My world double door

Chapter 219 Cao Qiang’s Wife

In the hospital ward opposite the hotel room, when Chen Xiaolan took a careful bath and lay on the bed wrapped in a bath towel, she didn't notice at all that someone finally came in in the hospital ward opposite the large French window of the hotel.

"Fortunately, the rescue time has not passed yet, but you must have a good rest, not move too much, and pay attention to eating more every day, so that you can still carry out normal activities in the future."

The doctor gave instructions to Cao Qiang, who was lying on the bed, and then left a nurse here to watch, then turned and left the ward, leaving Cao Qiang lying alone on the bed with his penetrating injury bandaged.

He was lying on the bed unable to move. The position of the pillow was right opposite the window. He could see a hotel room next to the window, but now the curtains were closed and nothing could be seen.

But Cao Qiang is not in the mood to know this now. He only has four words in his mind: The Cao family is finished.

‘I’m done too. ’

Thinking of his mother who followed Li Yang into the room, how she looked before entering the room and how intimate and charming she looked when she came out, and then thinking about how scared his sister was before entering the room, and how charming and blushing she looked after she came out, Cao Qiang felt as if he had been stabbed by a knife.

What is even more silent is that the bodies of his father, his uncle, and all the male relatives in his family...

And all of this was his own fault.

"How can this be?"

Cao Qiang couldn't understand. If things were like what he had done to others before, Li Yang was forcibly annexed by him, and he would humiliate him and suppress his morale, further strengthen his own industry, and then go back with peace of mind. Keep looking for the next target...

He and the Cao family have been here like this for so many years. Why is it different this time?

Cao Qiang lay in bed in pain and was in a daze. Then he thought of his wife at home. Her quiet and elegant appearance came to his mind, and he couldn't help but feel even more uncomfortable.

He wanted to call his wife and ask her to come and take care of him, but he couldn't move now. Li Yang took away his cell phone. He couldn't remember the phone number of his wife and his home in China, so there was another silence.

When he returned to China this time, his original intention was to stay here for a while, harvest some of these newly developed powerful industries in the country that had no backers, and earn some money, but who would have thought that such a thing would happen, so that he Now I didn't even have time to remember my wife's new mobile phone number and the new home's landline number, and it ended up like this.

Thinking of this, Cao Qiang couldn't help but stare in pain at the large French window of the hotel opposite.

What he didn't know was that the wife he longed for was in the room opposite.

And Li Yang, who he was talking about, was carrying lunch and came to the hotel opposite.

"Brother Li, I will help you carry your meal to the corridor and then come down and wait for you. After finishing the work, I will drive you to where you want to go."

The luxury car parked in the parking space. After Wang Qiang parked the car, he trotted out of the car and opened the door for Li Yang. After Li Yang got out of the car with Fang Fen and Cao Xue who were sitting in the back seat of the car, Wang Qiang opened the door softly. With a light click, he trotted to the trunk and took out the meals Li Yang had packed, and said to Li Yang with a smile on his face.

"Okay, I'll have to work hard for you today."

Li Yang smiled and said casually, then he carried Fang Fen and Cao Xue to the hotel. Wang Qiang carried lunch and followed him to the hotel. As soon as he entered, someone immediately enthusiastically handed over the room card. Come up.

Seeing that the other party handed over the room card so enthusiastically, Li Yang let Fang Fen take the room card, walked to the elevator with a smile, and reached the third floor.

Wang Qiang enthusiastically followed Li Yang into the elevator carrying the food. He didn't hand the food to Cao Xue until he was outside the room on the third floor. He waved to Li Yang with a smile and then turned around and left the floor.

"Open the door."

Li Yang watched Wang Qiang leave his sight, looked to the left at the large and small bags of food that Cao Xue was carrying, smiled, patted Fang Fen's butt with his right hand, and motioned to the door lock.

Fang Fen nodded, took out the key card and put it on the door lock. The door lock opened with a beep sound. She pressed it with her hand, pushed the door open, turned around and walked in first.

Li Yang then walked in, and Cao Xue followed Li Yang in. Fang Fen didn't go far, waited for her daughter to enter, then went over to close the door, and then locked it.

"Who's coming?"

After Fang Fen closed the door, she walked to Li Yang and stopped close to him. A cry of surprise came from the room. Li Yang took Fang Fen in his arms and looked forward. He saw a pair of naked hands. Her feet stretched out from the bed and stepped on the slippers. Before anyone could stand up, Cao Xue in front of her had already walked to the table beside the bed carrying food.

"Cao Xue?"

A voice that was exactly the same as on the phone came from the bed. Li Yang turned his head and looked at Fang Fen who was leaning against him. When he saw her eyes blinking, he smiled and walked over with Fang Fen in his arms.

His sight widened as he advanced, and Li Yang's eyes fell on the edge of the white bed. As expected, there was a woman wearing only a bathrobe, with long black hair, exuding the fragrance of freshly washed milk, and a very quiet temperament.

