My world double door

Chapter 224 Are you looking for me?

In front of the villa, Zhao Mengyi was wearing a pure white slim-fitting dress. She raised her head and looked up a little unprepared to look at Li Yang, who was grabbing her butt with his hands and starting to kiss her lips. Before she had time to react, her mouth He was kissed hard.


Zhao Mengyi made a soft sound in her throat, and her whole body was kissed by Li Yang while hugging her waist.


Li Yang casually pushed open the door of the villa and kept kissing while holding Zhao Mengyi's body firmly in his arms. He turned around and freed up one hand to close and lock the door. Then he took his hand back and placed it on the upper part of Zhao Mengyi's back. , the palm of his hand went around the waist and reached half a step forward, and kissed Zhao Mengyi's lips fiercely.

Standing behind the gate and looking inside the villa, he walked through the cobblestone yard and came to the second gate. He opened the door and walked in. He turned around and closed the door. He kicked his feet and lifted the villa. Take off the shoes, then hold Zhao Mengyi's chest and back with your right hand, lean back, and reach down with your left hand on the crook of the leg to take off the crystal sandals on Zhao Mengyi's feet, revealing her feet wearing white stockings, and turn Then he took it back and carried Zhao Mengyi's body to the living room on the first floor. He found that the dining table next to the living room was filled with a sumptuous dinner.

The corners of Li Yang's eyes curled up, and he came to a sofa behind the dining table and chairs, sucked Zhao Mengyi's lips hard, and then threw her on the sofa, licking his lips and looking at Zhao Mengyi who had a flustered and stunned face. He smiled and started to take off his clothes.

"Li, Mr. Li Yang, aren't we here for dinner?"


Li Yang took off his shirt, revealing his strong upper body muscles. He untied his belt and took off his boxers together. He watched with a smile as he threw him onto the sofa, and then he hurriedly turned to his side and propped his left hand on the sofa. The legs were staggered together, supporting Zhao Mengyi who was looking at him in panic. He put his right knee towards Zhao Mengyi, and then pressed his whole body directly on Zhao Mengyi.


Zhao Mengyi was pressed by Li Yang's strong body from lying on her side to lying on the sofa. She stretched out her left arm and put it on Li Yang's shoulder along with her right arm, looking at Li Yang with an even more panicked expression.

"It's only about eight o'clock now. It's not too late to have dinner until eleven o'clock. I want to enjoy it now and taste you."

Li Yang looked at Zhao Mengyi who was being pressed upright with a slightly raised corner of his mouth. He held her head with both hands with a smile and touched her face with his index finger. While Zhao Mengyi was dazed, he buried his head in the next moment.


Zhao Mengyi snorted softly, and kicked her feet in white stockings on the sofa cushions. After ten minutes, she finally had a chance to speak. While she was panting, she looked at Li Yang who buried his head in kissing her neck. His eyes trembled: "Mr. Li Yang, isn't it a bit, a bit too fast, too direct..."

This was indeed what she was thinking, but what she was thinking about was that the two of them would have a romantic dinner together, drink some red wine, and go to bed romantically while tipsy.

However, Li Yang didn't even say a word when he came, and he started to fuck her immediately, leaving her a little confused.

How can you pick someone up and fuck them without even communicating with them?

This... is too barbaric.

"Have it?"

Li Yang reached out and took off the clothes that were in the way, buried his head, opened his mouth, and said vaguely: "Be good."

Zhao Mengyi lay with her head weakly on the sofa, Bai Si's legs were slightly apart, her hands went down to hold the back of Li Yang's head, and she gasped and closed her eyes.

[Master, the United States has been frantically pursuing all information related to our ‘Stealth Defense Fortress’. It has not stopped since its appearance and has begun to invade the privacy of your relevant friends. Do you want to take countermeasures? 】

Suddenly, a reminder from Huanyu came in his mind. Li Yang narrowed his eyes, raised his head, held Zhao Mengyi's head and pushed forward: "Since they want to know so much, then drive up to their heads and show them. As for In terms of information, launch a powerful attack."






The mysterious spaceships and mechas over Linhai City appeared and disappeared at a terrifying speed. Apart from Yanhuang, the first person to notice this was the Bald Eagle Miguo.

As a superpower that grasped the rise of the Industrial Revolution earlier, the Bald Eagle United States has long filled the sky with many satellites for various purposes. Although Yanhuang is now powerful, they cannot control many things, but here They were the first to notice the huge spaceship that appeared over ordinary residential areas.

