My world double door

Chapter 250 Female Elf (with illustrations)


The horses snorted, and the elf cavalry that suddenly appeared in sight attracted the attention of everyone in the knights. Everyone looked at this group of another race with pointed ears, and overall not much different from humans.

It's just that compared to the burly humans, these elves are more slender and full of agility, just like natural rangers.

"Elves are naturally close to nature and have a different extraordinary system from us. They don't have warriors and wizards, but they do have assassins and beast masters."

"Those green horses are magic horses raised by their masters through special techniques."

While Li Yang was watching, Prince Lule beside him explained in a low voice to Li Yang, Shengli, and Di En, which solved the three people's surprise when they saw the green horse.

"Assassin, beast master?"

Li Yang couldn't help but asked doubtfully: "Can this also form a separate extraordinary system?"

"Yes, their beast masters have the ability to communicate with life many times more powerful than knight communication mounts. Powerful beast masters can not only accurately sense the potential and life of monsters, but also how to do it. It better allows them to improve their strength. After reaching the level of advanced beast masters, they can merge with the beast master energy they have cultivated. Their combat effectiveness is very powerful. In addition, they can help the tribe cultivate many magical beasts for use. Among the elves, Very high status."

"Their assassins are extremely good at hiding. A skilled assassin will not notice his presence even if you pass by him, and their burst damage is extremely high. After hiding, a sudden blow can often kill the enemy, but the same , their continuous combat ability is very weak, if they are aware of it in advance, even if they are stronger than you, they can still repel or even kill them."

The experienced Rule nodded and said: "If you don't discover these assassins, their hiding will not be discovered by you, but once you discover them, you can always pay attention to them, even if the other party is out of sight, unless The long interval is a kind of strange magic, so don't worry too much, as long as you are aware of it, the other party will not be able to cause harm to you in the future."

"As for how to detect it, as long as you feel something is wrong, there must be an assassin hiding."

Prince Rule said, looking at a blade of grass on one side with a smile: "Just like this blade of grass, how could it turn over under normal circumstances? You are right, Elf Yin."

"Oh, damn, you broke the hiding technique again, but your perception is still so sharp."

Following Prince Rule's words, an elf in gray robe suddenly appeared from the 'empty' grass in front of him as if forcibly inserting himself into the field of vision. The other person cursed.

Li Yang's eyes suddenly shifted, and the entire knights focused their vision for an instant. The assassin in gray robe immediately spread his hands: "I have no ill intentions, I just came to say hello to you. The elves have always been friendly with the humans. Allies, I think we can let each other's talents adapt to the environment at the entrance of the [Golden Valley] this time, and then protect this place together."

"Your position is ten steps away from the person at the front of us. There is indeed no malice. Please remember that any elf assassin can attack without hesitation as long as he comes within five steps of us."

Rule spoke with a smile. As he spoke, he looked at the elves arrayed in front with a slightly raised corner of his mouth: "This is indeed a good proposal. I think it is very suitable."

"The elves and us humans are indeed friendly races, and we think it's okay."

The leader of the Knights also nodded slowly, then frowned: "But even if there is no malice, it is not very polite for an assassin to approach while hiding."

"Oh, I apologize to you, but you know, we assassins can only feel safe when we are hiding. Moreover, how dare we attack a knight group like yours? It would be asking for trouble."

The assassin known as Elf Yin smiled and bowed to apologize, followed by a somewhat awkward opening. After speaking, he extended his hand to guide the front: "I made an explanation with the leader of the Elf Knights before I came here. Maybe we can get closer to each other. Communicate one or two.”

"Of course you can."

Rule's eyes swept across the entire grassland like a hawk. As he spoke, several elves suddenly appeared in Li Yang's surprised eyes: "But, the premise is that these assassins of yours will They will all appear in our eyes."

"Oh, there's nothing we can do about it. Even if we don't want to, we have to show up in your eyes, right?"

Seeing Rule's gaze spotting all the assassins, Elf Yin twitched the corner of his mouth and shook his head helplessly.

A smile appeared on Rule's lips: "Let's go."

After saying that, he waved his hand and led the knights around him and the surprised Li Yang, Sheng Li, and Di En to approach the front. The elf cavalry regiment on the opposite side was waiting there with a smile on their face. After a while, the two parties merged. At one point, this group of elves with pointed ears and more slender figures also appeared in sight at close range.

"Long time no see, Knight Lule."

Among the elf knights, fifteen people emerged from the crowd, followed by three young elves with deep auras. Their eyes looked at them frequently. Three of the fifteen people walked to the front together, and one of them had a rapier hanging on his waist. The elf said to Rule with a smile on his face.

"Long time no see, Ranger Sersen."

Rule also smiled and led his own team and the team guarding Di'en with Li Yang, Di'en, and Shengli out of the crowd, greeting them. The immortal team captains from both sides had also met each other.

"There are only two immortal teams. Could it be that two of the three geniuses representing the human race this time are from your [Lion Kingdom]?"

