My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 454 Restart the coin server\r

Tang Ke knew very well who the Bone Erosion Civilization was.

Even the other party's intentions, he can guess.

It is nothing more than wanting to let the earth give an explanation, otherwise they will threaten them with war.

This kind of trick can't get into Tang Ke's eyes.

"Connected to the other party's video call, I want to see how they threaten me." Tang Ke sneered.

Yuan Yuan immediately connected to the video call, and the holographic projection screen suddenly appeared, and four scrawny figures appeared on the screen.

The skinny creatures in white, red, and black are smiling evilly at Tang Ke.

Two of them were white skinned, pale as corpses.

One of the other two creatures was as red as a firecracker, and the other was so black that no face could be seen.

"Hello, Lord of the Galactic Alliance! I'm Russell, the leader of the Bone-Eating Civilization, this is my confidant Tim, these two are Heina and Bonliver!"

Russell stood in the first place and introduced Tang Ke.

Tang Ke was still wearing the Heike armor, and his face was not exposed.

When he flew to the space station, his voice was indifferent: "Don't talk nonsense, everyone came here to fight so hard, wouldn't they want to start a galaxy alliance war?"

The four clan creatures couldn't help shrinking their pupils, and they were quite afraid of the Galactic Alliance in their hearts.

Russell didn't answer, but gave the right to speak to Tim, who was so clever.

Tim took a step forward and said, "The galactic alliance leader misunderstood, we are not here to start a galaxy alliance war, but to ask the earth for an explanation, please don't mess with the rhythm, our conversation, but there is a fourth-level civilization. Witnessed by living beings!"

In order not to let Tang Ke take the rhythm, Tim even moved out of the fourth-level civilization to witness here.

Hearing this, Tang Ke smiled.

It turns out that these fourth-level civilizations are here to support the scene and do nothing?

He felt fear and jealousy from Tim's mouth. The Bone-Eating Civilization is not afraid of the strength of the earth, but of the Galactic Alliance!

There are too many things involved here.

Although the fifth-level civilization is stronger than the fourth-level civilization, it cannot withstand so many fourth-level civilizations in the Galaxy Alliance.

In addition, there is an immortal ally on this side of the earth.

Once the cause of the war involves the Galaxy Alliance, the Bone Erosion Civilization will definitely end in a fiasco.

Unless the bone-eroding civilization can have the restart technology of the sixth-level civilization, it will be difficult to compete with the entire Galactic Alliance!

"Ask for an explanation? Three fifth-level civilizations came to my solar system at the same time, and they brought so many fourth-level civilizations with them. How could it be said to be an explanation?"

Tang Ke responded with a sneer: "Even if it's the Galaxy Alliance, will it be destroyed by a lineup like yours?"

When Tim and the others saw that Tang Ke was willing to speak, the four of them were relieved at the same time.

What they were most afraid of was that Tang Ke would not speak and call the members of the Galactic Alliance to fight, so they would have no chance.

"Master Galaxy, don't you ask, what is the argument we want to discuss?" Tim said in a deep voice.

He concluded that Tang Ke must know their intentions, and the reason why he asked this was to put pressure on the other party.

Negotiations between the strong are all about details!

The three of Russell looked at Tim with amazed eyes, and sighed in their hearts: It is indeed a clever plan, and no chance of pressure was missed during the negotiation. It is too fine to be able to grasp such details!

Hearing this, Tang Ke was expressionless.

He replied indifferently: "I'm sorry, I don't want to ask, I only know that you have offended my domain by invading my solar system. If you don't give a reasonable explanation, all the invaders today will be buried here!"

Want to dominate?

That is impossible!

The reason why I'm talking nonsense with them here is purely because I'm in a hurry.

Tang Ke hasn't fought for a long time, and he always feels a little itchy.

The head of researching technology is dizzy, just to use these creatures.

He wants to use the blood of these ribs to add some flavor to his life!

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Tim was even more overturned. He didn't expect Tang Ke to play cards so out of the way.

No matter what you say, anyway, if you invade my territory, you will be beaten!

"Hmph, the Galaxy Alliance Lord doesn't seem to be reasonable, then we will stop talking nonsense!"

Tim shouted sharply: "Your earth invaded the cosmic network and seized the scientific and technological achievements of the founder civilization of the cosmic network. The brutal behavior is not worthy of advanced civilization. Do you have anything else to say?"

"It's ridiculous, you dare to convict us without any evidence. Who gave you the courage, Liang? A mere bone-eroding civilization is also worthy of crusade against our earth. I really feel sad for your ignorance."


As Tang Ke fell coldly, a crisp sound spread across the sky.

All beings in the universe heard this crisp sound at the same moment.

They didn't know why, and looked up blankly.

At the same time, two clear live broadcasts appeared on the Origin Network.

One is a confrontation in the solar system, and the other is a close-up of the planet of the bone-eroding civilization.

Tang Ke raised his hand suddenly, the source of the crisp sound was the black coin that bounced off his thumb.

Under the blank gaze of all beings in the universe, the coin was thrown out of Tang Ke's hands.

It is accompanied by a crisp sound, and slowly becomes larger in the process of flying; it releases light in the process of throwing; in the process of rotating...

Shatter the void!

This coin smashed through cosmic space and surpassed cosmic time!

A small coin flew out, but it attracted the attention of all intelligent creatures in the universe!

Time seems to be slowed down countless times at this moment, and the sound and light are stagnant.

The diameter of the coin has grown from less than three centimeters to nine meters in diameter.

The space path it flies through is collapsing and shattering, and the dark space picture is like a broken lens, smashed by coins!

It seems that there is a god standing in the universe, breaking the boundaries of time and space with one punch.

At the other end of the broken space, there is a vast white planet.

The moment the creatures of the bone-eroding civilization saw this planet, their collective pupils shrank sharply.

A bad premonition came to their hearts, causing their hearts to beat wildly.

This very familiar looking planet is their parent planet - Bone Eating Star!

All the Bone Eaters were stunned.

Why did they see their bone eater in the solar system?

It is not known how many light-years away from the Bone Eating Star.

How can the two sides suddenly pass through?

What is this coin, why can it smash time and space, and still show the picture of their bone-eating star?

Not only are they at a loss, other creatures are also the same.

But the next scene gave the answer to all creatures in the universe, and also made the earth civilization ascend to the throne of the sixth-level civilization!

I saw five white light beams released from this black coin with a diameter of nine meters.

It broke through time and space, broke the boundaries of time and space, broke through the limitations of the rules of the universe, and came to the Bone Eating Star!

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