My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2160: Fight the white tiger!

Although Tang Ye gave Iron Hammer the secrets of their cultivation, they couldn't cultivate it all at once, so they still didn't have enough power to deal with the white tiger. They are unwilling, but there is no way. But now they have something more they want to do than against Bai Hu, which is to learn the secret technique given by Tang Ye.

They have great expectations. After practicing such a subtle secret, to what extent will their strength break through and increase?

Tang Ye went up to the main mother peak alone, the black phantom flickered and the surrounding scenery changed, from spring to summer to autumn and winter, it was extremely magical. With a last call to the ground, he jumped up, soaring into the sky, passing a high-altitude cloud and mist, as if breaking through the nine heavens, and then looking down, saw the top of the main mother peak, a piece of ice and snow crystal built like a cave castle. Beautiful scenery.

The ice and snow crystal in the front is a huge white tiger with some black stripes on its head and a prominent "king" on its forehead. Looking at the body, it is more than ten meters long. If it stands up on its hind legs, it will increase by a few meters. Such a giant is also extremely coping.

Although from the outside, Baihu's body was much smaller than Xuanwu. Xuanwu's body shape, like a hill in the sea, is the largest. However, although the white tiger is quite small, the power that bursts out all over his body is no worse than Xuanwu. Even better than Xuanwu. Seeing its momentum, slapped it with a slap, maybe the absolute defense of Xuanwu could not stop it.

The white tiger beast, the king of the west, occupies the main mother peak, like a **** in charge.

Tang Ye broke through the fog and appeared high in the sky. Bai Hu looked up, his eyes were cold, and he hummed, "Is it a bit rude to be condescending?"

Then the white tiger stood up, roared and roared, as if inspired by its power, a few lightning bolts struck the sky, and it struck down against Tang Ye in the sky. Tang Ye was taken aback, so powerful, howling and roaring could actually call lightning. Lightning is still very powerful. If it can't stop it, it can cause the heart to stop beating instantly, causing it to die. So Tang Ye evaded quickly, landed, and reached a sharp crystal towering high on the top of the crystal mountain.

Although the crystal was sharp and sharp, Tang Ye's feet fell on it, but they seemed to be weightless, unaffected at all, and very stable, showing a completely master style.

Bai Hu looked at Tang Ye and snorted coldly: "Humans are so troublesome. Even if they killed you to extinction, they are blowing and regenerating like weeds. This is what you humans say, as tenacious as cockroaches? , A good description, you are cockroaches. The cockroaches are plagued, ugly and dirty, with suffocating viruses, no wonder the true gods have to eradicate you."

Tang Ye smiled, and was accustomed to these satirical words about humans. Maybe the words spoken by the beasts or true gods came from human beings. Human beings are a very interesting group, which contains the world. You don’t need to be evaluated by others. There are all kinds of people in your own race to evaluate and interpret. So staying in human beings can see a variety of outlooks on life, values, and world views. If you can see through this point, then the words of others will no longer have any effect.

Tang Ye smiled and said to Bai Hu: "A single spark can start a prairie fire. Who told you not to kill all the human races in the first place? Since the fire is left, it can naturally burn again."

"Can start a prairie fire?" Bai Hu looked at Tang Ye and snorted coldly: "Then extinguish it here, and it won't burn again!"

After all, Bai Hu slapped him and slapped him, and then with a swish, he was in front of Tang Ye in an instant, and he slapped Tang Ye. Tang Ye couldn't evade and slapped him directly, and the standing crystal was smashed.

The white tiger fell on the ground, snorted coldly, and said, "You want to fight me like Suzaku and Xuanwu, and when you find the melting pot of divine power, you will kill me and seize my divine power?"

"I tell you, there is no such possibility, you can't kill me." Bai Hu said very confidently.

Tang Ye slapped the white tiger and followed the broken crystal to fall. Slapped by the sacred beast, it definitely hurts, and it takes time to ease. So this time is the best time to pursue Tang Ye. However, Bai Hu didn't go up to chase Tang Ye. It suddenly turned around and slapped a huge tiger palm against a blank place behind him.


There was another loud noise, sending out a huge impact. In such a situation, it is generally only when two forces collide. However, this place was clearly blank just now, how could such a powerful force collide with Bai Hu. However, slowly I saw that under the palm of the white tiger was Tang Ye bursting with dark magic all over his body, carrying the white tiger's attack with the overlord's halberd transformed into the dark magic.

Why did Tang Ye get here?

Bai Hu looked at Tang Ye, who was struggling to carry it under the palm of the tiger, and sneered sarcastically: "Illusions are useless to me. Although I am curious, how you did it, I didn't notice you the first time."

It turned out that Tang Ye, who was standing on the sharp crystal just now, was an illusion, so he was not anxious to avoid being attacked by the white tiger, and he didn't worry about being injured if he was hit. After all, it was fake.

Tang Ye, who is now holding the palm of the white tiger, is genuine. Although it was very laborious, he sneered at Bai Hu and said, "It seems that your strength is no more than this. Then I don't have to be so troublesome to kill you, just do it directly."


Bai Hu couldn't stand Tang Ye's arrogant and despising remarks. With a roar, he increased his strength and pressed Tang Ye's legs into his calf.


At this time, behind the white tiger, a beautiful figure appeared, it was the seven-tailed fox demon Qiuya. Qiuya's hands showed fox claws, and she grabbed the white tiger's back.

However, Bai Hu noticed her, and with a flick of his huge Baihu tail, he came in the name of Qiuya, who had to go back.

But taking advantage of this moment, Tang Ye got rid of Baihu's palm, jumped to the back, and confronted Baihu.

When Bai Hu saw Qiuya, he was taken aback, and hummed, "Monster?"

It seems that the emergence of the Monster Race is another key to breaking the situation of heaven and earth. After all, the demons are worse than the demons. The demons are only sealed, but the demons are deprived of their luck for growth and become animals and livestock. Now that the monster race is back, the resentment that it brings will be endless. It's just that Baihu doesn't understand it again. This fox demon seems to be helping humans?

Or the seven-tailed fox demon?

Bai Hu was even more surprised. Even if the demon clan re-emerged, how could a existence as powerful as the seven-tailed fox demon appear so fast? The monster race can be reshaped, it is a stage, and the cultivation is strong, it is another stage.

Bai Hu didn't expect that the demon clan had just taken shape, there would be a powerful existence like the seven-tailed fox demon!

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