The elf ranger known as Seson watched Lule and his two immortal teams come out. He couldn't help but look at Li Yang and Shengli who were protected by Lule's team with some surprise, and asked.

"Yes, this time the goddess of luck favored us [Lion Kingdom]"

A smile appeared on Rule's face, and then he spoke again: "This time we are not many in number, and together with the elves, we may have to rely on your strength."

"It doesn't matter. Based on our relationship, this is what we should do. I guarantee that those demons will not harm our genius."

A smile appeared on Seson's face, and then he looked at each other with the other two captains of the Immortal Team beside him. They each waved their hands and asked the three geniuses of the elves to stand up.

Rule also nodded to the other immortal team beside him, and then asked Li Yang, Sheng Li and Di En to also walk out of the team. The geniuses of the two races met in their respective tribes and looked at each other.

Among the three elves who stood out among the elves, only one was a male elf, and the other two were female elves. The male elf carried a long sword at his waist, wore green armor, and held a long bow. His aura was quite fierce.

Among the female elves, there is an elf who carries a short bow and holds a staff and wears simple clothes. Her hair is brown, her appearance is exquisite, and her pointed ears are full of charm.

A small and delicate elf with silver hair, holding a velvet belt, and a white rabbit beside him.

"Elves are good at shooting, and among the elves, there is the Tree of Life, which is the mother tree of all things. The Tree of Life has many tree species that grow small trees. The densely packed Trees of Life are all over the realm of the elves. Weapons made from the Tree of Life are all Very elves, whether it’s a wand or a bow and arrow, so most elves will choose to create a magic bow as an auxiliary means.”

Li Yang curiously looked at the bows and arrows in the hands of the two elves, and Lu Le's smiling voice came from behind: "Li Yang, the space inside [Golden Valley] is very different from the outside world. At the entrance of the valley Staying there for a while to practice will help you better adapt to the laws inside. We humans and elves are friendly races, so the six of you can go together."

"Yes, Princess Aixia, you can go to the entrance of the valley with these three human geniuses."

Hearing Lule mention Li Yang, the immortal knight Serson opposite him glanced at Li Yang slightly, knowing that the other person was the strongest genius of the human race this time, and at the same time looked at the man holding a short bow with a smile on his face. The beautiful female elf spoke.

Hearing that this beautiful female elf was actually a princess, Li Yang looked at her a little surprised.

Among the human race, the royal family will not participate in this kind of competition, because the royal family that occupies the most resources is the strongest group of the human race. To a certain extent, it belongs to the reserve power of the human race and will not be easily mobilized. Therefore, in various competitions, Basically, there will be no royal family in it.

Unexpectedly, I met the princess of the elves here.

"Princess? The Elf Queen has given birth to a daughter with such excellent qualifications. It is really gratifying."

Hearing Sesen's words, Rule looked at the beautiful elf holding the elf short bow in surprise, and couldn't help but speak.

"Yes, Kari has the surname of the royal family of elves, and Aisia was given it when she was born. She has perfect water element qualifications and is the son of the perfect water element."

Hearing Rule's words, Sesen, who was standing in front, responded with a smile. The female elf princess Ai Xia, who had beautiful eyes with double eyelids, smiled and greeted Rule. Then her elegant eyes swept over Li Yang, with a smile on her face. Smilingly, he stretched out his hand to invite Li Yang and the others to walk towards the entrance of the canyon.

Ai Xia didn't say a word, but even if she kept silent, every move she made was full of feminine charm. Li Yang silently resisted such obscene behavior as swallowing saliva, and forcibly suppressed the sound of his body. He was restless, nodded in response with a smile, and then politely and gentlemanly let the princess go first.

The princess couldn't help but smile slightly, and with the corner of her mouth slightly hooked, she took the initiative to lead her team ahead.

Li Yang cursed in his heart that the damn genetic potion was really useless, why did he want to fall in love with a beautiful woman when he saw her, even the elves would not let her go, leading him to be a pure and kind person.

Then he looked back at Shengli and Di'en who were standing behind him. He thought to himself that these two defeated generals were not attractive, so he took Shengli and Di'en and followed the elf team towards the entrance of the valley.

After the three elves Li Yang and Ai Xiya walked towards the entrance of the valley, the elven team and human team behind them mixed with the knights of the two races to form a large formation to guard near the entrance of the valley.

The distance where they stopped was not too far from the entrance of the valley, and the six of them were almost all super extraordinary people. They arrived at the entrance of the valley in a short time.

Li Yang resisted the urge to press the delicate and beautiful elf princess down all the way, and walked quickly to the entrance of the canyon with his eyes narrowed. In an instant, an invisible pressure and a strong sense of awkwardness spread from all directions. Come.

This awkward feeling is like putting on a set of stiff clothes that don't fit you no matter how you wear them. Although you can put them on, they are awkward no matter how you wear them, making you feel very uncomfortable.

Li Yang couldn't help but twist his body on the spot, but no matter how he twisted, the uncomfortable feeling still filled his body, and he couldn't help but frown.

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