My world double door

Chapter 166 Earn money in vain? (Please subscribe for more updates!)

"So that's what happened..."

Scenes of scenes flashed through his mind, and Li Yang suddenly felt enlightened, but Xuanji's face was also a little embarrassed - he thought about what Elder Chen meant by the words "pieces together" and "foreign objects that did not belong to him".

Genetic medicine!

"Every bottle of [Gene Potion] is constantly enhancing my reproductive function. The enhancement of reproductive function by the Gene Potion has reached the level of cultivation. It is actually the patchwork growth of Yang Qi."

Li Yang murmured in his heart, looking a little complicated for a moment.

Not only the yang energy, but also the body. In the eyes of normal people, he may be terrifyingly powerful, but there is nothing unusual about it.

But from the perspective of the Jindan cultivators in this world, they can directly detect the differences between him and normal extraordinary beings.

It is precisely this kind of specialness and complexity that makes the elder of [Hehuan Sect] unwilling to accept him as a true disciple of [Hehuan Sect] based on the qualifications and Yang Qi talents he has shown.

“It’s a blessing and a curse.”

This word came to Li Yang's mind, but think about it, if he was given a chance to do it again, would he still choose it?


"Forget it, it's useless to think too much. Even from Elder Chen's point of view, he just can't figure out the situation. It doesn't mean there can't be a way out."

Li Yang shook his head, feeling that he was only adding to the annoyance, and breathed out lightly, then continued to check some other information that came with the jade slip.

[Common knowledge and map of the practice world] [Basic talisman making method] [Basic weapon refining technique] [Basic alchemy technique] [Basic five-element combat spell] [Basic formation method] [Spiritual object collection method] [Spiritual object planting method]

There are intervals between each piece of information, and they are clearly distinguished from each other. They appear in Li Yang's mind like a book.

[Common Knowledge and Maps of the Cultivation World] comes with a rough map of the entire practice world, detailed maps of nearby areas, and a rough map of the [Jiuli Dynasty].

In addition, there are also divisions of power among various practicing sects.

"The southeast, center, northwest, five major territories, many sect forces outside the territory, the vast demon realm, the demon realm in the dark place, the endless waves... It is really a vast world."

Li Yang was somewhat shocked by the sheer size of the world. The area of ​​the Eastern Region, Southern Region, Central Region, Western Region, and Northern Region was actually larger than a planet in the real world.

[Jiuli Dynasty] is located in the Southern Territory and is one of the three dynasties in the Southern Territory. However, [Jiuli Dynasty]'s national power is weak, and its land is only one-fifth of the total area of ​​the Southern Territory, and this is enough 570 million square kilometers.

And the five domains, the main territory of the human race, are only a small part of the world!

This world does not respect the human race. In fact, the strength of the demon race who control the demon domain is not much worse than that of the human race, not to mention the sea dragon race, whose sea area is several times the area of ​​the five human domains, and the demon domain demon race, which controls the huge mountains and grasslands. !

Any clan in these fields can compete with the human race, which is really not a good thing for the human race in this world, but in Li Yang's view, it is extremely exciting.

"As expected, it is indeed a world of immortal cultivation. There are even creatures like dragons."

Li Yang's face flashed with brilliance, and then his consciousness exited the vast and shocking map of the practice world and entered the five-domain map of [Human Race].

"Among the five regions, the Central Region is the most respected, and is jointly controlled by the three empires of [Moon Dynasty], [Great Sun Dynasty] and [Celestial Emperor Dynasty]. Among the three empires, [Celestial Emperor Dynasty] is the strongest."

"The four regions of southeast, northwest and northwest are controlled by the vassal kingdoms and stabilize the four directions."

Li Yang browsed the four domains carefully, but couldn't see anything on the rough map, so he had no choice but to continue to zoom down, only looking at the [Jiuli Dynasty], and it became much clearer after another look.

The royal capital, major prefectures, prefectures, and counties are all within sight.

But it's just the name, nothing else.

