My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 860: Not him, she!

Tang Ye said something inexplicable to the man in black. He guessed that the man in black was her?

The man in black did not answer, and pulled out a soft sword from his waist, which could be used as a belt. Not many people use soft swords, and they are generally assassin killers.

The man in black showed only a pair of eyes, not even his eyebrows, so he couldn't see his appearance. He pointed the soft sword at Tang Ye and shook it gently.


Suddenly, Tang Ye felt that he had come to a piece of calm water, a drop of rain fell on the water, agitated the ripples, and broke the calm of the water. Don't think this is just a small drop of water. It was after this drop of water broke the calm of the water surface that the water surface began to surging, rolling up huge waves, and then hitting together, like beasts from all directions!

Tang Ye is located in the middle of the water and is attacked by a beast!

The danger is that Tang Ye could not take steps to avoid it. He stood on the surface of the water, surrounded by a bottomless abyss. As long as he stepped, he would step in the air, and when he stepped on the air, he would fall into the bottomless abyss. He can only stand still, unable to move.

The power of the black man's soft sword is not only an attack, but also this kind of wonderful illusion, which is very terrifying!

Where is this sacred, how can he understand such a powerful sword?


Somewhere on the top of the mountain, Qi Zhenwu stared in the direction of the capital city, squinted, and said, "Has it started? The second flood...I hope you don't let me down!"

Li Haoran was tracking Qi Zhenwu, and also paid attention to the direction of the capital city. She shook her head and sighed helplessly, "Why are you hated so much? One thing is still unresolved, another thing is happening again. It is the weak water sword,'the sky has water, the feathers are not floating, the birds are sad', don't fall into That weak water abyss."

After talking to himself, Li Haoran continued to chase Qi Zhenwu.


Tang Ye was slaughtered by beasts formed by huge waves. The place where he stepped on was just a small puddle of water. You could not step on hard, nor step beyond the limit, otherwise you would fall into the bottomless abyss.

All this seems to be false, and it must be false. Tang Ye remembered very clearly, how could he suddenly reach the surface of the water just now when he was standing on the ground. However, this feeling was so real that he didn't dare to cross the line half way, otherwise it seemed that he would really fall into the abyss and never get out.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this?" Tang Ye was very amazed. He didn't expect such mysterious and strange swordsmanship in the world.

Tang Ye remembered that it was the man in black who wanted to attack him, but there was no way to see the man in black right now. He realized that he had entered the illusion set by the man in black.

Using a soft sword to transform water into water, Tang Ye was curious about this sword technique. The magical powers he knows are not too few, he is considered to be a side character, but this is not necessarily how "rare and rare" he is, because there are even more rare and rare. As it is usually said, there is sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

Therefore, no enemy can be underestimated!

Facing the attack from the man in black, Tang Ye must find a way to crack it. Fortunately, he has entered the Tongxuan Realm, and all the sensory abilities of the Tongxuan Realm are like a new world compared to before.

This allows him to see further and hear more clearly. Even if he had entered the Pseudo-Tongxuan before, he could still touch the wonders of the Tongxuan realm, but the fake was not true, and it was not true after all, so his feeling at this time was much stronger than that of the pseudo-Tongxuan. Therefore, facing the black-clothed man's "water" sword attack, he was surprised but not panicked, and when he quickly closed his eyes, he had released flames all over his body!

One fire and one water form two powers of mutual restraint. Who will restrain who?

Tang Ye stood still and didn't fall into the abyss. After he concentrates on dealing with the huge waves, he no longer pays attention to what is going on under his feet, so there is no fear. The flames formed a strong shield around his body, and the giant wave beast could not attack him no matter what.

The giant wave beast couldn't attack Tang Ye, it suddenly changed its form, turned into a thousand water swords, and attacked Tang Ye with a "swish swish". But Tang Ye was still unmoved, the flame shield was like a copper wall and an iron wall, and thousands of water swords could not penetrate.

After a fight, Tang Ye probably guessed that the opponent's strength was the same as him, he was a Tong Xuan realm! Even weaker than him. Otherwise, if it is Chaoxianjing, he can't stop it.

If they were both in the Tongxuan Realm, Tang Ye felt that his advantage was on his side!

After tempering his body with Long Family Cultivation Techniques, coupled with the effect of Long Family's combat skills on aura, Tang Ye is more aggressive and confident than before.

He was confident that he would not lose to this person who played the water illusion! So he began to turn the flames from defense to attack. The flames that had turned into a strong shield suddenly turned into thousands of fire pythons, flew towards the thousands of water swords, and smashed the water swords one after another!

After the water sword was broken, it turned into drops of water, dropping back to the ground drop by drop.

Tick ​​tick tick... Tang Ye closed his eyes and felt as if he was looking for something.

At this time, he suddenly moved forward, not afraid of falling into the abyss! When he took a step, he made a fire on the soles of his feet and did not fall! He took another step, still did not fall, and then he began to accelerate, and finally turned into a run. Before every move, two blazes must be born under his feet, as if stepping on a hot wheel, it is indescribably spectacular.

As he was running, Tang Ye closed his eyes again and entered the obsession state to see where there was something wrong. Then he discovered that there was something unusual right in front of him. He smiled, it turned out that when his feet moved, he had already pointed the direction!

The feeling of Tongxuan Realm is really wonderful, like heaven and man helping each other!

Tang Ye stepped on the flames speedily, and after galloping for a certain distance, his right hand suddenly made a fist, and blasted out with a fist in front of him.



The two forces collided, and there was also the sound of the long sword bounced back and forth.

At this time, the environment around Tang Ye changed. It was no longer the illusion that was attacked by water waves, but returned to the original real world. His fist collided with the soft sword of the man in black, and the soft sword was constantly moving. .

The eyes that the man in black showed alone flashed a bit of surprise, he did not expect Tang Ye to crack his weak water sword attack so quickly.

The weak water sword is not an ordinary sword. The weak water, the water of the Tianhe River, the feathers do not float, and the birds are sad. This is the lightest water. Even the feathers can’t float, so use it to attack. One effect is to let People can't feel that they are being attacked at all!

It's as if you haven't been touched by anyone before, so when you counterattack you will have an illusion, causing the counterattack to fail. If you use the Weak Water Sword to be superb, it will bring Tang Ye into the illusion like just now!

Now the illusion has been deciphered by Tang Ye. After Tang Ye entered the Tongxuan Realm, he had truly squeezed into the ranks of masters, and it was not easy to deal with him.

Therefore, when Tang Ye attacked with that punch, he added a powerful force to beat the two cows.

When the man in black realized it was too late, even if he quickly avoided, he was still shocked.

The black veil on his face fell off, revealing his appearance.

It's not him, it's her.

Long Qingcheng!

Tang Ye looked at Long Qingcheng, as if he had already guessed it, with a pained expression, and said coldly: "Why... are you a spiderweb person?!"

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