My wizarding career begins on Earth

Chapter 303 Assassination and Descendants


Lu He was sitting in a manor in Black Lian City.

He opened his palm, and in his palm was a red crystal stone as pure as jade, not much larger than a grain of rice.

However, the spar is emitting billowing heat waves, and the scorching airflow is centered on the spar and spreads in all directions.

Lu He squinted his eyes, red dots flashing faintly under his eyes.

At a certain moment, he gently threw the ground flint forward, and quickly drew a flame-shaped symbol in the air with his right hand.


The crystal suddenly burned and suspended in mid-air, releasing a large amount of heat and red light.

Lu He looked solemn, stretched out his other hand, and slowly held it towards the crystal.

At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of Molten Lake's constant stance spell, mental power began to carve the first talisman array.

In the hissing sound, mental power guided the magic power, and a scarlet line faintly appeared in the air around the crystal, and began to continuously depict diamond-shaped spell symbols.

Time passed by minute by minute.

There are more and more symbols carved in the lines, densely packed and gradually surrounding the entire crystal.

"This has just begun, and the consumption is so huge..."

But beads of sweat gradually appeared on Lu He's face. Obviously it consumes a lot of energy.


Suddenly there was a soft sound in the void, and all the spells suddenly disappeared.

"The talisman array looks easy, but it is actually extremely difficult to draw, and the mental energy is consumed very quickly."

Lu He's forehead was covered with sweat.

The three-layer talisman superposition and engraving of Molten Lake's constant position is the key to this spell.

Since it is an advanced spell that distorts the stance due to high temperature, the first layer does not need to be inscribed and can be directly superimposed on the original talisman array. However, he failed in the second half of the second layer.

Lu He smiled helplessly, opened his mouth, and swallowed the miniature fire energy crystal directly.

I just tried it on a whim, but I still have to wait until I break through to truly upgrade my talent position.

He slowly stood up and walked to the bedroom.

This manor is an asset of the Soros family. It was purchased in Black Refining City a year ago because of this fire energy crystal.

As soon as Lu He walked out of the hall, two young, beautiful and tall maids greeted him.

"Take me to the bedroom."

"Yes, sir." Although Lu He's tone was gentle and friendly, the two maids were still very nervous.

They were trembling with fear, walking very lightly, not even daring to take a breath, and seemed very afraid of him.

The two were specially sent by the eldest princess Isabel, and they were said to be her personal maids.

In fact, their life here is quite comfortable, because they are high-end maids in the manor, dedicated to serving their masters, and do not have to worry about other trivial matters such as cleaning.

Then he received two generous salaries from the eldest princess and the Soros family, but had nothing to do and was fishing every day.

A year passed like this, and it was not until today that the owner of the manor, Lord Sauron, came to live here.

You could hear a needle drop in the quiet corridor, and the maid felt that the familiar road seemed much longer at this time.

Stop after walking for a while.

"Sir, the bedroom is here."

A black-haired maid lowered her head nervously, and together with her companions, they stepped forward and pushed open the bedroom door.

The first thing you see is a spacious reception hall, with bright light from the ceiling lamp above your head, and a strange and precious plant placed at regular intervals on the edge of the corner.

In the center is a set of sand and white jade tables, with light blue thin snowflakes in white vases on the table.

To the west is a two-foot-high floor-to-ceiling window with fine lines drawn by sterling silver hooks on the glass.

"I'm going to take a bath, please leave first." Lu He sensed that there was a bathroom in the bedroom next door.

And it has been prepared for him. There are red petals floating on the water in the pool, and there is still a hazy heat.

Lu He's order stunned the two maids. After they reacted, they looked at each other and whispered:

"Sir, please allow us to stay and serve you. We will definitely try our best. Please trust us."


Lu He naturally understood the meaning. Although he did not hate this kind of service, on the contrary, he liked it. But now he just wanted to take a simple bath, so he would just take it simple.

He shook his head at the two maids with red cheeks: "You'd better go down, I don't need it."

"But, sir..."

The two maids hesitated to speak. The eldest princess had repeatedly told them about this matter.

"Don't worry, you can wash it for me later."

Lu He smiled, turned around and entered the inner bedroom from the outer hall, leaving the two beautiful maids looking at each other.