Li Yang zoomed out again and only displayed the map within [Dongping Road]. Many sect forces and routes appeared instantly on it, as well as information about various cultivation circles, cities, Xianjia Cave, sect residences, official inns, etc.

However, at a rough glance, only the names and spheres of influence of major sects such as [Hehuan Sect], [Luoye Sect], [Floating Cloud Sect], [Danding Sect] and [Dianxing Valley], as well as some major sect operations, have access rights under [Foundation Establishment]. Monk] above Dafang City.

Li Yang narrowed down further, and finally a detailed map of only three nearby mansions appeared.

【Fengdeng Mansion】【Pang Xingsheng Mansion】【Wen Tianli Mansion】

There are vast mountains between the three prefectures, as well as many towns and villages under the jurisdiction of the Jiuli Dynasty.

Li Yang noticed that every human gathering place under the jurisdiction of the [Jiuli Dynasty] had monks stationed there, and there were different sizes of gathering places based on the strength of the monks.

For example, the third-level Qi Refining monks are stationed in various villages (a collection of several rural villages).

Cultivators above the sixth level of Qi Refining are stationed in various villages and towns.

The Qi Refining Consummation monks are in charge of the counties.

Below are various farms, most of which have no monks and are governed by mortals.

Naturally, this position is not simply about protecting security, collecting taxes, and commanding the people. It can be said that it is completely the materialization of political power.

In addition to these villages, there are two noteworthy locations: Lanshanfang City and Gupingfang City.

The two cities are located in the middle of the three cities. They are the main trading places for casual cultivators in the three cities. Even the monks from the sects also have contacts.

Even the message given to him by Brother Fengdeng of the Hehuan Sect was to advise him to find a place to make a living in these two cities.

Compared with other places, Fangshi, where two neighboring sects are located, is undoubtedly safer and has a better cultivation environment.

It can be said that this information package alone gave Li Yang a lot of gains and a clear understanding of the world.

"It's such a huge and wonderful world."

After Li Yang finished reading, he sighed in his heart and looked back.

The information package at the back is full of useful information.

[Basic Talisman Making Method] contains basic rune drawing methods, as well as rune information and three basic Talisman: Purifying Talisman, Spirit-Sealing Talisman, and Water-Transforming Talisman.

They have a purifying effect, a sealing effect on spiritual objects to prevent the loss of medicinal power, and a condensation effect that can draw rainwater.

[Basic Weapon Refining Technique] contains basic refining methods and a recipe for tempering materials.

[Basic Alchemy] contains the methods of processing and identifying spiritual herbs and elixirs, and comes with a basic elixir: Rejuvenation Pill.

[Basic Five Elements Fighting Spells] records the skills of using the power of the five elements to cast attack spells, namely [Golden Sword Technique] [Wood Thorn Technique] [Waterbending Technique] [Fire Cloud Technique] [Earth Explosion Technique]

[Basic formation method] records the most basic formation principles, and the basic formation method [Mist formation]

[How to collect spiritual things] [How to grow spiritual things] is called the Encyclopedia of Spiritual Farming Craftsmanship. Once you learn it, you can become a tenant in the landlord's house.

Plus 100 spiritual stones...

"Fengdeng is such a down-to-earth person."

Li Yang admired in his heart, and then thought about the [Hehuan Sect] Elder Chen who gave him the exercises, and couldn't help but praise him again: "This Elder Chen is also a real elder."

Li Yang couldn't help but look at the time. His portable clock was still running according to the time in Iceland in the real world. It was now 10:30 in the morning.

Unknowingly, I stayed here for ten and a half hours. I recalled what happened here and made a summary.

"Hey, I went out to have a meal, and also bought an immortal cultivation technique and a lot of knowledge about the immortal world for free."

Li Yang suddenly felt happy: "This [Hehuan Sect] is really the righteous sect that I am destined to have!"

What a good sect!

"The soul, body, and magic power have all been improved."

After experiencing the transformation in his body, the power of thunder that has reached the level of an intermediate magician, the pure and clear soul power, and the perfect control of the body with a very solid foundation, Li Yang suddenly felt even happier.


