My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 38 Inspiration, on-site modification

The background and outline of many science fiction stories flashed in my mind, and finally Tang Ke chose one of his favorite "Devouring the Universe".

The novel mainly tells that after the earth experienced a catastrophe, it caused the mutation of various species and the survival of the fittest.

The protagonist gets the inheritance of the owner of Meteor Black Star and becomes one of the three powerhouses on earth.

After the battle with the star-devouring beast, he lost his body and became the star-devouring beast.

The story of a human clone born in the inner world, and then out of the earth and into the universe.

However, getting out of the earth is just the beginning of the story.

The story behind it is linked one by one, and it can especially grab people's hearts.

Lead readers to a different science fiction world!

Tang Ke typed the outline of "Devouring the Universe" on the keyboard, and Zhang Yaxuan was fascinated by his focused appearance.

Focused men are most attractive.

This statement is definitely not bragging.

Even when men see other men who are focused, they will feel that they are very handsome.

Of course, it's the kind of appreciation, not fencing!

"Old Tang has opened a book?!"

"Congratulations, Lao Tang has finally opened a book."

"My dear, can only racing cars inspire Old Tang's desire to write?"

"Congratulations to Lao Tang for opening a new book and making a reservation!"

Fans who read the book were pleasantly surprised, and they all said congratulations.

They were joking about asking Lao Tang to open a new book.

Unexpectedly, a new book has actually been opened, which is simply the gospel for novel fans!

You must know that Tang Ke's update speed is not limited. The online literary world has the fastest update, and there is no one!

"Oh, I don't know how long this car will be blocked."

"No matter how smart the Kirin smart car is, it can't avoid traffic jams. It's a pity."

"Yeah, no matter how fast you can drive, it's not a traffic jam, hahaha!"

"Damn! Traffic jams are normal. As long as it's a car, it will be blocked. After all, cars can't fly." Seeing the content of the barrage, Zhang Yaxuan began to respond.

"Huh? Fly?!"

At this moment, Tang Ke, who was writing the book, was taken aback.

He doesn't seem to have thought about flying, but car flying doesn't seem to be difficult for him!

The key is... Electromagnetic thrusters!

You know, electromagnetic thrusters can be installed in fighter jets.

This fully shows how much energy the electromagnetic thrusters have, and propping up a car is not a problem at all!

A word woke the dreamer.

"As expected of my precious wife, she always gives me inspiration and help at critical moments!"

Tang Ke was so excited that he hugged his wife and kissed him, "Get out of the car, Dabai also gets down!"

He opened the car door, pressed a few times from the rear of the car, and immediately ejected two trunks.

The two carriages are located on either side of the electromagnetic thruster.

It is equivalent to an electromagnetic thruster, forcibly cutting the carriage.

Tang Ke took out various tools from inside, with a big smile on his face.

The surrounding car owners recognized Tang Ke's smart car, and they walked aside to smoke and chat, watching from a distance.

If it weren't for Tang Ke's bodyguards blocking them, they would have come to watch the smart cars long ago.

Tang Ke doesn't need bodyguards to go out, but Zhang Yaxuan does.

After all, she had experienced a kidnapping incident, and this aspect had to be taken seriously.

The stars' bodyguards are to prevent fans from going crazy, and Zhang Yaxuan's bodyguards are to prevent terrorist attacks!

"Yo, Tang Ke came out and brought out the tools. What is this for?"

A group of old men in traffic jams stood under the shady rock wall to blow air, all of them showing curiosity.

"It's a nice car, it's so beautiful."

"I thought that after the electromagnetic thruster was installed, there would be no trunk. Sure enough, I was still too young."

"Huh? Tang Ke's wife is there, and what's behind him..."

Da Bai and Zhang Yaxuan got out of the car, attracting the attention of many people.

Today, Zhang Yaxuan is wearing a long cyan dress made of crepe de chine fabric, which looks particularly fresh and beautiful under the sunlight.

The skirt swayed gently in the wind, and the beautiful face crushed the major stars.

Many people feel that it is a pity that Zhang Yaxuan does not become a star.

"Sister Yaxuan is so beautiful, damn it! I really envy Old Tang!"

"I'm afraid this is a blessing that has been cultivated in several lifetimes to marry Sister Yaxuan?"

"What is the Fatty Bai next to Sister Yaxuan, an inflatable doll?"

"That's Dabai! The robot that Tang Ke just made!" a fan who was watching the live broadcast shouted.

"Dabai? Robot!"

"Uh, why do I feel like this is an inflatable toy?" someone said stunned.

Da Bai stood on the spot and gradually swelled up, and soon returned to his tall and chubby figure.

It walked to Tang Ke's side with naive steps, blinked, and stood quietly.

"Yaxuan, you go to enjoy the shade under the rock wall, I need some time." Tang Ke said as he began to disassemble the electromagnetic thruster.

With a few bangs, the electromagnetic thruster was directly pulled out of the car by him.

"What are you doing?"

Zhang Yaxuan couldn't understand her husband's behavior.

She just mentioned it casually, why did her stinky treasure suddenly become so excited?

"You reminded me just now. I plan to try my idea. The success rate is very high. I can't walk in traffic jams anyway."

Looking at such a long team, it is absolutely impossible to move for a while.

Tang Ke intends to rebuild the car.

Let the artificial intelligence car become an artificial intelligence flying car!

Yes, literally, he was going to make the car fly!

"Okay, do whatever you want."

Zhang Yaxuan reluctantly walked to the shade next to her and waited.

The bodyguards in the three cars got out one after another, making an area for her to prevent others from approaching.

In the blocked road, Tang Ke was the only one who was constantly dismantling car parts, and there was an unknown white man standing beside him.

"What is Tang Ke doing?"

"Who knows, it feels like a big project."

"Is this an inventor who can get inspiration from a traffic jam and improvise?"

"Look at it, I'm idle anyway."

The friends and car owners in the live broadcast room are all watching Tang Ke who is busy.

He disassembled a complete electromagnetic thruster into pieces, and then used the parts in the car to combine and assemble.

The dense parts were scattered all over the place, and the scorching sun shone the earth hot and hot.

If you smash an egg on the ground, it is estimated that it will be half cooked in an instant.

Zhang Yaxuan frowned slightly, took out a parasol from her bag and walked to Tang Ke's side to shield him from the sun.

The mobile phone of the live broadcast was held in Zhang Yaxuan's hands, and the scene in front of her made many people feel what love is.

Some things don't need to be said out loud, but to be paid in action.

After half an hour, there is still no sign of traffic on the blocked road.

Tang Ke operated it for a while, and finally assembled the large electromagnetic thruster into eight small electromagnetic thrusters.

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