My world double door

Chapter 104 Water Column Magic (please subscribe)

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

In the early morning, in the mountain forest illuminated by dawn, corpses were found all over the place without realizing it. Only the slaves who had been plundered were crying in horror, while the other slaves who survived here were numb and stunned.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

After the fifty-one explosive flying knives quickly killed all the bandits, they automatically returned to the flying knife latch left inside the mecha. Li Yang activated the mecha's self-cleaning function and removed the blood-stained mecha. After cleaning up, he looked at the black-robed headless corpse lying on the ground beside him and shook his head indifferently. He tried to turn over the corpse to see if he could find anything valuable.

Finally, Li Yang picked up the wooden stick.

"This thing seems to have a blessing effect on soul power?"

Holding the wooden staff in his hand, Li Yang felt that his mental power had become more active even with the mecha on it. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, guessing the function of this wooden staff.

He tried to mobilize a ray of soul power to penetrate it, and a feeling of being at home like a fish in water suddenly emerged. A sense of relaxation and comfort poured into his mind, and the soul power became much more active with an extremely clear degree.

"Should this thing be called... a staff?"

Li Yang felt the vitality of the soul power in the spiritual space, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he looked at the thing in his hand with burning eyes.

The wooden staff is obviously made of a special material. At least it doesn't have any magic lines on the surface. Just this kind of material makes people's spiritual power relax and active when they spread it, as if they have divine help.

This thing is a real [magic weapon] and not an industrial product he bought in the commodity mall.

"It's a really nice thing. Thank you for being so enthusiastic about giving me the first magic weapon in my life."

Li Yang lowered his head to look at the corpse with its head exploded below, and turned away with some discomfort. After thinking about it, he simply activated the mecha's kinetic energy and kicked it to pieces.


There was an explosion, and the headless corpse was turned into pieces of meat and scattered everywhere under the terrible impact. Blood was splattered on Li Yang's mecha.

He restarted the cleaning function and completely removed the stains on the surface of the mecha. He immediately felt much more comfortable. Then he looked at the corpses around him and felt a little uncomfortable.

But not much.

Before this, Li Yang, who had seen the reactions of characters in many movies, TV series and novels after killing people, always thought that humans would vomit when they saw such a cruel corpse for the first time, but when he tried it, he didn't have such a reaction.

"Even a good person like me doesn't feel this way. It seems like it's just the imagination of some guys who are divorced from reality."

Li Yang thought to himself, then looked around and saw that the slaves around him were still here. He didn't pay much attention to it, but just rummaged through the stone house in front of him, which was obviously the core building, trying to find some Useful stuff.

Not long after, after being reminded by [Breeding No. 9], Li Yang found a very thin book with twinkling eyes.

【Water Column Magic】

"Surprisingly, there was an unexpected surprise."

Li Yang looked at the black-covered book in his hand, as if he had found a treasure. He couldn't help but open the book and start browsing it on the spot. After a while, he closed the book again and let [Breeding No. 9] record the contents in the form of brain waves. Transfer memories to his mind.

After a moment, Li Yang opened his eyes, a flash of light flashing in his eyes.

He tried to raise the wooden wand in his hand, and the soul power from the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness was poured into it, becoming very active, followed by the spiritual power injected into the wand operating in a special form.

The next moment, with the movement of mental power, a ball of water polo the size of a basketball gathered out of nothing in the air. The next moment the staff waved, the ball of water the size of a basketball shot out fiercely and hit the stone wall, hitting the stone wall. A hole was directly opened in the wall, and then it hit a big tree and broke the tree before it was reduced.

"The power of an attack performed with magical power cannot be judged by the same concept as a normal object."

Looking at the rock hole blasted out by the basketball-sized water polo, Li Yang's eyes flashed with excitement. The basketball-sized water polo formed by the water elements of heaven and earth he gathered with his spiritual power looked just like ordinary clear water, but in fact They are all composed of magical elements, and their power and effect cannot be viewed with ordinary water.

Perhaps, it would be more appropriate to use magic water.

"What an amazing power."

Holding the wooden wand in his hand, Li Yang couldn't help but feel excited. He compared it with the previous [Necromancer Enlightenment] and silently pursed his lips.

Only after getting this [Water Column Magic] can he feel the weakness of the two magics recorded in [Necromancer Enlightenment].

"You can't say that. After all, the main function of [Necromancer Enlightenment] is to enhance people's spiritual power. According to Xianxia novels, this is a skill, and this [Water Column Magic] is just a spell. The two are not the same Types are not the same."

Li Yang thought about it, and then he put the magic secret book into the mecha's storage box with satisfaction.

Unfortunately, although magic is good, it is also limited.

Under his mecha's close-range, full-speed attack, the opponent couldn't even cast magic, and was kicked in the head.

Of course, with the speed of [Qiankun Mecha], Li Yang doubted whether the opponent could hit him even if he prepared magic.

"With a lack of understanding of things like mechas, if you want to win, you have to have crushing level strength."

