My world double door

Chapter 146 692 points! (Want updates please subscribe)

Liu Jiaming smiled happily and ran towards his girlfriend. Zhao Meimei was a little stunned when she heard his voice. This made Liu Jiaming feel that she must be too surprised to see him, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on her face.

Just as he was walking, he suddenly realized something was wrong - why were two buttons missing from the collar of his girlfriend's clothes?

With his heart spinning, Liu Jiaming suddenly remembered that Zhao Meimei had made trouble asking him for money some time ago, and he felt a little distressed.

The consumption in the magic city is high, so Meimei must be having a hard time, she doesn't even have money to buy new clothes.

Thinking of this, Liu Jiaming stepped forward with some regret and gave her the gift.

Zhao Meimei also came back to her senses, looked at the man and pursed his lips, holding the gift and asking him to wait here. Then she went back to the dormitory, washed her things, put on new clothes, and started to let him wait. He brought food and drink.

Not long after, Zhao Meimei threw away the clothes that were torn by Li Yang, put on new clothes and walked out of the school to have dinner, go shopping and watch movies with the happy Liu Jiaming.

However, Zhao Meimei, who had been calling her dad for a day, was physically and mentally exhausted and didn't say much during the whole process. This made Liu Jiaming, who was always eager to find topics, feel a little uncomfortable. However, he overcame the discomfort by himself, and after watching the movie, he enthusiastically went to the hotel to get a room.

That night, Liu Jiaming, who was getting ready to go to bed and making out with Zhao Meimei, suddenly received a burst of scolding, which completely confused him.

"Is this the only thing you guys can do? You really make me sick."

"From now on, you are not allowed to touch me until we are married."

After scolding, Zhao Meimei put on her clothes, wrapped herself in a quilt and drove Liu Jiaming out of bed. She lay on the comfortable and soft big bed to rest alone. Before going to bed, she couldn't help but post a message on social media: Sisters, these men Is it that all you can think about is mating/crying, how could nature produce such a useless thing?




Nine o'clock in the evening, basement of the villa.

Wisps of electric light flickered in the basement, and the thunder elements pulled by high-voltage electricity were slowly absorbed and digested by the figure sitting cross-legged.

It wasn't until a long time later that the figure sitting cross-legged slowly opened his eyes.

"Huh, I feel like my body's power is a little purer again."

Li Yang felt the lightning power flowing in his body and the state of his body. He whispered in his heart, and then walked out of the barrel containing the delayed slurry, wiped the water stains, and the mecha's refrigerant spurted out. Greatly reduce the high temperature and discomfort on his body.

He breathed a sigh of relief, took out his wand, and practiced [Soul Stiffness] again and again in the basement.

As he practiced over the past few days, his [Soul Stiffness] feeling of being ready to come out became stronger and stronger. Although it is still difficult to use it now, he believes that it will be soon.

[Soul Magic] is what Li Yang relies on to deal with the two genetic evolvers guarding him in the apocalyptic world. Not long after the barbarians retreated, he originally wanted to take a risk and see if he could kill those two dogs.

However, as he became aware of his own shortcomings, he restrained this impulse and began to practice with great concentration to solve his own hidden dangers.

The two dogs will have to resolve their relationship sooner or later, but they have to wait until their own problems are resolved first.

With the blessing of the magic wand, Li Yang's mental power was extremely active. He practiced until early in the morning when he felt mentally exhausted. Then he put away the wand and returned to the ground, where he found Lin Shiyu and hugged her to sleep on the bed.

While sleeping, he didn't even use the content of [Soul Exercise Method] that was beneficial to sleep recovery, and slowly fell into a deep sleep in the most primitive state.

In sleep, a night passes by in the blink of an eye.

At seven o'clock in the morning on June 22, Lin Shiyu and Xu Yuan woke up from bed, cleaned up, and took Li Yang to the airport by car with cups filled with health-preserving and kidney-tonifying decoctions, and then had a deep understanding with him one by one at the airport. A deep hug goodbye.

