My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 838: Predecessor!

In Ye Wushuang's previous competition, Tang Ye saw that he was using a sword. There are many warriors practicing swords in the world, and swordsmen are one of the most common warriors in the world. However, there are only a few who can practice the sword to the extreme and win the world-famous reputation.

Although the sword is easy to practice, it is not easy to master it. Every famous swordsman must have his own style.

Tang Ye felt that Ye Wushuang's style was streamlined. What he saw in Ye Wushuang's contest was very simple, almost just one move. Perhaps this is because the opponent is not worth mentioning, so Ye Wushuang disdains the move. Regardless, Tang Ye knew very little about Ye Wushuang.

Ye Wushuang also didn't have a background in the genre or family, so he couldn't use these as a reference. This young master seemed to pop up suddenly, not only Tang Ye, but everyone else was very curious about him.

Tang Ye and Ye Wushuang were standing opposite each other. Ye Wushuang looked at Tang Ye and smiled and said, "Like everyone’s thoughts, I didn’t expect you to stand at the end. According to our initial thoughts and predictions, you’re early It should be eliminated, or...dead."

Tang Ye stared slightly, and said, "Die?"

Ye Wushuang nodded calmly and said, "There are more than ten million people who want to kill you."

Tang Ye laughed and said, "It seems that I have a lot of weight. It's worthy of so many people who regard me as a target."

"Just because you are the young master of the Long Family." Ye Wushuang didn't care much about Tang Ye's attitude in his words. Then he whispered: "It won't be anymore soon, not because you are dead, but because the fake is fake..."

Tang Ye understood what Ye Wushuang meant, and he must have been someone who could kill him without mercy. Tang Ye was very helpless, because he was the Young Master of the Long Family, so he should die?

What a ridiculous reason!

When I was outside the big world, I was an unknown person who lived an ordinary life, but was said to be damned by those people. Now in the Guwu Rivers and Lakes, becoming the Young Master of the Long Family, let alone the rich second generation, and then **** it. So what do you want yourself? !

Since you are going to kill me, then I will kill you too!

Tang Ye didn't want to talk nonsense, and said to Ye Wushuang: "Go ahead."

Ye Wushuang smiled and said, "What are you going to use this time?"

Tang Ye stretched out his hand and grabbed a halberd, and said, "The marksmanship taught by my sister and some of my own insights."

Ye Wushuang squinted his eyes and said, "You are a formidable opponent."

"Thank you." Tang Ye smiled.

"I like to kill strong opponents!" Ye Wushuang sneered.

Tang Ye didn't speak any more, with the halberd in his hand, pointing directly at Ye Wushuang, his mighty and domineering aura appeared.

When everyone saw Tang Ye like this, thanks to Tang Ye's fortitude in dealing with Li Bubai just now, and the harsh foil of Li Bubai's poisoning, they felt that Tang Ye was actually not that annoying. Tang Ye who fought like that had an indescribable charm, like a hero who was desperately killing enemies on the battlefield and defending his homeland.

Ye Wushuang's expression became gloomy. He has a sword, he realized Li Haoran's graceful figure dancing sword, and he was inspired by Li Haoran's name and named it "righteousness".

With a sword of righteousness, killing demons, any demons and sprites have nothing to hide, they are all eliminated by righteousness.

Ye Wushuang wanted to use a sword of righteousness against Tang Ye, then Tang Ye should be a demon, so he didn't like the look of Tang Ye now looking very upright and brave.


Ye Wushuang took out the sword, and the long sword in his hand rang loudly, and said to Tang Ye: "My sword is very simple. Only three swords can be used. After the three swords, the winner can be divided."

"This is good. After playing for so long, I am a little tired." Tang Ye nodded.

Ye Wushuang squinted his eyes and said, "The first sword, transforming the devil."

Tang Ye frowned, turned demon?

The corners of Ye Wushuang's mouth rose up, revealing a playful smile. His righteousness sword is the ultimate sword, but it cannot be used from the beginning. The best effect can be exerted when a person is in a cruel and violent, almost monster state. For this reason, he learned more about two swords, which were used in conjunction with the sword of righteousness. The sword of transformation is to force out the dark and evil in a person's heart, so that the sword of righteousness is useful.

After opening the Huamo sword, Ye Wushuang's whole body aura changed, and darkness began to emerge from the long sword. The dark breath spread and attached to Ye Wushuang, making Ye Wushuang a gloomy and dark person.

Tang Ye didn't know that Ye Wushuang's magic sword was actually aimed at him, thinking that Ye Wushuang was improving his strength to fight him. He held a halberd, used the marksmanship taught by Long Qingcheng, and secretly used the power of the Long Family's combat skills to prevent others from knowing his true identity. He has been arranging something and his identity cannot be revealed yet.


The demon queen Ye Wushuang was extremely fast, like black lightning, his figure flickered and appeared behind Tang Ye, stab at Tang Ye's vest.

However, although Ye Wushuang's movements were quick and unpredictable, Tang Ye was not hit by him. Ye Wushuang, the queen of transformation, could feel it even if Tang Ye closed his eyes. Because Tang Ye has a small area with dead trees every spring. The dark aura of Huamo was incompatible with the vitality of Withered Wood Fengchun, so after Tang Ye activated the power of Withered Wood Fengchun, even if Ye Wushuang was transparent, it was equivalent to being dyed with a layer of color.


Tang Ye backhanded the halberd behind him, and Ye Wushuang's dark long sword pierced the halberd, making a clear sound of metal collision.

The impact force erupted, Tang Ye used his backhand force, lost to Ye Wushuang, was pushed forward and staggered two steps forward.

Ye Wushuang didn't expect Tang Ye to react so quickly. He thought he could stab Tang Ye and inject darkness into Tang Ye's body. I don't know if I didn't fight against Tang Ye. Once I played against it, I knew that Tang Ye's strength was far stronger than it seemed.

After Ye Wushuang was surprised, he continued to use his sword against Tang Ye, and the main purpose of Hua Mo Yi Jian was to make Tang Ye transform into magic. Everyone thought it was him who turned demons to strengthen his strength, but he wasn't. Many people died at this point. He knew that Tang Ye didn't notice the intention of Huamo Yijian. He was thinking, would Tang Ye die at this point too?

It was an interesting result to think about it. Ye Wushuang smiled lightly, and lightly tiptoed, the black long sword chased Tang Ye away.

With the power of dead wood in spring, Tang Ye seemed to grow eyes behind his back. He quickly stabilized his body, turned around and held the halberd in both hands, and performed a half-way halberd to sink sand.


Ye Wushuang's long sword pierced Tang Ye's halberd again, causing a rebound, and Ye Wushuang retreated. But at this moment, Tang Ye stepped back, pressing down his right leg, holding the halberd in his right hand, and rushing out parallel to Ye Wushuang pointing straight.

Long's combat skills go straight!


Tang Ye rushed towards Ye Wushuang like a wind.

Ye Wushuang squinted his eyes. Tang Ye's moves are very coherent, it seems that he has trained the Long Family's combat skills to the point of being extremely skilled.

However, Ye Wushuang knew that it was not the Long Family's combat skills, but just the marksmanship created by Long Qingcheng.

Long Qingcheng couldn't play the power of the Long Family's combat skills. He and Fan Huantian know many secrets.

Since there is no power of Long Family's combat skills, there is no need to hesitate.

Ye Wushuang's straight-going attack on Tang Ye did not retreat but instead, he sneered at the corner of his mouth.

What is there to be afraid of without the straight-going style of the dragon's fighting skills?

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