Li Yang sighed in his heart, the mecha was so maneuverable. As long as the opponent couldn't keep up with his speed, he would be completely at his own pace, and he could fight him however he wanted. This was really abnormal.

Therefore, people...when they only have themselves, they must be omnipotent.

Li Yang sighed in his heart and then looked around. Among the valuable things in the room were a small box of silver coins and two large boxes of copper coins - these were all the properties collected from this cottage.

There are a total of one hundred and thirty silver coins in the small box, and there are three thousand copper coins in the two large boxes. Of course, this size is only compared to the size of the silver coin box, and it is not actually that big.

"It seems that it should be the wealth of this mage, otherwise it would not be as rich as a senior slave trader like Udi."

An idea flashed through Li Yang's mind. It was a pity that he only found out such a magic. After all, a mage cannot become a mage by relying only on one kind of magic. Just like the practitioners of [Necromancer Enlightenment] only have [Soul-Breaking Technique]. 】【Corpse Servant Technique】These two simple mages cannot be the same at all.

However, the real world is not about fighting monsters in a game. It would be nice to get such a spell accidentally. How is it possible to kill a person and get all his abilities?

Li Yang shook his head, then stacked the boxes together and carried them on his mecha, turned and left the room.

When they arrived outside the door, the slaves outside finally recovered some of their senses during the time that Li Yang spent searching. They did not dare to run around randomly in the mountains and forests, but gathered together tremblingly, looking at the cruel sight in front of them in fear. Mecha.

There were only a few slaves of Li Yang who were picked up from the motorcade, and they excitedly stepped forward to greet their masters.

"I will send people here later. You will pile the corpses of these robbers together, be careful to pull out anything that can be used, and then burn them all."

Li Yang looked around. This area has been occupied by bandits all year round and has formed an area with basic conditions for migration. If something unexpected happens and has to come out of Blackstone City, then this may be a good choice.

It’s just that the corpses of these bandits must be disposed of as soon as possible, otherwise they will cause terrible diseases.

Looking at the slaves in front of him, Li Yang directly directed their actions, and then told them that after they piled up the corpses, he would come and burn them, and by the way, half of his manpower would be allocated to collect the poultry and livestock hiding in the nearby mountains and forests. Retrieval, especially the horses they are riding on, must be taken care of.

Among the livestock and poultry in the entire bandit village, there are only more than a hundred horses and more than a dozen cows tied tightly to trees. These are undoubtedly rare resources. Even Li Yang's manor does not breed many, so Can't waste it.

Thinking about it in his mind, after finishing the instructions, Li Yang lifted the coin box into the sky and flew towards Black Rock City.

After Li Yang left, his servants spontaneously organized other servants and began to search for the livestock that their master had hid in panic, and at the same time sent people to collect and sort out the corpses.

It's just that the mess caused by the mecha flying over at high speed obviously cannot be cleaned up so easily. Even if the cattle, sheep and carcasses are dealt with, there is still a lot of work to be done.

Fortunately, Li Yang didn't think about solving this matter just through them. It was already good to be able to handle the corpses and livestock and maintain the basic resources and environment.


The mecha flew across the sky, and Li Yang returned to the sky above Black Rock City and landed directly in his mansion. Wu Di, who was sleeping wrapped in a quilt in front of the hall, was suddenly awakened by the movement. When he looked up from his sleep, he saw A silver-blue armor stood in front of him.

Anyone who is familiar with Li Yang knows whose armor this is. Udi got up from the ground almost instantly and saluted Li Yang in a more respectful manner than before.

Being carried around in the sky by Li Yang made him deeply realize the terrifying power of Li Yang. The awe of Li Yang in his heart was transformed from his original ignorant feelings towards the mage to reality, making him His respect involuntarily expanded.

"The robbers have been killed by me. What you sensed is indeed good. There is a mage in a black robe inside. If you let them go rashly, you might be trapped inside."

Li Yang watched Udi shrug his shoulders and walked towards the hall with the gold and silver coins in his hand. At the same time, he continued to speak to the excited Udi: "Now the bandits' station is empty, and there are still some living slaves left inside. They are cleaning up the corpses and collecting them." The animals are fleeing in fear, take some people to take over the place, clean it up first, and I will give you a blueprint in two days, and secretly lead people to build what I want in the mountains and forests according to the blueprint."

"Udi understands!"

Udi nodded in surprise, and then hurriedly gathered people and rushed to the place where the bandits had fled back.

Li Yang watched him leave, turned around and took the collected silver and copper coins to his specially built steel storage room. Then he stretched comfortably and couldn't help but close his eyes and start to rest.

The recent changes flashed through his mind, and an inexplicable sense of urgency arose in his heart.

"Hopefully things aren't too bad here."

Thinking of these things, Li Yang felt a little dizzy. He couldn't help but murmur to himself. Things about the apocalyptic world flashed in his mind, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

I wonder when he will find the magic that can help him break the situation.