The moment he appeared, the woman's eyes naturally fell on him for the first time, and then with difficulty she saw Fang Fen being held by him. She opened her mouth, held the bathrobe with both hands and whispered, "Mom." …”

"Well, I guess you have also received the news that those people in your family have died. This is Mr. Li Yang. He brought lunch here and asked us to have lunch together."

Fang Fen looked at her daughter-in-law, who was standing tall and graceful in only a bathrobe, nodded and said softly, then looked at Li Yang and stopped talking.

Following her voice, Chen Xiaolan's eyes fell on Li Yang stiffly, she opened her delicate red lips, and said in a low and difficult voice: "Mr. Li Yang."

Li Yang's eyes saw this woman with fair skin, a curvy figure, and a delicate face without makeup turning towards him. He smiled and waved: "You didn't have lunch for lunch? Come, have a meal with your mother-in-law and sister, Cao Xue, Quickly take the food out of the bag and put it on the table."


Cao Xue pursed her lips when she saw Li Yang smiled, then hurriedly opened the packaging bag and placed the packed food on the big dining table in the room. Chen Xiaolan nodded slightly when she heard this, walked over and bent down to help. Cao Xue placed the food and tableware together.

"Let's sit down too."

Li Yang's eyes followed the movement of Chen Xiaolan, who was wearing a bathrobe, to the dining table. Then he said something to Fang Fen beside him easily. Fang Fen nodded immediately and followed Li Yang to sit next to the dining table.

The two sat down, and the food and disposable tableware were almost placed.

After Li Yang sat down, he put his right hand into Fang Fen's clothes, but looked at Chen Xiaolan who was placing the food with a smile, and looked at her big eyes. Under the bathrobe, a small half of her straight ridges and soft long hair were exposed. Legs, watching her place the remaining dishes and chopsticks with her head lowered.

Then Chen Xiaolan, who noticed his gaze, looked at Fang Fen, whose upper body was already leaning on Li Yang, and looked at Li Yang again. Just when she was about to sit across from Li Yang and sit with Cao Xue, Li Yang saw her move With a curl of the corner of his mouth, his left hand reached out to the table and grabbed Chen Xiaolan's right hand under the gazes of Cao Xue and Fang Fen.

Chen Xiaolan was stunned and couldn't help lowering her head. Seeing that she looked a little embarrassed, Li Yang smiled and pulled her directly to sit on his left side. Chen Xiaolan was frightened and followed Li Yang's lead to sit next to his body.

When Li Yang saw her sitting down, he took a close look at her figure and then put his left hand under the bathrobe on the long legs that were completely different from Fang Fen and Cao Xue. Chen Xiaolan's body immediately tensed up.

"Don't be stunned, eat quickly."

Li Yang looked away from Chen Xiaolan with a smile and greeted Cao Xue and Fang Fen. The two women were hungry and after hearing the words, they hurriedly picked up their bowls and chopsticks and started eating.

Chen Xiaolan also hurriedly picked up the bowl and chopsticks to eat with a red face. She was also hungry.

"Taste this."

After Fang Fen ate for a while, she saw that Li Yang had put all his hands on Chen Xiaolan, who was eating with her head down and her face flushed. She put a chopstick of meat into the bowl and put it to Li Yang's mouth.

"It tastes good, but I'm not hungry. You can eat yours."

Li Yang opened his mouth to eat the food, nodded with satisfaction, and then said with a smile.

"I'm tired and haven't eaten all morning. How can I not be hungry? No matter how beautiful I am, I can't fill my stomach."

Fang Fen looked at Chen Xiaolan, whose face was flushed, and said something. Then she brought some food to Li Yang and put it to his mouth. Li Yang smiled and said, "Okay, okay, but I won't eat what you handed over like this. Change it to a way I like."

Fang Fen blinked and looked at Li Yang after hearing this, a touch of tenderness flashed across her face, and then she opened her red lips and took the initiative to send the dish from her mouth. Li Yang took it with a smile on his face, and then looked at Chen Xiaolan with a smile on his face. , seeing that she was still picking up the rice with her head down, she couldn't help but said: "All the rice in the bowl has been finished, madam."

"Ah, I, I'll serve more."

Chen Xiaolan was stunned for a moment, then spoke hurriedly, stood up and bent down to serve the rice. Li Yang turned around with a smile and took a mouthful of the food handed over by Fang Fen. Then he looked at Chen Xiaolan who stood up and bent over to serve the rice, and put his hand on her butt. Help, the whole person stood behind her, Chen Xiaolan panicked again, then looked back, saw Li Yang with a smile on his face and moved quickly, with a blush on his face, he looked around, and he held on to the chair next to him at a loss. .

"Mrs. Cao, are you still not full after a bowl of rice?"

Li Yang spoke with a smile, and before Chen Xiaolan could finish speaking, he hugged her by the waist and threw her on the big white bed next to her.


Chen Xiaolan exclaimed and jumped directly from the ground to the center of the bed, and her shoes fell to the edge of the bed.

Li Yang looked at Chen Xiaolan lying sideways on the white bed with a smile, and then pounced.



Across from the floor-to-ceiling windows on the balcony of the hotel room, only the window of the ward directly opposite faced me, and the rest were white walls.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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