My world double door

Chapter 125 People don’t count as people

"Master, I have my own sense of discretion."

Li Yang looked at Udi, who was worried about his master, with a mysterious smile on his face.

There must be many strong men among the barbarian troops, and attacking them rashly will definitely lead to crisis.

But judging from his investigation yesterday, the battle line of these barbarian soldiers and horses was too long and covered a wide area. Even if there were strong men, it would be impossible to take care of everything.

When firearms have a crushing advantage over ordinary barbarian soldiers, he can lead his team to engage in guerrilla warfare. When he encounters barbarian soldiers who can be annihilated, he will quickly move forward to destroy them, and then run away quickly after absorbing the souls. Next place.

When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy retreats, we advance, when the enemy is tired, we attack. As long as the first wave of barbarian cavalry is killed, Li Yang can try to use his mental power to control their giant wolf mounts with stronger movement speed and higher endurance. Even if he can't Control, when encountering a situation where one force is annihilating another force, you can also ride a horse and guerrilla around.

As he continues to kill enemies, his physical strength and the strength of his zombie servants will increase rapidly.

During this process, his soul power suffered from the negative state of hunger, and he happened to practice the [Food Body Strengthening Technique] to quickly absorb the gene siltation energy and become stronger, speeding up the growth of his soul and speeding up the progress of taking the genetic medicine.

Moreover... with his current mecha strength, he would not look down upon ordinary strong men.

[God of Food Strengthening Technique] is a necromancer technique that absorbs souls to increase the strength of one's body. It also complements [God of Food Strengthening Technique]. It would be a pity if you get it but don't practice it.

How could you miss such an opportunity to win three birds with one stone?

The two slaves in the apocalyptic world are still waiting for him to save them, and the two dogs blocking the door have no idea what means they have prepared for him.

Even if you don't consider these, who is willing to give up such an opportunity to easily improve your strength.

Now that barbarian soldiers and horses are invading, the great opportunity to kill creatures without feeling guilty is right in front of you, and you can't let it go.

In Li Yang's eyes, what the group of barbarian soldiers did by eating people when there was no shortage of food was no different than animals.

In fact, it is an excellent nourishment for [God of Cookery Strengthening Technique].

"The barbarian troops are about to invade in large numbers. The only way to survive is to have more power in your hands. This time I will give you ten armored corpses, plus fifty soldiers. I hope you can protect the villagers while finding more people with sound limbs." , a rural boy who is healthy and willing to be loyal to me."

Li Yang looked at Udi in front of him seriously: "I hope you can fulfill your responsibilities with all your heart."

"In the case of a barbarian invasion, these still very fragile teenagers will most likely die without the protection of their master. I don't think anyone will refuse such a gift from the master."

Udi shook his head and sighed. Li Yang nodded, patted his shoulder, and watched him leave his sight.

Then he looked into the secret room of the stone palace, with some hesitation in his eyes.

The so-called secret room is just a forbidden place for one's own people. Once someone with ulterior motives sneaks in, the secret room is very easy to be found, especially those extraordinary people with ulterior motives. In their eyes, such a safe secret room is useless.

Just like the secret room in the city lord's palace, no matter how safe it is, what's the use, as it can't be easily obtained by him.

The only safe way is to open a cave and store it in an inconspicuous place in the deep mountains and forests as before.

After all, people with ulterior motives for him are likely to sneak into his base camp to check, but there is no possibility of being inspected in places where he has been alone.

No one is forcing you to buy something they don't even know exists.

It's just that these weapons will be used soon, and transporting them back and forth will be an extra hassle.

The secret room is his forbidden area. The servants in the mansion don't know where these new and strange flame tongue weapons came from. It would be inappropriate to bring them into the tunnel with great fanfare. Instead, it will add a clue to let more people know about them. The presence.

"It would be nice to have a space bag."

