My world double door

Chapter 262 Keep shouting!

"If you don't die quickly, you dare to come here and attack Mr. Gele's son!"

"How many lives do you have!"

"How brave you are to disturb Young Master Leah's pleasure!"

"How many clan members do you have, and how do you want them to die?"

"How about I chop up your relatives and feed them to the dogs?"

"What kind of wild dog dared to crash into Mr. Leah's dinner party!"

The lobby of the luxurious restaurant is spacious and bright. As a public domain of the human race, where the resources of the seven countries gather, it is as bright as day even in the dark. This restaurant is one of the top restaurants in the entire public domain.

The spacious hall was full of people, but there were only three tables, all of which were single dining tables. These three tables were arranged side by side, and behind each table sat a person who was dressed luxuriously and looked excited. youth.

Around them, there were all kinds of beauties with bare breasts and even naked men. However, whether they were men or women, they were all prostrate on the ground like dogs, surrounding the three young men begging for food.

But all around, those people in luxurious clothes stood like backdrops. At this moment, when they saw Li Yang who suddenly appeared on the scene, they opened their mouths and stared angrily, with spittle flying from their mouths, and they scolded him.

"Okay, I just saw him walking with those two perfectly qualified people, and asked him to come over and ask questions, just like a dog tethering him. Isn't he here now? It doesn't matter how he came here."

A gorgeous young man sitting at the table waved his hand and spoke, then looked at Li Yang with excited eyes and a smile: "The dog rope is ready. I will put it around his neck later and tie him up and strangle him."

"But before I strangle him to death, let me ask a few questions."

The gorgeous young man who spoke was sitting in the middle of the seat. As he spoke, he excitedly put his toes in the mouth of a man next to him and stirred: "Are you from the [Contest of Races]? With those two perfectly qualified people. How is the relationship between the East and the West? What are the results of the two of them in the [Contest of Clans]?"

"Do you know where their home is?"

As the noble young man spoke, he excitedly pointed his hand at Li Yang: "Say it quickly, I can't wait to kill their family!"

"My dad said, except for people with perfect qualifications, I can't touch anyone in this world. I can touch anyone else as much as I want. I want to play now, and I want to kill their family members!"

"I want to chop his father into pieces, and let his mother be eaten by pigs. I want him to watch, and I want dogs to bite their women to death. Oh, okay, it feels good, it feels so good. How wonderful it would be if it really happened in front of me!"

"They themselves have perfect qualifications, but their families are not. I can play whatever I want with their families. What can they do to me?"

The young man sitting in the middle of the three luxurious young people stepped on his toes excitedly. The two men whose toes he put in their mouths turned red, but did not dare to move. After the young man said this, he couldn't help but feel bright and bright. Looking at Li Yang, he burst into tears:

"You know, that perfect warrior killed Enrui. How could Enrui die in his hands? I wanted to kill him but I didn't dare to. My father explicitly prohibited us from killing each other, otherwise I would I must have killed him and the two of them first, wuwuwu.”

The young man in the center finished crying and suddenly looked up at Li Yang with excited eyes: "Don't say you don't know. If you do, I will just treat you like a dog and strangle you to death. If you say you don't know, I will treat your whole family just like I treated theirs!"

After the young man finished speaking, he looked at Li Yang standing in front of him with interest. Suddenly, he found that his eyes were red, and then returned to normal. His eyes were delighted: "He is jealous. Is he going to betray his friend? I I’m so happy, hurry, hurry, hurry, prepare the leash and kill him when he says so.”

"Wild dog, kneel down!"

After hearing the young man's words, two warriors who had reached the advanced warrior level and two rangers who had reached the advanced ranger level roared at Li Yang. Everyone threw a magic iron chain from their hands to Li Yang's feet: "Put the chain on yourself." Put it on!"

"Kill my whole family? You three are all members of the Gelu family, the sons of the Gelu magic master?"

There was a faint red light in Li Yang's eyes again. He looked at the three young men sitting in front of him, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he asked: "We will test you with a question. Everyone in your family is here." Where, do you know?”

"Looking for death, what kind of pig or dog dared to ask questions to Master Gele's son!"

"You didn't answer Mr. Gele's question, but you asked Mr. Gele a question first. Are you looking for death?"

"You rotten dog, kneel down and die!"

"Why don't you answer the question quickly and then leave to die!"

"You're not dead yet, you really deserve death!"

The surrounding 'background boards' watched Li Yang ignore Mr. Gele's question and instead opened his mouth to ask Mr. Gele a question. They suddenly spoke angrily, and one or two spitters flew out and cursed at him endlessly.

"You guys are really cheap."

Li Yang took out his ears and watched the people around him spitting and yelling at him. The red light in the eyes of Leah, the young master of Gulla, who was looking forward to the change in the color of his eyes, suddenly increased.

"Die, you idiot!"

Li Yang looked ferocious, and the red light in his eyes burst out instantly.


