My world double door

Chapter 152 Can we watch a movie together (please subscribe)

"If possible, it is best to hide in an invisible defense fortress and be in a state of invisible defense movement at all times to avoid being suddenly attacked."

"Nowadays, resources in the base city are becoming increasingly tight, and everyone is under great mental pressure. We need to think more about ways to survive and earn resources, such as collecting pre-apocalyptic items in areas that can withstand radiation, or delineating low-radiation areas. region for resource production.”

After Bi Yueyue finished speaking, she endured the blush on her face and said with a stiff face: "Although we have very rare and precious non-mutated resources, these are high-end materials and cannot be used all the time. It is best to collect some mid- to low-end materials and trade them together. , to avoid attracting other malicious looks.”

"I don't have smart control permission now~~"

Bi Yueyue spoke unnaturally. Although there was still some awkwardness in her expression, she actually considered herself to be a member of Li Yang.

Looking at the man in front of her, she knew that in this era and her current situation, if she wanted to live a good life, she must rely on this man.

Moreover, although she, as the owner of the slave device, had already taken corresponding measures and all the corresponding data had been cleared from her brain, the slave device was actually of no use to her.

However, there are too many powerful genetic evolvers in this world. She doesn't know what happened, but the man in front of her took everything away. She wants to live a normal life without anything... too much Difficult.

Winning the favor of the man in front of her and being truly bound to him was a choice she had to make...

Only in this way, by following this man, can she continue to live well...

Maybe, you can live a better life...

Bi Yueyue's thoughts were surging in her heart, and she could feel the power and state of Li Yang's treatment of her just now.

Although this man was still taking low-level medicine, his body was unexpectedly hard, hard and powerful, which was why he was a little weaker than the man before her.

You know, the man in front of her is still taking the second-level perfect gene potion, and the man who died was a genetic evolver who took the fourth-level perfect gene potion...

"There is one thing I want to remind you. I will take away the two combat robots, two floating cannons, four mechas, tearing flying knives, invisible surveillance, wire mesh, and iron cages."

Li Yang looked at the change in the woman with some surprise, and was a little surprised at the effect of this slave controller. He couldn't help but satisfied that he hugged the woman again in his arms, and kissed her mouth with his lips.

The woman leaned into his arms obediently after being kissed, and looked at him with a more relaxed look.

Then he stretched out his hand on the woman's body and said with a smile: "In other words, all you can rely on now are two floating cannons and other reaction devices."

"Well... Well, hubby, we can use the remaining money to buy an outdated version of a second-hand invisible defense fortress, a warning device, and an intelligent defense device. Take a look at the mall."

Bi Yueyue looked at the man in front of her with flashing eyes and reminded her.

"Oh, let's take a look."

Li Yang raised his eyebrows when he heard her skillful look, thought for a while, gave her and Chang Yanyan the same control rights as two slaves, hugged her into his arms, and then watched her operation with a smile.

Feeling the simple operation authority, Bi Yueyue pursed her lips, pressed her elastic and delicate body against Li Yang, and then skillfully called out a series of products according to the current situation.

Li Yang looked at it and saw that there was a mobile base, security and defense, and information concealment. He couldn't help but admire it. Then he thought about it and added two more first-level perfect potions and two second-level perfect potions to use together. The remaining crystal coins plus base coins paid for the bill.

After these consumptions, the crystal coins on the account instantly return to zero, leaving only some base coins.

"If the crystal coins are gone, we won't be able to buy high-end nutrients. Unless we always eat this kind of mutation-free food that is very good for genes, it will be detrimental to our health."

Seeing Li Yang's purchase decision, Bi Yueyue's heart flashed with excitement, she couldn't help shrinking in his arms, and replied weakly.

She had some understanding of this man's character during long-term monitoring, and now that she has gotten along with him, her feelings are deeper.

Generally speaking, compared to the genetic evolvers in Base City who can do anything to survive and avoid danger, this man seems a bit naive.

He is not even willing to say anything nice to his enemies, and he is unwilling to endure and wrong himself.

However, he is very friendly to his own people, or the people he can control. Otherwise, why would he buy more advanced genetic medicine for his two useless slaves and feed them such good food.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little lucky. She should have been worried about the eventuality and did not kill this man's slave, but left room for peace.

After all, for the survivors of the doomsday, this humiliation is really nothing. As long as they have the opportunity, they can accept anything. The extent of this matter has already made a huge difference in the hearts of the men before her. Damn it, after all... they were all very afraid of the way he disappeared and moved inexplicably.