Li Yang couldn't help but think of the storage bags in fantasy novels, and thought to himself, he decided to wait until he met Megawati to ask to see if there were corresponding treasures in this world. If so, he would have to find a way to enter it. One piece.

Not only is this a daily storage problem, he is also worried about the magic weapons he obtained. Although no one in the real world knows their usefulness, they are not suitable for him to keep around him.

Although the storage box of [Zongheng Mecha] is large, it cannot hold too many things. A box of genetic potions and some items that seem to be used frequently are enough.

Storage is really a problem.

Thinking in his mind, Li Yang placed a few more cameras around his secret room that he had taken away while searching for arms.

Then he thought again, looked at the sword in the hands of the intermediate-level mutant zombies, and the shield in the hands of the ice zombies, then looked at the heavy machine gun on the side, with colors flashing in his eyes, and then ordered a zombie to lift it In addition to the speed zombie still holding the original weapon, the style of painting has changed.

Two ferocious and burly armored zombies carrying heavy machine guns stood at the door of Li Yang's secret room like door gods. The speed zombies were hidden inside the door, and the threat index soared instantly.

The ice zombie only has the ability of cold energy, which does not mean that its body is weak. In fact, its body strength is stronger than that of the power zombie, because only a stronger body can activate special abilities, including physically controlling a heavy machine gun.

In addition, these zombies are all controlled by Li Yang's mind and do not require training. Li Yang can directly and skillfully control them by inputting the usage methods and techniques of heavy machine guns into the mental power that controls them.

In this way, it is simply an excellent mobile heavy machine gun firepower output point.

Afterwards, he was satisfied with wearing the Qiankun mecha, taking a large amount of silver coins collected from the city lord's mansion, took off into the air, flew to Black Rock City, and landed directly outside the Riley family.


The mecha stirred up a cloud of dust, and Li Yang fell to the ground. The sound of his arrival quickly attracted the attention of the Riley family. Not long after, Megawati rushed out in person and welcomed Li Yang in with a smile. .

The interior decoration of the Riley family is even more spacious and luxurious than that of the St family that they entered last time. The pavement is made of fine bluestone, there are various stone carvings and wooden pavilions on both sides, and there is even a green lake in the courtyard.

When he was brought to the living room and sat down, Li Yang looked at the copper chair under his buttocks and could only silently sigh that he was a craftsman as he was, just making money.

"Mage Megawati, as you know, the barbarian soldiers are about to invade. I would like to see if I can buy some supplies with silver coins from you."

After sitting down and serving tea, Li Yang ignored Megawati's move to call the slave girl up. Instead, he patted a large wooden box brought over and got straight to the point with a smile.

"Oh? I wonder what you want?"

Megawati raised her eyebrows and sat upright: "Now that the war is in progress, the land and houses around Black Rock City, including the price of high-quality female slaves, are twice as cheap as before. Maybe Master Li Yang can try Buy more, after all, the value of these things will inevitably rise again after the war."

Land, houses, female slaves...

Li Yang was stunned for a moment, he really hadn't thought of this.

"However, you don't have to buy it now. When the barbarian soldiers come and the common people and small landowners have nothing, the price will continue to fall to the bottom."

Megawati observed Li Yang's words and thought that Li Yang was not very interested in this, so she smiled and said again.

"No, I still have coins in my house. When I get back, I will raise money and buy the fixed assets from these people."

Li Yang knew that Megawati had misunderstood what he meant and shook his head. He had been thinking about improving his strength in the past two days, but he had ignored this point: "The barbarians are invading in large numbers, and they are probably going to start fleeing with them. Giving them more money now can help them have a foundation on their way to escape."

'However, Master Megawati, there is one thing I really want to know. What is the kingdom's attitude towards the invasion of barbarian troops? Why is the front line in such chaos? It seems that the defensive cliff is about to be hit, but there is still no one in the kingdom. Tube? ’

After Li Yang finished speaking, he looked into Megawati's eyes and suddenly conveyed a sentence to him through mental telepathy. When Megawati raised her head, he asked again: "Is it because she doesn't have the ability to take care of it, or is there something else?" Condition? ’

"Master Li Yang is benevolent and righteous."

