My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2118: Black turtle move!

The koi entered the sea and went all the way to the north. Others did not know what it meant, but Wang Cangcang knew. The twelve koi go away in an orderly manner, forming the image of a turtle and snake, which is exactly the basalt beast. Wang Cangcang didn't know why the Koi had to go to the place where the basaltic animal was, it must be very dangerous there. However, she believed in Koi's will, so she followed.

Suddenly Wang Cangcang followed the koi carp to the north sea area. The bodyguards were terrified and immediately chased Wang Cangcang. However, a few bodyguards didn't have that strong power. When stepping into the sea, they could only maintain a certain distance without sinking, and could not keep walking on the water. But Wang Cangcang was fine. She seemed to be protected by some strength, walking on the sea as if walking on the ground. Soon, she distanced herself from several bodyguards. Several bodyguards had to withdraw back to the shore, watching Wang Cangcang in a hurry, and then they could only contact the power of the Red Wall Palace or send the equipment of Shenji Technology to chase Wang Cangcang.

Several bodyguards were helpless, but Tang Ye could easily follow Wang Cangcang. Originally, Tang Ye wanted to take the place of Feng Zhu Lian and let Feng Zhu Lian rest. He came to drag Xuan Wu. But now what happened to Wang Cangcang, he had to look at Wang Cangcang first. So he sent a message and told Feng Zhu Lian to let Feng Zhu Lian stand up for a while.

The message from Tang Ye was to directly convey the sound to Feng Zhu Lian's ears through dark magic and spatial changes, which would not affect Feng Zhu Lian's battle, but also convey information. Only Tang Ye can do this kind of thing, and other people in the nihility organization, even if they are in the realm of the holy way, can't do this kind of thing.

After Feng Zhulian received Tang Ye's message, she understood. She knew her situation, and there was no problem with fighting Xuanwu again.

After confirming that Fengzhu Lian could continue to deal with Xuanwu for a while, Tang Ye chased Wang Cangcang. At this time, Wang Cangcang was walking on the surface of the sea, looking very unbelievable, in the eyes of ordinary people, he was afraid that it was also caused by the heavens. Coupled with Wang Cangcang's beauty, it also made people think that she was a fairy-like woman.

Tang Ye promised that Wang Jiuxiao would protect Wang Cangcang well and would not let her get into trouble. In addition, he was also curious as to what Wang Cangcang, a special genius who can observe the fortune, would do here. Before contacting Wang Jiuxiao, Wang Jiuxiao unexpectedly said that Wang Cangcang used the abilities of twelve koi carps to observe and infer that the Void Lord and the Phoenix Pearl Curtain, who possessed the power of the Vermillion Bird, could not deal with Xuanwu either. When she came to the North Sea, she thought that perhaps the twelve koi could help them find a way to deal with Xuanwu.

"Can Wang Cangcang find a solution for things that he can't do?" Tang Ye was very curious about this. If someone else suggests that he can't solve Xuanwu, he doesn't believe it. But if it is Wang Cangcang, a person who can observe the fortune of luck, and has twelve koi treasures that look like a dragon pond, he somewhat believes.

Tang Ye has been following Wang Cangcang in the sky, wanting to see what happened. However, at this time, I suddenly heard a giant python roar, the voice of Xuanwu. Then, Tang Ye immediately felt that a force rushed in Wang Cangcang's direction.


Then, there was another chirp like a vermilion bird, and the Phoenix Pearl Curtain sent out its full strength, burning flames all over, as if it had become a fire bird, coming very far, also in the direction of Wang Cangcang.

This is a mutation. Tang Ye didn't know why, but knew it was because of Wang Cangcang. Xuanwu first, then Fengzhu curtain. Fengzhu Lian used all his strength and came instantly. But Xuanwu's attack is one step faster. The sea surface was opened with a huge mouth, which was stronger than the previous attack. And the power of the Phoenix Pearl Curtain was also fully opened, which was not in line with Tang Ye's advice, mainly to avoid and reduce consumption.