When Li Yang left, Lin Shiyu, who felt that her kidneys had been severely deficient in the past few days, breathed a sigh of relief. Only Xu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time she was a little reluctant to leave Li Yang, but she still pursed her lips and endured the feeling of attachment. car.


"Dear passengers, the plane is about to take off..."

Shortly after Lin Shiyu and the two left, a loud announcement sounded in the cabin of the plane. Li Yang slept leisurely with his eyes closed, waiting comfortably for the plane to arrive.

By 10:40 in the morning, the plane had landed at Heyang Airport.

Li Yang took his mobile phone and walked out of the cabin leisurely without bringing anything else. As soon as he walked out, he saw a gentle, dignified, beautiful and delicate young woman and a beautiful and lively girl in the sunshine holding up his cartoon at the airport. Sign picked him up.

Li Yang smiled and walked over. Chen Na and Dai Yueming, who looked more and more delicate and delicate under the sunlight, soon spotted Li Yang who stood out from the crowd. Their eyes lit up. Dai Yueming Ming put down the cartoon sign in his hand with a smile on his face. Chen Na had already opened her arms and rushed into Li Yang's arms.

"Husband, welcome home."

Chen Na spoke to Li Yang with a smile, then rolled her beautiful eyes, and then spoke pitifully in Li Yang's ear: "But she hasn't recovered yet, husband, can you stop being lustful? I'm so weak."

"Okay, okay, I don't want to be lewd anymore, I just rely on you."

Li Yang rolled his eyes, and a bright smile appeared on Chen Na's face. She took the initiative to offer her little lips to kiss her dear husband. Li Yang carried her buttocks and walked to Dai Yueming, taking them with him. He walked to the driver's parking spot and drove away with them.

Neither Dai Yueming nor Chen Na could drive, but they both wanted to pick up Li Yang, so they asked a driver to drive them here. Now that Li Yang was back, Li Yang would drive the car.

"I'm going to take my sister on a trip these two days. Do you want to go with me?"

On the way back, Li Yang's desire to find a dedicated driver became more and more important. It was really inconvenient not to have a driver, and he had enough money now.

But money is one thing and reliability is another. It is easy to spend money, but it is not easy to find a reliable driver. So this matter has been delayed, and the right candidate has never been found.

After all, it is impossible for him to let a friend be his driver. That would affect the relationship between each other. If it is a stranger, what kind of person can be reliable...

Li Yang drove the Rolls-Royce with one hand and touched Chen Na's smiling and crossed legs with his right hand. He was deep in thought and asked the two of them casually.

With Li Ling's enthusiasm after finally being released after three years of high school, it would probably take a long time to go play, so he would have to ask them if they could accompany him.

Otherwise, it would be quite lonely to go alone.

"No, I'm so tired from traveling. Sister Yueming and I just want to stay healthy at home, otherwise we won't be able to bear it when you come back and have your lustful thoughts."

Chen Na looked at her husband's big hands that were stroking her smooth long legs and slowly wanted to explore inside. She scolded Li Yang and blocked Li Yang's hands from the area. She muttered: "If you go hiking, I don’t believe you can let me and Sister Yueming go.”

"Damn it, you little Nana, you don't believe me. Believe it or not, I'll lick you to death later."

Li Yang took Chen Na's beautiful legs and kissed her, looking at her fiercely. Chen Na suddenly begged for mercy in panic: "No, pervert husband, don't lick me to death, Nana is so scared."

"Okay, okay, you two, stop making trouble, be careful not to let passers-by see it and call the police."

Dai Yueming, who was sitting in the back, rolled his eyes speechlessly, and then looked at Li Yang's crotch with some fear: "Well, Nana and I will wait for you at home, and drink more medicine to take care of your body. , we are really tired.”

"Oh well."

Li Yang could also feel that the physical condition of the two women was indeed...a bit kidney-deficient, so he had no choice but to speak with regret, and then rolled his eyes. Two figures appeared in his heart, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

But he didn't say anything. Instead, he drove back to the villa to have lunch with his two little darlings and took a nap.

