My world double door

Chapter 265 Is this your wife?

"With just two bottles, have you reached the pinnacle of level six genetic evolution?"

In the No. 3 Base City Gene Laboratory, as the second bottle of genetic medicine was consumed and the genetic enhancement reached its limit, Li Yang also felt that his physical body had reached a new level.

He felt the power of his body, the extremely powerful biological energy in his body, and the power of the magnetic field that enveloped the entire space everywhere in his perception, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Each technologically updated medicine can bring the power of genetic medicine to the latest height, but similarly, every genetic medicine will not allow the genetic medicine to be developed to the body's limit in one tube, because this will bring too much genetic accommodation. It is so occupied that if new genetic agents appear in the future, it will be difficult to take them again.

But Li Yang is different. He possesses the magic of [Eating Body Strengthening Magic]. No matter how high the tolerance ratio of genes is, he can clear them out and turn them into soul power to replenish his own soul, so naturally he can do it directly without any worries. Taking genetic medicine multiple times allows each generation of genetic medicine to exert its maximum medicinal effect.

Of course, the stronger the genetic potion, the higher the proportion of reaching the limit. At the sixth level of genetic potion, it only takes less than two bottles to reach the level of genetic evolution that the genetic potion can reach.

The seven-level genetic medicine under development may only require one bottle to bring the human body's genetic evolution to the peak that the medicine can achieve.

After taking the second bottle of level 6 genetic medicine, his body reached the peak of level 6 under the influence of the level 6 genetic medicine. Li Yang couldn't help but adapt to his current strength while looking at the laboratory with curiosity.

With a move in his heart, all the useful memories of scientific researchers were instantly read by him.

As the evolution of the sixth-level genetic medicine reached its peak, his soul foundation became stronger and stronger. The intuitive feeling it brought was that the soul's resistance was stronger and it became stronger.

Each ray of soul power is of higher quality, stronger, and easier to operate. Even reading the memories of everyone in this laboratory at the same time is only a matter of thought.

At the moment of reading, a lot of techniques for manufacturing genetic medicines came to mind.

Basic genetic medicine, first-level genetic medicine... fifth-level genetic medicine, sixth-level genetic medicine.

Single gene effect potions and perfect gene potions are all included.

One of the messages instantly caught his special attention.

"Recommendation for changing the direction of the seventh-level genetic medicine. Now a brand-new technology has been discovered from a person whose identity information cannot be identified. This technology can realize space shuttle and mobile storage..."

"...If this technology can be applied to seventh-level genetic potions, it will be a brand new transformation, allowing seventh-level genetic evolvers to have the ability to control space."

Li Yang roughly browsed the information in this book and narrowed his eyes.

"Everyone in this world has registered their identity on the Internet long before the end of the world. Even if most of them die after the end of the world, everyone's information can be quickly found among the remaining people."

"But my information cannot be recognized at all... So, is this a huge difference in me that was discovered from the beginning?"

Li Yang couldn't help but rub his fingers, feeling a little depressed.

Fortunately, he had been careful and thought he was hiding well.

Unexpectedly, I was monitored by these old silver coins from the beginning to the end!


Even surveillance by them is useless.

Instead of catching him immediately, he gave him a chance to develop, now.

It's too late.

"You have to do it as early as possible."

Li Yang couldn't help but think of the Gullah family in the magical world. He gritted his teeth and looked at Song Tianyuan with a dangerous light in his eyes.

"You said, if you and the group of people you brought all died, would there be any turmoil in the base city?"

Li Yang murmured softly, and Song Tianyuan immediately gave the answer: "All areas are run under the management of the strongest humanoid intelligence. We usually don't care about things, so it doesn't matter if we die."

"Oh, in that case, then transfer all your authority to me."

A bright smile appeared on Li Yang's lips, and then he turned to look at the researchers in the first laboratory: "And you guys, don't be stunned."


Song Tianyuan hurriedly responded in a low voice. As he finished speaking, the supreme authority was transferred to Li Yang and the genes were bound again.

"No. 3, at your service!"

A virtual figure appeared in front of Li Yang. It was No. 3, the strongest artificial intelligence in Base City No. 3.

"Human-like intelligence is such a powerful technology."

Li Yang looked at the humanoid intelligent virtual image that appeared in front of him, and his eyes flickered slightly. He knew that this was the strongest intelligence in the entire No. 3 Base City, known as the brain of the base city, and what Song Tianyuan handed over to him, It is just a part of the permission carrier.'s not hard to get the rest.

Li Yang chuckled at this thought, and then a faint light flashed in his eyes. Song Tianyuan immediately followed his thoughts, and the scientific researchers in the laboratory closed their eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

"From now on, you have an important project to develop a potion that can give people the lifespan of a sixth-level genetic evolver, but only has the power of a second-level genetic evolver. Once the project is completed, a thousand bottles will be produced immediately. , then pass all the information to me along with the potion, then destroy all data and content, and continue with other projects you want to do."

Li Yang's faint voice was deeply imprinted in their minds along with the transmission of soul power.

