My wizarding career begins on Earth

Chapter 330 Encirclement and Suppression Part 1

The sky was bright and bright, and a ray of sunshine on the horizon dyed the clouds into a small patch of pale gold.

A small town somewhere at the foot of a mountain.

Black and gray buildings were built one after another, silently. The surface of the building was dark and dull. Some doors and windows were smashed, leaving only a few residues hanging on them.

In the central square, the human sculpture in the middle of the circular fountain has no head.

The ground on the right sank, and a deep crack appeared, as if someone had cut a crack from a short distance with a knife, hit the fountain pool, and shook the sculpture.

On the left side of the fountain pool is an oval grassland. The flowers and plants on the ground are lifeless and lifeless.

Next to the guardrail, a tall man wearing dark red exquisite iron armor was standing.

He held the blood-stained knight's sword in his right hand, stood on the branch of the big tree, and carefully scanned the surrounding scene.

Through the gap between the dense leaves, his sight happened to fall on a cluster of dilapidated flowers in the distance.

At the same time, he is also aware of the surrounding situation.

Suddenly, on the main trunk of the big tree, gray leaf moths quietly crawled away and formed a large circle. The surface of the tree gradually became distorted, gray holes appeared, and lines spread into the distance.

A skinny palm suddenly emerged from inside.

The black nails are like sharp thorns, grabbing up and down to form claws, containing poison and weirdness.

Then a head with long hair stuck out.

I couldn't see the face clearly, I could only see an eye filled with blood, full of cruelty and resentment.

Theo suddenly felt something was wrong.

Apart from the fact that the air around him was a little colder and thicker, he found nothing else, but his fighting instinct told him that the enemy was hiding around him.


The sound of the sword blade rubbing against the scabbard was heard.

A white light flashed, directly piercing the tree trunk, and the sword tip pierced the place where Theo felt dangerous just a moment ago.

The sword energy lingered on the sword body, but it did not kill anything, and there was nothing in front of him.

It is difficult for ghosts to form in this world, but once they are formed, they have considerable power. After all, physical attacks can only repel and hinder them, but cannot cause substantial damage.

The sword energy inspired by the knight contains the essence of human body's energy and blood. Once the ghost touches it, it will be tortured.

But it still needs to be hit.

Just as Theo was thinking, a tuft of long hair slowly hung down from above, hanging upside down behind him without him noticing, with a twisted face facing the back of his head.

The coldness made Theo's scalp numb instinctively, and countless small bumps appeared on the back of his neck. He turned back sharply.

"!! Fuck^O^#*#^O^fuck!!"

Theo spoke a little awkwardly, looking at the ghost close at hand, just when he thought he was about to explain.

The illusive golden moon appeared beside him, a circle of sword light rotated like a pattern, the trees were smashed, and the coldness was dispelled.

But the ghost disappeared without a trace again, hissing black smoke filling the air behind it.

"Theo, are you okay?"

A female knight arrived in time. She was young, about twenty years old. A long ocean blue ponytail swayed as she walked, and her sapphire-like eyes were crystal clear.

"Mudd, what the hell did the witch train? Fortunately, Helen, you came in time, otherwise I might be dead."

Theo said with lingering fear.

At this time, he was very fortunate that he did not choose to follow his uncle Avic, but followed the old Duke Gustavo.

Otherwise, it would be the witch's weird and unpredictable methods.

If he went to the core areas where witches gathered, he would probably die young as he just graduated from the academy.

Helen nodded and looked around.


Hoarse, demonic laughter sounded from all directions.

The ghost is moving at high speed, and traces appear suddenly, and the senses cannot lock onto its trajectory.

Ghosts are like this. If they grasp their weaknesses, they will be vulnerable, but if they fail to restrain them, they will become extremely powerful.

There was a sudden sound of breaking through the sky. Helen looked up and saw an overwhelming rain of blood falling down.

