My world double door

Chapter 192 Suicide with ten stabs in the back

If he participates in the Lions Hegemony Competition and achieves a good ranking, the one who will profit the most will definitely be Li Yang. Then who will make the second biggest profit?

"Eat, go ahead and finish the whole devil fish tonight."

With a bright smile on his face, Redel warmly entertained Li Yang to enjoy the delicious deviled fish.

The energy contained in the devil fish is very rich, and it has the effect of cleansing the physical body and increasing the flexibility of the body.

Li Yang felt much better after taking it last time. When practicing [Thunder Speed], he was more efficient, so he knew that once he won the [Lion Contest], Redel, who was the recommendation officer and local city lord, He was bound to make a profit, so this time he ate unceremoniously. He ate most of the fish alone, while Redel only ate less than half.

"Your next knockout match will be held in [Cabro City] inside the defensive cliff. In order to give the players sufficient rest time, the second knockout round will be held twenty-five days after the first round of knockout matches. Rush from here to [ Cabro City] takes five days, which means we can rest here for twenty days before setting off."

After finishing eating the magic fish, Li Yang was enjoying the magic of the fish flowing through his body and washing his body. Redel said with a smile: "It will take about five days for your subordinates to come from Black Rock City. The remaining time is enough for you." Let’s make arrangements for Lisa.”

"In addition, if you don't want to work part-time as Lisa's registration officer and city defense officer, you can trade them out, but I don't recommend you trade them out. Having such dual identities can save you a lot when needed in the future. Trouble, you'd better find someone trustworthy to take over."

"The acting person has an employment relationship with you. The matters that the City Defense Officer and Registration Officer need to deal with on weekdays will be handed over to him. However, he does not have many privileges and special rights. When you need to come back, his All powers are automatically invalidated, except for you to ask him to work. This is a very good way to handle duties, and it will not have any impact on you even if you are not here all year round."

"In fact, many practitioners who serve as officials in various kingdoms use it."

Redel shrugged: "You have to participate in the competition next. If you don't plan to settle in this city after participating in the competition, it is best to find someone who is long-term and reliable. Only in this way can you have more free time to do other things." matter."

"Is this still possible?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows in surprise, then thought of something and couldn't help but say: "Then can I find my own slave to take office?"

"No, officials are officials and they have to manage the soldiers in the city. No soldier is willing to let a slave manage him."

Redel spoke sternly, and then said after thinking about it carefully: "But if it is a slave who has been freed, I don't think it will have any impact."

"A freed slave?"

Li Yang blinked, then smiled: "I think I can find the right candidate by then."

"That would be perfect."

A smile broke out on Redel's face, and then he stood up to see him off: "Let's go, I'll see you off."

Li Yang nodded and left the Redel mansion with a smile. Now that he had captured everything from Lisa and owned such a big mansion, he naturally no longer had to live in Redel's house.

After leaving Redel's house and walking all the way back to Lisa's home through the streets, Lisa's wife, daughter, and concubines hurried over and lined up to see the gift.

Li Yang hugged them and kissed them one by one, and then asked them to go back to wash themselves off and have a good rest. However, he came to the martial arts training ground and began to practice magic.

【Thunder Speed】


The thunder magic power in his body was flowing endlessly, and Li Yang moved around the martial arts field as fast as a phantom. He continued to practice for more than two hours before stopping.

His figure rested for a moment, and then the magic power in his body started to work again.

【Eye of Thunder】


The next moment, a flash of thunder flashed in Li Yang's eyes, and lightning was released from his eyes in an instant, scattering the clouds in the sky.

After practicing [Eye of Thunder] for more than two hours, Li Yang stopped practicing Thunder Magic, but instead of continuing to practice [Heavy Slash], he took out three advanced soul magic secret books [Soul Confusion] with a smile on his face. 】【Soul Blade】【Soul Diamond】

[Soul Confusion] Advanced Confusion Soul Magic, [Soul Blade] Advanced Attack Soul Magic, [Soul Diamond] Advanced Attack Soul Magic.

Among them, [Soul Blade] is more suitable for continuous attacks, while [Soul Diamond] is more suitable for breaking through the opponent's soul defense and continuing to attack.

