My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 457 Why are you hitting me?\r

The two leaders of the Black Bone Civilization and the Red Bone Civilization finally chose to attack Tang Ke after a short thought.

The battle in the solar system broke out in an instant.

Heina pulled out the pitch-black big bone knife from his body, like a blue dragon flicking its tail, whistling down with a strong air wave.

The bonus next to him is holding a red bone double-blade, and his figure turns into a red light, and the speed is extremely fast.

Tang Ke raised his hand to form a mechanical shield to resist the large black bone knife attacking from the left.


The heavy pressure was suppressed, Tang Ke's eyes narrowed, and he immediately used part of his mental power to fight.

The strength of Heina's bone knife was somewhat beyond Tang Ke's expectations, and he was suddenly knocked back by the opponent's strength.

Tang Ke also retreated and readjusted his strength.

Unlike the Bone Erosion Civilization, the Black Bone Civilization is superior in power, while the Red Bone Civilization is superior in speed.

Fortunately, Tang Ke's mechanical shield perfectly blocked the opponent's attack.

Tang Ke just retreated a little distance, and the leader of the Red Bone Civilization, Bon Lifu, appeared next to him.

His speed is as fast as lightning, and the red bone blade in his hand draws two flowing curves in the space.

clang clang clang clang...

As soon as Tang Ke's thoughts moved, one thousand and eight knives swept through like a storm, fighting with Bonifor.

Tim of the bone-eroding civilization took the opportunity to come to Russell's side and repair the leader's broken body with his own bones.

In addition to strengthening themselves, the abilities of the Bone-Eating Clan can also be used to restore the body of themselves or their peers.

The explosions in the solar system are endless.

The battles between the fifth-level civilizations were broadcast live by the origin network throughout the universe.

There are no magical dimensional weapons, and there is no advanced civilization technology that can destroy everything in an instant.

Only the hard-core collision of interstellar battleships, the violent bombardment of energy rays, and the bloody slaughter of civilized creatures!

Three fifth-level civilizations attacked the earth, and the war between the two sides was imminent.

The entire origin network was dead silent, and the creatures of all races were staring at the live broadcast screen.

Although the battle scene of the fifth-level civilization is extremely similar to the collision of the low-level civilization.

But the creatures of the universe are very clear that this is not an order of magnitude battle at all.

The interstellar battleships, energy rays, mechanical armor, etc. of the fifth-level civilization have reached the top level of the universe!

But even the top-strength battleship armor still produces a series of explosions, burning countless resources.

A little bit of energy falls, and whether it is a planet or a star, it will explode in an instant!

Therefore, all the planets in the solar system are surrounded by energy fields.

What shocks the creatures of the universe the most is that the earth has blocked the attack of three fifth-level civilizations by relying on its own civilization technology!

In particular, Tang Ke, the leader of the Galactic Alliance, crashed into the battleship of the three major advanced civilization leaders alone, and fought against the three heroes alone.

This bravery and fighting power alone is enough to conquer the world.

Tang Ke, like an immortal who came into the world, uses his spiritual power to control a thousand knives, traversing the spaceship and the energy rays.

Russell, Tim, Heiner, and Bonliver attacked Tang Ke.

But over time, they found that Tang Ke's combat power became more and more ferocious.

It can even predict the attack method of the four of them, and make defenses and counterattacks in advance.

This is the analytical aid of origin!

Every attack of the opponent will be recorded and analyzed by Origin, so as to crack the opponent's attack routine and assist Tang Ke to deal with it.

The longer the fight, the stronger Tang Ke's.

The peripheral fifth-level civilization creatures were blocked by Zhang Yaxuan and others who came to support at this moment, and could not come to support.

Tang Ke became more and more brave, grabbed Russell and beat him.

After more than ten minutes of collision, dozens of interstellar battleships were destroyed.

"Damn bastard, why did you hit me?!"

There was a trace of grievance in Russell's roaring voice.

Obviously it's four against one, but Tang Ke mostly chooses to avoid or defend against other people's attacks.

Almost all attacks fell on Russell.

This also caused Russell to be injured all over his body, his pale skin was stained red with blood, and then dried up in the blasting flames, which can be described as embarrassing.

Looking at Tim and the other two leaders of civilization, although there are scars on their bodies, they are all minor injuries.

And Tang Ke's side is even more outrageous, with only slight dents and scratches on the armor.

It's not how hard the Heike armor is, but the nanomechanical bugs in the Heike armor are constantly being repaired, and the inside of the armor itself compresses and folds a lot of machinery.

Even if it is damaged, it will be folded and unfolded mechanically.

Russell almost fainted in anger.

He had lived for so many years, and it was the first time he had seen someone develop such absurd armor.

What is this armor?

This Nima is a mobile armory, why is there everything?

From the battle to the present, he saw iron fists, giant hammers, flying knives, spears, tentacles, turrets, shields on Tang Ke's body...


After finally breaking through Tang Ke's armored defense, I thought it was time to kill the opponent.

Either it was covered by the unfolded machine, or it was covered by a layer of silver-white liquid, and then it instantly returned to its original state!

Tang Ke grinned, and a thousand golden blades came together, arranged in a giant sword.

After the energy is fully charged, slash directly at Russell.

He won't talk nonsense with the other party. The reason why he only beat Russell is because Russell is the leader of this incident.

After beheading him, it is not too late to slowly remove the red ribs and black ribs.


The golden light pierced the sky, and a long golden line suddenly appeared in the solar system.

All the interstellar battleships that were drawn by the lines exploded in an instant, and the magma metal that filled the sky fell like a downpour.

This knife smashed countless battleships and cut open Russell's ribs.

Blood splattered in the air, and the floating bone mountains collapsed into powder.

Russell vomited blood, and his eyes were stained red with blood.

His eyes were full of disbelief, he couldn't understand.

Why is the blade flying in the air, it can be filled with energy from the air, and it can hit an attack similar to energy rays...

If he could speak, Tang Ke would definitely smile and answer: Wireless charging, let's find out.

This was his accidental discovery. Mental power had another magical effect.

With the gradual enhancement of spiritual power, meditation alone cannot enhance spiritual power.

So Tang Ke started to try other ways to enhance his mental power later.

He used lightning, flames, and energy rays to attack his spiritual shield, constantly refining his spiritual power.

In the process of quenching a whim.

Mental power can block energy, isn't that the same as the insulator that wraps the wire?

So, a method of remote charging using mental power as a conduit was born...

The special force field that blocks the solar system contains majestic energy because it is connected to the energy reactors of countless warships.

And each of Tang Ke's blades can be recharged and shoot energy rays.

So under the traction of his spiritual power.

These flying blades are naturally capable of remote charging and emit energy beams.

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