My world double door

Chapter 199 Good Samaritan Mr. Li (please subscribe)

In the afternoon, the sun shone all day and the weather became a little warmer.

Zuo Yanting's living room has been cleaned again, and there is no smell.

An ordinary woman wearing a knee-length gown, jeans, and black sneakers walked outside the door, carefully looked inside, and then knocked on the door. After a while, she appeared. Zuo Yanting, who was wearing home clothes and looked kind and friendly, but also simple, delicate and clean, opened the door from the room and welcomed her in with a smile.

Seeing Zuo Yanting in front of her, she was so nice and classy in her home clothes. The ordinary woman at the door flashed a look of envy in her eyes. Then she calmed down and spoke eagerly: "Yanting, I'm here, he Are you there?"

It was self-evident who he was. Zuo Yanting nodded with a smile on her face when she heard this. Looking at the woman in front of her who looked about 70% similar to her, but with a more mature charm, she nodded her head and said: "Here you are, come in and talk later."

"I, I don't have many good clothes. Isn't it a bit uncomfortable to just wear this outfit?"

Hearing Zuo Yanting's words, the ordinary-dressed woman nervously straightened out her clean but too ordinary clothes, turned her neck left and right, and couldn't help but ask with some unconfidence. He asked while his eyes couldn't help but explore inside.

In fact, although she is wearing very ordinary clothes, beautiful people look good in anything they wear. Her appearance has not been downgraded by ordinary clothes. On the contrary, she has a feeling that transcends the ordinary clothes. Her fair and handsome cheeks are very beautiful. His big eyes were full of brightness, but his expression as he looked into the room was a little sneaky.

"There's nothing wrong with that. How many men like to see women wearing clothes?"

Zuo Yanting saw her sister's appearance, and a smile flashed at the corner of her mouth. She said as she pulled her in: "Stop standing outside, come in quickly."

"Oh, okay, okay."

Hearing Zuo Yanting's words, her sister Zuo Yuefen nodded hurriedly, then looked around carefully, clasping her hands tightly against her body, and stepped into her sister's home.


The door was then closed, and Zuo Yuefen walked into the room. Looking at the mopped floor, she hurriedly took off her black sneakers at the entrance, revealing her feet in flesh-colored socks, and stepped into a pair of new cotton slippers. , stroking his braid nervously and looking at his sister Zuo Yanting.

"Let's go, Mr. Li is sitting in the living room."

Seeing her look, Zuo Yanting smiled, then took her hand and led her to the living room.

Zuo Yuefen nervously held Zuo Yanting's left arm and couldn't help hiding behind her side, but she kept looking forward until she passed through the entrance corridor and entered the living room. A handsome man with a handsome and friendly appearance arrived and sat on the sofa.

"Brother Li, this is my sister, Zuo Yuefen."

Zuo Yanting led the nervous Zuo Yuefen to Li Yang, and then sat next to him on the sofa. Zuo Yuefen saw the man's eyes focused on her, and she couldn't help but think... After sitting down, Zuo Yanting stood up with her butt wrapped in jeans. She immediately grabbed her hands in embarrassment, pursed her lips, and stood upright in front of Li Yang, her eyes drifting to the side.

"Are you Yanting's sister who needs help from kind-hearted people?"

Li Yang raised his head and looked at the woman in front of him, whose jeans covered her long legs and perky buttocks. Her unbuttoned gown covered her knees like a skirt. Through the gap in the gown, she could see the jeans covering her small but plump buttocks. He looked at the woman. He asked with a smile as he followed her calves, thighs, and thigh gaps, all the way to her face.

"Well, yes, you must be Mr. Li."

Zuo Yuefen bit her lip with her teeth, tangled her hands together, turned back to look at Li Yang with a blush, and asked in a low voice.

"Well, yes, I am the kindhearted Mr. Li."

Li Yang smiled, then saw that she was a little nervous, so he couldn't help but waved: "Come here and sit down, I heard Yanting said that you have a family and children, why are you still thinking of coming to me? ?”

Zuo Yanting sat on the right side of Li Yang, and Li Yang greeted him on the left. Zuo Yuefen knew that this was a vote of attitude. If he chose to sit on the left obediently, it would mean that he had the intention to continue the conversation, and he immediately lowered his voice. He lowered his head and slowly walked to Li Yang's left side, turned around and sat down. He couldn't help but put his hands together between his legs and knees. He lowered his head and answered: "Well, the conditions at home are a bit difficult, and I can't support it any longer. So I want to find a kind-hearted person like you.”

"Have you thought about it clearly? Do you know what to do if you ask kind people for help? Are you sure you can persevere?"

Li Yang smiled and raised his lips when he saw this: "Especially for a kind-hearted person like me."

"I know, Yanting told me."

Zuo Yuefen blushed, lowered her head to the left, and said in an embarrassed low voice: "I, I have been mentally prepared."

"Oh, now that you've thought about it, let's make it clear."