The long sword in her hand slashed horizontally and horizontally, refracting light like a net. The rain of blood that came from the attack was shattered and shaken away by her without missing a drop. No trace could get close. The sword energy vibrated and the buzzing sound resounded.

Looking at the ghost who was hiding again, Helen frowned slightly.

She quickly took out a small bottle from her waist bag, opened the stopper, poured out some light yellow powder, and sprinkled it forward.

She whispered an unknown mantra in her mouth.

A cloud of white mist suddenly exploded, and Helen and the ghost were simultaneously covered in the white mist.

I saw the golden sword energy burst out in the white mist, and sword energy spread out from inside like hedgehogs.

Just as Theo was about to rush in and help.

A scream came out. The scream was so harsh that it penetrated his eardrums and made his scalp numb immediately.

The white fog quickly dissipated.

A black shadow burning with golden flames was burning and destroying, and corrosive sizzling sounds continued to sound.

Next to her was Helen's calm and composed face.

Suddenly, the black shadow stopped screaming and struggling, and its body was burned to ashes inch by inch, turning into black ashes.

And Theo also saw the ghost's face more clearly for the first time, and could vaguely see the bright and beautiful scenery in front of him.

"Helen, what you just used was..."

Theo couldn't help but ask, he wanted to know the reason why the ghost that almost killed him was easily solved by Helen.

Helen was far from his match a year ago.

In the ring, he relied on Lord Sauron's sword to barely fight him, but now he was far away. Even though he had been promoted to knight level, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

"The manifestation potion I refined."

Helen said without looking back, squatting on the ground to collect the ashes produced by the burning ghosts.

The book says this is a basic material for wraith spirits.

Extremely versatile.

She plans to use it to make a psychic potion. This potion can activate a certain special function of the eyes. After it is activated, it can see things that ordinary people cannot see, that is, ghosts and the like.

You don’t have to go through so much trouble next time you encounter this situation.

"You can also make potions!?" Theo opened his mouth wide and was speechless for a moment.

"Yes, I am a pharmacist." Helen's clear and bright eyes blinked, very proud of this.

She then sighed softly, "But the teacher asked me to focus more on pharmacy and not practice swordplay all day long."


"He said learning swordsmanship has no future."

Theo held the long sword in his hand and wanted to refute, but thinking of those scarlet eyes, he did not dare to open his mouth.

"You're telling me that practicing swordsmanship has no future!?" A rough and bold voice came from the center of the town.

"The knight relied on the sword in his hand to defeat enemies one after another and conquer this continent!"

"Look, the sword is the most powerful! Even the dark witch Elodie can't stop my sword."

boom! ! !

Suddenly there was a roar from behind.

The two looked back and saw that a building had been smashed into pieces, causing a large cloud of dust and stone debris.

A middle-aged man in black armor walked out. His face was very ordinary, with a beard mixed with a few white beards, sunken eye sockets, and he looked like he was seriously sleep deprived.

Degon, the leading knight of the two.

The peak knight level, a long-established strong man, is the family knight of the old Duke Gustavo.

In his hands he held a comatose witch.

The witch's eyes were closed tightly, her face was slightly cold, and she wore a black gauze dress on her bumpy body. Through the holes on it, you could vaguely see the white skin like snow and jade inside.

"They are still alive. Theo, please keep an eye on them first. When the time comes, capture a few more and send them to Lord Sauron."

Degon carefully placed the witch on the ground like a treasure, feeling very happy in his heart.

Master Sauron assigned them a task. Everyone must turn in at least one witch, a living witch.

If you turn in more than one person, you will be rewarded.

If it is a special witch, such as the dark witch he just captured, there will be additional rewards.

In addition, this dark witch is very beautiful and has a very good figure. She can be called the best among witches. Based on what he has learned about Lord Sauron's character, the reward is likely to be doubled.

Thinking of the list of rewards given by Lord Sauron, Degon was slightly excited. There were a lot of good things that made him covetous.

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