My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 474 The non-existent husband appeared\r

The sudden appearance of Tang Ke and Chen Zimo was quite strange. The Black Zerg saw that the other party was two human beings and immediately launched an attack.

However, the sudden situation in front of them made the Black Zerg feel fear!

The unknown is the source of fear.

Although I don't understand what happened, the Black Zerg can feel it.

The reason for the sudden death of the companion is absolutely related to this floating human being!

Why can this human race fly in the air without the assistance of technology?

What is the origin of this human race, and why did it appear out of thin air?

What happened just now, what did the other party use to kill their companion?

Countless questions appeared in the black bug's mind, and the black bugs around Tang Ke were so frightened that they hurriedly retreated to avoid sudden death.

Humans on earth are even more at a loss.

Due to the retreat of the black bug, the faint sunlight shone down again, reflecting Tang Ke's whole body brilliantly.

With his handsome appearance, sparkling hair, and star-like eyes, the same sentence appeared in everyone's mind.

Who are you handsome?

"That person is..."

Zhang Yaxuan, who had just cut off the head of an alien beast, raised her head and stared.

She recognized Chen Zimo, who was the soldier who reported information to her before.

But what made her heart thump wildly was the young man floating in the air.

For some reason, it was the first time I saw each other, but a sense of familiarity and kindness came to my mind.

"Could this person be..."

Zhang Yaxuan's beautiful eyes widened in disbelief.

She always thought that she was sick in her heart, that she had a husband, but this husband did not exist in this world.

The family thought it was an excuse she made up.

But in fact, this is her real feeling.

She wondered if she was sick, so she made up a man out of thin air, and went to the hospital for a checkup.

But the doctor said that she did not have any mental illness, let alone schizophrenia.

But now the appearance of Tang Ke has finally answered the doubts in her heart.

The man above is definitely her nonexistent husband!

At this moment, a huge black worm suddenly appeared on the battleship of the Black Zerg - the leader of the Black Zerg, the Queen of Black Bugs!

Facing an existence like Tang Ke, the Black Bug Queen had to come out.

"Dare to ask which civilization is Mr. from?" The Black Insect Queen said cautiously.

It felt a strong oppression from Tang Ke, and such an aura can only be exuded by advanced civilization creatures.

The creatures in the universe are much more similar, but because of the appearance of the other party, it cannot be judged that the other party is from the earth.

"Earth, Tang Ke!"

Tang Ke looked at the Black Insect Queen expressionlessly, recalling the scene where he once fought with the Black Insect Queen. He wondered if he should draw a dimension card to make the other party feel good?

Is it better to use two-way foil or vector foil?

"Mr. is really joking, there is no such thing as you on earth!" The Queen of Black Bugs didn't believe it at all.

If the earth has such strength, how can it be invaded by their black zerg?

And with such strength, why didn't you come out earlier?

Humans on Earth also heard the conversation between Tang Ke and the Black Bug Queen, and they also didn't believe that Tang Ke was a human.

Nima, how could anyone on earth be able to fly.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a fairy in legend...

"Isn't it really an immortal? A legendary immortal! Are the myths and legends of our Dragon Kingdom true, and the immortals came out to save us?"

"It looks too good-looking, isn't he here to save us?"

"It's Zimo! That immortal is holding Chen Zimo from the Eighth Company of our inspection battalion! Is he the immortal he found?!"

"Great! We are saved!"

"Please Shangxian save me, and destroy all the black bug army!"

Some devout people knelt on the ground and bowed to Tang Ke.

Some take the lead, others imitate.

The people burst into tears and rekindled the hope of life!

Tang Ke made a strong debut, and without even moving his finger, he could kill countless black worms instantly, and even the queen of black worms had to come out to meet.

Such strength is even more ferocious than a spaceship.

As long as your mind is not stupid, you can see that the Queen of Black Bugs is jealous!

Especially when I heard Tang Ke's self-introduction, claiming to be from the earth, this Nima is really a heifer hiding a grenade, it's awesome!

"I'm not joking with you. Your behavior of invading the earth makes me very uncomfortable. I give you two choices, either become a slave of the earth, or...die!"

Tang Ke was expressionless, and was extremely indifferent to the Black Zerg.

The tentacles of the Black Bug Queen began to rhythm, proving that she was quite angry at the moment.

But because he was afraid of Tang Ke's means and identity, he did not dare to act recklessly.

"I don't know which civilization Mr. Tang Ke came from, and why he wanted to stand up for the earth, but if you think that our Black Zerg is easy to bully, even if the entire clan is destroyed, he will drag you to perish together!"

The Queen of Black Insects was silent for a long time, and finally let out ruthless words.

Big deal to die together!

Tang Ke sneered when he heard the words and said, "You don't have this ability. Since you don't want to be slaves, then go to death!"

The moment the voice fell, it was like the pen of the judge of the King of Hell.

The terrifying spiritual power was released from Tang Ke and instantly covered the entire solar system!

Everything in the solar system is controlled by it, the battleships in the universe, the black bugs on the planet...

"Cut!" Tang Ke's loud voice fell.


All the black worm battleships in the solar system shattered in an instant, as if there was an invisible sharp blade that instantly cut the interstellar battleship in two!

The roar resounded through the horizon of the universe, and the flame energy turned into a hot wind and swept from the universe, rushing away the dark clouds that enveloped the earth.

The energy particles in the reactors on each battleship scattered freely, turning into surging flames and swept out.

One after another, hot flames bloom in the universe like blood red roses!

boom boom boom boom-

The battleship that invaded the earth also exploded at the same moment, and countless black insects were swallowed up by the flames and lost their lives in sharp screams!

The terrifying scene made the Black Zerg terrified, and the Black Zerg Queen couldn't react at all.

I saw Tang Ke suddenly raised his hand and waved, the surging mental power condensed into a knife on it, and slashed out mercilessly!


The cold light flashed like a thin line in an instant, and the black worm queen's body was directly divided into two halves, and blue blood splattered in the air.

The incomparably powerful Black Insect Queen is now like an ant with no power to tie a chicken, being wiped out by Tang Ke raising his hand!

You know, Tang Ke's mental power can already resist the most advanced energy rays.

Such a powerful mental power, if you want to obliterate a creature that unlocks the fourth-level gene, it only takes a single thought!

What's more, the black worm queen in front of me, because there is no cosmic network, the genetic level is only three...

The two corpses of the black worm queen fell from the sky, and the surrounding black worms were also not spared.

Black worm corpses and blue blood, mixed with pieces of meat, thumped and fell.

The whole world is like Shura's purgatory, full of slaughter.

But the scene in front of them, in the eyes of human beings, is that the gods descended to the mortal world to subdue demons and demons for them!

Countless human beings knelt down and kowtowed, tears could not stop flowing down, and their hearts were filled with emotions, including gratitude, excitement, adoration, the thrill of revenge, and the joy of being reborn after a catastrophe...

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