Megawati spoke in admiration, then looked into Li Yang's eyes, hesitated, waved her hand, asked all the servants around her to leave, and closed the door of the living room.

‘In 33 more days, the legendary trio in the defensive cliff will lead the kingdom’s army to set off. By then, they will surely crush all the barbarians who dare to stay in the land of our kingdom. ’

Megawati looked into Li Yang's eyes and said nothing more. Instead, she directly communicated mentally: "This matter cannot be known to people below the level of a high-level transcendent. I think you understand what I mean, and I hope you too." Don't tell anyone about this, and even if you do, you can't say that I told you, otherwise if anything goes wrong, I will deny everything that happened here. ’

Megawati smiled, and Li Yang's eyebrows moved: "Master, don't worry, Li Yang is not a talkative person, but why do you have to wait for another 33 days?" Wouldn't it be better to attack now? Why should these barbarians be allowed to kill and plunder on this land? ’

'The barbarians live in the cold land of the West. They worship the barbarian god who has fallen asleep. Once the number of barbarian tribes drops to a dangerous value, the forbidden curse in the blood will be triggered, awakening the barbarian god... Once the Barbarian God awakens, it will be an unbearable disaster for any kingdom. ’

'The larger the number of barbarian tribes, the stronger the power of the barbarian gods. Therefore, we cannot allow the barbarians to become extinct, but we cannot allow them to become too strong. However, the barbarian tribes have very strong reproductive capabilities, so we must continue to fight. Fight to reduce the number of barbarians, but once the number of barbarians is really too small, you must find a way to restore some vitality to them. ’

‘With the barbarians’ terrifying ability to survive and reproduce, three months of plundering the resources outside the defensive cliffs is enough for them to recuperate and quickly restore the group’s combat effectiveness. ’

'The great knights sent by the king before arrived at the border and were not defeated. They just noticed that an ice disaster broke out among the barbarians for some reason. The number of barbarians suddenly dropped sharply. After discussing with the inside of the kingdom, they feigned defeat and fled, turning the peripheral resources into Food supplies are harvested and obtained by the barbarians. ’

‘During these three months, defending against the creatures outside the cliff depends entirely on fate whether they live or die. ’

Megawati shook her head and said: "The residents in the defensive cliff are the population that the dynasty really cares about. In fact, the reason why the Alagon knight was able to take office at this time and dare to be so unscrupulous is because of the kingdom's A kind of laissez-faire. ’

'No one cares about the human lives outside the defensive cliff, but they are also a part of the kingdom's strength. The barbarians cannot be allowed to exterminate the people outside the defensive cliff. Therefore, the kingdom will release some extraordinary beings who lack resources to come at this time. They risked their lives outside the defensive cliff. If they succeeded, everything would be fine. They not only protected the people, but also gained a strong man. If they failed, they would only lose some unimportant individuals, and it would also increase the security of the families inside the defensive cliff. ’

‘The resources that have been plundered in three months are enough for them to restore a lot of vitality. If they are allowed to continue to flood, the kingdom’s land interests will be damaged. Therefore, after thirty-three days, the kingdom will definitely send troops to drive away all invading barbarians. ’

After Megawati finished speaking, she looked at Li Yang with a half-smile, waiting for him to digest the information.

Defending the lives of people outside the cliff does not count...

Li Yang rubbed his palms, feeling slightly awe-inspiring.

He heard a word: class solidification.

‘Then, why do Master Megawati and Master Hewen still stay here? ’

Li Yang looked around and couldn't help but ask.

‘The outstanding descendants and relatives of the family have arrived at the defensive cliff together with Master Wen’s descendants. ’

Megawati chuckled and said: 'As for us... we are just barbarians, why should we care? ’

What a cunning guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

It turned out that I had already prepared for it.