These are all high-level magics that Lisa worked hard to collect after learning about [Demon Soul Heritage]. In addition to these, there are also many intermediate and primary soul magics. Now Li Yang can consider them all cheap. In the past two days, he simply put these I haven't had time to practice magic collection yet. Now that I have nothing to do, I naturally have to start working on it.

"It actually enriches my soul attack methods."

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Yang's mouth, and he decided to take good care of Laisa's wife when he returned home after practicing to thank him for his contribution.

As for how to love well, of course it is to love well behind closed doors.

Not only his wife, but also his daughter must be loved behind closed doors.

If the two are put together, it will be even better to care for them.

Now that he has advanced basic and intermediate magic, there is no need to continue practicing. He only focused on practicing these three, so he first selected [Soul Confusion] and started practicing.

Although [Soul Confusion] is an advanced soul magic, it is not very difficult for Li Yang to practice now. After all, he already has [Psychedelic Magic] and [Soul Stiffness], two confusing advanced soul magics. Practice experience.

He sat in a happy mood and practiced the secrets for more than an hour. Perhaps with the blessing of a happy mood, when it got dark, Li Yang felt that he had initially mastered this magic and could barely cast it. .

He got up comfortably and stretched. It was time for dinner. He did not continue practicing but turned back to the side hall. The servants, Lisa's wife, daughter, and concubines were already dressed at the dining table. Stand and wait for him.

Li Yang stretched out his hand with a smile, and sat the eldest lady on his left leg, while the second lady sat on his right leg, his hands moving dishonestly, while Mrs. Lisa fed him one bite at a time.

With his current cultivation and state, he no longer needs to eat to maintain his daily life and state. Now eating is just for enjoyment.

Since you enjoy it, you can naturally feel comfortable.


"More honey on your tongue."

Li Yang took a bite with satisfaction, and at the same time he did not forget to mention that it was the first time for the eldest lady to do such a thing. The eldest lady responded hurriedly with a red face, and then began to try to change the amount according to his request.

If you take the initiative to find trouble, you will have to bear the price of failure.

"All this is due to your husband's trouble-making."

Li Yang took another mouthful of the beautiful lady's wet mouth, praised with satisfaction, and then said with a smile: "From today on, if people ask you what your name is, you will be called Li Laishi forever." I want to remember how you became what you are now and became my woman."

Mrs. Lisa pursed her lips and nodded silently. Li Yang then looked at the eldest lady on his left leg and the second lady on his right leg with a smile, and each kissed them on the lips: "From today on, others will If I ask for your names, just say your names are Li Laimei and Li Laizhu, do you understand?"

"Understood, husband."

The second young lady on her right leg blurted out, Li Yang was stunned, and then he laughed loudly and held her in his arms and kissed her hard.

"Quickly, you lie down on the table and eat well. After dinner, go back and my husband will take good care of you."

Li Yang behind him had a bright smile on his face.




On the road from Black Rock City to Tuoming City, where Li Yang is located, five carriages and five hundred cavalry guards were advancing rapidly under the leadership of a group of fifty youths. They started on their way at sunrise and arrived at sunset. After resting at the post station, we drove for six or seven days and finally arrived at this magnificent city on this day.

"Black Rock City Master Li Yang's people are here to be dispatched."

The soldiers guarding the city gate immediately became vigilant when they saw so many people coming. However, after the leading young man took out the token and explained the reason, he immediately smiled and relaxed, and then said: They waited on the side of the city gate while sending people to quickly go to Master Lesa's mansion to inform Master Li Yang.

"We rode all the way here. Thank you for your hard work, brothers. Come on, drink the hot water and eat a piece of cake."

A group of soldiers near the city gate, led by their new captain, enthusiastically delivered water and food to this group of people. Seeing that they didn't look strange, the young man at the head accepted the tea and food to fill their stomachs, and they hurried all the way. , indeed a little thirsty and hungry.

"I dare to ask this sir, but what does it have to do with my master?"

Li Fifty looked at the enthusiastic captain in front of him and asked while eating.

"No, no, it's just that I admire Master Li Yang very much and heard that you are his people, so I feel cordial."

The new captain of the ten-man team had a very honest face. After Lisa died in the duel and Mr. Li Yang came to power, the captain who had tipped Lisa off stabbed himself ten times in the back and committed suicide. That's why he took office. At this moment, seeing Master Li Yang's subordinates, they immediately felt cordial and thought they had found an organization.

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