My world double door

Chapter 158 Riot

"Mr. Police, I want to continue traveling to Iceland. We are ready to board the plane tomorrow. This is a decision we made on the way back. This is the time when we order our tickets. Will we be Is it affected by this incident that makes it impossible to set off smoothly tomorrow?"

Li Yang showed them the ticket information in his hand. The police officer looked at it, thought about it, and then said carefully: "I'm afraid not. You may need to wait one or two days until the case is over before you can leave here."

"Oh, that's such an unfortunate thing."

Li Yang sighed helplessly and had no choice but to put away the cell phone on display. The police officer apologized and then left the team. Li Yang took Peng Feifei and Li Ling, who had regained some of their emotions, back to the room to rest.


As the hotel room door closed and the noise outside also subsided, Li Yang looked out the window with a smile on his lips.

Just as he was about to do something, the door knocked again. When he opened the door, he saw Li Ling and Peng Feifei walking over together.

"Brother, we are a little scared. Isn't this also a suite? Let's live in the same place as you."

Li Ling still looked a little scared, and Peng Feifei also had a timid face. Li Yang saw that they were holding mobile phone chargers, pajamas and other things in their hands, and understood that they were probably frightened, so he nodded, turned around and took them Let in.

The room Li Yang lived in had two rooms, which was standard. After Peng Feifei and Li Ling moved in, they also moved into another room.

When the two little girls moved in, Li Yang couldn't do anything he wanted to do. After thinking about it, he decided that there was no rush for the time being and he would do it after they fell asleep.

So I just chatted and played with my cell phone in the living room until noon. I asked the waiter to bring in some fast food, gave me a tip, and had my lunch in the room, and then took a nap.

Li Yang originally wanted to take advantage of this time to go out and do something, but it was really inconvenient to do anything in the broad daylight, so he gave up the idea and quietly lay on the bed to start normal soul cultivation.

After only practicing for about ten minutes, Li Yang opened his eyes again.

Peng Feifei, who was wearing pajamas, sneaked out of another room. When she arrived at Li Yang's room, she got into his bed.

"Feifei, why don't you take a nap? Why are you here?"

Li Yang, who noticed the movement, hugged Peng Feifei's butt, sandwiched her long legs between his own legs, touched up with one hand, naturally held her in his arms, and asked softly.

"Li Ling fell asleep, sleeping very deeply, so I ran out secretly. Brother Li Yang, I was a little scared and wanted to care~"

Peng Feifei felt her clothes loosening, her pure and clean face flushed slightly, she covered her chest and then hugged Li Yang again, looking at his weak mouth.

"Let my brother kiss you properly."

Li Yang narrowed his eyes with a smile on his face, and opened his mouth to hold Peng Feifei's little lips. Peng Feifei immediately narrowed her eyes, put her hands without knowing where, and then hugged her brother's head.


The thick curtains blocked all the sunlight outside the window. Peng Feifei got into Li Yang's bed for twenty minutes before sticking her head out of the bed. She rested on the pillow with rosy cheeks and looked nervously at the exit of the other room.

The air conditioner was blowing hard, and it was more comfortable to cover herself with a thin blanket under the cool breeze. Peng Feifei had been lying nervously for more than 30 minutes, and then the expression on her pure and beautiful face suddenly relaxed, and then she accompanied Brother Li Yang with a shy face. We went to the bathroom and washed for five minutes before we came out together and lay on the bed again.

A large wad of paper towels spread out on the sheets was removed and thrown into the trash.

"Brother Li Yang, how come there is such a big gap here, but there are still people who say it is great here every day. As a result, Li Ling and I were deceived into thinking that this is a beautiful and romantic place of love."

Peng Feifei, who was held in Li Yang's arms again, stroked her hair and moved her position a little depressed, so that her little butt was completely hugged, and said speechlessly: "It's not as good as the second- and third-tier cities in China. "

"Because there are foreign intelligence organizations that continue to guide public opinion, distort ideas, disturb people's hearts in the form of ideological warfare, and destroy our domestic peace. There are also some idiots who really believe it and join in without sparing any effort, and other Some spies work with money, and all kinds of distorted information comes out."

Li Yang smiled softly, opened his mouth and kissed Peng Feifei's nose. Peng Feifei's face turned slightly red, and she nodded with some understanding. Then she hugged Li Yang's neck, looked at him with a bright red face and said, "Li Yang Brother Yang, why don't you want me now, I'll always let you lick me, I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter, Li Ling is still here now, and I really don't want to do such a beautiful thing in such a city."

Li Yang shook his head, opened his mouth and kissed Peng Feifei, his eyes full of smiles, and then Fu Er whispered: "When we get to Iceland, my brother will definitely want you hard."