‘So, barbarians have no ability to threaten high-level transcendent beings? ’

Li Yang couldn't help but move his eyes slightly and asked probingly.

'How is it possible? Of course it is, but Master Wen and I have nothing to worry about here. It may be dangerous to fight head-on, but when we are focused on saving our lives, even the barbarian army can't do anything to us. ’

Megawati shrugged her shoulders: 'On the contrary, the Earth Knight, a super magician-level transcendent, would be very difficult to win with the barbarians' current strength even if they were to confront each other head-on. That was what Knight Arigon had in mind. It's just that he acted too arrogantly. Now it seems that there is no chance. When the barbarian troops arrive, he will die. ’

‘Why, won’t he run? ’

Li Yang raised his eyebrows suppressedly, holding back the slight joy in his heart, and asked via voice transmission.

'Do you think that the kingdom's spells are cast casually? Although the spells give them a way to survive in the face of people below the top transcendent, it is also a restriction. They cannot leave the city they are guarding before the expiration of the signed city lord contract. If the city exceeds one day, once it exceeds the limit, the spell will turn into a life-threatening curse, and the person who is cursed will be killed instantly. ’

‘And in the meantime, the extraordinary person can do whatever he wants, as long as it doesn’t kill local creatures, let him go. ’

‘In other words, this is a huge bet, betting on whether the extraordinary person who signed the city lord contract can improve his strength through his own means during this period and protect the people hiding in the city until the last moment. ’

Megawati said with a smile: 'So, Aragon can't leave this city. Facing the barbarian army, he can only lead the soldiers and horses he can carry to resist. If he can't hold it, he will die, and with the barbarian army Judging from the military front, a high-level and perfect knight, even if he has excellent talent, will most likely die. ’

‘Is that so? Thank you Master Megawati for clearing my doubts. ’

Li Yang took a deep breath, with a smile on his face, and cupped his hands towards Megawati. Megawati nodded. Li Yang then asked: "I don't know, this kind of method" Can the curse be released voluntarily? Is there no way to avoid it? ’

'The power of the spell follows the underlying cause and effect. As long as it is the source of his death, neither the person who initiated it nor the person who did it can escape the capture of the power of the spell. Why should Master Li Yang be in a hurry? Once this spell is entangled on the body, it cannot be untied at all, and it does not distinguish between regions. All intelligent creatures will be disgusted by it, even if they leave the country. ’

Megawati couldn't help but speak. Li Yang nodded and said nothing more on this topic. Instead, he chuckled and asked directly: "Every time I have to carry a lot of things when I go out, I feel It’s very inconvenient. Every time at this time, I can’t help but think that it would be great if there was a cloth bag that is only the size of a palm but can hold supplies as big as a house.”

"After receiving my compensation items from the City Lord's Mansion some time ago, I was deeply touched by this scene. As a senior pharmacist, Master Megawati has a distinguished status and extraordinary knowledge. I wonder if there is such a thing in the world. treasure."

"You are talking about space bags. After a magician reaches the level of a super magician, if he can learn the [Space Confinement Spell], he can rely on this spell to create a [space bag]. However, there are very few super magicians in the world who know this spell. , as a super magician, naturally he will not make this bag easily, so it is very expensive on the market."

Megawati smiled, and then took out one of the several palm-sized cloth bags she carried with her that Li Yang had always thought were decorations. She held it in her hand and put it in front of Li Yang. She smiled softly and said: "[The space bag] cannot contain living things, and the contents inside will break down. The size of this space bag is one thousand cubic meters. I will sell it to you for three thousand silver coins. You can use it by using your mental power to enter it."

There really is.

Li Yang raised his eyebrows, and then looked at the expression on Megawati's face carefully, trying to see something that was deceiving him, but in the end he took the [Space Bag], opened the wooden box, and took out the silver coins inside. A third of it was poured out.

The silver coin was pushed out, and the [Space Bag], which was very soft to the touch, was caught in Li Yang's hand.

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