Seeing her wanting but unable to let go, Li Yang smiled: "You and Zuo Yanting are in different situations, so the conditions are also different. You are your age and have children. I heard that your family I don’t owe anything, and I have a house at home, but I’m short of money. I heard that you want 13,000 yuan a month?”


Hearing Li Yang say this, Zuo Yuefen looked to the right, waved to the left, lowered her head and hummed.

"This money is nothing, but I have to give it a try first and make it comfortable and suitable before I agree to your request. Can you understand?"

Li Yang nodded with satisfaction, and then spoke again: "You know, when I said try, what did I mean to try, right?"


Zuo Yuefen's face turned redder, she bent down hard to the left, and spoke in a low voice that was inaudible, but although her voice was low, her tone could be heard as firm.

Li Yang looked at the woman who was about to sit on the sofa and huddled up. He tilted his neck, leaned over and pushed her to the sofa. Then he turned her body to the left, facing up to the sky, and buried her head in front of her, breathing rapidly. The nervous woman kissed her on the lips, and at the same time reached down with one hand, lifted her right leg, which was longer than Zuo Yanting, to the sofa and pressed it under her own leg.


Zuo Yuefen's eyes were tightly closed, her lips were tightly closed, and her teeth were clenched, but after a moment she realized what she was doing and weakly relaxed her teeth, her face full of nervousness and apprehension.

The next moment, Li Yang unceremoniously came in to enjoy her. His hands kept moving around his chest and back. Zuo Yuefen's nervous expression soon turned red, and her pants were taken off to her knees. Didn't even notice.



Zuo Yanting looked at her sister and smiled. She got up and poured a glass of water. She drank tea silently and played with her mobile phone, waiting for the two of them to get along.

I checked the circle of friends and found that Sun Zhuo had arrived at the sales department of a brand new community and was choosing a house. He quietly exited the circle of friends, crossed out the chat software, and entered the short video software to play.

After browsing the short video, more than two hours passed in a short while. The friction around Zuo Yanting finally stopped. Zuo Yanting looked back and saw that her sister had put on her pants with a flushed face and put on another piece. She put on a close-fitting brown autumn coat and stuffed it into her jeans. In just two hours, she no longer felt as shy and embarrassed as when she first came in. Instead, she sat down on Li Yang's left leg and put herself on Li Yang's left leg. His legs were crossed on Li Yang's lap.

With a simple dress, her figure suddenly looks more beautiful, her legs are long and voluptuous, and her upper body also looks plump. She instantly looks more beautiful.

"How's it going? Are you satisfied?"

Seeing Zuo Yuefen like this, Zuo Yanting immediately smiled, then put down her phone, sat next to Li Yang, and asked them with a smile.

Hearing Zuo Yanting's words, Zuo Yuefen glanced at Li Yang secretly, then quickly looked back, but turned a blind eye to the big hand stretched out under her clothes.

"Satisfied, very satisfied. I haven't lost my shape after giving birth, and my skin hasn't gotten worse. It's rare."

Li Yang nodded with a smile on his face. After listening to his words, Zuo Yuefen immediately turned her face to look at him, with a smile on her face. She immediately hugged his neck and put her face against his. On the bed, Li Yang's legs that were hanging down at the knees stretched out into his arms, looking at him with big eyes.

"However, although the foundation is good, I still need to take good care of it in the future. I will give you 20,000 yuan in the future, and I will do more maintenance with Yanting in the future. For the maintenance money, I will get an unlimited card. It will be fine if you two use it together."

Li Yang spoke again, Zuo Yuefen's eyes lit up, she pressed her body against him again, and then made an inaudible hum.

"You two are sisters. Now, let's try to see how well you two fit together and cooperate?"

Li Yang looked at Zuo Yanting on the right, who was smaller than her sister Zuo Yuefen, and then at Zuo Yuefen, who was quite similar to her, and asked with raised eyebrows. Zuo Yuefen blushed and took the His eyes peeked at Zuo Yanting.




"Mom, where have you been and why did you come back?"

At eight o'clock in the evening, Zuo Yuefen returned home with a lingering lingering look on her face. As soon as she entered the door, she heard her eight-year-old son complaining. A smile appeared on her face: "Mom went to your aunt's place. I came back late. I'm sorry, honey." , come on, are you hungry? Mom brought you your favorite roast duck."

"I'm hungry. I still want to drink porridge. Can you turn on the air conditioner?"

"Okay, okay, open, mom will do it for you."

Zuo Yuefen nodded hurriedly and turned on the air conditioner. Her son immediately swallowed his saliva happily and went to eat the roast duck. He didn't even notice that his mother's legs were shaking when she walked.

Not long after, the porridge was ready. Zuo Yuefen stir-fried vegetables and put them in the insulated box to warm. She gave the porridge to her son to drink and asked him to do his homework first. She hurried to the bathroom to change out of her clothes and wash them again. After taking a shower and changing clothes, I breathed a sigh of relief and lay down on the sofa to rest.

"Hey, why are you turning on the air conditioner at home?"

Asking for a monthly ticket! ! !

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