Peng Feifei's face turned red and she couldn't help but passionately kiss Li Yang deeply. She played shyly on the bed until 2:30 in the afternoon, then secretly changed into her pajamas and returned to her and Li Ling's room to sleep.

Li Yang chuckled lightly, then lay down on the bed and closed his eyes to rest. After just over ten minutes, Li Ling woke up again and came to the living room to start playing games.

Li Yang got up after sleeping for half an hour and chatted with Li Ling about various issues. By the time Peng Feifei woke up, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

"I'll go, you can really sleep. I woke up at half past two, and you just woke up now."

Seeing the sleepy Peng Feifei in sight, Li Ling couldn't help but open her mouth to complain. Peng Feifei smiled sheepishly: "No way, according to the time difference, it is now twelve o'clock in the middle of the night in Yanhuang. I slept until now normally Ah, I will continue to sleep later."

"Oh, jet lag is really uncomfortable. Fortunately, we slept extra on the plane, otherwise I would be very sleepy now."

Li Ling sighed when he heard this, and then looked at the time. It would be at least three hours before dark, and in three hours it would be three o'clock in the morning in Yanhuang, and he muttered.

"Let's watch TV together, and then eat what we brought for dinner. The food here in Bali is really unpalatable and dirty."

Peng Feifei nodded in agreement, then took out some snail noodles that she brought with her when she came, put a self-heating pot on it, and complained.

"Okay, okay, brother, which one do you want to eat?"

Li Ling nodded hurriedly. The Balinese meal at noon made her nauseous. Now when she saw this, she immediately felt that she had encountered a completely delicious food. She couldn't help but nodded happily, turned on the TV, and asked Li Yang.

The food in Bali is indeed unpalatable. It is not only unpalatable but also dirty. Only the fast food from those immigration countries can be eaten, but it is not delicious at all. Naturally, Li Yang would not refuse, and he took a self-heating pot and sat on the sofa. I ate while watching TV.

"I'll sit over here."

Peng Feifei rolled her eyes and smiled, hugging her hot and sour noodles and sitting on the left side of Li Yang. Li Ling squinted her eyes and looked at them, but in the end she didn't say anything more, and they ate together and watched TV.

But as I watched and finished eating, a live broadcast suddenly appeared on the TV.

[Severely punish murderers and oppose racial discrimination! 】

[We are very angry about what happened to Bol. We are going to launch a resistance tonight. Black people should not be discriminated against. The murderer should not be sheltered. He should be severely punished! 】

[He beat us violently and shot Bor! 】

On TV, a group of black people angrily protested to the camera. When the camera shifted to several young black people, their words instantly made Li Ling and Peng Feifei on the left, who was touching Li Yang with their legs, rise. alert.

"Is this talking about what we encountered today? They were obviously the ones who started the trouble. Why do they look so aggrieved?"

Peng Feifei stared blankly at the black people on TV who were turning black into white, with shock in her expression. Li Ling on the other side also had her eyes widened, with a look of disbelief on her face.

But what made them even more nervous was that as the scene shifted, a large group of black people took advantage of dusk and suddenly began to attack and smash Asian shops on the street.


There was a crisp sound of glass, and the door of an Asian store was severely smashed. The black people around him rushed into the store like crazy and snatched things.

"Wow wow wow~"

A Yanhuang car parked on the side of the road was smashed and the siren sounded, but the attacking black man had no intention of stopping and continued to attack the car until the car was smashed before he left gracefully.

The camera then shifted, and the entire street was filled with attacked Asian shops and vehicles driven by Asians. Black people marched collectively to the streets, roaring and destroying everything.

[The police hid the information about these murderers. They are shielding the murderers and locking up our black victims. We can only confirm that they are Asians through law enforcement videos. We will continue to protest until the murderers are found and punished. Until the murderer! 】

A black man appeared in the camera with fierce eyes and shouted: "Murderer, you will be killed!"

"These black people know about us, and they want to target us?"

Li Ling opened his eyes wide and his expression was full of panic. Li Yang's face turned dark. Just when he thought he needed to do something, there was a knock on the door. Li Yang opened the door and some policemen appeared. Outside.

"Oh, sir, I'm very sorry. For your safety, our police believe that the case should be closed as soon as possible. We now need to ask for some details and can protect you from moving to a new safe hotel. It is expected to be at eight o'clock tomorrow morning The case will be concluded and the verdict will be announced, and your 11 noon flight ticket will not be delayed."

After showing the ID, the police apologized and then handed over a suitcase: "I heard that you are going to Iceland. This is 1.9 million Icelandic krona that our police specially exchanged. If there is no problem with the details, these will be used as We apologize for your compensation.”

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