Compared with the spells of this world, the technology of the apocalyptic world is a faster way to enhance his power, and both have their own strengths. It is hard to say which one is stronger and which one is weaker. The apocalyptic world is a place that cannot be given up no matter what.

No matter how powerful magic is, there are always some things that cannot replace technology, and the same is true for technology.

It's just that the level of extraordinary power in the world he is now exposed to is not high, and he doesn't know what kind of magic will exist in the future.

"I wonder, can Vin St. be able to keep up with the power of my mecha?"

After thinking about it, the confidence brought by killing a strange mage made Li Yang couldn't help but think of Vin St, a figure who has been famous in Black Rock City for a long time, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

If even the power of a so-called advanced figure like Wen St can't satisfy him, I'm afraid the extraordinary harvesting effect of this world can only be left with a question mark.

"Fire Mage, Water Column Magic, Soul-Breaking Technique..."

Li Yang then changed his mind and thought of the three different types of magic he had come into contact with, and the look in his eyes calmed down a little.

Different magics must have different effects. As a flame mage, Vin St. may be very powerful, or he may be helpless against mechas.

However, other magical powers of the same level may not be impossible.

For example - soul attack.

"I wonder if the genetic medicine later can involve the soul?"

A flash of speculation flashed through Li Yang's mind, but then he shook his head. His current version of the genetic medicine was too low, and there was no way to understand the performance of many new genetic medicines. They were even different from those that his two slaves had taken. the same.

But just looking at it now, no matter how the genetic medicine is taken, the power it can provide to the soul is indirect help, not direct improvement, but I don’t know what the remaining medicine will be like...

But no matter what, he still had expectations for magic in his heart, and he always felt that soul magic might be the key to his surprise victory.

Thinking in his heart, Li Yang saw that the time was almost up. Knowing that it would be difficult to hand over so many corpses to the servants, Li Yang summoned the mecha to fly into the sky, and personally went to the mountains and forests to kill the corpses with the high temperature flames of the mecha. It burned to ashes and then Udi was called alone.

"From this mountain forest, dig a huge tunnel that is convenient for walking and even hiding, connecting the training manor and my house. All digging will be done at night, and we must not reveal anything. Do you understand?"

Li Yang pointed to the cave at the bottom of a hill behind the bandit's village and spoke to Udi with a smile.

"Master, I understand, Udi will definitely dig this road of life for you and put it to use in time when the crisis comes!"

Udi nodded solemnly. He looked at the drawings and knew that his task for the next long time would be to lead people to dig this cave.

Seeing that Wu Di understood, Li Yang showed a smile, then he soared into the sky, turned and flew to the training compound, and began to give new orders to the instructor: "During this period, we must take the boys out of the compound. We need to go to the hospital to get familiar with the mountain and forest environment, and also teach them to ride horses..."

"As you command, my master!"

The veteran in charge of the training spoke respectfully. Li Yang patted him on the shoulder, turned around, called the young guards over, and announced the matter to them.

"Your master needs you to become familiar with the mountains and forests as soon as possible."



"The group of bandits in Nanshan were killed by Li Yang?"

In Black Rock City, among the St family, looking at the superstition sent by his subordinates, a flash of surprise flashed across Wenst's expression, followed by a solemn expression: "This Master Li Yang, I'm afraid he is extraordinary."

"Grandpa, that black-robed mage only managed to equalize with you by relying on his water magic to restrain your fire magic. His own strength is not that great. Maybe you don't need to overestimate him just because he was killed."

Flame St, the young figure sitting next to Vin St, couldn't help but speak. Vin St smiled and shook his head: "Let's not talk about this anymore. How are you prepared to defend the things in the cliff? Already?"

"Grandpa, are you really not going to come with us?"

Flame St. nodded, and then couldn't help but speak. Vin St. smiled faintly: "What can a group of barbarians do to me?"

"You are my greatest weakness."


The City Lord's Mansion is the place with the highest authority in Black Rock City.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows how much power there really is here. Fortunately, when the city lord is in office, Blackstone City is peaceful.

When it was almost dusk, a banquet was set up in the city lord's palace. A car rack came in from all directions and parked outside the city lord's palace. The nobles all walked into the palace in well-dressed clothes.

"Oh, Master Li Yang, your place has been prepared in advance. It is next to the two masters, Master Ven. Ste and Master Megawati Riley. Please come over here!"

A young nobleman with iron pieces flying around him walked outside the mansion. A middle-aged man with an unshaven beard who had been waiting for his arrival at the door proactively greeted him with a smile on his face: "The first time I met you was at the farewell banquet, Lei Del is so sorry.”

"There are always separations in life, and meeting each other by chance is not necessarily a bad thing. Li Yang wishes you a smooth journey."

Li Yang looked at the city lord who was standing outside the door to greet him with a smile. He returned the greeting politely and sent him to the house amidst the laughter of the other party. When he looked inside, he saw Vin St and a black man. A strange mage with a long beard stood out from the crowd and sat in the middle.

A smile appeared on his face and he walked over.

I'm so sleepy, damn

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