"Now you think I'm weird, then if I take genetic medicine again, until I can resist the latest generation of nuclear bombs, and then cultivate my magic power to the peak..."

Li Yang couldn't help but feel secretly in his heart. He didn't know which one was stronger or weaker, the power of the golden elixir or the sixth-generation genetic warrior + the Perfect Thunder Mage?

"Forget it, take it step by step."

Thinking of this, Li Yang couldn't help but smile, then hurriedly shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Instead, he looked around at the world, silently teleporting a lot of equipment around him back to the real world, and wearing [ Ziqi] Armor cast an invisibility spell, and continued to cross the mountains in a low-key manner, finding a place where no one was around.

"The world of cultivating immortals is great. I will come again next time."

Li Yang looked around, smiled softly, and disappeared in an instant.




real world.

Over Iceland, the invisible Li Yang appeared silently. Looking at the city below under the rising sun, he couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

"This place makes people feel at ease."

Li Yang sighed in his heart. Thinking about the world of cultivating immortals he just entered, he couldn't help but shake his head.

The world of cultivating immortals was so big that he felt confused after suddenly receiving so much information. Besides, he didn't need many things there right now, so it was better to go back to the world he was familiar with and be quiet first.

But apart from that, he really wanted to try the Immortal Cultivation Technique of [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Jing].

One person cannot absorb two kinds of magic at the same time. This is an unsolvable problem in the entire magical world, but for the world of immortality, it has been completely solved as early as the beginning.

————Open Dantian!

In addition, there are various wonderful uses of dual cultivation.

Li Yang smiled at the corner of his mouth and looked around in the air. According to the cultivation classics, as long as there is aura in the world, there must be no shortage of it in the real world.

Compared with the world of cultivating immortals, the safe and stable real world is undoubtedly a more suitable place for him to explore and practice in the early stages.

He couldn't help but close his eyes and comprehend according to the content of the magic formula. The powerful soul power easily entered into a completely different angle from the magic world's magic practice books according to the content.

From this angle, the world that was originally composed of only elemental power suddenly gained a deeper power - spiritual power.

"Sure enough!"

Li Yang immediately exited the cultivation state, his eyes sparkled with brilliance, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily. He looked down, and flew down in a flash.

When he entered the world of cultivating immortals, he had already prepared the artificial intelligence. If people around him came to see him, they would book an email address and say that he had something to do. But now that he is back, there is no need to do this anymore.

Moreover, he now needs time to digest the information about the world of immortality.

With a flash of his body, Li Yang came to the hotel room where he lived. He looked at Peng Feifei, who was still sleeping soundly on the bed, and smiled. He inexplicably thought of some strange content in the "Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra".

"It seems that you can also use the power of yin and yang to open up your Dantian?"

Li Yang recalled in his mind the skills developed in Dantian, the first step of practice. He couldn't help but lick the corners of his mouth, took off all the mecha and clothes on his body, went to the bathroom to take a shower, and came to the bed.

He propped his elbows on both sides of Peng Feifei's body, moved his face directly opposite Peng Feifei, and gently played with her ears with his fingers. The fluctuation of mental power slowly woke her up from sleep.

Peng Feifei, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly felt something warm in her ears. She opened her eyes drowsily and saw Li Yang pressing on her with a smile on his face.

The sun shone on the bedroom bed through the closed curtains, illuminating Peng Feifei's white bangs on her forehead very beautifully. She called out "Brother Li Yang" in a low voice, and then Li Yang blocked her lips.


Peng Feifei, who felt inexplicably energetic and lively when she woke up, did not resist. She snorted softly in her throat, and soon she collapsed heavily on the mattress.

'Open Dantian, open Dantian...'

"I'll drive, I'll drive..."


"Feifei, you haven't woken up yet, why don't you come out?"

In the next room, Li Ling, who had woken up long ago, was playing with her cell phone in boredom. She couldn't help but send a message to Peng Feifei asking: "I've already finished dinner."

However, after the message was sent, there was no response. After waiting for a long time, I received a reply message with typos on my phone.

[Peng Feifei: I’m awake, but no, I can’t go out]

"Why can't I go out? My brother hasn't woken up yet?"

