My world double door

Chapter 184 Sir, you will die

"I said, why is the weather so good today? It turns out that the nobles of the Crow family have arrived. No wonder the sun is so beautiful."

Registration officer Lisa Jinfeng walked out of the mansion with a smile on her face. She looked at Li Yang who was standing next to Raeder with burning eyes, and then focused on Raedel Crow in front of him. He opened his arms and spoke enthusiastically.

Before coming here, Redel had said that Lesa Jinfeng was a sharp-gold mage with a high-level and perfect level of cultivation. It was indeed extraordinary at first sight. Just standing there gave people a sharp feeling.

When the soldiers around Li Yang focused their attention on him, they felt as if cold wind was blowing through their pores, and they didn't dare to look any further.

Of course, for Li Yang, he didn't feel anything at all. He just felt that this person's momentum was a little stronger.

"Sir Lisa is in a good mood, so he naturally feels that the sun is good. Redel is just an ordinary person, so how can he have any impact."

Redel hurriedly went up to give him a hug, and then introduced Li Yang next to him with a smile: "I heard that Master Lesa appointed the official official for the [Lion Contest] in the city. This friend of mine is here to participate in this competition." Come, I specially brought him here for a visit today so that he can get acquainted with you in front of Master Lisa."

It has been an ancient tradition to meet with people related to the exam before the exam. Lisa was just the first one to meet. Redel planned to eat every next meal at the homes of relevant people.

After all, only if everyone is familiar with it can we participate in the competition.

"Oh? Really? I don't know what this friend's name is. Have you signed up before?"

Lisa looked at Li Yang with a smile, and the sudden look in his eyes made people feel as if he had just met this person, and smiled softly.

"That's natural. This friend's name is Li Yang. Who doesn't know that you, the person who registers the official names, are one of the main participants in the ranking. I came here today just so that you can take care of me a little and save your time. Too much trouble."

Redel smiled and spoke in a low voice, turning a deaf ear to the servants and soldiers around him. He spoke in a low voice without any scruples: "My friend, both body and soul have cultivated to an advanced and perfect level. This time he is participating as a warrior. , among the contestants this time, there should be no rivals, right?"

Redl's meaning is obvious. Although the first knockout round is not divided too finely, a person can play more games and less games through the numbering after being ranked in the front row.

For a player with high enough strength, such an operation is nothing. After all, you can only choose one, and it makes no difference whether you take the first step or the last step.

What he meant was to save Li Yang the trouble and run one or two more times.

For the official to register, this is obviously a trivial matter, but similarly, only through such trivial matters that are easy to accomplish and mutually beneficial can the relationship between them be naturally enhanced.

This is the second meaning.

"Oh, a high-level soul mage, a high-level mortal, so that means his cultivation level is very high?"

Lesa looked at the smiling Reidel, and his face suddenly turned cold. Then he looked at Li Yang in front of him and smiled softly: "How high your cultivation level is. Show me how much cultivation you have."


"I don't dare to take it seriously. How can I show off my cultivation in front of you?"

Li Yang raised his brows lightly, smiled and clasped his fists.

"I said, show me Xiu."

Lisa shook her head and looked at him with a smile: "Show me your cultivation."

"Lisa, what do you mean?"

Redel on the other side frowned and looked at him very puzzled, somewhat confused as to why he suddenly did this.

"I just want to take a look. Come on, be obedient and show me your cultivation. Don't make me and Brother Redel wait any longer."

Lisa waved her hand and looked at Li Yang with a smile: "Only those who obey will get candy."


Soul Stiffness X2

Soul Stab X10

Just when Redel was about to say something, Li Yang blinked his eyes and fired two consecutive high-level soul mage and ten soul stabs at him instantly. The next moment, the man took a big step and slapped him in the face.


Lisa's head felt dizzy and painful, and the next moment he was slapped on the face by Li Yang. Li Yang deliberately controlled his strength to the level of advanced perfection level physical strength, and the left side of his face became red and swollen with just one slap. stand up.

When he came back to his senses, Li Yang was already standing in his original position with a smile: "My lord, can you feel my cultivation now?"

Reidel, who was about to say something to Lisa with emotion, looked at this scene with a confused face. He looked at Li Yang with some shock and incomprehension, wondering why he would do this.

"You dare to hit me, okay, okay, you are so brave."

A flash of anger flashed across Lisa's face, and the next moment a strong sharp golden magic aura rose from his body. He looked at Li Yang like a sharp sword, but he did not rush to take action, but squinted his eyes. Hansheng said: "You are a participant in the competition, and you have such a high level of cultivation, but you came to bribe me before the start of the competition, and you also attacked me, the registration official. With such bad conduct, how can I let people like you Participate?"