After taking a nap, he drove away from the villa while the two girls reluctantly said goodbye. However, unlike what they thought was that Li Yang went directly back to his hometown, Li Yang turned a corner and came to an ordinary community. Then he took out a key from his pocket with a smile and walked into a room in a unit building.

This room is very clean, with smooth wooden floors underfoot and warm-toned wainscoting around it. It has a living room, bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen.

The area is very large, covering more than 190 square meters.

In the living room, there are two beautiful girls wearing white calf socks, stepping directly on the wooden floor, wearing very mature butt-covering skirts, and wearing mature shirts, watching TV on the sofa.

"Mr. Li Yang, you are here!"

Hearing Li Yang's movement, they hurriedly put down their mobile phones and came over from left to right, with smiles on their faces.

Seeing that their appearance and figure were only three points inferior to Chen Na's, Li Yang was quite satisfied, because unlike Chen Na, they had been trained since childhood and were very sensible in serving others, and their personalities were also more mature.

Just like now, I am only sixteen or seventeen years old, but I am wearing such mature clothes, and my behavior is very consistent with the mature feeling given by the clothes, but it gives people a contrasting temptation.

"I'm going on a trip these two days, do you want to go with me?"

Li Yang smiled and put his left hand under Yanyan's skirt, his right hand under Yunyun's skirt, and asked softly.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Li Yang can go wherever he wants us to go."

Yunyun Yanyan nodded in agreement without any hesitation. As she spoke, her tongue had reached her lips, waiting for the kiss.

"Don't be in a hurry today. You guys pack your things and tell Yu Xiaohua about the situation. I'll go back home first and take you with me when I get here."

Li Yang nodded with a smile, then looked at the delicate bodies of the two girls, and then thought about the tiredness of his women, and thought about it: "I will send you where to go first when the time comes, so you can advance Go in one step and wait for me in the hotel I mentioned."

"You are too tired from hiking and other activities. You can just rest in the hotel room. This will save you no energy when you go to bed at night."

Li Yang spoke with a smile, and Yunyun Yanyan nodded happily, and then personally sent Li Yang out. After Li Yang left, she took out her mobile phone to tell Yu Xiaohua about the incident.

After getting the news, Yu Xiaohua almost came over in person, but after learning that Li Yang had left, she had to regretfully express that she knew, and by the way told them that she would stay with them at night.

She didn't want to miss every opportunity that could make Li Yang feel comfortable.


While Yu Xiaohua's mind was racing, Li Yang had already driven away from Heyang City and walked on the road in Mi County.

"Brother, I went to the class teacher to check my scores. I got 692 points, which is three points more than Peng Feifei, hahahaha!"

Before he arrived at Mi County, Li Yang suddenly received a call from Li Ling. As soon as the call was connected, Li Ling's excited voice sounded from the other end. Li Yang grinned when he heard: "So many exams, so... Okay, what’s your usual test score?”

"I usually only get about 500 points, sometimes more than 490, sometimes more than 510, most of them hover around 500. Unexpectedly, this time I actually scored 190 points more than usual. very!"

This one hundred and ninety percent is your brother’s credit.

"It's really good. I can get an extra 190 points in the exam. That's awesome."

Li Yang smiled broadly and praised Megawati's [Concentration Liquid] in his heart.

As expected of something worth a thousand silver coins a bottle, it’s really powerful.

But it’s normal to think about it. Li Ling’s usual test score of 500 points proves that she has a solid foundation, but the science test actually tests her thinking. The [Concentration Liquid] gave her stronger thinking ability and a variety of flexible thinking. Under the circumstances, it is reasonable to score more than 100 points.

After all, Li Ling's usually most painful science areas were all solved by him. He took an extra 30 to 50 points for each subject, so there were so many subjects.

"That's not necessary. Brother, I have scored so many points in the exam. You must take me to visit interesting places. I want to travel hard with Peng Feifei and Li Na!"

