My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 427 The strength of the earth\r

No civilization wants to be watched.

What Zhang Yaxuan said was difficult for all members of the Galaxy Alliance to accept.

The cosmic creatures in the alliance meeting immediately retorted: "This is impossible!!"

"Even if the earth is a fifth-level civilization, there is no right to violate the privacy of civilization. Does the earth understand this truth?"

"When the contract was signed, the Galactic Alliance didn't say that there are these rules. I'm afraid this kind of temporary rules is not good?"

"Isn't this kind of behavior considered untrustworthy?"

The creatures in the conference room were very excited, and they were about to add a sentence to quit the alliance.

Seeing the reaction of the surrounding creatures, Zhang Yaxuan remained calm, but the senior officials of Long Kingdom were sweating on their foreheads.

They didn't understand what Zhang Yaxuan was trying to do. Can these words really be said?

Even if the earth is to be watched, it should be secretly.

Wouldn't it be a contradiction to say it so openly?

Facing the gradually out of control meeting scene, the senior officials of Long Guo looked a little ugly, but did not speak.

After hearing the complaints of the creatures in the universe, Zhang Yaxuan smiled sweetly and said indifferently:

"Don't get too excited, everyone. Earth's surveillance of alliance members will only stay on the surface and will not involve personal life. Can you understand what I said?"

What she meant, in fact, all creatures in the universe understood.

But no one believes that Earth's surveillance will only stay on the surface.

In fact, Zhang Yaxuan did not tell the truth.

You have to monitor each other, how can it just stay on the surface, what is the difference between that and no monitoring?

The huge galaxy alliance, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no civilized dissent.

For the stability of the Galactic Alliance, Earth must be able to keep an eye on the movements of members of the Alliance at all times.

And high-level civilization observes low-level civilization, in fact, it is not a matter of one or two days.

Some low-level civilizations have been observed by fifth-level or even sixth-level civilizations from the moment they were born.

Observing the birth and evolution of civilization is also one of the pleasures of some advanced civilizations.

They usually watch all beings in the name of observers.

Therefore, the earth is only monitoring the members of the alliance to prevent the members from rebelling, just like the company monitoring the working conditions of its employees.

"Just on the surface? With all due respect, we don't believe this." Some members of the alliance did not buy it, and said in a cold voice.

But Zhang Yaxuan's voice was even colder and stronger.

"We are not discussing with you, but issuing a notice. If you are not satisfied, you can withdraw from the Galaxy Alliance. It happens that there are too many members of the Galaxy Alliance now, and it needs to be cleaned up!"

As soon as this statement came out, the breath of the creatures in the universe changed a few times.

These creatures suddenly reacted, the earth is a genuine fifth-level civilization!

They don't need to care whether the coalition members agree or not.

Because they have the ability to be self-sufficient, they do not need the resources of the alliance members, let alone the face of the other party.

If you want to monitor alliance members, you must monitor.

It would be polite to inform them.

Instead, members of the Galactic Confederation depend on Earth for shelter, and they need to see Earth's face, not Earth's face.

It is precisely because of this confidence that Zhang Yaxuan is so strong.

Today's earth is equivalent to the emperor, and the members of the Galactic Federation are the emperor's people.

If you feel unhappy, you can leave by yourself and join other galaxy alliances.

But all the civilized creatures present joined the better-treated Galaxy Alliance because they couldn't stand the greed of other galaxy alliances.

No civilization will choose to quit stupidly, after all, the conditions of the Galactic Alliance are too good.

But now that they're being watched, it's hard to make a decision.

For a while, the meeting room fell into dead silence.

No creature objected, and no creature agreed.

Zhang Yaxuan was not in a hurry and waited leisurely.

Everything she said just now was instructed by Tang Ke.

On the basis of water droplets, Tang Ke has carried out upgraded research and development to make water droplets a real detector.

The water drop itself is a detector, but it is used by Tang Ke as a weapon to fight on the battlefield.

Now the water droplet is finally returning to its original function: detection!

Tang Ke intends to transplant the stargate transmission technology to the water droplets, so that it can detect each planet and find materials that can withstand the reverse current of tens of billions of years.

At the same time, it is also for the convenience of monitoring alliance members!

The situation in the conference room was all Tang Ke expected.

He believes that in the end, these civilizations will choose to compromise.

That's why he left it to his wife to do it.

And he himself is in the laboratory, carefully studying the stargate transmission.

A small device was built in front of him, a simplified version of the stargate.

Combining dimension-raising technology and dimension-reducing technology, a channel mixed between three-dimensional and four-dimensional is formed.

There is a cyan ring on the outer layer, and Ke energy flows like water waves on the ring.

The center of the ring is an upside-down pink triangle.

Tang Ke typed the code on the keyboard to set the coordinates for the simplified Stargate.

The location is set a hundred meters in front of the star gate.


Press Enter, the energy is full, and the stargate starts!

A faint light flickered at the triangle position, then returned to normal.

Although the energy subsided, the operation of the stargate did not stop.

Tang Ke picked up the black pen at hand and threw it into the pink triangle of the star gate.

In an instant, the black pen sank into the triangle, like a stone sinking into the lake, setting off a faint ripple.

Then, 100 meters in front of the star gate.

Suddenly, a circular line was drawn, and then an inverted triangle was drawn.

The light suddenly bloomed, and with a hum, the lines quickly solidified, forming a star gate!

And the black pen thrown by Tang Ke also flew out of the star gate.

With a bang, it fell to the ground...

The transfer was completed in less than a second.

"It's perfect, the stargate teleportation technology is complete!"

Looking at the data on the panel, Tang Ke nodded in satisfaction.

The next step is to add the stargate transmission technology to the spacecraft and water droplets.

Since the appearance of the stargate is not like a black hole, it can be opened at will, so it is necessary to carry the stargate in advance.

Tang Ke decided to compress and fold the stargate into the size of a card.

When it needs to be used, the card will fly out of the spaceship or water droplet, and will instantly form a stargate.

"Build a super-large permanent stargate in the solar system to facilitate travel. And the stargate compressed into a card can be made into a one-time stargate."

Tang Ke muttered to himself, typing out the schedule with both hands on the keyboard, as well as the manufacturing steps.

Then the rest of the work is made by the origin to control the machinery.

"I miss the days when I used to write novels..." Tang Ke stretched his back after hitting the task.

Every time he hit the keyboard, he would recall the joy of writing novels.

His "Detective Tang Ke" officially ended a few years ago.

Whether it is the novel version or the comic version, it has accompanied the growth of countless people, with classic cases and subversive ways of thinking.

It even became a textbook for the police to solve crimes.

Tang Ke wrote all the detective stories in his mind on it.

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