My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 300 The universe is short of gold\r

There are two modes of transaction in the cosmic network.

One is barter, and the other is the use of Cosmic Coins.

Tang Ke briefly read the rules of the exchange, and then walked in.

This is a splendid silver-white building, and the spiral building seems to swirl into the ground.

The total area is not large, but you will find something special when you walk in.

Because the area inside is completely different from what appears outside.

This kind of space compression is a common thing in the eyes of advanced civilizations.

Therefore, in a virtual network, it is not uncommon for such scenarios with different sizes inside and outside.

Walking into the reception hall, the interior is dominated by golden red tones, giving people a sense of majestic atmosphere.

Looking around, there is no race that is too large.

It is not that the large creatures are absent, but that the size of the body is adjusted by the virtual network.

A certain petite race passing by, in reality, may be bigger than the planet.

The reception hall was crowded, but not crowded at all.

After Tang Ke glanced at the creatures around him, he found a place to sit down at will, without attracting the attention of any creatures.

Perhaps it was the first time he came into contact with the creatures of the universe, and he always felt a little uncomfortable.

This kind of feeling is a bit like social terror, like attending a party, and always feel that people around him are staring at him.

Tang Ke swiped the floating screen with his finger and flipped through the information in the exchange.

It recorded almost everything in the universe, and a lot of unheard of materials and knowledge, which made Tang Ke's spirits up.

"Metals like crystals, as well as liquid metals, trans-horizon energy transmission? Advanced applications of quantum entanglement? What the hell, how come there is endless material science?"

How can the material be endless?

Is it the technological creation method of high-latitude civilization?

Unexpectedly, in this cosmic virtual network, it is still possible to purchase scientific and technological knowledge.

But looking at the price above, a series of numbers made him feel dazzled.

Either the price is high, or it needs to be exchanged for a material that Tang Ke has never heard of.

"Some civilized black technologies should not be placed casually."

After a rough scan, he felt that these technologies should all be understood by some civilizations.

Like a starship.

As long as the technology reaches a certain level, each civilization can have its own spaceship.

And some black technologies are not possessed by any civilization.

For example, the cobalt alloy created by Tang Ke himself, as well as the brain computer made by refining element particles from new elements.

Although compared with the cosmic technology, these things are very simple.

But it is indeed a unique black technology!

Tang Ke put away his shocked mentality and looked around again.

I found that one of the creatures cast his eyes and looked at him carefully.

The other party should be a human race, and his appearance is somewhat similar to a human being.

However, the skin on his body is green, and there are some dark red scales on his face.

Judging from her stature and appearance, she should be a female creature.

She stared at Tang Ke hard as if she was observing her prey.

There are countless creatures in the universe, but most of them are divided into men and women.

Only a few living beings are genderless or intersex.

The aggressive gaze made Tang Ke feel a little uncomfortable. He was in contact with alien civilization for the first time, and he was a little restrained.

But that doesn't mean he will be afraid of any civilization!

"Are you polite?" Tang Ke asked indifferently.

The female creature suddenly smiled and put on a pose she thought was beautiful: "Which planet is Mr. from, and what is the relationship with the immortal race?"

"This has nothing to do with you, and I have no obligation to tell you." Tang Ke replied coldly.

He has seen the rules of the exchange, and there are only two ways to obtain the planet coordinates of a creature.

One is that after successfully trading with this creature, it will automatically know the coordinates of the other party.

Tang Ke also doesn't know what the meaning of this is. It feels like it's used to pit low-level civilization.

But as long as you don't trade with anyone, only the cosmic network knows your planet's coordinates.

Perhaps this is the price a low-level civilization has to pay for purchasing the technology of a high-level civilization.

The other is to ask a higher-level civilization to help search the coordinates through a high-priced reward.

Like some fourth-level civilizations and fifth-level civilizations, as long as people who have logged in to the universe network, they have the ability to find out.

Tang Ke had no grievances with this creature, and decided that the other party would not spend a lot of money to offer him a reward for this.

The Asia-Pacific star woman said charmingly: "Mr. is really handsome and cold. I am from Asia-Pacific star. If you can make me pregnant, you can join our Asia-Pacific star. How about you? Come and try?"

ah this...

Hearing this, Tang Ke people were dumbfounded.

After a long time, it turned out that I came to find him about that or something...

good guy! It turns out that among the alien races, this mouth is also good!

Tang Ke looked embarrassed. He didn't expect the other party to be so open, saying these things in a big crowd.

Maybe it's the people of Asia Pacific Star, and it may be so open.

"Cough cough..."

Tang Ke coughed twice and said, "Don't worry about this lady, I don't have any interest."

No matter what level of civilization you are, Grandpa doesn't have such a hobby.

What's more, it's still an alien race, and there are differences in aesthetics!

The Asian-Pacific star woman who was rejected did not leave immediately, but said with a joking expression: "I see don't understand anything~"

Tang Ke: "..."

My God, this alien is so scary~

Tang Ke turned his head away and ignored this person.

He felt that if he ignored this man again, the consequences would be disastrous.

In the face of this kind of person who is greedy for his own body, the best way is to keep a distance and not respond.

The Asia-Pacific star woman was still beside Tang Ke, bewitched for a long time.

What to say, go to her room to have good things, say to make Tang Ke become brave and so on.

It's a pity that Tang Ke flipped through the information with a blank face, like a deaf man, unable to enter.

In the end, the Asian-Pacific star woman felt bored, so she turned and left.

Tang Ke breathed a sigh of relief, and wrote the word 'fear' in his heart.

When the other party was bewitched, Tang Ke was really not idle, he read all kinds of information seriously.

Materials, weapons, collectibles, entertainment development of the universe, the average level of civilization in the universe, etc.

Not to mention, Tang Ke suddenly found the business opportunity inside.

One is the entertainment industry of the universe!

I don't know if it's because of the parallel world, the entertainment industry in this universe is very dull.

Especially in film and television works, there has never been any work that can be appreciated by most creatures in the universe.

Tang Ke felt that he could come up with some magic modification works to make the creatures in this universe immersed in happiness.

Another business opportunity is gold!

He discovered that gold is a scarce item in the universe!

There are many such things in the earth.

Rare is expensive.

Tang Ke decided to buy gold aggressively, sell it on the universe network, and easily earn the first pot of gold.

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