, let's take off!"

With Tang Ke's order, the space capsule slammed into the air.

Under the full push of Ke energy, the space capsule rushed into the sky in an instant.

A wave of energy was set off and disappeared from the sight of the two parents.

The two Tang Ke in the space capsule didn't feel anything at first.

There was a slight vibration inside the capsule and a buzzing sound.

When they were about to leave the atmosphere, they suddenly felt a sense of gravitational imbalance.

Seat belts on the seats secure their bodies from floating.

Origin immediately adjusted the gravity device, pulling the gravity inside the capsule back to the same as that of Earth.

Click, boom!

The capsule suddenly paused, and the sound of large equipment being connected came from the interface.

It can be seen from the camera footage that the capsule has been connected to the space-based capsule.


Zhang Yaxuan was stunned, the liftoff speed was a bit fast!

With the help of the gravity system, Zhang Yaxuan felt that she was still in the middle of the earth.

After all, the speed of lift-off from the sky is very fast, and there is no weightlessness.

It's hard to believe that they are already in space.

"That's right, let's go in." Tang Ke grinned, his seat belt automatically unfastened.

He took his wife's little hand and walked to the interface of the capsule.

The cabin door slowly opened, and the imagined white space capsule scene did not appear.

What catches the eye is a large mansion with luxurious decoration.

Under the projection of diffused molecular lights and ambient lights, the overall space is bright and three-dimensional.

The style of the wall and floor is minimalist, and under the illumination of bright yellow light, it gives people a sense of elegance and warmth.

Through the three-segment large window, what you see is no longer the courtyard with the fragrance of birds and flowers.

It is an azure planet and a dark and silent starry universe.

"My God, are we really in space?"

Zhang Yaxuan's beautiful eyes lit up, and she was deeply attracted by the decoration here.

"Yes, we have reached the universe." Tang Ke nodded.

"Considering that neither of us are professional astronauts, and living without gravity, would be a lot of inconvenience.

So I added a gravity system to make the capsule have the same gravity as Earth,"

The absence of gravity, as fun as it may seem, can be overwhelming.

Eating, drinking, Lazard, etc., is completely different from life on earth.

"Before coming, I specially asked the big white robots to decorate the space capsule. I don't want to live in a depressing space."

With such ability, it is natural to create a better living environment.

No one stipulates that the capsule must have the appearance of a capsule.

The capsule can also be a luxury villa!

"The network signal here is full, and all the hatches that can be opened are inside the capsule. The area here is similar to that of our Sky City. You can wander around and get familiar with it."

"If you encounter problems, you can also ask Dabai directly. There are many Dabai in the space capsule, and there is global monitoring of the origin."

This space capsule took Tang Ke a lot of time and burned one-tenth of his family property to build it successfully.

Everything you have at home is here.

Zhang Yaxuan was still in a state of excitement, full of curiosity about everything around her, and she was wandering alone in the space capsule.

In fact, Tang Ke was equally excited, but the construction of the space station gave him a sense of anticipation.

When the construction of the space station is completed, he can even walk outside at will and look at the stars in the universe.

Think of such a scene.

The excitement of just stepping into space was directly suppressed.

Tang Ke came to the laboratory in the capsule, where various materials were placed, and the surrounding space was huge.

But he is not satisfied. The next work is to turn the space-based space capsule into a space-based space station!

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