As the leader of the Galactic Alliance, Tang Ke does not need to bow to anyone for his identity and status, and he is also the founder of the sixth-level civilization.

According to the order of power and strength, his status is completely above Luo Tian!

If Luo Tian asked him to surrender, it would give Tang Ke the feeling that a small country leader said to a big country leader: Give me your country, and I can make you the number one younger brother.

Who would be so stupid to promise each other?

You have already become the emperor of half the country, giving way to a village chief to be the boss?

"What are you hesitating about? You don't really think that a small earth can fight against my Protoss? The power of Protoss is far beyond your imagination."

Luo Tian said coldly, "If you don't believe me, you can go up the stairs and I'll wait for you to kill me!"

As soon as his words fell, Tang Ke did as he wished.

He stepped out directly and stepped on the first step.

In an instant, the stairs that could only accommodate the length of a foot suddenly turned into a vast platform.

Tang Ke felt like he was suddenly transported from the stairs to another space.

But in fact, he didn't leave the place, just a golden ladder, turned into a platform that extends infinitely, with no end in sight.

And Luo Tian's figure was infinitely enlarged and raised.

It's like being on the other side of the starry sky, out of reach!

"This is... space folding!"

Tang Ke's eyes narrowed slightly, and he finally understood why Luo Tian sat calmly at the top.

It turns out that every step is a vast cosmic space, the size of which is comparable to a star field!

The Protoss uses space folding technology to fold the endless space into the length of one foot.

Once you enter the range of the stairs, the folded space will expand, and you can see the true face of the golden stairs!

The golden ladder has a total of ninety-nine steps, and one hundred is the sky.

This also means that Luo Tian seems to be close at hand, but in fact, it is a full ninety-nine star fields away from Tang Ke!

The number of god clan puppets on the platform filled up all the vacancies, and all kinds of interstellar battleships were suspended in the air, all locked to Tang Ke.

Unwilling to surrender, there is only death.

The creatures of the Protoss and the puppets didn't say much, the rays of the sky roared directly, and the scalding heat wave almost condensed into a liquid, like a turbulent wave.

Between the lightning and flint, Tang Ke's mental power exploded, light blue light lit up on the armor, and everything around him fell into a slow-playing state in an instant.


The energy rays solidified in mid-air, and the movements of the surrounding Protoss puppets were also stagnant.

Tang Ke's speed broke the speed of light!

He charged forward in a straight line, the Green Mantis blade slashed continuously, and the black-level energy ray released from the blade failed to keep up with his speed.

But the moment the energy touches the puppet, a layer of smoke will be splashed.

The spirit body of the Protoss puppet was destroyed by the energy ray.

Tang Ke directly collided with the puppet of the Protoss, and he fought incessantly, leaving a straight passage, and when all the creatures in the universe failed to react, he instantly stepped onto the second step!

boom -

There was a loud roar from the rear, and the dense black-level shots were like thousands of black mamba snakes tossing their bodies, and hundreds of thousands of Protoss puppets dissipated into clouds.

Tang Ke ignored the sound behind him and broke the speed of light again.

Even Luo Tian on the throne was stunned, but his stunned face was frozen by time.

Because his own speed can't break the speed of light, how can he capture Tang Ke's trajectory, let alone understand what happened.

The ninety-nine steps were like decorations, and they could not restrain Tang Ke at all.

He went all the way with fire and lightning, and forcibly cut a passage from the endless group of creatures.

The firelight and sound of the explosion became his background. There were countless gods and puppets in front, and the floating corpses of the puppets in the back turned into clouds and drifted for thousands of miles!

Protoss puppets only need one knife in front of him.

Even if it is a human being of the Protoss, it is only a matter of two swords.

Ninety-nine steps represent ninety-nine star field distances.

Tang Ke at the speed of light shuttled continuously, and his spiritual power was injected into the armor, becoming a kinetic energy propulsion beyond the top.

His speed was getting faster and faster, and the armor shell became red from the scorching heat.


When Tang Ke came to the ninety-eighth stairs, he had to stop.

The heat dissipation function on the armor starts automatically, and the cold air and the hot air collide, producing steam rising.

Now, Luo Tian can't calm down anymore!

What the hell! What the hell is this?

How did Tang Ke come to the ninety-eighth order in a blink of an eye? !

The subsequent explosions failed to subside, and Tang Ke had already crossed ninety-eight star fields, and this speed was comparable to the teleportation speed!

"What a Tang Ke! It seems that I underestimated you!"

Luo Tian widened his eyes and stood up abruptly. The vast spiritual energy spread out, and the surrounding space was distorted.

The Protoss and the puppets on the back steps turned back collectively, and after a brief period of astonishment, they all climbed to the ninety-eighth stairs.

For a time, a galloping scene of trillions of creatures appeared behind Tang Ke, each with a hideous face and murderous aura.

At this moment, a black-level ray 'bang' rushed into the golden ladder.

One of the interstellar battleships blew up on the spot, collided with other interstellar battleships while flying sideways, and both exploded into fireballs at the same time.


Another black-level ray bombarded and fell, and then the sky filled with energy rays followed one after another, like an arrangement of stars.

The interstellar battleship suspended on the golden ladder was precisely hit by the energy ray and exploded into glittering magma raindrops.

Boom boom boom! !

The roar was continuous, and the violent energy particles collided with each other to emit a splendid light, as if the radiance was flowing in the universe!


The energy wind was tearing and whistling, and the scalding heat made countless Protoss think it was vaporized!

The screams echoed on the golden stairs, and their spiritual bodies evaporated into clouds of white smoke, drifting away in the wind...

One after another, multiverse battleships suddenly appeared from the void.

It is the arrival of the Galactic Alliance army!

Humans on Earth wear black armor, led by Zhang Yaxuan, Tang Baobao, Glory and others, and are suspended in the universe.

There are also densely clustered Zerg, wild and sturdy orcs, and ethereal spirits like ghosts...

Many races stepped out of the battleship at the same time and came to the Protoss universe!

"This is the God Race universe?"

"Great! I finally found my destination, and the leader of the alliance is safe and sound!"

"Quick! Quickly support the leader!"

Tang Baobao locked his gaze on Luo Tian at the top, and said softly, "That guy should be the legendary Luo Tian! I feel like he can pretend to be better than my dad!"

Tang Ke: "?"

The warriors of the Galactic Alliance rushed to the golden ladder with their feet on the aircraft, followed by the multiverse battleships in the rear.

A large group of creatures swarmed and broke into the golden ladder.

The expressions of the God Race creatures changed slightly, but they did not expect that their tactics were only delayed for such a short time.

They really couldn't understand why the Galactic Federation could find this place so quickly.

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