Terrifying heat vision erupted from his eyes, blowing up more than a dozen background boards standing together and yelling at him. Li Yang's gaze swept around, and the terrifying heat vision swept across the field instantly.



The screeching sound of the heat vision resounded in the field, followed by the sound of broken limbs and broken arms, and the sound of body fragments falling from the air to the ground.

Blood spattered, and pieces of broken flesh and bones were scattered in all directions, many of which hit the dining table of three young people who looked stunned.

Two senior warriors, two senior rangers, and the six super professionals invisible around them all turned into corpses and fell to the ground together.

"Now, you can't scream anymore."

A ferocious smile appeared on Li Yang's face. He looked at the three Gelu sons sitting on the bench who had escaped unharmed. He took a step forward and suddenly appeared in front of them from the entrance of the living room.


One side of the restaurant collapsed, and the smoke and dust shook. The three young people looked up blankly at the young man in front of him whose eyes were filled with red light, and watched him suddenly walk in front of them.


Li Yang slapped his face fiercely, and the left half of his face was swollen, and then he grabbed his collar with one hand and lifted his body up, his eyes bright red. rise.

"My good mood has been ruined, I'm feeling very unhappy now, you know that!"

As Li Yang spoke, he lifted him up into the air, with a breathtaking red light in his eyes: "Now, answer my question, where is your family, and who else is in your family?"

As Li Yang spoke, he tried to use the power of the demon soul to invade his soul to get the information he wanted about the other party's family.

But as soon as the demon soul power invaded, he felt a strong resistance, which made him frown, and had to give up the idea, and turned to look at the young man in front of him coldly.

"You, you hit me, since you dare to hit me."

Lia, who was caught in Li Yang's hand and held up high, did not answer Li Yang's question, but looked at Li Yang with trembling eyes. Then he finished speaking, with a touch of excitement in his eyes: "How dare you continue to beat him to death?" Me, I guess you don’t dare to kill me!”

"I am one of the three most qualified among my father's sons. You are just beating me now. When my father feels that I have been beaten, he will only kill you and your whole family. But, If he feels that I have been beaten to death, then...then a whole city of people will die to bury me with me!"

"So, do you dare to beat me to death? Beat me to death!"

As Leah spoke, her whole body trembled with excitement, and she looked excitedly at Li Yang, who was holding her in his palm.

"Kill me, come on! Come on!"

Leah looked at Li Yang as if she was watching a monkey show, and kept shouting excitedly.

Li Yang's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly rose into the air, burst open the hotel room, and flew into the air.


The air roared in his ears, and Li Yang's biomagnetic field wrapped around him and instantly cut through the air, bringing the young man named Leah into the dark night sky.


The night wind whistled in my ears, and above my head was the starry sky with a crescent moon hanging, and below me was the human race public domain city with shining lights.

Li Yang looked at Leah who was dazed by his fast flight: "You said, I don't dare to kill you?"


Leah seemed to have caught the sensitive word and sat up instantly, but before he could say anything, Li Yang's eyes flashed red.


The heat vision shot out, and Leah's right arm broke instantly. Severe pain instantly surged into his heart, causing him to swallow the words he didn't finish and scream: "Ah~~Dad!!"

"Who dares to hurt my son!"

As soon as Leah screamed, the magic circle in his body began to operate at the same time. The next moment, a roar suddenly sounded from the city with shining lights, and a surging momentum suddenly rose from the city.


In an instant, all the lights in the entire city were extinguished, and only a terrifying momentum quickly approached the sky.

"My father is here, hahaha, if you dare to kill me, you can kill me, you can kill me!"

Lia, who was caught in Li Yang's hand and had one of her arms broken, screamed crazily with a ferocious look on her face: "If you dare to hurt me, I will make your life worse than death. I will make your life worse than death!"

‘Magic Master! ’

Li Yang's heart was beating wildly, and then the light of the heat vision in his eyes suddenly swelled, and he hit the head of Leah who was shouting crazily. The next moment, his body flashed and disappeared in an instant.


Terrifying magic fluctuations swept across the sky, but Li Yang's figure had long since disappeared.



"What a kind power. Is this also the power of thunder?"

Outside the city in the public domain, a silver thunder flashed in the sky, and a figure suddenly flew out to greet Xiang Lei. The lightning flashed with excitement one after another. It was not until the thunder dissipated and the raindrops fell that he turned his gaze with unfinished thoughts and looked. He raised his eyebrows towards the distant city and murmured to himself.

As soon as the words fell, a flash of lightning flashed, and the figure disappeared from the spot and headed straight for the city.




real world.

Linhai City.

In the deserted sky, Li Yang's figure flashed quietly, and there was a hint of gloom in his expression.

"Master Magic, it's really troublesome..."

Li Yang exhaled unhappily, then touched his body, and instantly felt a very high temperature - his body temperature was abnormal.

The moment the magic master discovered him, he was attacked by means that are still incomprehensible and was traumatized.

"Damn it, if I had known better, I wouldn't have bothered and just killed those three trash."

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