But she didn't expect that a man who faced her would die inexplicably without any room for change...

Even she became a trophy and was enjoyed crazily.

Such a person is really a good person with a simple and kind heart.

Still very calm.

"Isn't that better? We don't need those things. We can just eat this every day from now on."

Li Yang chuckled lightly and didn't take it seriously. He had no idea of ​​eating those mutated things. Among the three slaves, whether it was Chang Yanyan or the female evolver, he had to communicate frequently and in-depth, just in case something happened. Their bodies are not clean and what should they do if they infect themselves?

If two of the three slaves wanted to eat, Yu Dong would be the only one left.

As for the genetic potion, he didn't mind giving Chang Yanyan and Yu Dong a proper boost in strength so they could help him do things better.

"Besides these things, do you have any other suggestions?"

After placing the order, Li Yang slowly touched Bi Yueyue's body, which was like a work of art, with satisfaction. Every inch brought him a different experience, and asked supplementary questions.

"Without advanced technology, everything else would be the same."

Bi Yueyue shook her head, pursed her lips and let the man enjoy the taste of the spoils on her beautiful body.

Li Yang nodded with satisfaction when he heard this, then sat beside her body and softly called the slave girl Chang Yanyan over.

After hearing what Li Yang said, the little slave girl Chang Yanyan, who was very clean after taking some cleaning products, ran over happily.

"What have they done to you these days since I've been gone?"

Li Yang smiled and touched his hand from Chang Yanyan's face to her calf. Feeling the motorcycle girl's temperament on Chang Yanyan's body, he asked with a light smile.

"They just trapped us and didn't let us leave or do anything else. They didn't do anything else."

Chang Yanyan shook her head and said cautiously. Li Yang raised his eyebrows when he heard this, patted Bi Yueyue's chest approvingly, and then patted Chang Yanyan's butt: "Pose properly, the master will comfort you."

"Ah, thank you Master!"


The ordered items would not arrive until the next day. After staying in the apocalyptic world for a whole night, at dawn, Li Yang felt refreshed and received a supply of supplies escorted by a flying robot under the morning light with the tall and delicate beauty beside him.

After receiving the goods, he took twenty copies of the second-level perfect genetic medicine with him and left everything else here. Then he witnessed the female slaves Chang Yanyan and Yu Dong taking the first-level and second-level perfect genetic medicine he gave them, leaving behind He bought a pile of rice and noodles, told his slaves to keep a low profile and hide themselves before he came back, and not to get into any trouble, and then left this world.

After Li Yang left, the three slaves drove the newly purchased second-hand invisible defense fortress, activated a bunch of equipment, and carefully protected themselves in this wasteland.

Bi Yueyue has rich experience and understands the situation of advanced genetic evolvers better. The direction of movement is mainly kept by her.

Li Yang tested it last night. His World Gate entrance and exit mark can move as he leaves the place, so he doesn't worry about not being able to find the place when they come back after they leave. He will appear directly in the invisible defense fortress. among.

In addition, he also deliberately conducted experiments. Even if he was tied by the steel cables of this world, he could still leave the world at will if he wanted, while the steel cables would be excluded.

Only the things he wants to bring will travel through time with his thoughts.




Mi County. July 21, 2024, at nine o'clock in the morning.

Huge monsters that no one knew about appeared quietly in the sky above this small county. Even though they were floating overhead under the cloaking device, no one noticed them.

The invisible defense fortress, six mechas that activate the environment simulation mode, two invisible silver robots, and two floating cannons are all huge.

As for those little things, they were controlled by Li Yang and placed in the invisible defense fortress.

Li Yang, wearing the [Purple Qi] mecha, looked at his pile of items with satisfaction and his lips widened.

Entering the apocalyptic world this time is really rewarding.

"Qiankun, Zongheng, please use your brains to join the company's operations and environmental monitoring."

"Silver robot, you are responsible for protecting the safety of my family by being invisible in the air."

After giving two orders casually, Li Yang stretched comfortably towards the sun. He felt comfortable watching the robot take action immediately, and then used his invisibility magic to fly back to his house.

I have practiced magic skills again, so I need to have more contact with nature.

When he arrived at his home in the county town, Li Yang turned on his phone and looked at it, and suddenly smiled.

[Peng Feifei: Brother Li Yang, a new movie is released. Can I go to the movie with you? 】

I almost got caught driving

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