Li Ling was stunned for a moment, feeling a little puzzled until he fell asleep. Then he took a screenshot, marked the time, and sent it: "It's already one o'clock, sister."

[Peng Feifei: That’s right, I can’t get out]

[Peng Feifei: I am supporting the wall with one hand and typing on my phone with the other hand. I am so tired. I asked brother Li Yang just now. He said that you should play games in the room first and wait until dinner. Ah, Numb]

"Numb? What's numb?"

Li Ling opened his eyes and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

[Peng Feifei: Ah, I’m sorry, I accidentally typed out my answer to Brother Li Yang]

"Didn't you say you were tired? Why is your reply speed getting faster this time?"

Li Ling tapped the screen quickly with her fingers and couldn't help but ask.

[Peng Feifei: I am now being held up, my hands are free, and I can type together. 】

"My brother is so energetic..."

Li Ling silently typed a sentence and sent it. After a while, news about Peng Feifei came through again.

[Peng Feifei: Yes, it’s so powerful. I feel more relaxed now that I’m lying on the bed. He keeps pushing hard. It’s so powerful that it seems like he can’t finish it. 】


Li Ling silently exited the chat box with Peng Feifei, picked up her phone and started playing her own game.

Fortunately, the game was attractive enough, so Li Ling put this matter behind him and devoted himself to the game while playing.

This time I played until dark before I woke up.

"No, it's already nine o'clock. Why haven't my brother and Peng Feifei come out yet?"

Li Ling looked at the time in confusion and couldn't help but send another message to Peng Feifei: "Why haven't you come out yet?"

[Peng Feifei:/falls down]

[Peng Feifei: I’ve been played to death and can’t move. See you tomorrow, I’ve had my meal]

"???? No, how were you played?"

Li Ling's eyes widened in surprise, and Peng Feifei's message also responded: "It's more outrageous than in action movies... I can't survive. See you tomorrow, good night."


Li Ling stared in surprise, then couldn't help typing a lot of words, then deleted them silently, went to order food without saying anything, and then continued to lie on the bed and play games.

After a while, the food was delivered, and she sent a message to a new little wolfdog from the same city whom she had been playing games with, saying that she was traveling with her brother.

[Little Wolf Dog No. 2: Who is your brother? Maybe I know him. 】

"Li Yang, do you know him?"

Li Ling blinked and asked while typing on the keyboard.

[Little Wolf Dog No. 2: Pictures]

[Little Wolf Dog No. 2: Could it be him/In a daze? 】

"Hey, you really know him. Where did you get this photo of him?"

Li Ling replied in surprise, a moment later.

[Little Wolf Dog No. 2: I was wrong, sister. I don’t dare to show off in front of you anymore. I will get out right now. 】

[Little Wolf Dog No. 2: I found the picture on the official website. It is really not illegal. I kowtow to you, sister. I am so blind that I didn’t even recognize you./Crying]

[Little Wolf Dog No. 2: Video]

Li Ling: "…………"

Li Ling watched speechlessly as this guy quickly sent a video of him kowtowing, then apologized profusely, then replied in a dull mood and deleted his friend list.

"Damn it, this is the third one that's been cheated on. Why is it so difficult for me to fall in love?"

Li Ling thought for a while, maybe his brother was too powerful in his hometown.

"When I go to college, I must find a better boyfriend!"

Li Ling encouraged herself secretly, and then ate the food in big gulps.


"Is this what it feels like to open up your Dantian?"

In Li Yang's room, Peng Feifei fell asleep after being knocked down, but Li Yang sat cross-legged by the window in high spirits, feeling the newly opened Dantian.

After carefully sensing it, it seemed that it was indeed three inches below the navel, but looking inside, I saw a gray hazy spherical area in a gray hazy space, and there was actually another space in this area.

He tried to introduce the thunder magic power that he had reached the level of an intermediate mage, but found that no matter how he moved the thunder magic power, he could not make it enter the newly opened Dantian in his body.

Magic, mana, seems to be in two dimensions.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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