My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 497 Why you can't run out of energy\r

In order to quickly suppress Tang Ke, Luo Tian became aggressive and full of firepower from the moment he absorbed the puppet.

The reason is to suppress Tang Ke as soon as possible.

After all, after absorbing the puppet, the soaring mental power was extremely unstable.

Although these spiritual powers were scattered by Luo Tian himself, after all, they had nurtured the consciousness of others for so many years, and they were somewhat contaminated with the breath of some cosmic creatures.

He must stop what he is doing as soon as possible, and wipe out the aura of the universe in his spiritual power.

Otherwise, he will soon have a mental overflow problem.

Even if it only overflows at all, this thing is like diarrhea, and it can't be controlled...

Hearing Tang Ke's ridicule, Luo Tian's face sank, but he quickly returned to his coldness.

"You'll just be rude, I'm just tired of your attack methods."

Luo Tian snorted softly, trying his best to cover up his panic, the sickle in his hand did not stop at all.

Tang Ke smiled and didn't speak, Fang Tianhua halberd chopped continuously, attacking at the same time with the blades of the sky.

The sound of the blade cutting through the energy echoed between the two of them.

Fang Tianhua's halberd and the sickle collided, causing sparks to splatter, and the sound of gold and iron was deafening.

More and more sixth-level civilizations came to watch the battle, and their hearts were shocked, and they were a little confused.

It is also a sixth-level civilization, why are you so good?

Every interaction and collision between Tang Ke and Luo Tian will shuttle to another universe.

This kind of fast shuttle behavior of the multiverse not only consumes a lot of energy, but also imposes an equally large load on itself.

The energy of each universe is different, and the gravity of each planet is completely different.

Every time the multiverse is switched, it is like an athlete in weightlifting, the barbell in his hand is constantly changing the weight, sometimes lighter and sometimes heavier.

The first few strokes may be barely able to hold on, but the body will definitely collapse later.

Therefore, in the view of the sixth-level civilization, it is a very dangerous thing for the two to switch universes so frequently, and they will die together if they are not careful!

"What a terrifying speed, I almost thought it was two spaceships colliding."

"Once the interstellar battleship collided, it would explode. How could they collide continuously like them, and also scourge a large number of planets."

"How much time and energy did they take to make a suit of armor exceed the speed of light?"

"The leader of the Galaxy Alliance wears armor to break the speed of light. It can only be said that his technology is powerful, but the leader of the Protoss can break the speed of light without the blessing of the armor. Is this really the strength that cosmic creatures can have?"

"The Protoss is a race that transcends the four races of humans, insects, beasts, and spirits. It is between the human race and the spirit race. Perhaps this is their unique ability."

"I heard that the Protoss also came from the earth, which is the planet where the Galaxy Alliance Lord is located!"

"Hey~ Doesn't this mean... this is the internal conflict of the earth?"

"This is too terrifying. It turns out that such a weak earth in the universe has such great potential?"

"Weak Earth? Stop joking!"

Hearing a sixth-level creature say that the earth is weak, some civilized creatures who know it can't hold back.

"The Protoss suddenly appeared several universes ago, and I won't say much about the powerful take over a universe. You all know how arrogant they are."

"Look at the Earth of the Galaxy Alliance Lord, is it simple? In hundreds of years, it has directly crossed from the first-level civilization to the current sixth-level civilization, breaking an unknown number of cosmic records."

"Look at their current battle scene. Do you think this is something that an ordinary sixth-level civilization can do? Can you do it? I can't do it anyway."

The sixth-level civilization hid in the dark to observe and discuss, and felt bitter for a while.

Compared with the Protoss and the Earth, they feel that they are a fake sixth-level.

Although the Protoss is a sixth-level civilization that has been promoted through small means, they have successfully surpassed the orthodox sixth-level civilization by relying on the accumulation of time.

The Earth side is even more outrageous. The strongest sixth-level civilization has been achieved for hundreds of years, and the major sixth-level civilizations are really not convinced.

While they were talking, Tang Ke's battle with Luo Tian had been going on for more than three hours.

They didn't even know which universe they were in right now, and their brains became drowsy under the high-intensity battle.


Fang Tianhua halberd with a flickering light swept out.

The spear head and the sharp blade pierced Luo Tian's chest at the same time, and the spiritual power mixed with the aura of various living beings scattered out of his body.

Luo Tian fell on a super-large planet, smashed out of the abyss and ravines, and the sky was filled with smoke and dust.

"How is this possible, are you a monster? Fuck!"

Luo Tian broke the defense!

He suppressed Tang Ke from the very beginning, and then gradually became evenly divided in the middle, and finally he was suppressed by the opponent.

Tang Ke seems to be a machine that won't get tired, and its strength has not declined from beginning to end, which is completely unreasonable!

Even if it is a powerful energy storage device, no matter how vast the transformation of mental power, it is impossible to maintain a high-intensity battle for such a long time!

"Tell me! Why is this!!"

Luo Tian roared at the same time and suddenly dodged, dodging the attack of the giant sword composed of three thousand blades of Tang Ke.

He felt that the mental power in his body was about to be suppressed, and this war was likely to be lost by him.

But he was very unwilling and wanted to know the reason.

If life was a game, he would definitely shout in his voice: Are you fucking screwed?

Even if it is endless energy, it can only be countercurrent energy, which requires super-large devices and conversion time!

Could it be that the other party has mastered the real knowledge of endless energy?

call out!

Tang Ke landed quickly and didn't answer Luo Tian's question.

He has no habit of exposing his abilities, and the reason why he has been playing for so long is that his energy is still so abundant.

That's because he can quickly absorb cosmic energy and convert it into armor kinetic energy.

This is something that Tang Ke has developed before he left the earth.

Now that four hundred years have passed, he has only strengthened this technology by a hundred million.

So it's weird that fights recover quickly?

"You lost Luo Tian, ​​and you've reached this point. I don't think you need to be brave anymore, right?" Tang Ke said indifferently.

He could see Luo Tian's state, his mental body wouldn't bleed, but his mental power that could be dissipated was particularly obvious.

Luo Tian's momentum was rapidly declining, and the moment his spiritual power overflowed, he completely lost.

A large amount of spiritual power with the breath of other creatures is rapidly disintegrating and disappearing into the universe.

Without the blessing of these spiritual powers, Luo Tian no longer has the ability to break the speed of light. If Tang Ke wants to kill him, it only takes a single thought!

Of course, Tang Ke did not forget that there were still half of the God Race puppets that were not inhaled by Luo Tian, ​​so he would not take it lightly.

Tang Ke was slowly advancing towards Luo Tian, ​​and every time he took a step, he became vigilant in his heart.

For a while, Luo Tian was silent, Tang Ke's cautiousness left him a little helpless.

I wanted to pretend to be a madman to find an opportunity to absorb the second spiritual body.

But in the current situation, I'm afraid it won't work...

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