Redel's face changed and he looked at him with squinted eyes: "My friend didn't even say a word, so why talk about bribery? I just said some nice words and didn't give you anything. How can it be a bribe?"

"Raeder, my friend, I don't mean you."

After hearing this, Lesa immediately turned around and patted Redel's arm to show him not to think too much, and then looked at Li Yang, with a flash of brilliance in his eyes: "I'm just talking about this daring man, do you know how to attack the city defense?" What kind of punishment will the official impose?"

"What did Master Lesa say? I just obeyed your order and showed you my cultivation. Otherwise, how could Master Lesa clearly feel my cultivation?"

Li Yang bowed slightly with a slight smile on his face: "As for the bribery talk, it is even more ridiculous. I didn't bring out anything, so why are you giving a bribe? I wonder if you can clearly feel my cultivation now? "

"A fight is a fight. It's useless to argue. According to the Lion King's law, I have the right to disqualify you from participating."

Lisa looked at Li Yang in front of him with shining eyes, and a staff appeared silently in his hand: "But I heard that when the barbarians invaded before, there was a junior soul mage in Black Rock City who only relied on a suit of armor. The strength can kill a high-level extraordinary person, his name is also Li Yang, I don’t know this Li Yang, but you?"

"If there is no other person with such armor, then the person you are talking about should be me."

Li Yang looked at this person with a slightly red light in his eyes and spoke calmly.

He had already determined in his heart that the person who wanted to harm him must be the person in front of him.

I just don’t know what tricks the other party is playing.

"Oh, where is your armor? Take it out and let me see."

Lisa smiled, stretched out her hand towards Li Yang, and said, "If I'm satisfied, I won't pursue this matter anymore, okay?"

"I wonder why this gentleman wants to see it?"

A smile appeared on Li Yang's lips, and he spoke softly: "This thing is related to inheritance, and it is inconvenient to show it to others, so please forgive me."

"Then there's nothing we can do. I'm afraid you won't be able to participate in this competition."

Lisa shrugged and his face turned cold: "In such a great event as the Lions Contest, you and other lawless people will never be allowed to participate."

"Lisa, you are already a high-level and perfect Ruijin mage. What is the use of Li Yang's armor?"

Redel on the side frowned and couldn't help asking.

"It's not that I want it, but that my son likes it."

Lesa spoke calmly, then narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Yang in front of him, and stretched out his hand with a chuckle: "If you want to participate in the [Lion Contest], then bring me the armor, and I will let you participate."


Li Yang twisted his neck: "Sir, not everyone can control my armor. If you have not experienced the unique training of my master, if you put it on, you are likely to face various dangers, and people may die."

"Who can participate in the [Lion Contest] is all up to me. If I don't let you participate, you won't be able to participate."

Lisa narrowed her eyes, and there was a sharp golden aura in her eyes. After speaking, she chuckled: "From now on, there is no one like Li Yang among the contestants eliminated for the first time."

"Don't, don't."

The dumbfounded Redel subconsciously refused, but Lysa actually coveted Li Yang's inherited treasure. Although he stopped him, he didn't know how to calm down the matter.

I'm just secretly angry. I should have thought of letting Li Yang participate in the [Lion Contest]. Otherwise, if the information had been blocked at that time, there would be so many things happening now.

Fortunately, after he finished speaking, he heard Li Yang's voice speaking.

"My armor is indeed somewhat dangerous. For safety reasons, please bring your son over and wear it in front of me. If there is any danger, I can save him or her."

Li Yang said silently, cupping his hands and cupping his fists. Redel was stunned for a moment. Lisa's eyes lit up and she spoke sternly: "My son, how can you witness it? Hand over the armor quickly. You still have a place in this competition."

"But sir, this is really dangerous, and someone may die."

Li Yang couldn't help but speak. Lisa's eyes turned cold. Li Yang sighed and hurriedly called him. Then with a thought in his heart, he took out the [Tianxuan Armor] from the Qiankun Bag.

"You only need to step on this armor to automatically dress yourself. However, if you have not experienced my inheritance and experience, your life may be in danger easily."

Li Yang took out the Tianxuan Armor that had turned into an iron box, stepped on it in front of him, let the Tianxuan Armor dress automatically, and then warned him seriously.

"I said, bring it."

Lisa narrowed her eyes and spoke sharply.

"Okay, okay."

Li Yang moved his fingers, took off the armor and handed it to him.

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