He went directly to the bathroom on the side, opened the glass door, and the unrestrained water mist suddenly hit his face.

He took off his knight uniform and threw it on the ground. He stepped naked into the pool, and the fragrant hot water took him in.

At this time, you can't see anything in the closet in the bedroom.

Catherine clung to the cold wall quietly, even though the armor she wore had a strong effect on isolating detection.

She herself had taken an overdose of aphrodisiacs, but she still held her breath unconsciously without making a sound.

She only has one chance to face the Sky Knight.

Failure would definitely lead to death, but even if the assassination was successful, she felt that there was a high probability that she would not survive.

Not to mention that the Sky Knight's powerful vitality will support Sauron's death-defying counterattack, even the guards outside can't hide from her.

But she is not afraid, she has nothing left.

Sauron killed everyone in the White Nok family, including her parents, younger brother, and grandfather...

Now she is the only one left in the huge Bainock family.

So even if Teacher Jiye didn't support it, she came here resolutely and finally waited for this opportunity.

The water steam was rolling. Lu He stood up from the water, stepped out of the pool, and his whole body was shocked.

The water droplets attached to the body shot out, suspended in the air around him, stagnated for a moment and then fell at the same time.

His hair was still a little wet, and his body was full of angular muscles, exuding a powerful and wanton wildness.

He casually picked up the big bath towel, tied it around his waist to cover his powerful and domineering lower body, and then strode out of the bathroom.

Arriving at the bedroom, Lu He walked towards the closet.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer. When they stopped, Kathleen muttered silently in her heart and her eyes widened.

Her eyes were brighter than ever before, and the pent-up energy in her body suddenly burst out and kept pouring out. The overflowing power caused several dark lines to float in the air.

The wardrobe was blown to pieces by the concussive energy, and the murderous intent that looked upon death penetrated the debris flying in the sky.

laugh! ! !

A black light with a sharp luster appeared out of thin air, and instantly moved towards Lu He's throat.

The outcome of the life-and-death fight was determined at this moment. The black light in her hand was just a hair away from touching her throat. She could even imagine the disbelief and unwillingness in the other party's eyes.

She could finally avenge her family members and wash away the shame of the destroyed White Nok family.

Lu He stopped taking off his bath towel and looked up at the stunning black light with a smile.


Just before Katherine was completely freed, the black light in her hand was like hitting a hard rock, breaking inch by inch.

The man who was supposed to have her throat penetrated was still standing there with his chest open, looking at her teasingly.

"Who are you? Why are you hiding in my closet?"

Lu He asked calmly, while reaching out and slowly grabbing the black light in her hand.

Katherine wanted to continue her attack, but suddenly found that her body could not move at all, as if she was stuck in a quagmire.

She could only watch as Sauron took off the weapon in his hand, feeling deep despair in her heart.

This turned out to be a liquid metal dagger.

Three gray patterns flowed on the surface of the dagger, forming an ancient and strange floral pattern, twisted like smoke, with wisps of metallic luster on the surface.

"This weapon is good. Where did you get it?" Lu He asked curiously.

The dagger is not only an enchanted weapon, but also contains a strange stance towards the soul.

Lu He said as he glanced up and down at the witch.

She was wearing a black robe that was loosely draped and not fully buttoned, revealing the creamy white dress underneath.

The hands are wearing reddish brown leather gloves, and the upper body is wearing tight black leather armor, which outlines the full curves of the chest.

Below is a milky white windbreaker-like long skirt. The front legs are not covered by fabric, and the two snow-white round thighs are clearly exposed up to the buttocks.

Her long, shiny black shawl hair was tied into a ponytail and tied high on the back of her head. She had an oval face, a beautiful face, and smooth and shiny skin. Her cheeks were red at this time, and she was obviously very angry inside.

Her strength is that of a formal witch, equivalent to the rank of a knight.

Therefore, this dagger is obviously not her own, and she does not have the strength to create a weapon of this level.

Moreover, the leather armor he wore was covered with countless black cloud-like masses, forming a huge whirlpool.

It has a very good concealment effect, which is also not something that just a formal witch can possess.

"Sorry, I forgot you can't speak."