Li Ling's excited voice roared from the phone immediately, and Li Yang smiled slightly: "Okay, I will take you to the Potala Palace, take you to the prairie, to the snow mountains, to Mount Everest, to Siberia." Aurora, go to Sanya to see the sea, go to the Gobi Desert to see the desert, go to the virgin forest to climb mountains, go to Wudang Mountain, Wugong Mountain, Taihang Mountain, Taishan Mountain, Hengshan Mountain, Huashan Mountain, Songshan Mountain, how about these places?"

"Okay, okay, hahaha, it's all up to you, you arrange it!"

Although Li Ling's mind was full of excited thoughts about going out, the details of where to go, where to go, and how to play were all blank. Now that he heard Li Yang say so much in one breath, he immediately agreed happily.

"By the way, tell your classmate that I will pay for the travel, food, clothing, housing and transportation so that she doesn't have to worry about it. Playing with us is just a good way to integrate into the group. I will open a five-star hotel and the three of you will sleep in the same room."

Li Yang smiled and said in response.

As he spoke, he tapped his fingers. Thinking of these places, a smile flashed across his lips. His current mental strength still did not feel the sudden clear, comfortable and transparent feeling that Vin St. mentioned. This proves that we still need to continue to be close to nature and calm our souls.

I just took advantage of this trip with my sister to visit various beautiful holy places to find the stability of my soul.

"It will take at least two months to complete this round. By then, the potion will be used up, and the newly ordered silver coins will also arrive. I wonder if the soul power will be completely restored to calm by then."

Li Yang was thinking in his mind, then smiled and spoke to the phone: "I'm on my way back to Mi County. I'll be there in another hour. Are you in school now?"

"Yes, I haven't left school yet. All our classmates are here. I'm almost overjoyed. I'll wait here for you to come over."

Li Ling's voice sounded on the other end of the phone, and Li Yang agreed and hung up the phone.

"Breed No. 9, according to three months' time, plan the most suitable travel plan, save it in my mobile phone, and then send it to Yunyun Yanyan through my mobile phone."

Li Yang's heart moved, and Zhinao quickly prepared a strategy. At the same time, Yunyun Yanyan in the room also received the message. They smiled and replied "received", and then talked to Yu Xiaohua with some simple words. The must-have items are the first step to follow the guide.

Yu Xiaohua in the office sighed helplessly and had to wait for the next opportunity.


The vehicle slowly crossed the road between farmland and drove into the Mi County area. Not long after, Li Ling's school appeared in sight. Li Yang did not go in. He called Li Ling in the car and said he was at the school. She waited at the door and hung up the phone.

Not long after, an excited Li Ling ran out of the school with a girl who looked innocent and beautiful with a smile on her face. When she saw his car, her eyes lit up and she hurried over.

"Brother, this is Peng Feifei, traveling with us. When should we set off?"

Li Ling ran to Li Yang's window with the slim class goddess Peng Feifei, and said with excitement on her face.

"Hello, brother Li Yang, my name is Peng Feifei."

Peng Feifei was wearing a simple and neat shirt, with a sweet smile on her lips. She raised her white hands and gently shook them on Yingying's chest, and greeted Li Yang with a smile.

"Well, okay, okay."

Li Yang lowered the window, smiled and nodded, then looked at Peng Feifei and thought for a while: "If you have packed up, you can leave early tomorrow morning. If there is anything else to prepare, you can do it two days later. "

"Peng Feifei, Li Na and I have been prepared for a long time and don't want to wait a day."

After hearing what Li Yang said, Li Ling jumped with excitement and couldn't wait to speak.

"Okay, let's make some final preparations tonight. By the way, I've already made a travel guide and will send it to you later. Study it carefully tonight."

Li Yang nodded slightly, then shook his phone. Li Ling hurriedly took out his phone to check it. He nodded happily when he saw the content Li Yang sent, and then shared it with Peng Feifei.

"Are you two okay? Get in the car and I'll take you home."

Li Yang saw the two of them gathering together to study the map, and asked softly with a smile.

"Brother Li Yang, let me add you on WeChat so we can keep in touch. We are fine."

Peng Feifei spoke with a smile on her face, and Li Ling also nodded.


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