"Earth civilization is really arrogant. It doesn't take our bone-eroding civilization seriously at all, stealing our cosmic network, and showing it so openly."

"What means did they use to hack into our cosmic network? Shouldn't there be a sixth-level civilization standing behind it?"

"Hmph, how can a newly promoted fifth-level civilization have a sixth-level civilization as the background?"

"But their development speed is very terrifying. It is rumored that the background is Immortal Race, but from the means of hacking into the universe network, it is obviously not as simple as Immortal Race..."

The high-level officials of the bone-eroding civilization discussed in a deep voice and discussed this issue in depth.

The leader, Russell, didn't say a word, sitting in the first place and thinking.

He thinks more than anyone else.

Is there any hidden secret behind such a high-profile behavior of the earth?

If the earth is really hacked into the cosmic network, you will know that the cosmic network is created by their bone-eroding civilization, and there is a sixth-level civilization behind it.

Under such circumstances, Earth should not announce that it is the creator of the origin network.

But the Earth does the opposite, which is a doubt.

It felt as if there was a big pit in front of him waiting for him to jump, and Russell did not dare to make a decision lightly.

"Is the leader afraid of the other party's abnormal behavior?" the confidant next to him asked.

Tim is Russell's left shoulder and right arm, and he is also a military division.

He has accurately predicted the actions and thoughts of the enemy many times, and has been honored by the bone-eroding civilization as a magic trick!

Russell frowned and said: "Yes, don't you think Earth's behavior is too high-profile? I feel that the other party dares to do this, and it is likely to be sure!"

Announcing that you are the founder of the Origin Network will do more harm than good in any way.

Russell sees only two possibilities.

Either the sixth-level civilization is also standing behind the earth, or it is fishing, waiting for the bone-eroding civilization to take the bait.

When Tim heard the words, he smiled contemptuously: "Boss, in fact, you have already fallen into the other's trap!"

"Huh? How do you say this? Did you see other reasons?" Russell asked curiously.

"Has the leader ever thought that this behavior of the earth is indeed abnormal, but it is not that they have any secrets, but they are pretending to be fierce and want to force us away!"

Tim's eyes were full of light, as if he knew everything: "It is precisely because the earth has no background, and no strength to compete with us, so they will do the opposite and announce in a high-profile manner that they are the creators of the origin network."

"They just want to make our bone-eroding civilization jealous!

Want us to dare not shoot at them!

If we follow their way, we will be used by them!

Such a method is really bold and bold enough to send chills down your spine! "

Tim looked at Russell and said cautiously, "And you, Chief, just fell into their trap!"

With these few simple words, he clearly analyzed the strange behavior of Earth civilization.

All the Bone-Eating Stars present were shocked and secretly said in their hearts: It is indeed a magic trick!

It turns out that this Earth civilization is actually standing on the third floor.

But on the other side of the earth, it would never have occurred to me that there is a Timo god who is standing at a higher level on the side of the Bone Erosion Civilization!

If Tang Ke heard this wave of his analysis, he would definitely be shocked, and then silently put a question mark.

"I see. Fortunately, Tim has reminded you. I didn't expect that the other party's mind was so deep that even I fell into the trap and didn't find it."

Russell suddenly realized that he was fortunate to have such a powerful military advisor.

He turned his attention to the high-ranking bones and said, "Do you have any good ideas? It is inevitable to crusade the earth, but the method may need to be slightly changed."

Before the others could speak, strategist Tim smiled evilly: "I have a plan. Since the other party is playing yin, then we will be more yin than them!"

The surrounding Bone-Eaters pricked up their ears, and Tim lowered his voice to announce his plan.


Not long after, a rumor suddenly appeared on the origin network.

The Bone Erosion Civilization claims that the disappearance of the cosmic network is because the civilization that created the cosmic network has been seized by the earth for scientific and technological achievements!

The civilization that created the cosmic network was attacked by the earth, and now there are only a few survivors left, hiding in the corners of the universe to survive.

The Bone Erosion Civilization strongly condemns this domineering behavior of the earth. This is not what an advanced civilization should do!

"The above information is true. If our bone-eroding civilization disappears from the origin network, then it must be..."

Before the Bone Eater could finish speaking, he suddenly disappeared from the origin network.

The expressions of the surrounding creatures suddenly became strange, and they looked at each other on the same ground.

Their first reactions were: The Bone Eater exposed something incredible and was forcibly kicked out of the Origin Network by Origin!

For a time, the already lively Origin Network became even more popular because of this matter.

"Is what the Bone Eater said true or false? How do you think it is credible?" A living being asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, but it feels like they were forcibly kicked out of the Origin Network."

The Bone Eater was kicked out of the Internet before he finished speaking.

Obviously, this is the message received from the Earth.

In order to prevent the Bone Eater from continuing to cause chaos, they had to kick all the Bone Eater to prevent the incident from fermenting.

"Why do I feel like I'm self-directed and acted by the Bone-Eater, I don't kick it late, but wait until the Bone-Eater is exposed before kicking them out? If I were an Earthling, I wouldn't be so stupid."

There are also some creatures who feel that something is wrong and directly express their views.

Not all creatures go with the waves.

They are not fools, they all have their own opinions and opinions.

Never listen to the wind is the wind, listen to the rain is rain.

"But even the Origin Network can't always pay attention to the speech of every creature. Maybe it's slow, but it's not impossible."

"For this matter, I think it's better to keep a wait-and-see attitude and see how the follow-up develops."

"No matter what the real situation is, it is indeed suspicious that the earth suddenly created the origin network and inherited all the information of the cosmic network."

"Sparrow~Inheriting information is the weirdest place. Unless the earth is related to the founding civilization of the cosmic network, I think that invasion and plundering are more likely!"

For the Bone Eater, the winds on the cosmic network are mixed.

Although no conclusion has been made, the doubt has been planted.

This is the real purpose of the Bone Erosion Civilization!

What they want is not that the cosmic creatures believe in their self-direction and self-acting, but to leave a root of disease, a sign...

As time goes on, those civilizations that believe in the Bone Eater will gradually expand this matter.

A new war is quietly brewing!

Yuanyuan immediately reported the matter to Tang Ke. She didn't kick the Bone-Eater. That kind of behavior was undoubtedly hiding her ears.

And she didn't have permission to kick anyone at will.

Creatures in the universe have the right to free speech on the origin network.

Therefore, when the Bone Eaters went offline, they were completely directing and acting, planning to frame the earth!

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