Lu He smiled, gathered his mental power, and the distorted stance solidified on the surface of his body instantly reduced by part.

"Why? Why?" Kathleen murmured feebly, her heart filled with unwillingness to fate.

"what why?"

Lu He took off his bath towel, took out the clean underwear from the closet, put it on, and put on a pair of pajamas outside.

Katherine stopped talking, just stared coldly at Lu He changing clothes in front of her, with murderous intent in her eyes.

Even though she had no room to resist now, she still didn't give up.

"Why do you want to kill me so much? I don't seem to have ever offended a witch, right?" Lu He finished changing his clothes, sat on the edge of the big bed, and looked at the witch in front of him with interest.

Long legs, big breasts, beautiful.

It perfectly matched the three elements of the witch he had wanted to find to help him.

Kathleen still said nothing.

"You're lucky. If it were a male or a witch who didn't look up to my standards, you would be miserable."

Lu He shook his head with a smile, stood up and gently picked her up in the face of her frightened eyes, and put her on the big bed.

Then, with an even more horrified look in Kathleen's eyes, she began to reach out and unbutton her clothes.

Take it off piece by piece, from top to bottom, from outside to inside.

Lu He's movements were quick and skillful, and soon Kathleen was left with only a thin layer of white underwear.

The smooth and satin-like white shoulders and collarbones, the high-rising breasts, the two slender and straight smooth jade legs, and the round calves without a trace of excess fat, all natural.

Lu He has never been a gentleman, the kind of person who sits quietly in his arms. These have never been in line with his habits.

So even though he was a little angry recently, and he took off his clothes, he didn't want to vent his anger.

But he wanted to collect some interest from the assassination.

One hand has reached around the waist, giving people a soft and delicate feeling.

Then extend all the way down.

Katherine stared at the ceiling blankly. She wanted to resist but couldn't even blink.

Tears of humiliation and hatred flowed from the corners of her eyes drop by drop, soaking the pillow.

Then get down to business.

He lightly drew the tip of his index finger and began to carve dark red patterns in the air.

Strangely, as he carved in the air, inexplicable patterns appeared on the surface of Kathleen's entire body, as if an invisible carving knife was carving at the same time.

The pattern has no rules, and is mostly composed of curled arcs and twisted lines.

Lu He first drew a rough outline.

Then I started to draw deeper and deeper along the previous lines again.

"The consumption is greater than expected..." As soon as he started to describe it in depth again, a trace of solemnity appeared on Lu He's face.

He felt that with the slight stroke of his index finger, the power in his body was rapidly overflowing into the pattern, as if some force was constantly drawing out the blood all over his body.

This feeling is like there is some creature holding the wound on the index finger and sucking it desperately.

Time passes minute by minute...

Kathleen's tears dried up and her heart was filled with despair. She didn't know what the other party was doing, but she still shuddered.

When she thought about it, Zoro must be doing these inexplicable things just to get revenge on himself.

But in fact Lu He was conducting experiments.

It was to send his essence and blood into her body through a special ritual to replace the original blood in her body.

Vampires have blood cores, and advanced Vampires can separate part of their blood source to create descendants. With the connection of blood sources, they can control the life and death of their descendants, and it is difficult for their descendants to resist them.

Through Archduke Felix and his two daughters, Lu He had an in-depth understanding and research on blood cores.

This characteristic of the vampire family has also been successfully deconstructed.

By regulating and constructing the blood throughout his body, he simulates a function similar to that of the blood core.

Transfer the essence and blood from your own body into the other person's body.

These domineering blood, similar to blood cores, will invade every inch of Kathleen's body.

Through suppression and destruction, it then replaces the original blood and becomes the dominant one. When it is finally completed, Kathleen will become his appendage, that is, a descendant.

At that time, no matter how much she hates herself in her heart, she will not be able to resist the orders he gave. Even if there is an accident, it can be easily obliterated through blood contact.

But after all, he is not a vampire, so he has limitations.

Vampires can quickly recover their lost essence and blood through blood cores, but it is difficult for him to regenerate his lost essence and blood.

However, his bloodline is strong, and the slight loss caused by transforming a witch is still within his tolerance.

This can be regarded as another control method, but it is not cost-effective compared to the Seal of Pale.

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