When they wake up, they will forget everything that just happened, and will supplement their own reasons for falling asleep. Regarding the transfer of high-level permissions for their related equipment, they will also figure out the reasons for leaving only secondary permissions.

Li Yang still has no way to completely and permanently control them, but it is still easy to change their memories.

When he turned around, he saw Bi Yueyue resting against the wall covered in sweat. He waved and the powerful magnetic field helped Bi Yueyue follow him and follow his footsteps.

Song Tianyuan took the lead, and Li Yang followed behind and returned to the central main building without any hindrance. Following Li Yang's thought, everyone lurking around transferred all their authority and concentrated on Li Yang. Yang is on one person.

In an instant, Li Yang obtained the No. 3 Base City Brain, the No. 3 humanoid intelligence with 100% supreme authority.

"Forget everything that happened later and remove all surveillance on me. From now on, I am the most noble person in your hearts. All of you are my loyal subordinates and are willing to obey any of my orders, any cutting-edge technology. You will all pass on technology to me as soon as possible.”

"From now on, you no longer have your own needs. Everything you do must serve me."

After Li Yang received the permission information, he spoke calmly on the field. Every sentence he said would be deeply remembered in their minds. At the same time, the memories in their souls were also stored in their souls with the forced help of Li Yang. Everything that needs to be cleared is cleared, and everything that needs to be changed is changed.

After doing this, Li Yang clapped his hands and left with Chen Qian.

"It's more convenient to [Soul Forbidden Curse: Obey]. As long as there is one, you will always obey my words."

After leaving the Central Building, Li Yang looked at the building and couldn't help but shook his head, whispering in his heart that with the passage of time, the changes he made now may be restored at any time after a few years. Although based on their understanding of The time when the soul power has no ability to use at all will be very long.'s still possible after all.

It is not as simple and crude as [Soul Forbidden Spell: Obey]. It will not change no matter how long it takes, even if the caster dies and the person being casted will still not change. That one is easy to use.

It's a pity that [Soul Forbidden Spell: Obedience] requires soul power at the level of a magician to be able to cast it. He is still some distance away from reaching this level.

"We still need to increase our soul power as soon as possible."

After leaving the central building, Li Yang thought and let go of the spiritual power that spread out to control them.

After these people regained consciousness, they could not help but feel enthusiastic and respectful towards Li Yang. They felt as if this man was their lifelong pursuit and spiritual belief!

But Li Yang was not here. They immediately felt that they should not take the initiative to disturb this great figure Li Yang, but let Li Yang come to them when needed. This is when they can play the most valuable role. .

With thoughts flashing in their minds, they automatically ignored the fact that they seemed to have fallen asleep, and did not care that their permissions suddenly changed to only secondary permissions, and began to do other things.

Song Tianyuan returned to his home immediately and saw his extremely beautiful wife in a purple gauze dress.

"Why did you come back so early today?"

Song Tianyuan's Zishayi wife Zhang Ling looked at him coming back and spoke with surprise in her eyes.

"I want to take you to meet someone."

Song Tianyuan looked at his wife with a bright smile on his face. Zhang Ling raised her eyebrows when she heard this: "Who are you going to meet? Are they the controllers of other base cities who come to visit our No. 3 base city?"

"No, it's a new strong man in Base City."

Song Tianyuan smiled, then took the initiative to grab his wife's hand and led her out.

"Hey, I haven't changed my clothes yet."

Although Zhang Ling was surprised that Song Tianyuan said that she was going to meet a new strong man, she was not opposed to this kind of thing. What surprised her was that she was taken away by Song Tianyuan before she could change her clothes. And left.

"It doesn't matter, this outfit is just right."

Song Tianyuan smiled and spoke, and his wife Zhang Ling raised her eyebrows in surprise: "These are translucent clothes!"

"It's fine."

Song Tianyuan spoke calmly, and his wife Zhang Ling opened her mouth in shock. Seeing that they were all being taken out, she hurriedly used the power of the magnetic field to control a coat and put it on her body. She frowned and was taken into the car by Song Tianyuan.

"I don't know what's going on, so I'm in such a hurry."

Zhang Ling frowned and glanced around the vehicle. After a while, she stopped in front of a house she had never been to in the inner city.

"Isn't this, that, that Li Yang's place?"

Zhang Ling looked at the place where her husband had brought her with some surprise: "Isn't he your target? Why, has he succeeded now?"

"Stop saying these words, let's go in and take a look."

When Song Tianyuan heard what his wife Zhang Ling said, he felt a strong feeling of dissatisfaction in his heart. He felt that the words made him extremely uncomfortable, but he suppressed his emotions and walked into the room with his wife who looked a little surprised.

Zhang Ling followed Song Tianyuan smoothly through the door to the living room, and saw a sturdy man sitting on the sofa with a smile.

"Is this your wife? She is indeed beautiful."

Li Yang raised his eyebrows when he saw the sexy woman in a purple hollow dress led by Song Tianyuan walking in. He stood up from the sofa and spoke with a smile.

Zhang Ling was slightly startled.

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