He smiled slightly, strode closer, and stopped ten meters away from Lu He.

His eyes focused on Lu He.

"Lord Sauron, I'm Bonu. I've heard for a long time that Lord Sauron is not only very skilled in boxing, but also superb in swordsmanship. I wonder if I have a chance to learn from him and learn from him."

Lu He looked at him lightly and jumped on the boat.

He didn't like fighting, he was somewhat interested in killing people, but he wasn't interested in sparring at all, especially with someone weaker than himself.

It's a complete waste of time.

Looking at the figures leaving the boat, Bonu smiled widely, not resenting being ignored.

"I'll just say he won't pay attention to you." Avic glanced at Bonu and sighed softly.

"It's okay, there is always a chance. Lord Sauron will stay here for a few days, so I don't believe I won't find a chance."

Bonu chuckled and jumped on another ship.

Avic curled his lips and followed.

Bonu is a veritable fighting madman in Sword of War, spending most of his time improving himself.

It is estimated that it is precisely because of his ambition that he can become the strongest person after Lord Phil.

"But he is really young..."

Bonu suddenly sighed.

A deep sense of frustration surged in his heart. Compared with Lu He, it seemed like their lives had been in vain for decades.

Avic also deeply agrees.

He was obviously just a young man who was less than twenty years old, but he actually stood at a height that they could only look up to and couldn't reach.

How to avoid frustration?

They were usually arrogant and aloof, but in front of Sauron, they had no temper at all.

Soon, the island in the middle of the lake gradually became clear.

There is only one golden flower alone on the island.

Looking from a distance, the flowers are divided into dozens of petals, braided to form the shape of a small circular pool.

Each petal is covered with dense drop-shaped mirror-like eyes. The eyes are purple-red and emit a purple-red shimmer.

After getting closer, I found that there was nothing except the flower stem.

Purple eyes are spread all over the branches, and the flowers and leaves are as if they are naturally embedded in the flowers, giving people a very natural feeling.

The ship quickly approached the island and soon stepped directly onto the ground of the island in the middle of the lake.

The flowers were also closer. After stepping on the uneven ground, Lu He stood directly in front of the flowers.

The flowers are very huge, like a tree, and the trunk is covered with branches with claws and teeth, which is a bit ferocious.

Lu He tapped his toes lightly.

The whole person jumped up and floated in front of a petal of the flower, floating in the air.

All the eyes on the petals are secreting liquid, which is clear and transparent drop by drop, flowing into the center, and there is an endless stream.

The strange thing is that the water level of the Petal Pond has not changed at all, it is always only about half, as if it is never full, and the whole water exudes a faint sweet fragrance.

Lu He reached out and gently touched the eyes on the petals.

It's a bit hard and ice-cool, like touching frosted glass, not as fragile as it looks.

He took back his hand and was surprised to find that his fingers were stained with a little light golden mucus.

"This is the spring water of the Spring of Thebes." Ji Fa explained from behind.

Lu He carefully looked at the liquid on his fingertips, and sure enough, there were faint golden glimmers on it.

"Except for witches, how many forces are there now that have designs on the Fountain of Thebes?" He asked casually.

"The forces are probably almost there."

Ji Fa smiled, but out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Avic, who was walking slowly behind him.

"If Lord Sauron arrives and we haven't stabilized the situation, wouldn't it mean that my sword of war is too useless?"

Bonu took the words slightly proudly.

The news of the discovery of the Fountain of Thebes was leaked, which attracted the covetousness of many forces, but now it has basically been eliminated by the sword of war, and there is no one else within dozens of miles.

Lu He nodded and pondered.

The Fountain of Thebes is relatively important to him and can be used to make a potion that improves his qualifications.

Of course, it is not effective for everyone. It mainly improves the meditation qualifications of the wizard apprentice level.

His effect on second-level wizards is limited.

Moreover, qualifications are no longer the most important thing for formal wizards, unless they are extremely unnatural.

But it was better than nothing. Although the Eye of Heritage rated his qualifications as very good, they could only be improved a little.

Early next morning.

On a boulder on the island in the middle of the lake.

Lu He sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes slightly closed, and the flame mark between his eyebrows was faintly glowing with blood.

A twisted and inexplicable force swirled around him.

The early morning air is moist and cold, slightly moistening the surface of the rock beneath you, giving it a slightly black color.

There are several tenacious grasses growing in the cracks in the rock wall next to it. The winding roots are crawling on the rock wall, and the green leaves are stained with a few drops of morning beads, making them full of vitality.

at some point.

The grass suddenly trembled and exploded in an instant, turning into countless fragments and falling from the air.

Before they hit the ground, the fragments suddenly burned, releasing blood-red flames. A burst of gorgeous colors bloomed, reflecting the surroundings as beautifully as an illusion.

Then it disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving not even a trace behind, like a fleeting dream.

Lu He smiled.

He did not use the power of the fire element just now, and the grass was not burned into nothingness.

This is a force called the Death Plague.

Lu He has not yet thoroughly studied it, but it is essentially a type of negative energy particle, derived from a spell he once found in the Crescent Empire's treasure house: Blood Flame Epidemic Energy.

To be honest, the content of this spell is not very advanced in his opinion, and it is only at a barely adequate level.

It is not a perfect work at all, it is rough and mixed with many unnecessary things.

Because from the beginning of his enlightenment, he received the education of the Eye of Inheritance created by his ancestor.

Therefore, what Lu He needs is not the so-called profound knowledge, but more basic ideas or inspiration.

For him, this spell is a guiding stone that can point him in a direction.

With his current level of knowledge, he only needs one seed to sprout independently and grow smoothly.

So this spell is just a guiding stone. Although it only has general information, its idea is ingenious.

Death plague can be understood as viruses and plagues.

Lu He liked it very much.

Because no matter what world they are in, viruses and plagues are very normal and common things, but they also have considerable destructive power, destructiveness, and transmissibility.

As long as the spread and lethality can be controlled, it is one of the best weapons of mass destruction.

Very consistent with his low-key behavior.

After spending some time doing research, Lu He had some ideas, but further experiments were needed.

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