In particular, some mechas flew abroad and brought the Cao family with them, and they were clearly seen by their satellites. When they noticed this, they couldn't sit still as if their butts were stabbed by needles, and they followed them like crazy. All clues.

However, even if they tracked it for a day, they couldn't find anything. In the end, the FBI agents came up with a different idea and began to investigate the crowd around the first place where the spacecraft appeared to lock the information through the crowd.

"What do you losers do for a living? It's been so long since I've found the real information. How long are you going to make me wait to find out the result?"

In the operation room, the admiral in general uniform roared loudly at the control room. He looked at the large screen hanging on the wall with a very gloomy expression, facing the mechas and the most conspicuous spaceship displayed on it. The aircraft carrier spoke loudly.

"Can anyone tell me where these things came from and why we don't know anything about him!"

"You guys, don't tell me that Iron Man has become a reality, and don't tell me that this is a virtual scene presented to us by Yanhuang. If anyone says that, I will blow your head off hard."

"Our intelligence personnel have seen the existence of these things with their own eyes, and someone has recorded a video to confirm their existence. I will give you the last three hours, and I will get all the information related to it immediately!"

"I will not allow anything beyond our control that is beyond our control to appear!"

The five-star general roared repeatedly, and the staff around him were covered in cold sweat, but no one dared to answer.

"General Keira, maybe we should give them more time. After all, they are already the top technical members, but we still can't find any results. Maybe what we found is beyond common sense. .”

Hearing Admiral Keira's roar, the adjutant on the side wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and spoke in a low voice.

"If we still can't find it after three hours, then no matter how much time we give, it will be the same."

Five-star General Keira looked at the screen with a gloomy expression. The adjutant immediately closed his mouth when he heard this, and then began to stand aside silently and wait.

Kayla waited for a while, closed her eyes silently, raised her fingers and waited for the passage of time.

But the next moment, the exclamations from all around made him open his eyes again.

[American five-star general Kayla, are you looking for me? 】

A metal sound without any emotion came from all around. Keira's eyes widened instantly, and she looked around in horror at the screen showing a virtual figure. At this time, the virtual figure on the screen was looking at him with a smile. : [No need to wait another three hours, you have been looking for me for twelve hours, and now, I am here]

"The defensive walls are intact, all safety protection functions are functioning normally, and we cannot detect the reason!"

“The device can be controlled normally, but I don’t know how to remove the picture!”

"Cut the power, cut the power, damn it!"

The surrounding control room was in chaos. Keira looked at the virtual figure that appeared on the screen with a gloomy expression until someone cut off the power and all the screens turned off instantly.

"Classify this matter as a top-secret incident of the highest level, form a new department, and prepare to destroy it at any time..."

When the screen turned black, Keira spoke in a low voice with a gloomy face. The adjutant on the side hurriedly recorded with a cold sweat on his face, but before Keira could finish speaking, he suddenly heard a roar outside the wall.


A burst of fire flashed, accompanied by the roar of the explosion. The next moment, the wall of the building shattered, and two two-meter-high mechas instantly burst into the building. In panic, the adjutant who protected the general from hiding was thrown like a chicken. To the side, the next moment, Keira was caught high in the hand by a cold mechanical arm and lifted into the air.

"Admiral Keira, you have been looking for me for so long, and now that I am here, who do you want to destroy?"

The mecha with blue lights on its eyes spoke in a cold voice. After the words fell, the dust around them dispersed. Amidst the exclamations of everyone present, a huge spaceship appeared outside the building floor, and four tall The cold mecha stood in the sky outside the building, the terrifying armor on its body had a cold light, and it stared at everything here with cold eyes.

"Let go of General Keira!"

Seeing that the general was being controlled, the adjutant beside him roared and pulled out his pistol and shot at the mecha. The ten-man armed teams on both sides also immediately fired more powerful rifle attacks at the mecha.


A team member held a rocket launcher and immediately fired a cannonball at another mecha standing far away from General Keira who broke into the room. With the roar of fire, bursts of smoke instantly rose from the field.


The staff in the room screamed in agony when they were affected, but General Keira was not harmed due to the precise calculations of the team members.

But when the dust cleared, something they feared happened.

"Not only did they not surrender, they also dared to fight back."

"You guys want to die."

The cold voice of the mechas in the field came. Under the sunlight, the mechas that were violently attacked did not suffer any damage, and even the 'paint' was not lost.


The next moment, the consciousness of the attacking team member suddenly dimmed.

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