My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 418 The means of restarting the sixth-level civilization\r

In the solar system, no creature dared to leave, and the battleship was still suspended on Mars.

Even the Green Mantis and Demon Insects did not dare to leave privately.

The fifth-level civilization is here, and no one can leave until it is said that they can leave!

This is the hegemony of advanced civilization!

The third-level civilization and the fourth-level civilization are too weak in front of the fifth-level civilization.

No civilization is willing to offend advanced civilizations.

At the scene, only Tang Ke had a tough attitude and was not afraid of the immortals.

His words were particularly harsh in the ears of the immortals.

They will appear at this time, and they are indeed forced out.

If it doesn't come out again, the multi-dimensional space will be confused, resulting in unpredictable consequences.

In serious cases, it may lead to a sixth-level civilization!

The sixth-level civilization of Shenlong, who sees the beginning but not the end, controls the resources of the entire universe.

To them, the whole universe is their back garden.

And civilized creatures below level six are small animals in the back garden.

For them, the fifth-level civilization is barely a housekeeper or servant.

Once there is a problem in the back garden, the sixth-level civilization will go back to the back garden to check the situation. If it really doesn't work, it will rebuild the back garden...

The sixth-level civilization has the ability to restart a universe, also known as the universe civilization!

They are able to travel to and from other universes, maintainers of cosmic order and rules, and can adapt to the environment of the multiverse!

In a universe, at least one sixth-level civilization will be born.

But there will never be too many sixth-level civilizations.

Because in addition to technical difficulties.

The resources of a universe are simply not enough to give birth to so many sixth-level civilizations.

Li Yan's face was a little ugly, and the two students behind her said angrily, "Mr. Tang Ke, please pay attention to your words and deeds, we are immortals!"

"Our immortal clan just arrived just in time. We originally wanted to see the fate of our two clans and help you, but I didn't expect you to spit out blood. It's really ruthless!"

Tang Ke sneered, the immortals possessed teleportation technology, how could it have taken so long to arrive?

If they really wanted to help the Earth, the Ancient Insect Alliance would not even dare to let a fart, and would even take the initiative to apologize.

Zhang Yaxuan, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but respond: "Since you said you are here to help us, then help us destroy all the Zerg that have not left!"

He said he was here to help the earth, but what Li Yan said just now was to save the demon.

This inconsistency is really confusing.

"You..." The two students looked embarrassed.

They wanted to defend the teacher, but because they were too impatient, they accidentally said the wrong thing.

It doesn't matter if you don't help, but it makes Li Yan's situation even more embarrassing.

"The battle between the Ancient Insect Alliance and the Galactic Alliance, our Immortal Race didn't want to interfere."

Li Yan sighed, "But your battle has opened up three-dimensional channels, and the destruction of the energy between different dimensions will cause the universe to fall into chaos!"

"Once there is a big problem in the universe, it will attract a sixth-level civilization and directly restart the entire solar system!"

reboot? !

As soon as these words came out, all the creatures present were stunned.

This term sounds unfamiliar, but there is a horror in it.

Tang Ke frowned slightly, and the leader of the demon did not leave. Everyone kept quiet and continued to listen.

"You definitely don't know what the chaos of the universe means, let alone what the restart of the sixth-level civilization is, but it's actually quite understandable, and the answer is exactly as you guessed."

"Cosmic chaos is multi-dimensional space disorder. In a three-dimensional world, some areas will become two-dimensional, and some areas will become four-dimensional, and it changes randomly! It is possible that you sleep halfway through, and your lower body becomes Paper!"

Li Yan said here, subconsciously glanced under Tang Ke, as if she wanted to scare Tang Ke.

"Cough cough..."

Tang Ke coughed twice, signaling the other party to pay attention to his image.

Only then did Li Yan realize how speechless her subconscious behavior was.

Especially the warning glance from Zhang Yaxuan made her blushed with embarrassment.

Li Yan hurriedly added, diverting her embarrassment: "As for restarting, it is a means of a sixth-level civilization. They can make any star field in the universe, or even the entire universe, start from scratch and return to the pastoral era!"

Everyone took a deep breath, and the first feeling was absurd.

Wouldn't such a method go against the flow of time and space?

Don't you mean you can't interfere in the past?

Could it be against the current of time and space, pulling the past into the present, and being able to interfere at will?

If this is the case, will these civilized creatures be restarted once?

Some people make bold guesses, and the more they think about it, the more outrageous they feel.

"Don't worry, there may be civilizations that have been restarted, but those who have offended the sixth-level civilization are eligible to enjoy it."

Li Yan said indifferently: "It is unlikely that you will be restarted, and if you want to restart the entire universe, the energy consumption is an unimaginable amount. Even a sixth-level civilization will not restart the entire universe idle."

If the entire universe is restarted, it is better to go directly to other universes, they don't have to stay here at all.

"I see, but what does this have to do with me wanting to kill the demon?" Tang Ke's voice was still indifferent.

The lack of oil and salt made Li Yan and others so popular.

"You can kill the demon, but the demon can also resist. You have also seen its means of resistance, which will destroy the multi-dimensional space!"

"Then don't need dimensional weapons, let's fight a fair fight."

"Do you think it will agree?"

"Agree if you don't agree, I'm going to kill them anyway!"



It's unreasonable!

Li Yan felt that she was dizzy by the other party.

No matter what she said, Tang Ke was refuting, it was too much!

He is obviously a civilized creature who has just been promoted to the fourth level, yet his courage is so fat!

"Hey, I'm too lazy to pay attention to you, our demon civilization is going, who dares to stop it, I don't mind causing a cosmic chaos, the big deal is to restart the solar system!"

The leader of Demon Chang seemed to have grabbed the life-saving grass, and there was even a hint of sarcasm in his words.

This is exactly what Li Yan is worried about.

If Tang Ke insists on killing the demon, the demon will cause chaos in the universe, and the sixth-level civilization may restart the solar system.

At that time, the only clue for the immortals to pursue Zulong disappeared...

Yes, it took so long.

Immortals just don't want Zulong's clues to be cut off!

They want to wait until a stronger time machine is created in the future, and then look at the past of the earth again to understand the reason why the ancestor dragon came to the earth.

That's why the immortals want to end this battle and let go of the demon civilization like a madman.

"The talisman that your immortals just threw should also be a dimensional weapon. You help me to check and balance the dimensional weapon of the demon, let's go kill the demon!" Tang Ke threw his blade and said murderously.

"Our immortal race will not interfere in your war..."

"No, you have already intervened!"

Tang Ke interrupted Li Yan's words and killed the leader of Chaoshang Demon without looking back...

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