Xuanwu's attack was about to reach Wang Cangcang's body, and Wang Cangcang was shocked. Such a mighty attack would definitely be unstoppable for her. However, the twelve koi in front of her were not afraid at this time, jumping one by one, connecting one after another to form a rotating circle. The circle of twelve koi carps exerts force to resist the attack of Xuanwu!

Xuanwu's attack came in an instant, and it was suddenly aimed at Wang Cangcang, and Tang Ye who was in the sky couldn't react. He rushed down the first time, but he was still slower.

At this time, the power of Xuanwu hit the aperture formed by the twelve koi, and the power of the twelve koi was unexpectedly strong, blocking Xuanwu's attack!

Tang Ye was relieved to see, otherwise Wang Cangcang must be dead. He couldn't resist the attack of Xuanwu, and Fengzhu Curtain also hit Wang Cangcang, and Wang Cangcang was afraid that it would immediately become nothingness.

At this time, the whole body was covered with flames, and came like a phoenix curtain like a fire bird. Seeing Wang Cangcang behind the twelve koi carps, she immediately understood, and shouted to Tang Ye: "Master, Xuanwu wants to kill Wang Cangcang!"

Isn't this nonsense? They all attacked Wang Cangcang. They must be trying to kill Wang Cangcang. What Tang Ye wanted to know was why Xuanwu wanted to kill Wang Cangcang.


At this time, the bad thing is that the aperture of the twelve koi can't withstand the attack of Xuanwu, and it looks like it's breaking apart!


Sure enough, the twelve koi were scattered and fell into the water one after another, struggling as if they were seriously injured.

Wang Cangcang was very worried when he saw an accident with the twelve koi, and he cared more about the twelve koi than his own life.

Xuanwu's attack continued to rush towards Wang Cangcang. But at this time, Tang Ye had enough time to resist Xuanwu's attack. He appeared in front of Wang Cangcang in time to stand in front of the huge wave of power coming from Xuanwu. However, Xuanwu's divine power was stronger than the previous attacks, and it seemed to be very determined to kill Wang Cangcang. With such a powerful force, Tang Ye opened the door of death one after another, and the magic of darkness surged out, opening to the fifth door of death!

Faced with such a situation, Tang Ye knew that Wang Cangcang's identity was definitely not simple, otherwise Xuanwu would not suddenly launch such a strong attack, it was like a high-pressure mortal gun.

Tang Ye, who had used five levels of dark magic power, couldn't stop Xuanwu's attack. His body was pushed back all the time, and at the same time, his body was covered and swallowed little by little.

Fortunately, the Fengzhu Curtain had arrived, and the Fengzhu Curtain had been fully activated. She fell to Tang Ye's side and used Vermillion Bird's supernatural power to resist the attack of Xuanwu. Suzaku's divine power is no worse than Xuanwu's, even if Fengzhu Lian can't exert its full power, it can block Xuanwu's attack. Coupled with Tang Ye's power, he successfully resolved the Xuanwu attack and bounced back.

"Just now, Xuanwu's Xuangui's head moved." Feng Zhulian said to Tang Ye after resolving Xuanwu's attack.

Feng Zhu Lian is not stupid, she also noticed that Xuanwu had not moved the head of the Xuanwu during the battle. However, when she attacked Wang Cangcang just now, she saw Xuan**'s head moved. The power of the mysterious tortoise, which had not moved like Mount Tai, now moved. In other words, Wang Cangcang was the one who moved the power of the mysterious turtle!

Hearing Feng Zhulian's words, Tang Ye couldn't help but look back at Wang Cangcang, wondering what secret Wang Cangcang was hiding.

Wang Cangcang's nerves were tense, his face turned pale. Suddenly encountering a divine attack, she was shocked for a while. The basalt beast wants to kill itself?

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