My wizarding career begins on Earth

Chapter 334 Decisive Battle

The snow-covered mountains were like a giant white beast lying on the ground, exuding bursts of chill.

The body of the beast is dotted with castles.

Countless patterns of magic arrays are engraved on the surface of the dark city wall, and a silver muzzle or metal arrow tower protrudes from the top of the crenel, densely packed like a hedgehog.

Looking from afar.

Many guards can be seen on the city wall. Most of them are knights with curse marks carved on their foreheads, primitive barbarians who drink blood from their hair, or strange alien races.

Of course, the command level is still held by witches.

Even though the Western Continent is vast and has an extremely large population, the number of witches has always been scarce.

Different from the low threshold of the knights, their requirements for talent are too high, and countless people are stopped before the threshold.

In order to solve such shortcomings and improve their competitiveness, witches cooperated with knights, signed contracts, or directly trained knights who were loyal to them from childhood.

Witches have been collecting knights as servants and enslaving foreign races or primitive barbarians for a long time.

It should be said that it was like this from the beginning.

The witches in this world are ultimately mages.

It's just slightly leaning towards the arcane mage, and also has some dark magic characteristics.

So they need human shields and the cooperation of warriors. After all, mages are very fragile at low levels.

It is said that this was not the case ten thousand years ago. At that time, most of the contracts they signed with knights were relatively friendly employment contracts.

The witch helps the knight make potions that enhance his strength, or provides other benefits in exchange for the knight's help.

But with the strong rise of the Cavaliers, the situation changed.

Facing a witch who is weaker than themselves, few knights are willing to sign a so-called contract and work for the witch.

Even normal employment is not very willing.

In the extraordinary world, disadvantaged groups usually do not have much say or pricing power.

It’s understandable, free prostitution is so delicious.

When I have money, I am still willing to deal with you normally, but once the situation is turbulent, it is inevitable to overturn the table.

For example, now, under the background of extraordinary concealment, the Sword of War is in order to obtain more resources and ensure that it is still sufficiently competitive in the uncertain future.

Start robbing the witch directly.

Although the witch has long recognized this and plans to form an alliance with the aliens to deal with it.

However, disasters always come unexpectedly, deepening the world's correct understanding of them.

The heavy gray lead-colored clouds twisted unnaturally, and the witch on patrol in the castle raised her head in awareness.

The cloud waves were already rolling and boiling, and external forces touched the magic array they had arranged in the air. The thunder with agitated energy turned into pythons and scurried around in the sky, like the first sign of doomsday.

Amidst the deafening explosion.

A red beam of light penetrated out of thin air, reflected in the eyes of everyone on the ground, and then crashed down.

There was a stalemate for a moment, and the entire formation was suddenly covered with green light cracks, and it broke into countless pieces within a moment of support.

"Enemy attack!!!"

The witch in charge of the city defense screamed hysterically.

She strode towards the edge of the city wall, and the flag of the Knights Legion appeared at the end of her sight.

The shrill alarm began to spread, and a large number of witches began to gather towards the city wall from various places.

Nearby buildings opened steel gates.

Slaves with shackled hands and feet swarmed out, including huge ferocious beasts, ferocious-looking aliens, and barbarians...

But most of them are knights with numb eyes.

They wear enchanted heavy armor, hold spears or swords, and exude a fierce aura.

The wrinkled old witch raised a staff taller than herself, and the surging mana turned into a dark green light and rose into the sky, once again activating the protection of the entire castle.

"Witches, if you don't want to be sold as slaves, then lead your guards and slaves to fight against the enemy!"

"Kill them all! Kill everyone in front of you!"

Thousands of official witches were dispersed to various units, and after casting spells to forcibly control the slaves, they were released from their shackles.

"You despicable fools, hurry up and get to your respective combat posts! Immediately!"

Under the witch's beating and scolding, the slaves with red eyes seemed to have lost their minds and rushed to the city wall quickly.

The witch usually uses various vicious strengthening potions on these slaves to conduct human experiments. At the same time, she treats them as disposable consumables to deal with external wars.

Although these slaves' minds are enslaved, their fighting instincts still exist, and they are more fierce and unafraid of death.

Although the witch is weak, it is compared with the knight.

Generally speaking, witches are the most powerful training system in Western Continent, second only to knights and aliens.

Moreover, witches are not good people. In quite a few areas of Western Continent, they are synonymous with terror and evil.

"Immediately move the enchanted cannonballs and prepare for bombardment at any time! You losers, please be quick!"

The witch in charge of the city wall scolded her men.

The black robe she wore floated up in the wind, revealing the blood-red close-fitting phosphorescent leather armor underneath, showing off her heroic appearance.

The existence in the North is second only to the legend, but even this kind of person has an extremely anxious face at this moment.

The witches stationed in the tower defense began to sing together.

A huge circular array quickly formed above the light mask. Weird runes and geometric shapes were mixed into dense patterns, creating thousands of barrel-thick thunder and lightning.

With the magic circle as the foundation, the mighty magic power resonates with various elements, causing qualitative changes and rapidly expanding to the periphery.

When the light of dawn appeared from the distant sky, several legions of knights had gathered five miles away from the Snow Witch City, and the smell of blood still lingered on their bodies.

The knights drove their horses forward, their active bodies emitting huge amounts of heat.

The blood stains stuck to the armor began to melt, and drops flowed along the outline of the armor.

The armor surface became clean and bright again.

The flag squeaked in the wind, and the soaring energy and blood made the area feel hot.

The witch on the high ground has seen the movements of the Knight Legion, and the enemy is coming like a dark cloud.

Want to engulf them.


Elias looked calm, and the staff like a trident appeared in her hand, shining with a cold luster.

After hearing her order, the witches who were already ready to go emitted different colors of mana energy.

Of course, facing an unprecedented enemy brings a sense of oppression that not all witches can muster up the courage to face.

It can be seen that hundreds of witches have bright blood marks engraved on their eyebrows. This is because they have been cast a magic spell and are forced to fight with the enemies outside the city.

For cowards like them, if they do not kill a sufficient number of enemies within the stipulated time, their vitality will be continuously drained by the magic order.

In fact, not only these witches, but all the people can only devote all their efforts to killing.

Only in this way can they gain a chance of survival, otherwise they can only drown and wither in the huge army of knights.

In order to save your life, you have to fight to the death!

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